How to copy Discovery rules from one templates to another in zabbix - templates

How to copy the discovery rules from one template to another like items and triggers to another template?

This is not supported currently. You might want to vote on the feature request.
If there are many of those, you could look into exporting them to XML, hacking the XML and importing it. This would not be a supported approach and you would be on your own.

Export the template. Use a text editor to find and replace every occurrence of the template name in the exported xml file with the name of the template you'd like to create. Then, import it.


How override woocommerce view-order template?

This page: /my-account/view-order/132616/
... is associated with the view-order.php template file under the my account section. I am able to edit this by going directly into the woocommerce plugin dir, but copying the file into /my-child-theme/woocommerce/myaccount/view-order.php does not have any effect. I am able to edit the orders.php template in this manner, but not this one. I haven't been able to find any answers online to this one: why some of these template files can be copied / overwritten and some cannot be? Also, there appears to be limited scope on applying a hook to manipulate the content on this page. What I want to do, is turn the product names listed here into links back to the products in the store. Thanks for any help!
turns out this doesn't satisfy my need since the content I'm trying to manipulate is in the woocommerce_view_order do_action. Now I'm on the hunt for a filter hook.

How to use the original filename in a multi file template in resharper?

I have a multi file template in resharper and I can use $NAME$ macro to get the name of the original file to use to name the other files in the template. But I also want to use the $NAME$ of the original file in the content of the other file template.
Is this possible? I can't see a macro which seems suitable for the internal variables as onlt the Current File Name seems available.
Anyone know if this is possible or how I might workaround this?
As a workaround, you may create a parameter $FILENAME$ (macro "Current file name without extension") in the first file e.g. in the comments, like:
class Foo
Then you may call this parameter in other files of the multifile template - this parameter will contain the name of the first file since the first file will be generated before other ones.
Unfortunately, there isn't a macro that will give you this. I've added a feature request that you can vote on and track (and more specific detail as to what your requirements are would be useful) -
It is possible to write your own macros as part of a plugin, but there isn't a sure-fire way of getting the name of the first document in the created file set. The IHotspotSessionContext instance that is passed to the macro via IHotspotSession.Context property includes an enumerable of IDocument, from which you can get IDocument.Moniker, which will be the full path for file based documents. However, there's no guarantee of the order of the enumerable - it's backed by a hashset. You might be able to rely on implementation details (small set, no removes) to be able to use the first document as the original, but there is really no guarantee of this.

How will I filter out only errors in Jenkins-email-ext, BUILD_LOG_REGEX?

Currently I m using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in Jenkins Editable email information to get a log of the errors via email. But I get a lot of junk and I want to filter out the errors and I want the log of errors filtered to perfection. Any help?
Your question is rather non-specific. As Juuso Ohtonen notes in a comment, what you do highly depends on what can be usually found in your log. Here's an example of what we use in one of our jobs, it is rather generic (if not to say minimalistic):
${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*?BUILD FAILED.*?$", linesBefore=0, linesAfter=10, maxMatches=5, showTruncatedLines=false, escapeHtml=true}
I would suggest the following: create a job that logs some text that contains types of errors you encounter (you may just spew some text file that you place in the job's workspace), then play with Java regex patterns - java.util.regex.Pattern - in the Plugin until you get the desired result. Make sure you send the e-mails from the job only to yourself :)
To use custom HTML - here's a quote from the Plugin's Content Token reference:
${JELLY_SCRIPT, template} - Custom message content generated from a Jelly script
template. There are two templates provided: "html" and "text". Custom Jelly templates
should be placed in $JENKINS_HOME/email-templates. When using custom templates, the
template filename without ".jelly" should be used for the "template" argument.
template - the template name. Defaults to "html".
The default template that you can use as your starting point is located in

modx is only showing html code, not the template

I have installed ModX and Downloaded the "Basic" Template in the Extensionmanager! I chose the Basic Template at my first Page for the Resource! I cant find a Globalsetting to choose an Template? My problem is that if iam going to the site i only get the pure html code shown, no website! Why is this?
AFAIK there is no "Globalsetting" to choose a template. One of the nice things with MODX is that each resource can specify which template to use. So you can mix and match as required.
You could check if you have set the base href tag in head like this:
<base href=""/>
It will tell the site where to start looking for the other files that you have included in your markup.

How to generate 'java code with annotations' from emf model

More precisely, I want to know, how one can model annotations into the ecore model definition. So that the generated java code would contain them. (For eg: hibernate persistence tags)
This post on the EMF Forums discusses how to use custom templates for code generation:
In a nutshell, you can dynamically provide different templates for your code generation, making it possible to insert the required annotations. In the forum post, Ed Merks (the EMF lead) suggests two pieces of information to read:
and a small example of how to use them:
The inserts look like this:
<%# include file="Class/getGenFeature.annotations.insert.javajetinc" fail="silent" %>
so under your templates folder you'd create files like this:
<someproject>/templates/model/Class/ jetinc
and whatever you put in the file will be inserted on the getter. Likely
you'd include guards like this:
<%if (isImplementation) {%>
Try to follow the convention of using tabs for the indentation since
these will be converted to the formatting preference of the target project.
Once you can provide your own templates you have two choices:
Add the hibernate tags by default to all your code
Modify the templates to read annotations in the ecore model.
For 2, you will need to define your own annotation source (basically a url), something like https://myproject/emf/hibernate and then add EAnnotations to your EClasses that use your custom url and provide key:value settings (e.g. the hibernate annotation to add). Your custom template can then read the annotations from the EClass, query if your source is used and then used the provided values to add the Java annotations.
The post also mentions the Teneo project, that provides JPA support for EMF. No recent development has been done (apparently), but it can be mature enough to use.
I don't think you can to this out of the box. However, you could look into the parameters of the ".genmodel" file to see if you can tweak how annotations (EAnnotations) are being output to the files. The problem with code generation templates is that they are fixed, but maybe through some option in the genmodel you can control how annotations get written to files.