The following code is intended to implement comparison on an object that contains an array. Two objects should compare as <,==,> if all array elements compare like that. The following does not compile for a variety of reason:
#include <compare>
class witharray {
array<int,4> the_array;
witharray( array<int,4> v )
: the_array(v) {};
int size() { return the_array.size(); };
auto operator<=>( const witharray& other ) const {
array< std::strong_ordering,4 > cmps;
for (int id=0; id<4; id++)
cmps[id] = the_array[id]<=>other.the_array[id];
return accumulate
[] (auto x,auto y) -> std::strong_ordering { return x and y; }
First of all, the array of comparisons:
call to implicitly-deleted default constructor of 'array<std::strong_ordering, 4>
Then the attempt to accumulate the comparisons:
no matching function for call to 'accumulate'
Compiler explorer:
Or am I completely on the wrong track?
Two objects should compare as <,==,> if all array elements compare like that.
This is a fairly interesting order. One thing to note here is that it's a partial order. That is, given {1, 2} vs {2, 1}, those elements aren't all < or == or >. So you're left with unordered.
C++20's comparisons do have a way to represent that: you have to return a std::partial_ordering.
The way that we can achieve this ordering is that we first compare the first elements, and then we ensure that all the other elements compare the same. If any pair of elements doesn't compare the same, then we know we're unordered:
auto operator<=>( const witharray& other ) const
-> std::partial_ordering
std::strong_ordering c = the_array[0] <=> other.the_array[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
if ((the_array[i] <=> other.the_array[i]) != c) {
return std::partial_ordering::unordered;
return c;
This has the benefit of not having to compare every pair of elements, since we might already know the answer by the time we get to the 2nd element (e.g. {1, 2, x, x} vs {1, 3, x, x} is already unordered, doesn't matter what the other elements are).
This seems like what you were trying to accomplish with your accumulate, except accumulate is the wrong algorithm here since we want to stop early. You'd want all_of in this case:
auto comparisons = views::iota(0, 4)
| views::transform([&](int i){
return the_array[i] <=> other.the_array[i];
bool all_match = ranges::all_of(comparisons | drop(1), [&](std::strong_ordering c){
return c == comparisons[0];
return all_match ? comparisons[0] : std::partial_ordering::unordered;
Which is admittedly awkward. In C++23, we can do the comparisons part more directly:
auto comparisons = views::zip_transform(
compare_three_way{}, the_array, other.the_array);
And then it would read better if you had a predicate like:
bool all_match = ranges::all_of(comparisons | drop(1), equals(comparisons[0]));
or wrote your own algorithm for this specific use-case (which is a pretty easy algorithm to write):
return all_same_value(comparisons)
? comparisons[0]
: std::partial_ordering::unordered;
Note that std::array already has spaceship operator which apparently does what you need:
class witharray {
array<int, 4> the_array;
witharray(array<int, 4> v)
: the_array(v) {};
int size() { return the_array.size(); };
auto operator<=>(const witharray& other) const
return the_array <=> other.the_array;
Now to cover problems with your code:
array< std::strong_ordering, 4 > cmps; can't be initialized since there is no default value for std::strong_ordering
use of std::accumluate here is strange there is better algorithm for that: std::lexicographical_compare_three_way which was added to handle spaceship operator
You have feed std::equal to std::accumluate as binary operation when in fact this is algorithm to compare ranges (it accepts iterators). Most probably your plan here was to use std::equal_to.
To improve the readability, I'm trying to get out of the habit of reinventing the wheel.
Consider a black-box function, Foo, which has an integer as input and output. We want to find the input that maximises the output. Consider that all the possible inputs belong to a single, contiguous range of integers; and that the range is small enough that we can try each one.
Speed is important, so we don't use containers. Even if the user has already created a container for all the possible inputs, it's still about 100x faster to calculate the next input (++input) than to get it from memory (cache misses).
Range: [5, 8)
Foo(5); // 19
Foo(6); // 72
Foo(7); // 31
We want to make a function that should return 6:
InputOfMaxOutputOnRange(5, 8, Foo); // 6
Custom solution:
template <typename T, typename Func>
T InputOfMaxOutputOnRange (T begin_range, T end_range, Func && Scorer)
// initialise:
auto max_o = Scorer(begin_range);
T i_of_max_o = begin_range;
// now consider the rest of the range:
for (T i = begin_range; i < end_range; ++i)
auto output = Scorer(i);
if (max_o < output)
max_o = output;
i_of_max_o = i;
return i_of_max_o;
I use functions like this so often that I think there should be an STL way to do it. Is there?
