How to implement density maps with instanced rendering - opengl

I came across this amazing blog about rendering grass by Kévin Boulanger.
In his project he has used a certain density map:
The black areas represent places in 3D world where grass is to be rendered.
And white areas are where the grass is not present.
My question is-- I am rendering grass in my scene using instanced rendering feature of OpenGL.
But the grass is spanned pretty much across the whole terrain. I have not been able to map such density map with the positions of the grass that I am rendering.
How do I use such density maps with instanced rendering?

What Kevin did was basically reading that density map (on the cpu) when generating the grass patch meshes and stored the value in the vertices (the same value in all the vertices of 1 blade). Then when the patch was rendered, in the pixel shader, if this value was less than some threshold, he discarded the pixel. The system is a little bit different patches made of billboards, density is stored in a texture instead. So basically you render grass everywhere but the grass becomes invisible on the road.
It's explained in his thesis, page 67-71.
But what he describes doesn't work with instancing because each patch is a different mesh or uses different textures so you can't draw them with instancing.
A solution would be to store this density value per instance of grass blade in a uniform buffer instead. So that each grass patch is the same mesh and can be instanced.
For the patches made of billboards it's more complicated, you would need to have "1 texture" per billboard. You could make a big texture (or a texture array) that contains the equivalent of several billboards and store a texture coordinate offset per billboard in the constant buffer. Be sure to reuse the same part of the texture for billboards that look identical in this case.


Questions Deferred Shading

I just have some questions about deferred shading. I have gotten to the point where I have the Color, Position ,Normal and textures from the Multiple Render Targets. My questions pertain to what I do next. To make sure that I have gotten the correct data from the textures I have put a plane on the screen and rendered the textures onto that plane. What I don't understand is how to manipulate those textures so that the final output is shaded with lighting. Do I need to render a plane or a quad that takes up the screen and apply all the calculations onto that plane? If I do that I am kind of confused how I would be able to get multiple lights to work this way since the "plane" would be a renderable object so for each light I would need to re-render the plane. Am I thinking of this incorrectly?
You need to render some geometry to represent the area covered by the light(s). The lighting term for each pixel of the light is accumulated into a destination render target. This gives you your lit result.
There are various ways to do this. To get up and running, a simple / easy (and hellishly slow) method is to render a full-screen quad for each light.
Setup: Render all objects into the g-buffer, storing the various object properties (albedo, specular, normals,
depth, whatever you need)
Lighting: For each light:
Render some geometry to represent the area the light is going to cover on screen
Sample the g-buffer for the data you need to calculate the lighting contribution (you can use the vpos register to find the uv)
Accumulate the lighting term into a destination render target (the backbuffer will do nicely for simple cases)
Once you've got this working, there's loads of different ways to speed it up (scissor rect, meshes that tightly bound the light, stencil tests to avoid shading 'floating' regions, multiple lights drawn at once and higher level techniques such as tiling).
There's a lot of different slants on Deferred Shading these days, but the original technique is covered thoroughly here :

How to put 2D frame-by-frame animation on 3d model (hybrid animation)

