What is the most efficient way to identify the vertices that are visible from a particular viewpoint?
I have a scene composed of several 3D models. I want to attach an identifier to each vertex (ModelID, VertexID) then generate 2D images from various viewpoints and for each image generate a list of the visible vertices identifiers (essentially this is for an image processing application).
Initially I thought to perform a dot product between a vertex normal and the camera view vector to figure out if the vertex is facing the camera or not, however if the model is occluded by another object this test would not work.
Thanks in advance
Disable all lighting/texturing
Render your geometry (GL_TRIANGLES) to populate Z-buffer
Render your geometry again (GL_POINTS), selecting a different RGB color for each vertex, which maps to your model/vertex IDs
Read back framebuffer and scan for the colors you used earlier, mapping back to your model/vertex IDs.
Not very fast, but it should work.
I have a program that displays a color surface. Then through some method (which is the focus of my thesis but unimportant here) I closely recreate the color surface. So this gives me two copies of the color surface and I want to find the 'difference' between the two outputs, to see how closely they resemble each other. So loosely speaking I want to render something like
abs(render_1 - render_2)
Because of the complicated structure of both color surfaces I can not directly calculate the difference before rendering. Is there some way that I can use GLSL shaders to do this? I was hoping that it is possible to first render one surface, then in the second render pass use a shader that queries the color already present at the render location, but I do not think this is possible. Any thought on how to do this?
It is possible. You can render first surface to frame buffer and then query value of pixel from this texture at secord render pass. Since color is 4d vector you can calculate distance between 1-st pixel fetched from texture and 2-nd pixel calculated in shader. Since difference will have been found you can calculate and visualize SNR.
Render each version into its own texture using a FBO, then in a third pass you can evaluate the difference between the values in the rendered pictures (using a shader).
Here is a task that every GIS application can do: given some polygons, fill each polygon with a chosen color. Like this: image
What is the best way of doing this repeatedly in Opengl? That is, the polygons do not change, and I want to vary the data for coloring to produce difference renderings.
Redrawing polygons for each rendering is the most straightforward solution, but it seems to be a waste, since the geometries do not change at all.
Or is it better to create a stencil for each polygon, and stencil print the entire map? If there are too many polygons, will doing hundreds or thousands of rendering passes create a problem?
For each vertex of a polygon, map a certain color.That means when you send the data to the shaders, with each call the vertex array object sends 2 parameters: a vector which is needed in the vertex shader and a vector which will be used as the fragment color.That is the simplest way.
For example think of a triangle drawn in opengl . if you send its vertices to the vertex shader and set a color in the fragment shader everytime when a vertex enters the shader pipeline it will be positioned accordingly and on the screen set with the given color from the fragment shader.
The technique which I poorly explained ( sry I am not the best at explanations) , is used in the colored triangle example in which colors interpolate.Red maped to a corner , Green maped to another , and Blue to the last. If you set it so the red color maps to every corner you get your colored triangle.That is the basic principle.Oh and you draw the minimum count of triangles and you need one pair of shaders .
Note : a polygon is made out of N triangles and you need to map the same color to every vertex of each triangle drawn in that polygon.
I think a bigger issue will be that OpenGL doesn't support polygons or vector drawing in general, but there are libraries for this. You'll have to use an existing solution for vector drawing, or failing that, you'll have to convert from your GIS data (usually a list of points for a polygon) to triangles. This is likely the biggest obstacle.
The fact that the geometry doesn't change isn't really an issue, you would generally store geometry into one or more buffers, then create logic to only draw what is visible inside your view point area, perhaps even go as far to only generate the geometry for the visible area.
See also this question and it's answers.
Rendering Vector Graphics in OpenGL?
I'd like to do a cartoony 3D character, where the facial features are flat-drawn and animated in 2D. Sort of like the Bubble Guppies characters.
