Is there a solution for Floating point Arithmetic problems in C++? - c++

I am doing some floating point arithmetic and having precision problems. The resulting value is different on two machines for the same input. I read the post # Why can't I multiply a float? and also read other material on the web & understood that it is got to do with binary representation of floating point and on machine epsilon. However, I wanted to check if there is a way to solve this problem / Some work around for Floating point arithmetic in C++ ?? I am converting a float to unsigned short for storage and am converting back when necessary. However, when I convert it back to unsigned short, the precision (to 6 decimal points) remains correct on one machine but fails on the other.
//convert FLOAT to short
unsigned short sConst = 0xFFFF;
unsigned short shortValue = (unsigned short)(floatValue * sConst);
//Convert SHORT to FLOAT
float floatValue = ((float)shortValue / sConst);

A short must be at least 16 bits, and in a whole lot of implementations that's exactly what it is. An unsigned 16-bit short will hold values from 0 to 65535. That means that a short will not hold a full five digits of precision, and certainly not six. If you want six digits, you need 20 bits.
Therefore, any loss of precision is likely due to the fact that you're trying to pack six digits of precision into something less than five digits. There is no solution to this, other than using an integral type that probably takes as much storage as a float.
I don't know why it would seem to work on one given system. Were you using the same numbers on both? Did one use an older floating-point system, and one that coincidentally gave the results you were expecting on the samples you tried? Was it possibly using a larger short than the other?

If you want to use native floating point types, the best you can do is to assert that the values output by your program do not differ too much from a set of reference values.
The precise definition of "too much" depends entirely on your application. For example, if you compute a + b on different platforms, you should find the two results to be within machine precision of each other. On the other hand, if you're doing something more complicated like matrix inversion, the results will most likely differ by more than machine precision. Determining precisely how close you can expect the results to be to each other is a very subtle and complicated process. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, it is probably safer (and saner) to determine the amount of precision you need downstream in your application and verify that the result is sufficiently precise.
To get an idea about how to compute the relative error between two floating point values robustly, see this answer and the floating point guide linked therein:
Floating point comparison functions for C#

Are you looking for standard like this:
Programming Languages C++ - Technical Report of Type 2 on Extensions for the programming language C++ to support decimal floating point arithmetic draft

Instead of using 0xFFFF use half of it, i.e. 32768 for conversion. 32768 (Ox8000) has a binary representation of 1000000000000000 whereas OxFFFF has a binary representation of 1111111111111111. Ox8000 's binary representation clearly implies, multiplication & divsion operations during conversion (to short (or) while converting back to float) will not change precision values after zero. For one side conversion, however OxFFFF is preferable, as it leads to more accurate result.


Z3 - Floating point arithmetic API function Z3_mk_fpa_to_ubv

I am playing around with Z3-4.6.0 C++ for the first time. Sorry for the noob questions.
My question has 2 parts.
If I have a floating point number, and I use Z3_mk_fpa_to_ubv(...) function to create an unsigned bit-vector.
How much precision is lost?
If the precision is not lost, can I use this new unsigned bit-vector as a regular bit-vector and apply all operations defined for it for e.g., Z3_mk_bvadd(....)?
I know I can use Z3_mk_fpa_to_ieee_bv(....) for graceful, and IEEE-754 compliant conversion. Afterwards I can add,sub etc the bit-vectors.
Just being curious.
Thank you very much.
I'm afraid you're misinterpreting the role of these functions. A good reference to keep open while working with SMTLib floats is:
This function corresponds to the FPToUInt function in the cited paper. It's defined as follows:
(The NaN choice above is misleading: It should be read as "undefined.")
Note that the precision loss can be huge here, depending on what the FP value is and the bit-width of the vector. Imagine converting a double-precision floating point value to an 8-bit word: You're smashing values in the range ±2.23×10^−308 to ±1.80×10^308 to a mere 256 different values. This means a large number of conversions simply will go through massive rounding cancelations.
You should think of this as "casting" in C like languages:
unsigned char c;
double f;
c = (char) f;
This is the essence of conversion from double-precision to unsigned byte, which will suffer major precision loss. In the other direction, if you convert to a really large bit-vector (say one that has a thousand bits), then your conversion will still be losing precision per the rounding mode, though you'll be able to cover all the integer values precisely in the range. So, it really depends on what BV-type you convert to and the rounding mode you choose.
This function has nothing to do with "preserving" the value. So asking "precision loss" here is irrelevant. What it does is that it gives you the underlying bit-vector representation of the floating-point value, per the IEEE-754 spec. The wikipedia article has a good discussion on this representation:
In particular, if you interpret the output of this function as a two's complement integer value, you'll get a completely irrelevant value that has nothing to do with the value of the floating-point number itself. (Also, this conversion is not unique since NaN has multiple corresponding bit-vector patterns.)
Long story short, conversions from floats to bit-vectors will suffer from precision loss not only due to losing the "fractional" part due to rounding, but also due to the limited range, unless you pick a very-large bit-vector size. The IEEE-754 representation conversion does not preserve value, and thus doing arithmetic on values converted via this function is more or less meaningless.