C++20 ranges can do this:
template<typename T, typename F>
T argmax_iota(T begin, T end, F &&score) { // can't really think of a good name for this; maybe it doesn't even deserve its own function
return std::ranges::max(std::views::iota(begin, end), std::less{}, std::ref(score));
// over the values in the range [begin, end) produced by counting (iota)...
// find the one that produces the greatest value (max)...
// when passed to the projection function score...
// with those values under the ordering induced by std::less
iota does not store the whole range anywhere. Iterators into the range hold a single T value that is incremented when the iterator is incremented.
In general, the algorithms in the STL work on sequences of values, that are traversed by iterators. They tend to return iterators as well. That's the pattern that it uses.
If you're doing a lot of things like this, where your input "sequence" is a sequential list of numbers, then you're going to want an iterator that "iterates" over a sequence (w/o any storage behind it).
A little bit of searching turned up Boost.CountingIterator, which looks like it could do what you want. I'm confident that there are others like this as well.
Warning - completely untested code
auto iter = std::max_element(boost::counting_iterator<int>(5),
// a comparator that compares two elements
return *iter; // should be '6'
As others have observed, std::max_element is defined to get the largest element in a a range.
In your case, the "iterator" is an integer, and the result of dereferencing that iterator is...some result that isn't related to the input in an obvious (but apparently you have some way to getting it efficiently nonetheless).
This being the case, I'd probably define a specialized iterator class, and then use it with std::max_element:
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
// your association function goes here. I've just done something
// where the relationship from input to output isn't necessarily
// immediately obvious
int association_function(int input) {
int a = input * 65537 + 17;
int b = a * a * a;
return b % 127;
class yourIterator {
int value;
// create an iterator from an int value
explicit yourIterator(int value) : value(value) {}
// "Deference" the iterator (get the associated value)
int operator*() const { return association_function(value); }
// advance to the next value:
yourIterator operator++(int) {
yourIterator temp(value);
return temp;
yourIterator &operator++() {
return *this;
// compare to another iterator
bool operator==(yourIterator const& other) const { return value == other.value; }
bool operator!=(yourIterator const& other) const { return value != other.value; }
// get the index of the current iterator:
explicit operator int() const { return value; }
int main() {
// For demo, print out all the values in a particular range:
std::cout << "values in range: ";
std::copy(yourIterator(5), yourIterator(10), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, "\t"));
// Find the iterator that gives the largest value:
yourIterator max = std::max_element(yourIterator(5), yourIterator(10));
// print out the value and the index that gave it:
std::cout << "\nLargest element: " << *max << "\n";
std::cout << "index of largest element: " << static_cast<int>(max);
When I run this, I get output like this:
values in range: 64 90 105 60 33
Largest element: 105
index of largest element: 7
So, it seems to work correctly.
If you need to use this with a variety of different association functions, you'd probably want to pass that as a template parameter, to keep the iteration part decoupled from the association function.
// pass association as a template parameter
template <class Map>
class mappingIterator {
int value;
// create an instance of that type:
Map map;
// use the instance to map from iterator to value:
int operator*() const { return map(value); }
Then you'd have to re-cast your association function into a form suitable for use as a template parameter, such as:
struct association_function {
int operator()(int input) const {
int a = input * 65537 + 17;
int b = a * a * a;
return b % 127;
Then in main you'd probably want to define a type for the iterator combined with an association function:
using It = mappingIterator<association_function>;
It max = std::max_element(It(5), It(10));
You can use std::max_element defined in <algorithm>.
This will return the iterator to the maximum element in a specified range. You can get the index using std::distance.
Example copied from cppreference.
std::vector<int> v{ 3, 1, -14, 1, 5, 9 };
std::vector<int>::iterator result;
result = std::max_element(v.begin(), v.end());
std::cout << "max element at: " << std::distance(v.begin(), result) << '\n';
Imagine I have a container C containing elements of some type T and a predicate with which to determine if any two variables of type T are "equivalent". E.g. if T is int I might have a predicate eqv = [](int a, int b){ return a % 5 == b % 5; } such that two integers are equivalent under eqv if they have the same remainder when divided by five.
Given such a container and a predicate, is there some STL function (e.g. from algorithm) which which I can elegantly (i.e. without writing a lot of code myself) determine the number of partitions of C under eqv?
For example, if eqv is as above and C is std::vector<int>{1,2,3,6,7,8} I would like to obtain the result 3 (because the equivalence classes are {1,6}, {2,7} and {3,8}).
