How do I assign multiple textures into single a mesh in OpenGL? - opengl

First example:
You can take a huge rock shaped mesh and put a tiled rock texture all over it.
Now, some places needs to be covered with a grass texture (or other vegetation).
Another example:
Usually, terrain are built from tiled textures. In order to achieve a less "tilly" look, you can apply 4 times bigger (or 16 and so on..) tiled texture on it, and by that you'll gain a nice "random" tiled texture (seen that in the UDK's docs).
Blender (the 3d graphics app) is OpenGL based, and it allows you to assign multiple materials to a single mesh.
How can i do it in my own OpenGL application?
I'm looking for a better solution than rendering 50 tris with tex a and and 3 more tris with tex b.

What you're looking for is called multitexturing. Modern graphics cards have several texture units that each can sample a different texture. When you render your rock you specify vertices that have UV coordinates for each texture you want to render.
In OpenGL you can use glActiveTexture to select your active texture unit so that you can bind a texture to it and use it in subsequent rendering. Your vertices will need additional texture coordinate pairs; one pair per texture you intend to render.
The modern way to do multitexturing is using shaders (GLSL in OpenGL typically). Load and bind each texture to a different texture unit, set your shader uniforms to the value of the texture units (0 for texture unit 0 etc) you're using, sample each texture, and blend using the desired blending function to get your output color.


How to implement density maps with instanced rendering

I came across this amazing blog about rendering grass by Kévin Boulanger.
In his project he has used a certain density map:
The black areas represent places in 3D world where grass is to be rendered.
And white areas are where the grass is not present.
My question is-- I am rendering grass in my scene using instanced rendering feature of OpenGL.
But the grass is spanned pretty much across the whole terrain. I have not been able to map such density map with the positions of the grass that I am rendering.
How do I use such density maps with instanced rendering?
What Kevin did was basically reading that density map (on the cpu) when generating the grass patch meshes and stored the value in the vertices (the same value in all the vertices of 1 blade). Then when the patch was rendered, in the pixel shader, if this value was less than some threshold, he discarded the pixel. The system is a little bit different patches made of billboards, density is stored in a texture instead. So basically you render grass everywhere but the grass becomes invisible on the road.
It's explained in his thesis, page 67-71.
But what he describes doesn't work with instancing because each patch is a different mesh or uses different textures so you can't draw them with instancing.
A solution would be to store this density value per instance of grass blade in a uniform buffer instead. So that each grass patch is the same mesh and can be instanced.
For the patches made of billboards it's more complicated, you would need to have "1 texture" per billboard. You could make a big texture (or a texture array) that contains the equivalent of several billboards and store a texture coordinate offset per billboard in the constant buffer. Be sure to reuse the same part of the texture for billboards that look identical in this case.

How do I render multiple textures in modern OpenGL?

I am currently writing a 2d engine for a small game.
The idea was that I could render the whole scene in just one draw call. I thought I could render every 2d image on a quad which means that I could use instancing.
I imagined that my vertex shader could look like this
in vec2 pos;
in mat3 model;
in sampler2d tex;
in vec2 uv;
I thought I could just load a texture on the gpu and get a handle to it like I would do with a VBO, but it seems it is not that simple.
It seems that I have to call
for every texture that I want to load. Now this doesn't seem as easy to program as I thought. How do modern game engines render multiple textures?
I read that the texture limit of GL_TEXTURE is dependent on the GPU but it is at least 45. What if I want to render an image that consists of more than 45 textures for example 90?
It seems that I would have to render the first 45 textures and delete all the texture from the gpu and load the other 45 textures from the hdd to the gpu. That doesn't seem very reasonable to do every frame. Especially when I want to to animate a 2D image.
I could easily think that a simple animation of a 2d character could consist of 10 different images. That would mean I could easily over step the texture limit.
A small idea of mine was to combine multiple images in to one mega image and then offset them via uv coordinates.
I wonder if I just misunderstood how textures work in OpenGL.
How would you render multiple textures in OpenGL?
The question is somewhat broad, so this is just a quick overview of some options for using multiple textures in the same draw call.
Bind to multiple texture units
For this approach, you bind each texture to a different texture unit, using the typical sequence:
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex[i]);
In the shader, you can have either a bunch of separate sampler2D uniforms, or an array of sampler2D uniforms.
The main downside of this is that you're limited by the number of available texture units.
Array textures
You can use array textures. This is done by using the GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY texture target. In many ways, a 2D texture array is similar to a 3D texture. It's basically a bunch of 2D textures stacked on top of each other, and stored in a single texture object.
The downside is that all textures need to have the same size. If they don't, you have to use the largest size for the size of the texture array, and you waste memory for the smaller textures. You'll also have to apply scaling to your texture coordinates if the sizes aren't all the same.
Texture atlas
This is the idea you already presented. You store all textures in a single large texture, and use the texture coordinates to control which texture is used.
While a popular approach, there are some technical challenges with this. You have to be careful at the seams between textures so that they don't bleed into each other when using linear sampling. And while this approach, unlike texture arrays, allows for different texture sizes without wasting memory, allocating regions within the atlas gets a little trickier with variable sizes.
Bindless textures
This is only available as an extension so far: ARB_bindless_texture.
You need to learn about the difference of texture units and texture objects.
Texture units are like "texture cartridges" of the OpenGL rasterizer. The rasterizer has a limited amount of "cartridge" slots (called texture units). To load a texture into a texture unit you first select the unit with glActiveTexture, then you load the texture "cartridge" (the texture object) using glBindTexture.
The amount of texture object you can have is only limited by your systems memory (and storage capabilities), but only a limited amount of textures can be "slotted" into the texture unit at the same time.
Samplers are like "taps" into the texture units. Different samplers within a shader may "tap" into the same texture unit. By setting the sampler uniform to a texture unit you select which unit you want to sample from.
And then you can also have the same texture "slotted" into multiple texture units at the same time.
Update (some clarification)
I read that the texture limit of GL_TEXTURE is dependent on the GPU but it is at least 45. What if I want to render an image that consists of more than 45 textures for example 90?
Normally you don't try to render the whole image with a single drawing call. It's practically impossible to catch all variations on which textures to use in what situation. Normally you write shaders for specific looks of a "material". Say you have a shader simulating paint on some metal. You'd have 3 textures: Metal, Paint and a modulating texture that controls where metal and where paint is visible. The shader would then have 3 sampler uniforms, one for each texture. To render the surface with that appearance you'd
select the shader program to use (glUseProgram)
for each texture activate in turn the texture unit (glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE_0+i) and bind the texture ('glBindTexture`)
set the sampler uniforms to the texture units to use (glUniform1i(…, i)).
draw the geometry.

