Programatically unzip an AES encrypted zip file on Windows - c++

I need to be able to unzip some AES (WinZip) encrypted zip files from within some C/C++ code on Windows. Has anybody got a way to do this? I'm hoping for either some appropriate code or a DLL I can use (with an example usage). So far my searches have proved fruitless.
The commonly prescribed InfoZip libraries do not support AES encryption.
The best solution I have at the moment is calling the 7z.exe command line program from my program, but considering I'll be unzipping 100 files or so, this is less than ideal.

Here is the minizip zlib contribution with AES support for both encryption and decryption.

DotNetZip can do it. If you're not averse to using Managed C++.
From the DotNetZip documentation, this is the code to create an AES Encrypted zip file. (The code to extract is similar).
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace Ionic::Zip;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
ZipFile ^ zip;
zip = gcnew ZipFile();
zip->Password = "Harbinger";
zip->Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm::WinZipAes128;
zip->AddEntry("Readme.txt", "This is the content for the Readme.txt entry.");
Console::WriteLine(L"Press <ENTER> to quit.");
return 0;
Also - I wrote DotNetZip so I have a certain amount of favoritism toward it! But I don't see what's wrong with exec'ing 7z.exe 100 times? Are you concerned about performance? is the best choice.


how i could solve this problem with ifstream

when I run this code its only work with visual studio, in online compiler always tell me "cant opening file"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
ifstream input("C:/Users/ACER/Desktop/words.txt");
if (!input.is_open())
cout << "cant opening file";
return 0;
An online compiler probably cannot open file on your computer using C++ code since that's not how the web works. It would have to route through some Javascript system, which is possible to create, however it seems the creators did not implement that when setting up their compiler.
You might try using file://C:/Users/ACER/Desktop/words.txt and double checking your path. Web browsers use that file:// thing when accessing local file i.e. if you had a web page on your computer it could be like file://C:/Users/ACER/Documents/index.html or something.
If that doesn't work, it just doesn't have the capability to load or save local files like that.
When you were attempting to use the code on an online compiler, most of the time you are actually compiling the code on their server, instead of on your computer.
What that means is that when you are trying to open "C:/Users/ACER/Desktop/words.txt", you are actually attempting to open a text file that is located on their server. And in most cases, you wouldn't be permitted to lookup any directory other than the one you are in. Even if you were permitted to do that for some reason, the chances they also have that text file on their server in the same location is gonna be really low.
Some comments above mentioned that many online compilers often don't have the facility to manipulate files. One that I often use do have the ability to do so in case you were looking for one:
.Note that the working directory is defaulted as your root directory.

