How to generate 'java code with annotations' from emf model - eclipse-emf

More precisely, I want to know, how one can model annotations into the ecore model definition. So that the generated java code would contain them. (For eg: hibernate persistence tags)

This post on the EMF Forums discusses how to use custom templates for code generation:
In a nutshell, you can dynamically provide different templates for your code generation, making it possible to insert the required annotations. In the forum post, Ed Merks (the EMF lead) suggests two pieces of information to read:
and a small example of how to use them:
The inserts look like this:
<%# include file="Class/getGenFeature.annotations.insert.javajetinc" fail="silent" %>
so under your templates folder you'd create files like this:
<someproject>/templates/model/Class/ jetinc
and whatever you put in the file will be inserted on the getter. Likely
you'd include guards like this:
<%if (isImplementation) {%>
Try to follow the convention of using tabs for the indentation since
these will be converted to the formatting preference of the target project.
Once you can provide your own templates you have two choices:
Add the hibernate tags by default to all your code
Modify the templates to read annotations in the ecore model.
For 2, you will need to define your own annotation source (basically a url), something like https://myproject/emf/hibernate and then add EAnnotations to your EClasses that use your custom url and provide key:value settings (e.g. the hibernate annotation to add). Your custom template can then read the annotations from the EClass, query if your source is used and then used the provided values to add the Java annotations.
The post also mentions the Teneo project, that provides JPA support for EMF. No recent development has been done (apparently), but it can be mature enough to use.

I don't think you can to this out of the box. However, you could look into the parameters of the ".genmodel" file to see if you can tweak how annotations (EAnnotations) are being output to the files. The problem with code generation templates is that they are fixed, but maybe through some option in the genmodel you can control how annotations get written to files.


How to copy Discovery rules from one templates to another in zabbix

How to copy the discovery rules from one template to another like items and triggers to another template?
This is not supported currently. You might want to vote on the feature request.
If there are many of those, you could look into exporting them to XML, hacking the XML and importing it. This would not be a supported approach and you would be on your own.
Export the template. Use a text editor to find and replace every occurrence of the template name in the exported xml file with the name of the template you'd like to create. Then, import it.

woocommerce advanced templating

i´m developing a theme and for some reason i need to move the default position for breadcrubms (also for many other things) over woocommerce themes. Then i realised to do something like this on my functions.php:
function woocommerce_remove_breadcrumb(){
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20);
add_action('woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_remove_breadcrumb');
function woocommerce_custom_breadcrumb(){
add_action( 'woo_custom_breadcrumb', 'woocommerce_custom_breadcrumb' );
And then on any template file, output the breadcrumb just with:
<? do_action('woo_custom_breadcrumb'); ?>
And works. My question is more than that. Is this the correct approach for something like this? I mean for anything over woocommerce, not just breadcrumb, for any pice, ratings, titles, buttons, sidebar, and so on.
What i´m thinking on is why woocommerce templates don´t come with more deep code. I mean, why there´s no such a single-content-loop.php template where you can just change the order of things, title, category, content, images, etc. in an easy way rather that hooking into functions?
I think that is an acceptable way to call the breadcrumbs explicitly. Sometimes it is easier to call a specific function than remove everything around it!
As for changing the order of things and getting into advanced customization; there isn't a single file, but a number of files working together. Create a folder in your themes root called 'woocommerce' and copy the following files for a safe override:
Here are your hooks, including the ones you are overriding in your themes functions.php. Here is where you can experiment with removing and repositioning certain elements on your product page. Search for 'Sidebar' and you will see where the 'woocommerce_sidebar' action is added with the function it references in...
Here are the functions used in template files to output content based on conditional statements. For instance, search for the 'Single Product' series and you can see which template files are used for which functions. For instance 'woocommerce_template_single_title' uses 'single-product/title.php' - if you copy over this folder and file you can make very specific edits to just the title section
Between these two files and their accompanying references (like title.php) I believe you can do the things you described. Let me know how it works out! I'm new to woocommerce too!

List all available models in EMF application

I'm working on a project consisting of two Eclipse plugin projects. One is an EMF project and contains the metamodel for the application. The other one is the acctual plugin working on that metamodel.
I'm now looking for a way to list all types of models available in the metamodel project. Since I basically need all generated classes I could use reflections to iterate through the metamodel package but I'd prefer an easier way if there is one.
The models are already listed as extensions in the plugin.xml like this:
<extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package">
where the class MyModelPackage extends EPackage and org.myproject.metamodel.MyModel also contains all the other generated classes I need to list. I'm guessing that I can use that information but I still don't know how.
The project I'm working on is based on EMFStore. Running it offers the EMFStore perspective. If I have the Navigator view with a project I can right click on that project and select New Model Element. This opens a dialog where all the model elements from my metamodel are listed so it is possible. It must be done somewhere in EMFStore or one of it's dependencies. I looked through the source code but can't seem to find where it's done.
The plugin.xml of the project org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.perspective refers to the class org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.emfperspective.EMFStorePerspective which I can't find in the sources. I imported the project via the Eclipse Import Plug-Ins and Fragments functionality and it has no source folder. In the EMFStore git repositories I can't even find that project.
I now got the registry that contains the generated packages using EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE. Unfortunately it contains more than the EPackages from the one project containing the metadata (org.myproject.metamodel). Now I'm just looking for a proper way to filter it, but still can't get the hang of it.
As the filtering is not part of my original question I accepted the answer by #SpaceTrucker. For those who are curious, this is how I've done it now:
Registry registry = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE;
for (String key : new HashSet<String>(registry.keySet())) {
EPackage ePackage = registry.getEPackage(key);
if (ePackage.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.myproject.metamodel")) {
//do stuf
I found no way to filter for the project but luckily all the packages start with the same prefix.
EPackages may be registered via an EPackage.Registry. There seems to be a globally used instance available via ECorePlugin.getDefaultRegistryImplementation(). However I'm not 100% sure on that.
MoDisco comes with a EMF Model Browser, where you are also able to select any registered EMF model. So you also could have a look at those sources.