Two approaches, depending on what you can also do with T:
if you can somehow order these equivalence classes, then create a std::set. The sorting of objects of type T needs to be a non-total order, where all elements which are equivalent under your predicate are neither less nor not less than the other elements of their class. Insert all elements, then count the set's size.
if you can somehow compute a hash of these equivalence classes, then create a std::unordered_set with the template parameter KeyEqual set to your predicate. Insert all elements, then count the set's size.
If you only have the predicate, then I guess you're stuck with counting:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> elements = {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8};
unsigned int size = 0;
while (elements.size() > 0)
int const current = elements.front();
auto pred = [¤t] (auto const & other) {
return (current % 5) == (other % 5);
elements.erase(std::remove_if(begin(elements), end(elements), pred), end(elements));
std::cout << size << " equivalence classes" << std::endl;
Isn't that much code, after all.
The following structure :
struct SomeStructure {
uint64_t value;
uint64_t data;
bool operator > (const SomeStructure& v1, const SomeStructure& v2) {
return (v1.value > v2.value);
bool operator < (const SomeStructure& v1, const SomeStructure& v2) {
return (v1.value < v2.value);
bool operator == (const SomeStructure& v1, const SomeStructure& v2) {
return (v1.value == v2.value);
Is used in a code similar to the following:
SomeStructure st1, st2;
st1.value = st2.value = 10; // has the same 'value' = 20; // but is assigned a different number for the 'data'. = 40;
std::set<SomeStructure> TheSet;
Will inserting st2 after st1 replace the value of the element present in the set?
In the above example, because the operators > and < are overloaded to only depend on the member SomeStructure::value, both st2 and st1 are considered to be equal while inserting them into TheSet. But the value of SomeStructure::data is different for both these objects. So will it replace the existing element in TheSet or will it ignore the insertion operation if the element is already present?
Is there a way to explicitly enforce either of these two behaviors?
Will this behavior change with compiler and platform?
Edit 1:
I just tested this out in g++ compiler (with c++11 enabled). It does not replace. So is there a way to explicitly enforce this to replace the existing element?
Edit 2:
Actually, there is no standard way to "enforce" this behavior, but it can be done using a simple hack through. Though This method is not recommended, let me present it here:
This method must be used in place of the member function insert within std::set
template <typename T>
void insert_replace(std::set <T>& theSet, const T& toInsert) {
auto it = theSet.find(toInsert);
if(it != theSet.end())
*((T*)&(*it)) = toInsert;
And the above code must be replaced with:
int main() {
SomeStructure st1, st2;
st1.value = st2.value = 10; // has the same 'value' = 20; // but is assigned a different number for the 'data'. = 40;
std::set<SomeStructure> TheSet;
insert_replace (TheSet, st1);
insert_replace (TheSet, st2);
for(auto ii : TheSet) {
std::cout <<;
return (0);
This method works fine on my compiler, giving the output : 40, instead of 20. But I think people might say this not a recommended method because, the line *((T*)&(*it)) = toInsert; fools the compiler into thinking that the iterator it isn't a constant (but when it actually is). I believe this is the only way we can force std::set to insert by replacing. Is it fine to use this method in my code? or will it cause problems in the future (even if I document it)?
From the documentation:
the insertion operation checks whether each inserted element is equivalent to an element already in the container, and if so, the element is not inserted
So TheSet.insert(st2); will not insert anything, because st2 is equal to st1, which is already in the set.
If you want to be able to insert both of them, you need to change the comparison functions so they test both value and data, or use std::multiset, which allows duplicate entries.
Is there C++ equivalent for python Xrange generator in either STL or boost?
xrange basically generates incremented number with each call to ++ operator.
the constructor is like this:
xrange(first, last, increment)
was hoping to do something like this using boost for each:
foreach(int i, xrange(N))
I. am aware of the for loop. in my opinion they are too much boilerplate.
my reasons:
my main reason for wanting to do so is because i use speech to text software, and programming loop usual way is difficult, even if using code completion. It is much more efficient to have pronounceable constructs.
many loops start with zero and increment by one, which is default for range. I find python construct more intuitive
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
foreach(int i, range(N))
functions which need to take range as argument:
Function(int start, int and, int inc);
function(xrange r);
I understand differences between languages, however if a particular construct in python is very useful for me and can be implemented efficiently in C++, I do not see a reason not to use it. For each construct is foreign to C++ as well however people use it.
I put my implementation at the bottom of the page as well the example usage.
in my domain i work with multidimensional arrays, often rank 4 tensor. so I would often end up with 4 nested loops with different ranges/increments to compute normalization, indexes, etc. those are not necessarily performance loops, and I am more concerned with correctness readability and ability to modify.
for example
int function(int ifirst, int ilast, int jfirst, int jlast, ...);
int function(range irange, range jrange, ...);
In the above, if different strids are needed, you have to pass more variables, modify loops, etc. eventually you end up with a mass of integers/nearly identical loops.
foreach and range solve my problem exactly. familiarity to average C++ programmer is not high on my list of concerns - problem domain is a rather obscure, there is a lot of meta-programming, SSE intrinsic, generated code.