SHA1+RSA - Help using Botan in C++

I'm developing a WebService client in C++ for "Electronic Invoice" in Argentina. The webservice client and the xml treatment is not a problem but the cryptographic part give some headache (I'm quite new in this topic).
I'm reading the Botan documentation and found an example somewhat similar to what I need but I'm having difficulties adapting it.
I need to encrypt the XML in SHA1+RSA using the certificates and encode the result in Base64.
The official documentation provide examples in many languages unfortunately C++ is not one of them, I use the php example as start point to create my PoC code in C++.
The exact problem is this.
I have this XML example:
<loginTicketRequest version="1.0"><header><uniqueId>1560949868</uniqueId><generationTime>2019-06-19T10:10:08-03:00</generationTime><expirationTime>2019-06-19T10:12:08-03:00</expirationTime></header><service>wsfe</service></loginTicketRequest>
this XML became in this Base64 string
using this PHP function
$STATUS=openssl_pkcs7_sign("TRA.xml", "TRA.tmp", "file://".CERT,
array("file://".PRIVATEKEY, PASSPHRASE),
Where CERT and PRIVATEKEY are the public and private keys, PASSPHRASE is an empty string and the file TRA.xml contains the XML example provided above.
You can download the public and private key from this link
Example Certificates
Botan Example in C++
#include <botan/pkcs8.h>
#include <botan/hex.h>
#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
#include <botan/pubkey.h>
#include <botan/auto_rng.h>
#include <botan/rng.h>
#include <iostream>
int main (intargc,char*argv[])
std::string plaintext("Your great-grandfather gave this watch to your granddad for good luck. Unfortunately, Dane's luck wasn't as good as his old man's.");
std::vector<uint8_t> pt(,;
std::unique_ptr<Botan::RandomNumberGenerator> rng(newBotan::AutoSeeded_RNG);
//load keypair
std::unique_ptr<Botan::Private_Key> kp(Botan::PKCS8::load_key(argv[1],*rng.get()));
//encrypt with pk
Botan::PK_Encryptor_EME enc(*kp,*rng.get(), "EME1(SHA-256)");
std::vector<uint8_t> ct = enc.encrypt(pt,*rng.get());
//decrypt with sk
Botan::PK_Decryptor_EME dec(*kp,*rng.get(), "EME1(SHA-256)");
std::cout << std::endl << "enc: " << Botan::hex_encode(ct) << std::endl << "dec: "<< Botan::hex_encode(dec.decrypt(ct));
return 0; //Edited :D, Thanks jww
I need to encrypt the XML in SHA1+RSA using the certificates and encode the result in Base64. Any help will be very appreciated.
I'm a little bit confused about your main question. Guess you have to mention it more obvious. But as I noticed the problem is how to encrypt using your public RSA key and SHA-1 hash function! (Am I right?)
So in that case I would say the EME1(SHA-256) that you could see in encryptor/decryptor objects aren't the bulk encryption algorithm and hash function used for encryption. They are padding algorithms!
In Botan there are tls_channel and tls_callbacks which handle the whole process of encryption and decryption between two sides. Take a further look at them.
Also if Botan is not mandatory I suggest you to use Openssl in evp.h file the function EVP_SealInit will may help you by letting pick your desired algorithm with const EVP_CIPHER *type input. For more info check this link

How to create a text file in a folder on the desktop

I have a problem in my project. There is a project folder on my desktop. I want to create a text file and write something include this text file. That is my code:
ofstream example("/Users/sample/Desktop/save.txt");
But I want to it could been run the other mac. I don't know what I should write addres for save.txt.
Can anyone help me?
Create a file and write some text to it is simple, here is a sample code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
std::ofstream o("/Users/sample/Desktop/save.txt");
o << "Hello, World\n" << std::endl;
return 0;
I hope that answers your question but I am not sure if i understand your question correctly, If not please add the details correctly of what you are trying to acheive.
Okay I guess the comment clears the problem.
Your real question is, You want to save the file in the desktop of the user who is playing the game. So getting the path of the current user's desktop is the problem.
I am not sure if there is an portable way to get desktop path but it can be done in following ways:
In Windows:
Using the SHGetSpecialFolderPath() function.
Sample code:
char saveLocation[MAX_PATH] = {0};
SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, saveLocation, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, FALSE);
//Now saveLocation contains the path to the desktop
//Append your file name to it
ofstream o(saveLocation);
In Linux:
By using environment variables $HOME
sample code:
string path(getenv("HOME"));
path += "/Desktop/save.txt";
ofstream o(path);
Rules defining where-you-should-save-file vary from platform to platform. One option would be to have it part of your compile script (that is you #define SAVEGAME_PATH as part of your compilation configuration), and thus your code itself remain more platform-agnostic.
The alternative is to find a save-data-management library that is already designed to be ported across different platforms. Whether it'd be a C or C++ or whatever-binary-interoperable library then no longer matters.
Just don't expect that to be part of C++ (the language).
if you want your program to run across platform,you'd better use the
relative path.
eg. "./output.txt",or better “GetSystemDirectory()”to obtain the system
directory to create a file,and then you could write or read the file
with the same path..

replacement for findfirst() and findnext()