Should I use bit manipulation on float point numbers

I'm writing an algorithm, to round a floating number. The input will be a 64bit IEEE754 double type number, very close to X.5, where X is a integer less than 32. The first solution came into my mind is to use a bit mask, to mask off those least significant bits as they represent very small fractions of 2^-n.(Given the exponent is not large).
But the problem is should I do that? Is there any other ways to accomplish the same thing? I feel using bit operation on float point is very controversy. Thanks!
The langugage I'm using is C++ by the way.
Thanks guys, for your comments. I appreciate! Let's say I have a float number, can be 1.4999999... or 21.50000012.... I want to round it to 1.5 or 21.5. My goal is to round any number to its nearest to X.5 form, since it can be stored in a IEEE754 float point number.
If your compiler guarantees that you are using IEEE 754 floating-point, I would recommend that you round according to the method delineated in this blog post: add, and then immediately subtract a large constant so as to send the value in the binade of floating-point numbers where the ULP is 0.5. You won't find any faster method, and it does not involve any bit manipulation.
The appropriate constant to round a number between 0 and 32 to the nearest halt-unit for IEEE 754 double-precision is 2251799813685248.0.
Summary: use x = x + 2251799813685248.0 - 2251799813685248.0;.
You can use any of the functions round(), floor(), ceil(), rint(), nearbyint(), and trunc(). All do rounding in different modes, and all are standard C99. The only thing you need to do is to link against the standard math library by specifying -lm as a compiler flag.
As to trying to achieve rounding by bit manipulations, I would stay away from that: a) it will be much slower than using the functions above (they generally use hardware facilities where possible), b) it is reinventing the wheel with a lot of potential for bugs, and c) the newer C standards don't like you doing bit manipulations on floating point types: they use the so called strict aliasing rules that disallow you to just cast a double* to an uint64_t*. You would either need to do your bit manipulation by casting to a unsigned char* and manipulating the IEEE number byte by byte, or you would have to use memcpy() to copy the bit representation from a double variable into an uint64_t and back again. A lot of hassle for something already available in the form of standardized functions and hardware support.
You want to round x to the nearest value of the form d.5. For a generan number you write:
For a number close to d.5, less than 0.25 away, you can use Pascal's offering:
If you're looking for a bit trick and are guaranteed to have doubles in the ranges you describe, then you could do something like this (inline as you see fit):
void RoundNearestHalf(double &d) {
unsigned const maskshift = ((*(unsigned __int64*)&d >> 52) - 1023);
unsigned __int64 const setmask = 0x0008000000000000 >> maskshift;
unsigned __int64 const clearmask = ~0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFF >> maskshift;
*(unsigned __int64*)&d |= setmask;
*(unsigned __int64*)&d &= clearmask;
maskshift is the unbiased exponent. For the input range, we know this will be non-negative and no more than 4 (the trick will work for higher values too, but no more than 51). We use this value to make a setmask which sets the 2^-1 (one-half) place in the mantissa, and clearmask which clears all bits in the mantissa of lower value than 2^-1. The result is d rounded to the nearest half.
Note that it would be worth profiling this against other implementations, perhaps using the standard library to determine whether or not its actually faster.
I can't speak about C++ for sure, but in C99 the use of IEEE 754 standard for floating point will be purely normative (not required). In C99 if the __STDC_IEC_559__ macro is set then it declares that IEC 559 (which is more or less IEEE 754) is used for floating point.
I think it should be pointed out that there are functions to handle many types of rounding for you.