I'd like to do a cartoony 3D character, where the facial features are flat-drawn and animated in 2D. Sort of like the Bubble Guppies characters.
I'm struggling with finding a good method to do it. I'm using Libgdx, but I think the potential methodologies could apply to any game engine.
Here are ideas I thought of, but each has drawbacks. Is there a way this is commonly done? I was just playing a low-budget Wii game with my kids (a Nickelodeon dancing game) that uses this type of animation for the faces.
UV animation - Is there a way to set up a game model (FBX format) so that certain UV's are stored in various skins? Then the UV's could jump around to various places in a sprite map.
Projected face - This idea is convoluted. Use a projection of a texture onto the model with a vertex shader uniform that shifts the UV's of the projected texture around. So basically, you'd need a projection matrix that's set up to move the face projection around with the model. But you'd need enough padding around the face frame sprites to keep the rest of the model clear of other parts of the sprite map. And this results in a complicated fragment shader that would not be great for mobile.
Move flat 3D decal with model - Separately show a 3D decal that's lined up with the model and batched as a separate mesh in the game. The decal could just be a quad where you change the UV attributes of the vertices on each frame of animation. However, this method won't wrap around the curvature of a face. Maybe it could be broken down to separate decals for each eye and the mouth, but still wouldn't look great, and require creating a separate file to go with each model to define where the decals go.
Separate bone for each frame of animation - Model a duplicate face in the mesh for every frame of animation, and give each a unique bone. Animate the face by toggling bone scales between zero and one. This idea quickly breaks down if there are more than a few frames of animation.
Update part of skin each frame - Copy the skin into an FBO. Draw the latest frame of animation into the part of the FBO color texture that contains the face. Downsides to this method are that you'd need a separate copy of the texture in memory for every instance of the model, and the FBO would have to either do a buffer restore every frame (costly) or you'd have to redraw the entire skin into the FBO each frame (also costly).
I have other ideas that are considerably more difficult than these. It feels like there must be an easier way.
One more idea... Uniform UV offset and vertex colors - This method would use vertex colors since they are easily supported in all game engines and modeling packages, but in many cases are unused. In the texture, create a strip of the frames of animation. Set up the face UV's for the first frame. Color all vertices with Alpha 0 except the face vertices, which can be colored Alpha 1. Then pass a UV face offset uniform to the vertex shader, and multiply it by a step function on the vertex colors before adding it to the UVs. This avoids the downsides of all the above methods: everything could be wrapped into one texture shared by all instances of the model, and there would be no two-pass pixels on the model except possibly where the face is. The downside here is a heftier model (four extra attributes per vertex, although perhaps the color could be baked down to a single byte).
Your shader could receive 2 textures, one for the body, and one for the face. The face one being transparent so you could overlay it on top of the body one. Then you just need to send a different face texture based on the animation.
I am struggling with the same problem with implementing a 2d animation to a background billboard in my 3d scene.
I believe that Using Decals is the simplest solution, and implementing the animation is as easy as updating the decal’s TextureRegion according to an Animation object:
TextureRegion frame = animation.getKeyFrame(currentFrameTime, true);
decal.setTextureRegion (frame);
I guess the real problem in your case is positioning the decal inside the scene.
One solution could be using your 3D modeling software for modeling a "phantom" mesh that will store the position of the decal.
The "phantom" mesh will not be rendered with all the other 3d elements, instead it will be used to determine the position of the decals vertices. The only thing you’ll need to do is copy the “phantom” position vertices and paste them to the decal.
I hadn’t got to implement this solution yet, but theoretically it could be relatively easily done.
Hope this idea will help you, and I will appreciate you sharing other solutions/code to this problem if you find any.

Placing multiple images on a 3D surface

If I was to place a texture on the surface of a 3D object, for example a cube, I could use the vertices of that cube to describe the placement of this texture.
But what if I want to place multiple separate images on the same flat surface? Or suppose it is just one image, but I don't want it to appear at the edges of the surface, where the vertices are, but rather somewhere small and in the middle of the surface. I want the actual images to be chosen and placed dynamically at runtime, otherwise I could condense them offline as a single texture.
I have an approach but I want to seek advice as to whether there is a better method, or if this is perfectly acceptable:
My guess is to create multiple separate 2D quads (with depth of 0), each with a texture associated with them and placed on them (they could of course be a texture atlas with different texture coordinates).
Then, I transform these quads such that they appear to be on the surface of a 3D object, such as a cube. Of course I'd have to maintain a matrix hierarchy so these quads are transformed appropriately whenever the cube is transformed, such that they appear to be attached to the cube.
While this isn't necessarily hard, I am new to texturing and would like to know if this is a normal practice for something like this.
You could try rendering a scene and saving that as a texture then use that texture on the surface.
Check out glCopyTexImage2D() or glCopyTexSubImage2D().
Or perhaps try using frame buffer objects.
But what if I want to place multiple separate images on the same flat surface?
Use multiple textures, maybe each with its own set of textuer coordinates. Your OpenGL implementation will offer you a number of textuer units. Each of them can supply a different texture.
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE_0 + i);
glUniform1i(texturesampler[i], i); // texturesampler[i] contains the sampler uniform location of the bound program.
Or suppose it is just one image, but I don't want it to appear at the edges of the surface, where the vertices are, but rather somewhere small and in the middle of the surface.
That's where GL_CLAMP… texture wrap modes get their use.
With those you specify texture coordinates at the vertices to be outside the [0, 1] interval, but instead of repeating the image will show only one time, with only the edge pixels repeated. If you make the edge pixels transparent, it's as if there was no image there.