I'm struggling with finding a good method to do it. I'm using Libgdx, but I think the potential methodologies could apply to any game engine.
Here are ideas I thought of, but each has drawbacks. Is there a way this is commonly done? I was just playing a low-budget Wii game with my kids (a Nickelodeon dancing game) that uses this type of animation for the faces.
UV animation - Is there a way to set up a game model (FBX format) so that certain UV's are stored in various skins? Then the UV's could jump around to various places in a sprite map.
Projected face - This idea is convoluted. Use a projection of a texture onto the model with a vertex shader uniform that shifts the UV's of the projected texture around. So basically, you'd need a projection matrix that's set up to move the face projection around with the model. But you'd need enough padding around the face frame sprites to keep the rest of the model clear of other parts of the sprite map. And this results in a complicated fragment shader that would not be great for mobile.
Move flat 3D decal with model - Separately show a 3D decal that's lined up with the model and batched as a separate mesh in the game. The decal could just be a quad where you change the UV attributes of the vertices on each frame of animation. However, this method won't wrap around the curvature of a face. Maybe it could be broken down to separate decals for each eye and the mouth, but still wouldn't look great, and require creating a separate file to go with each model to define where the decals go.
Separate bone for each frame of animation - Model a duplicate face in the mesh for every frame of animation, and give each a unique bone. Animate the face by toggling bone scales between zero and one. This idea quickly breaks down if there are more than a few frames of animation.
Update part of skin each frame - Copy the skin into an FBO. Draw the latest frame of animation into the part of the FBO color texture that contains the face. Downsides to this method are that you'd need a separate copy of the texture in memory for every instance of the model, and the FBO would have to either do a buffer restore every frame (costly) or you'd have to redraw the entire skin into the FBO each frame (also costly).
I have other ideas that are considerably more difficult than these. It feels like there must be an easier way.
One more idea... Uniform UV offset and vertex colors - This method would use vertex colors since they are easily supported in all game engines and modeling packages, but in many cases are unused. In the texture, create a strip of the frames of animation. Set up the face UV's for the first frame. Color all vertices with Alpha 0 except the face vertices, which can be colored Alpha 1. Then pass a UV face offset uniform to the vertex shader, and multiply it by a step function on the vertex colors before adding it to the UVs. This avoids the downsides of all the above methods: everything could be wrapped into one texture shared by all instances of the model, and there would be no two-pass pixels on the model except possibly where the face is. The downside here is a heftier model (four extra attributes per vertex, although perhaps the color could be baked down to a single byte).
Your shader could receive 2 textures, one for the body, and one for the face. The face one being transparent so you could overlay it on top of the body one. Then you just need to send a different face texture based on the animation.
I am struggling with the same problem with implementing a 2d animation to a background billboard in my 3d scene.
I believe that Using Decals is the simplest solution, and implementing the animation is as easy as updating the decal’s TextureRegion according to an Animation object:
TextureRegion frame = animation.getKeyFrame(currentFrameTime, true);
decal.setTextureRegion (frame);
I guess the real problem in your case is positioning the decal inside the scene.
One solution could be using your 3D modeling software for modeling a "phantom" mesh that will store the position of the decal.
The "phantom" mesh will not be rendered with all the other 3d elements, instead it will be used to determine the position of the decals vertices. The only thing you’ll need to do is copy the “phantom” position vertices and paste them to the decal.
I hadn’t got to implement this solution yet, but theoretically it could be relatively easily done.
Hope this idea will help you, and I will appreciate you sharing other solutions/code to this problem if you find any.
If I was to place a texture on the surface of a 3D object, for example a cube, I could use the vertices of that cube to describe the placement of this texture.
But what if I want to place multiple separate images on the same flat surface? Or suppose it is just one image, but I don't want it to appear at the edges of the surface, where the vertices are, but rather somewhere small and in the middle of the surface. I want the actual images to be chosen and placed dynamically at runtime, otherwise I could condense them offline as a single texture.