Is there any replacement for findfirst() and findnext().
I am using microsoft visual c++ 2010 express and it doesn't support these functions neither the header file <dir.h> ?
I was looking to count the number of files in the directory using these functions but i am having a problem without these functions.
If there is no replacement of the mentioned functions is there any other way out. ? Some other functions ?
As 'iammilind' said in the comments (probably worthy of an answer) - you can use the windows api's FindFirstFile and FindNextFile functions, you just have to fill up a struct and iterate through the latter until you reach an invalid handle. These functions do work on console, but you must include the 'Windows.h' header.
These functions do come with a couple of pitfalls however, and if you want your code to run on anything other than windows you're probably better off using another header/library (such as Boost::Filesystem, mentioned by vBx).
Also, this may be of help:
C++ - Load all filename + count the number of files in a current directory + filter file extension
You can use Boost.Filesystem for that
In Windows you can use: _findnext, _findnext64, _findnexti64, _wfindnext, _wfindnext64, _wfindnexti64
If you use MinGW Developer Studio, this might help:
Assuming that you have the files in the dir you want to look will be:
The code for the two files matching the pattern "s*" will be:
int main()
// the input pattern and output struct
char *pattern = "s*";
struct _finddata_t fileinfo;
// first file (sample1.txt)
int x = _findfirst(pattern, &fileinfo);
printf("%s" ,;
// next file (sample2.txt)
_findnext(x, &fileinfo);
printf("%s" ,;

Decompression and extraction of files from streaming archive on the fly

I'm writing a browser plugin, similiar to Flash and Java in that it starts downloading a file (.jar or .swf) as soon as it gets displayed. Java waits (I believe) until the entire jar files is loaded, but Flash does not. I want the same ability, but with a compressed archive file. I would like to access files in the archive as soon as the bytes necessary for their decompression are downloaded.
For example I'm downloading the archive into a memory buffer, and as soon as the first file is possible to decompress, I want to be able to decompress it (also to a memory buffer).
Are there any formats/libraries that support this?
EDIT: If possible, I'd prefer a single file format instead of separate ones for compression and archiving, like gz/bzip2 and tar.
There are 2 issues here
How to write the code.
What format to use.
On the file format, You can't use the .ZIP format because .ZIP puts the table of contents at the end of the file. That means you'd have to download the entire file before you can know what's in it. Zip has headers you can scan for but those headers are not the official list of what's in the file.
Zip explicitly puts the table of contents at the end because it allows fast adding a files.
Assume you have a zip file with contains files 'a', 'b', and 'c'. You want to update 'c'. It's perfectly valid in zip to read the table of contents, append the new c, write a new table of contents pointing to the new 'c' but the old 'c' is still in the file. If you scan for headers you'll end up seeing the old 'c' since it's still in the file.
This feature of appending was an explicit design goal of zip. It comes from the 1980s when a zip could span multiple floppy discs. If you needed to add a file it would suck to have to read all N discs just to re-write the entire zip file. So instead the format just lets you append updated files to the end which means it only needs the last disc. It just reads the old TOC, appends the new files, writes a new TOC.
Gzipped tar files don't have this problem. Tar files are stored header, file, header file, and the compression is on top of that so it's possible to decompress as the file it's downloaded and use the files as they become available. You can create gzipped tar files easily in windows using winrar (commercial) or 7-zip (free) and on linux, osx and cygwin use the tar command.
On the code to write,
O3D does this and is open source so you can look at the code
The decompression code is in o3d/import/cross/...
It targets the NPAPI using some glue which can be found in o3d/plugin/cross
Check out the boost::zlib filters. They make using zlib a snap.
Here's the sample from the boost docs that will decompress a file and write it to the console:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/copy.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp>
int main()
using namespace std;
ifstream file("hello.z", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
filtering_streambuf<input> in;
boost::iostreams::copy(in, cout);
Sure, zlib for example uses z_stream for incremental compression and decompression via functions inflateInit, inflate, deflateInit, deflate. libzip2 has similar abilities.
For incremental extraction from the archive (as it gets deflated), look e.g. to the good old tar format.