Texturing Opengl Terrain?

What is the best way to texture terrain made from quads in OpenGL? I have around 30 different textures I want to have for my terrains (1 texture per terrain type, so 30 terrain types) and would like to have smooth transitions between any two of the terrains.
I have been doing some browsing on the web and found that there are many different methods, including 3d texturing, Alpha channels, blending, and using shaders. However, which of these is the most efficient and can handle the amount of textures I am looking to use? For example: This popular answer describes how to use some techniques, but since the mixmap only has 4 properties (RGBA) and so can only support 4 textures.
I should also note that I know nothing about shaders, so non-shader required techniques would be preferable.
Since you linked to an answer that describes texture splatting, and its question mentions the game Oblivion, I can provide some additional insight into that.
Basic texture splatting with an RGBA mixmap only supports four textures per terrain quad, but you can use different sets of textures for different quads. Oblivion divides its terrain into squares (called "cells") of 32 grid points (192 feet) per side, and each cell defines its own set of four terrain textures. So you can't have lots of texture diversity within a small area, but you can easily vary your textures over larger regions. If you prefer, you can define texture sets for smaller regions, even individual quads, at the expense of using more memory.
If you really need more than four textures in a quad, you can use multiple mixmaps. For each additional one, you just do another texture lookup to get four more blending factors, and blend in four more textures on top of the results from the previous mixmap. You can scale up to as many textures as you want, again at the expense of memory.
Texture splatting can be tricky to combine with with LOD techniques on the height map, because when a single low-detail terrain quad represents a group of high-detail quads, you have to sample several different mixmaps for different regions of the big quad. Oblivion sidesteps that problem by using texture splatting only for full-detail terrain; distant cells, rendered at lower resolution, use precomputed textures produced by the editor, which does the splatting and downscaling in advance.
One alternative to texture splatting is to use a clipmap to render a "megatexture". With this approach, you have a single large texture that represents your entire terrain, and you avoid filling up your RAM by loading different parts of it with only as much detail as is actually needed to render it based on the viewer's current position. (Distant parts of the terrain can't be seen at full detail, so there's no need to load them at full detail.)
The advantage of this approach is its artistic freedom: you can place fine details anywhere you want in the texture, without regard to the vertex grid. The disadvantage is that it's rather complex to implement, and the entire clipmap has to be stored somewhere, probably in a big file on disk, so that you can load parts of it into RAM as needed.

How do I assign multiple textures into single a mesh in OpenGL?

First example:
You can take a huge rock shaped mesh and put a tiled rock texture all over it.
Now, some places needs to be covered with a grass texture (or other vegetation).
Another example:
Usually, terrain are built from tiled textures. In order to achieve a less "tilly" look, you can apply 4 times bigger (or 16 and so on..) tiled texture on it, and by that you'll gain a nice "random" tiled texture (seen that in the UDK's docs).
Blender (the 3d graphics app) is OpenGL based, and it allows you to assign multiple materials to a single mesh.
How can i do it in my own OpenGL application?
I'm looking for a better solution than rendering 50 tris with tex a and and 3 more tris with tex b.
What you're looking for is called multitexturing. Modern graphics cards have several texture units that each can sample a different texture. When you render your rock you specify vertices that have UV coordinates for each texture you want to render.
In OpenGL you can use glActiveTexture to select your active texture unit so that you can bind a texture to it and use it in subsequent rendering. Your vertices will need additional texture coordinate pairs; one pair per texture you intend to render.
The modern way to do multitexturing is using shaders (GLSL in OpenGL typically). Load and bind each texture to a different texture unit, set your shader uniforms to the value of the texture units (0 for texture unit 0 etc) you're using, sample each texture, and blend using the desired blending function to get your output color.