templating system with zf2?

we are planing to create a CMS with zf2 and doctrine orm .
actually we are concern about our cms templating
we want our system works with several templates and easily change between themes via admin
and creating a new templates should be easy for end-users developers
we want an advice or suggest for how to build templating system that :
there is a core module and there a lot sub modules with their own phtml
so where to store theme1 phtml and where to store theme2 phtmls ...
any suggest or advice please
I encourage you to take a look at Twig, its the best template engine I have seen so far :) It does take some time to learn Twig syntax, but its well worthy if you look at what you get :)
I cant yet write comments, so I wrote this as an answare.
Hope this helps. Trust me, the Twig is the way to go. Joust look at his documentation for more specific details how to use it!
The problem you are trying to solve has nothing to do with template engine. You can do that with any template engine. You can do it even with plain PHP if you want.
I built web application where users can register, get their own sub domain, and there they can build their webpage. Change theme, edit text, add pages. Simple CMS functionality.
The easiest way to do this is to have themes folder, where you would store themes, like this:
- themeBlue
- css/
- images/
- js/
- html or views/
- themeRose
Now this is where you would place all your themes, every theme has its own folder with images, css, js files...
And then you would have users, and every user would be able to choose and change theme.
That information would be stored in database. You need to store that user Jack is using themeBlue. You can do that as you want. You can event put this in users table like user_theme column.
Now when someone visits site, you first query database to see what theme is that user or creator of web using. And then you load all that files from current theme folder. And populate html files with data stored in database like in any other CMS.
This is the simplest implementation. You could for example, store css and html files in database :)
Hope this answers your question.
Good luck with that, I almost gone mad building my system :) I ended up with writing my own PHP MVC Framework joust to accomplish what I wanted.
if you activate another module in the application.config.php which has the same views and layouts (same folder structure and filenames) it's viewscripts and layouts will automatically be used when it's loaded after your core module.
so you could simply make your application.config.php dynamic to load the active template module which only contains the view folder. this would be a simple and effective solution without any other libraries.
additionally you can use an asset manager like assetic to also provide images, css etc. inside of your (template-)modules. (have a look at zf2-assetic-module, I wrote my own assetize-module based on assetic to fit my needs...)
I do this in my Application->Module.php onBootstrap
$ss = $serviceManager->get('application_settings_service');
$settings = $ss->loadSettings();
$templatePathResolver = $serviceManager->get('Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack');
$templatePathResolver->setPaths(array(__DIR__ . '/view/'.$settings['theme'])); // here is your skin name
$viewModel = $application->getMvcEvent()->getViewModel();
$viewModel->themeurl = 'theme/'.$settings['theme'].'/';
In this situation I have this structure in my view folder
The $viewmodel above injects a variable into the layout for the themeurl in the public_html folder /theme/red/ with all assets for red
Access in layout.phtml -> themeurl;?> in a viewscript layout()->themeurl;?>
I am still working out my Dynamic Views. Right now I have a BaseController and all my ActionControllers extend it. It has a render() function that builds the required views but not sure its going to be scalable hoping to try some placeholder ideas.
application_settings_service is a Settings Service that gets settings for whatever domain was used to call the system and builds an array accessible via any service aware part of the site. Thats a whole different post and it may or may not rub MVC peeps the wrong way
I know your question is marked answered just thought I would share

Include templates based on current language with drupal

I'm looking for a fast way to display a particular template file based on the current language of the page.
Let's say I have two languages : english and french (english being the default)
I have various templates files, like : page.tpl.php page-node-11.tpl.php in my theme directory.
I'd like to find out a way to include these files based on the current languages; so for example if the current language is 'english', it will include 'page.tpl.php', if the current language is 'french' it will include 'fr/page.tpl.php'.
I'm sure it's pretty straight forward, but can't figure out how; in template.php ?
Thanks for any help.
Assuming you're using the Internationalization module, rather than changing the template per language, you may want to consider taking advantage of the CSS class set on the body tag. I've used that technique on sites before and it was easier than dealing with another template file. If you don't use the i18n module, you could still add the body class inside a preprocess_page function.
If a body class won't work for you, you could look at the patch from the issue above for an example of how to add the language to the variables array during preprocessing. Then see the Working with template suggestions handbook page for how to add template suggestions based on the newly added language info.