I have an approach but I want to seek advice as to whether there is a better method, or if this is perfectly acceptable:
My guess is to create multiple separate 2D quads (with depth of 0), each with a texture associated with them and placed on them (they could of course be a texture atlas with different texture coordinates).
Then, I transform these quads such that they appear to be on the surface of a 3D object, such as a cube. Of course I'd have to maintain a matrix hierarchy so these quads are transformed appropriately whenever the cube is transformed, such that they appear to be attached to the cube.
While this isn't necessarily hard, I am new to texturing and would like to know if this is a normal practice for something like this.
You could try rendering a scene and saving that as a texture then use that texture on the surface.
Check out glCopyTexImage2D() or glCopyTexSubImage2D().
Or perhaps try using frame buffer objects.
But what if I want to place multiple separate images on the same flat surface?
Use multiple textures, maybe each with its own set of textuer coordinates. Your OpenGL implementation will offer you a number of textuer units. Each of them can supply a different texture.
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE_0 + i);
glUniform1i(texturesampler[i], i); // texturesampler[i] contains the sampler uniform location of the bound program.
Or suppose it is just one image, but I don't want it to appear at the edges of the surface, where the vertices are, but rather somewhere small and in the middle of the surface.
That's where GL_CLAMP… texture wrap modes get their use.
With those you specify texture coordinates at the vertices to be outside the [0, 1] interval, but instead of repeating the image will show only one time, with only the edge pixels repeated. If you make the edge pixels transparent, it's as if there was no image there.
First of all, I have very little knowledge of what shaders can do, and i am very interested in making vertex lighting. I am attempting to use a 3d colormap which would be used to calculate the vertex color at that position of the world, and also interpolate the color by using the nearby colors from the colormap.
I cant use typical OpenGL lighting because its probably too slow and theres a lot of lights i need to render. I am going to "render" the lights at the colormap first, and then i could either manually map every vertex drawn with the corresponding color from the colormap.
...Or i could somehow automate this process, so i wouldnt have to change the color values of vertexes myself, but a shader could perhaps do this for me?
Questions is... is this possible, and if it is: what i need to know to make it possible?
Edit: Note that i also need to update the lightmap efficiently, without caring about the size of the lightmap, so the update should be done only at that specific part of the lightmap i want to update.
It almost sounds like what you want to do is render the lights to your color map, then use your color map as a texture, but instead of decal mode set it to modulate mode, so it's multiplied with the existing color instead of just replacing it.
That is different in one way though: instead of just affecting the vertexes, it'll map to the individual fragments (pixels, in essence).
Edit: What I had in mind wasn't a 3D texture -- it was a cube map. Basically, create a virtual cube surrounding everything in your "world". Create a 2D texture for each face of that cube. Render your coloring to the cube map. Then, to color a vertex you (virtually) extend a ray outward from the center, through the vertex, to the cube. The pixel you hit on the cube map gives you the color of lighting for that vertex.
Updating should be relatively efficient -- you have normal 2D textures for the top, bottom, front, etc., and you update them as needed.
If you cant use the fixed function pipeline functionality the best way to do per vertex lighting should be to do all the lighting calculations per vertex in the vertex-shader, when you then pass it on the the fragment shader it will be correctly interpolated across the face.
Another way to deal with performances issues when using a lot of light sources is to use deferred rendering as it will only do lighting calculation on the geometry that is actually visible.
That is possible, but will not be effective on the current hardware.
You want to render light volumes into 3d texture. The rasterizer works on a 2D surface, so your volumes have to be split along one of the axises. The split can be done in one of the following ways:
Different draw calls for each split
Instanced draw, with layer selection based on glInstanceID (will require geometry shader)
Branch in geometry shader directly from a single draw call
In order to implement it, I would suggest reading GL-3 specification and examples. It's not going to be easy, nor it will be fast enough in the result for complex scenes.