An Alternative to Floating-Point for Storing Simple Fractional Values

Firstly, the problem I'm trying to solve is coming up with a better representation for values that will always remain uniformly distributed in the range:
0.0 <= x < 1.0
The motivation for this is to attempt to reduce the number of bytes used to store this data (the application is heavily memory and I/O bandwidth bound). Currently a 32-bit floating-point representation is used, 16-bit floating-point is proving insufficiently accurate.
My initial thoughts are to try and store the data in a 16-bit integer and to simply use the scheme:
x/(2^16 - 1) [x is an unsigned short]
To keep the algorithms largely the same and to retain use of the same floating-point hardware operations (at least at first), I would ideally like to keep converting this fractional representation into floating-point representation, performing the operation(s), then converting back into fractional representation for storage.
Clearly, there will be a loss of precision going back and forth between these two quite different, imprecise representations, but for our application, I suspect this might be an acceptable tradeoff.
I've done some research looking at what is currently out there that might give us a good starting point. The seminal "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" article ( led me to look at a few others, "Beyond Floating Point" ( being one such example.
Can anyone point me to other examples of representations that people have used elsewhere that might satisfy these requirements?
I'm concerned that any potential gain in exactness of representation (we're wasting much of the floating-point format currently by using this specific range) will be completely out-weighed by the requirement to round twice going from fractional representation to floating-point and back again. In which case, it may be required to do arithmetic using this fractional representation directly to get any benefit out of this approach. Any advice on this point would be helpful?
Don't use 2^16-1. Use 2^16. Yes, you will have very slightly less precision and waste your 0xFFFF, but you will guarantee that there is no loss in precision when converting to floating point. (In contrast, when converting away from floating point, you will lose 8 bits of mantissal precision.)
Round-trip conversions between precisions can cause problems with certain operations, in particular progressively summing numbers. If at all possible, treat your fixed-point values as "dirty", and don't use them for further floating-point computations; prefer recalculating from inputs to using intermediate results which are in fixed-point form.
Alternatively, use 24 bits. With this representation, you will lose no precision in either direction as long as your values don't underflow (that is, as long as they're above 2^-24).
Wouldn't 1/x be badly distributed in your range? 1/2 1/3 1/4 .. do you not want to represent numbers above 1/2?
This kind of thing is done in Netcdf quite a lot to encode data for saving space.
const double scale = 1.0/65536;
unsigned short x;
Any number in x is really x*scale
See example in NetCDF for a more general approach using scale and offset:
Have a look at "Packed Data Values" section of this page:

Real numbers - how to determine whether float or double is required?