render two images to the screen separately

I want to render two textures on the screen at the same time at different positions, but, I'm confused about the vertex coordinates.
How could I write a vertex shader to meet my goal?
Just to address the "two images to the screen separately" bit...
A texture maps image colours onto geometry. To be pedantic, you can't draw a texture but you can blit and you can draw geometry with a mapped texture (using per-vertex texture coordinates).
You can bind two textures at once while drawing, but you'll need both a second set of texture coordinates and to handle how they blend (or don't in your case). Even then the shader will be quite specific and because the images are separate there'll be unnecessary code running for each pixel to handle the other image. What happens when you want to draw 3 images, or 100?
Instead, just draw a quad with one image twice (binding each texture in turn before drawing). The overhead will be tiny unless you're drawing lots, at which point you might look at texture atlases and drawing all the geometry with one draw call (really getting towards the "at the same time" part of the question).

OpenGL mipmapping inconsistent?

I have a 512X512 texture which holds a number of images that i want to use in my application. After adding the image data to the texture i save the texture coords for the individual images. Later i apply these on some quads that i am drawing. The texture has mipmapping activated.
When i take a screenshot of the rendered scene at exactly the same instance in two different runs of the applications, i notice that there are differences in the image only among those quads textured using this mipmapped texture. Can mipmapping cause such an issue?
My best guess is that it has to do with precisions in your shader. Check out this problem that I had (and fought with for a while) and my solution:
opengl texture mapping off by 5-8 pixels
It probably is a combination of mimapping's automatic scaling of your texture atlas and the precision hints in your shader code.
Also see the other linked question:
Why is a texture coordinate of 1.0 getting beyond the edge of the texture?

Setting neighbor fragment color via GLSL

I need to setup a GLSL fragment shader to change the color of a fragment other than the one currently being processed. Since that may not seem desirable, I'll provide a very brief context.
The project utilizes a render pass whereby a given model is drawn into an FBO with unique colors that correspond to UV coordinates in the texture map. These colors are then sampled and converted to image coordinates so that the texture map for the model can be updated based on what's visible to the camera. Essentially:
Render model to FBO
For each FBO pixel
1. sample secondary texture based on FBO pixel position
2. convert color at current pixel to image coordinate for the model's texture map
3. update model's texture with sampled secondary texture at calculated coordinate
End loop
The problem is that the current implementation is very CPU bound, so I'm reading the pixels out of the FBO and then manipulating them. Ideally, since I already have the color of the fragment to work with in the fragment shader, I want to just tack on the last few steps to the process and keep everything on the GPU.
The specific issue I'm having is that I don't quite know how (or if it's even possible) to have a fragment shader set the color of a fragment that it is not processing. If I can't work something up by using an extra large FBO and just offsetting the fragment that I want to set the color on, can I work something up that writes directly into a texture?
Any help/advice?
It's not possible to have a fragment shader write to anywhere other than the fragment it is processing. What you probably want to do is ping pong rendering.
In your code, you'd have three textures, matching your listed tasks:
the secondary texture
the source model texture map
the destination model texture map
At a first run, you'd use (1) and (2) as source textures, to draw to (3). Next time through the loop you'd use (1) and (3) to write to (2). Then you'd switch back to using (1) and (2) to write to (3). And so on.
So (2) and (3) are connected with framebuffer objects with the textures supplied as the colour buffer in place of a renderbuffer.
NVidia authored the GL_NV_texture_barrier extension in 2009 that allows you to compact (2) and (3) into a single texture, provided you are explicit about the dividing line between where you're reading and where you're writing. I don't have the expertise to say how widely available it is.
Attempting to read and write to the same texture (as is possible with FBOs) otherwise produces undefined results in OpenGL. Prompting issues at the hardware level are related to caching and multisampling.
As far as I understand, you need a scatter operation (uniform FBO pixel space -> random mesh UV texture destination) to be performed in OpenGL. There is a way to do this, not as simple as you may expect, and not even as fast, but I can't find a better one:
Run a draw call of type GL_POINTS and size equal to the width*height of your source FBO.
Select model texture as a destination FBO color layer, with no depth layer attached
In a vertex shader, compute the original screen coordinate by using gl_VertexID.
Sample from the source FBO texture to get color and target position (assuming your original FBO surface was a texture). Assign a proper gl_Position and pass the target color to the fragment shader.
In a fragment shader, just copy the color to the output.
This will make GPU to go through each of your original FBO pixels and scatter the computed colors over the destination texture.