Boost irange should really be the answer (ThxPaul Brannan)
I'm adding my answer to provide a compelling example of very valid use-cases that are not served well by manual looping:
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/range/irange.hpp>
using namespace boost::adaptors;
static int mod7(int v)
{ return v % 7; }
int main()
std::vector<int> v;
boost::irange(1,100) | transformed(mod7),
v | reversed | uniqued,
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));
Output: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
Note how this resembles generators/comprehensions (functional languages) and enumerables (C#)
Update I just thought I'd mention the following (highly inflexible) idiom that C++11 allows:
for (int x : {1,2,3,4,5,6,7})
std::cout << x << std::endl;
of course you could marry it with irange:
for (int x : boost::irange(1,8))
std::cout << x << std::endl;
Boost has counting_iterator as far as I know, which seems to allow only incrementing in steps of 1. For full xrange functionality you might need to implement a similar iterator yourself.
All in all it could look like this (edit: added an iterator for the third overload of xrange, to play around with boost's iterator facade):
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <cassert>
template <class T>
boost::iterator_range<boost::counting_iterator<T> > xrange(T to)
//these assertions are somewhat problematic:
//might produce warnings, if T is unsigned
assert(T() <= to);
return boost::make_iterator_range(boost::counting_iterator<T>(0), boost::counting_iterator<T>(to));
template <class T>
boost::iterator_range<boost::counting_iterator<T> > xrange(T from, T to)
assert(from <= to);
return boost::make_iterator_range(boost::counting_iterator<T>(from), boost::counting_iterator<T>(to));
//iterator that can do increments in steps (positive and negative)
template <class T>
class xrange_iterator:
public boost::iterator_facade<xrange_iterator<T>, const T, std::forward_iterator_tag>
T value, incr;
xrange_iterator(T value, T incr = T()): value(value), incr(incr) {}
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
void increment() { value += incr; }
bool equal(const xrange_iterator& other) const
//this is probably somewhat problematic, assuming that the "end iterator"
//is always the right-hand value?
return (incr >= 0 && value >= other.value) || (incr < 0 && value <= other.value);
const T& dereference() const { return value; }
template <class T>
boost::iterator_range<xrange_iterator<T> > xrange(T from, T to, T increment)
assert((increment >= T() && from <= to) || (increment < T() && from >= to));
return boost::make_iterator_range(xrange_iterator<T>(from, increment), xrange_iterator<T>(to));
int main()
BOOST_FOREACH(int i, xrange(10)) {
std::cout << i << ' ';
BOOST_FOREACH(int i, xrange(10, 20)) {
std::cout << i << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
BOOST_FOREACH(int i, xrange(0, 46, 5)) {
std::cout << i << ' ';
BOOST_FOREACH(int i, xrange(10, 0, -1)) {
std::cout << i << ' ';
As others are saying, I don't see this buying you much over a normal for loop.
std::iota (not yet standardized) is kinda like range. Doesn't make things any shorter or clearer than an explicit for loop, though.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> nums(5);
std::iota(nums.begin(), nums.end(), 1);
std::copy(nums.begin(), nums.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Compile with g++ -std=c++0x; this prints "1 2 3 4 5 \n".
well, here is what i wrote, since there does not seem to be one.
the generator does not use any internal storage besides single integer.
range object can be passed around and used in nested loops.
there is a small test case.
#include "iostream"
#include "foreach.hpp"
#include "boost/iterator/iterator_categories.hpp"
struct range {
struct iterator_type {
typedef int value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef boost::single_pass_traversal_tag iterator_category;
typedef const value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type & reference;
mutable value_type value;
const difference_type increment;
iterator_type(value_type value, difference_type increment = 0)
: value(value), increment(increment) {}
bool operator==(const iterator_type &rhs) const {
return value >= rhs.value;
value_type operator++() const { return value += increment; }
operator pointer() const { return &value; }
typedef iterator_type iterator;
typedef const iterator_type const_iterator;
int first_, last_, increment_;
range(int last) : first_(0), last_(last), increment_(1) {}
range(int first, int last, int increment = 1)
: first_(first), last_(last), increment_(increment) {}
iterator begin() const {return iterator(first_, increment_);}
iterator end() const {return iterator(last_);}
int test(const range & range0, const range & range1){
foreach(int i, range0) {
foreach(int j, range1) {
std::cout << i << " " << j << "\n";
int main() {
test(range(6), range(3, 10, 3));
my main reason for wanting to do so is because i use speech to text software, and programming loop usual way is difficult, even if using code completion. It is much more efficient to have pronounceable constructs.
