matching table tag by regular expression in php - regex

I need to match a substring in php substring is like
<table class="tdicerik" id="dgVeriler"
I wrote a regular expression to it like <table\s*\sid=\"dgVeriler\" but it didnot work where is my problem ?

You forgot a dot:
would have worked.
would have been better (making the repetition lazy, matching as little as possible).
would have been better still (making sure that we don't accidentally match outside of the <table>tag).
And not trying to parse HTML with regular expressions, using a parser instead, would probably have been best.

I dont know what you want get but try this:


In ANT, can replacefilter token be a wildcard?

Like in:
<replace file="${src}/index.html" token="</copyright>beginning text*end text<copyright>" value="wombat"/>
Where "</copyright>beginning text*end text<copyright>" is some kind of string that I don't know the middle content of.
I've got a situation where I'm not 100% sure that the text I want to replace will be the same everytime.
If you want to match patterns, use the replaceregexp task. See
It has pretty much the same usage syntax but accepts regular expressions as the match string.

Can someone tell me the regular expression for this?

I am working with regular expressions, I need to create an expression for validating strings against the following scenario:
Solution.<word1|word2|word3>.<word4|word5>.anyword.(any word containing proj in it)
I tried
But this allows strings like Solution.word1.word4.blabla.blabla.csproj, meaning it allows anything before the proj because of the .*.
Can someone help me with this??
Looks like you need this regex:
RegEx Demo
You might want to try (need to escape the . and allow capturing group to have chars except .):
It's hard to consider the actual strings you want to allow without more clarification.
You can try the following regular expression.

Regular Expression to find multiple instances of %%{ANYTHING}%%

I'm in need of a regular expression which can pull out anything which is wrapped in '%%'- so this regular expression would match only the following:
I've tried lots of different methods, and am sure there is a way to achieve this- but i'm struggeling as of yet. I mainly end up getting it where it will match everything from the first %% to the last %% in the string- which is not what i want. i think i need something like forward lookups, but struggling to implement
You need a non-greedy match, using the ? modifier:
See it working online: rubular
This can also be done be restricting what is allowed between the %s.
This is more widely supported than non-greedy matching, however
note that this won't match %%A%B%%. Although, if necessary, this can be done with some modifications:
Or equivalently

What is a better way to write this regular expression?

I am converting XML children into the element parameters and have a dirty regex script I used in Textmate. I know that dot (.) doesn't search for newlines, so this is how I got it to resolve.
grade="$13" language="$1" years="$11">
I know there's a better way to do this. Please help me build my regex skills further.
Use an xml parser, don't use regex to parse xml.
If there are no other tags inside the <education> element, I would change that part to:
If possible, I would use the same technique everywhere else you're using .*. In the case of the language attribute, it would take this form:

Regex not returning 2 groups

I'm having a bit of trouble with my regex and was wondering if anyone could please shed some light on what to do.
Basically, I have this Regex:
\[(link='\d+') (type='\w+')](.*|)\[/link]
For example, when I pass it the string:
[link='8' type='gig']Blur[/link] are playing [link='19' type='venue']Hyde Park[/link]"
It only returns a single match from the opening [link] tag to the last [/link] tag.
I'm just wondering if anyone could please help me with what to put in my (.*|) section to only select one [link][/link] section at a time.
You need to make the wildcard selection ungreedy with the "?" operator. I make it:
of course this all falls down for any kind of nesting, in which case the language is no longer regular and regexs aren't suitable - find a parser
Regular Expressions Info a is a fantastic site. This page gives an example of dealing with html tags. There's also an Eclipse plugin that lets you develop expressions and see the matching in realtime.
You need to make the .* in the middle of your regex non-greedy. Look up the syntax and/or flag for non-greedy mode in your flavor of regular expressions.