Given a real value, can we check if a float data type is enough to store the number, or a double is required?
I know precision varies from architecture to architecture. Is there any C/C++ function to determine the right data type?
For background, see What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to automate the decision.
Generally, when people represent numbers in floating point, rather than as strings, the intent is to do arithmetic using the numbers. Even if all the inputs fit in a given floating point type with acceptable precision, you still have to consider rounding error and intermediate results.
In practice, most calculations will work with enough precision for usable results, using a 64 bit type. Many calculations will not get usable results using only 32 bits.
In modern processors, buses and arithmetic units are wide enough to give 32 bit and 64 bit floating point similar performance. The main motivation for using 32 bit is to save space when storing a very large array.
That leads to the following strategy:
If arrays are large enough to justify spending significant effort to halve their size, do analysis and experiments to decide whether a 32 bit type gives good enough results, and if so use it. Otherwise, use a 64 bit type.
I think your question presupposes a way to specify any "real number" to C / C++ (or any other program) without precision loss.
Suppose that you get this real number by specifying it in code or through user input; a way to check if a float or a double would be enough to store it without precision loss is to just count the number of significant bits and check that against the data range for float and double.
If the number is given as an expression (i.e. 1/7 or sqrt(2)), you will also want ways of detecting:
If the number is rational, whether it has repeating decimals, or cyclic decimals.
Or, What happens when you have an irrational number?
More over, there are numbers, such as 0.9, that float / double cannot in theory represent "exactly" )at least not in our binary computation paradigm) - see Jon Skeet's excellent answer on this.
Lastly, see additional discussion on float vs. double.
Precision is not very platform-dependent. Although platforms are allowed to be different, float is almost universally IEEE standard single precision and double is double precision.
Single precision assigns 23 bits of "mantissa," or binary digits after the radix point (decimal point). Since the bit before the dot is always one, this equates to a 24-bit fraction. Dividing by log2(10) = 3.3, a float gets you 7.2 decimal digits of precision.
Following the same process for double yields 15.9 digits and long double yields 19.2 (for systems using the Intel 80-bit format).
The bits besides the mantissa are used for exponent. The number of exponent bits determines the range of numbers allowed. Single goes to ~ 10±38, double goes to ~ 10±308.
As for whether you need 7, 16, or 19 digits or if limited-precision representation is appropriate at all, that's really outside the scope of the question. It depends on the algorithm and the application.
A very detailed post that may or may not answer your question.
An entire series in floating point complexities!
Couldn't you simply store it to a float and a double variable and than compare these two? This should implicitely convert the float back to a double - if there is no difference, the float is sufficient?
float f = value;
double d = value;
if ((double)f == d)
// float is sufficient
You cannot represent real number with float or double variables, but only a subset of rational numbers.
When you do floating point computation, your CPU floating point unit will decide the best approximation for you.
I might be wrong but I thought that float (4 bytes) and double (8 bytes) floating point representation were actually specified independently of comp architectures.

changing float type to short but with same behaviour as float type variable

Is it possible to change the
float *pointer
type that is used in the VS c++ project
to some other type, so that it will still behave as a floating type but with less range?
I know that the floating point values never exceed some fixed value in that project, so I want to optimize the program by memory it uses. It doesn't need 4 bytes for each element of the 'float *pointer', 2 bytes will be enough I think. If I change a float to short and imitate the floating point behaviour, then it will use twice shorter memory. How to do it?
It calculates the probabilities. So there are divisions like
A / B
Where A < B,
And also B (and A) can be from 1 to 10 000.
There is a standard 16-bit floating point format described in IEEE 754-2008 called "binary16". It is specified as a format to store floating point values with reduced precisions. There is almost no compiler support for that yet (I think GCC supports it for certain ARM platforms), but it is quite easy to roll your own routines. This fellow:
wrote a bit about it and also presents a routine to convert half-float <-> float.
Also, here seems to be a half-float C++ wrapper class:
which supplies "HalfFloat" as a possible drop-in replacement type.
Maybe use fixed-point math? It all depends on value and precision you want to achieve.
For C there is a lot of code that makes fixed-point easy and I'm pretty sure there are also many C++ classes that make it even easier, but I don't know of any, I'm more into C.
The first, obvious, memory optimization would be to try and get rid of the pointer. If you can store just the float, that may, depending on the larger context, reduce your memory consumption from eight to four bytes already. (On a 64-Bit system, from twelve to four.)
Whether you can get by with a short depends on what your program does with the values. You may be able to use fix point arithmetic using an integral type such as a short, yes but your questions shows way too little context to judge that.
The code you posted and the text in the question do not deal with actual float, but with pointers to float. In all architectures I know of, the size of a pointer is the same regardless of the pointed type, so there would be no improvement in changing that to a short or char pointer.
Now, about the actual pointed elements, what is the range that you expect in your application? What is the precision you need? How many of those elements do you have? What are the memory constraints of your target platform? Unless the range and precision are small and the number of elements huge, just use floats. Also note that if you need floating point operations, storing any other type will require conversions before and after each operation, and you might be impacting performance.
Without greater knowledge of what you are doing, the ranges for short in many architectures are [-32k, 32k), where k stands for 1024. If your data ranges is [-32,32) and you can do with roughly 3 decimal digits you could use fixed point arithmetic with shorts, but there are few such situation.