That makes sense. But couldn't a simple macro solve this problem? #define for_i_to(N, body) for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { body }
or something similar. Or avoid the loop entirely and use the standard library algorithms. (std::for_each(range.begin(), rang.end(), myfunctor()) seems easier to pronounce)
many loops start with zero and increment by one, which is default for range. I find python construct more intuitive
You're wrong. The Python version is more intuitive to a Python programmer. And it may be more intuitive to a non-programmer. But you're writing C++ code. Your goal should be to make it intuitive to a C++ programmer. And C++ programmer know for-loops and they know the standard library algorithms. Stick to using those. (Or stick to writing Python)
functions which need to take range as argument:
Function(int start, int and, int inc);
function(xrange r);
Or the idiomatic C++ version:
template <typename iter_type>
void function(iter_type first, iter_type last);
In C++, ranges are represented by iterator pairs. Not integers.
If you're going to write code in a new language, respect the conventions of that language. Even if it means you have to adapt and change some habits.
If you're not willing to do that, stick with the language you know.
Trying to turn language X into language Y is always the wrong thing to do. It own't work, and it'll confuse the language X programmers who are going to maintain (or just read) your code.
Since I've started to use BOOST_FOREACH for all my iteration (probably a misguided idea, but that's another story), here's another use for aaa's range class:
std::vector<int> vec;
// ... fill the vector ...
BOOST_FOREACH(size_t idx, make_range(0, vec.size()))
// ... do some stuff ...
(yes, range should be templatized so I can use user-defined integral types with it)
And here's make_range():
template<typename T>
range<T> make_range(T const & start, T const & end)
return range<T>(start, end);
See also:
which propose similar solutions.
And I've just found boost::integer_range; with the above example, the code would look like:
using namespace boost;
std::vector<int> vec;
// ... fill the vector ...
BOOST_FOREACH(size_t idx, make_integer_range(0, vec.size()))
// ... do some stuff ...
C++ 20's ranges header has iota_view which does this:
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int main()
for (int i : std::views::iota{1, 10})
std::cout << i << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
for (int i : std::views::iota(1) | std::views::take(9))
std::cout << i << ' ';
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Since we don't really know what you actually want to use this for, I'm assuming your test case is representative. And then plain simple for loops are a whole lot simpler and more readable:
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 6; ++i){
for (int j = 3; j <= 10; j += 3){
std::cout << i << " " << j << "\n";
A C++ programmer can walk in from the street and understand this function without having to look up complex classes elsewhere. And it's 5 lines instead of your 60. Of course if you have 400 loops exactly like these, then yes, you'd save some effort by using your range object. Or you could just wrap these two loops inside a helper function, and call that whenever you needed.
We don't really have enough information to say what's wrong with simple for loops, or what would be a suitable replacement. The loops here solve your problem with far less complexity and far fewer lines of code than your sample implementation. If this is a bad solution, tell us your requirements (as in what problem you need to solve, rather than "I want python-style loops in C++")
Keep it simple, make a stupid macro;
#define for_range(VARNAME, START, STOP, INCREMENT) \
and use as;
for_range(i, 10, 5, -1)
cout << i << endl;
You're trying to bring a python idiom into C++. That's unncessary. Use
for(int i=initVal;i<range;i+=increment)
/*loop body*/
to achieve this. In Python, the for(i in xrange(init, rng, increment)) form is necessary because Python doesn't provide a simple for loop, only a for-each type construct. So you can iterate only over a sequence or a generator. This is simply unnecessary and almost certainly bad practice in a language that provides a for(;;) syntax.
EDIT: As a completely non-recommended aside, the closest I can get to the for i xrange(first, last, inc) syntax in C++ is:
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int xrange(unsigned int last, unsigned int first=0, unsigned int inc=1)
static int i = first;
return (i<last)?i+=inc:i=0;
int main()
while(int i=xrange(10, 0, 1))
printf("in loop at i=%d\n",i);
Not that while this loops the correct number of times, i varies from first+inc to last and NOT first to last-inc as in Python. Also, the function can only work reliably with unsigned values, as when i==0, the while loop will exit. Do not use this function. I only added this code here to demonstrate that something of the sort is indeed possible. There are also several other caveats and gotchas (the code won't really work for first!=0 on subsequent function calls, for example)