In ANT, can replacefilter token be a wildcard? - regex

Like in:
<replace file="${src}/index.html" token="</copyright>beginning text*end text<copyright>" value="wombat"/>
Where "</copyright>beginning text*end text<copyright>" is some kind of string that I don't know the middle content of.
I've got a situation where I'm not 100% sure that the text I want to replace will be the same everytime.

If you want to match patterns, use the replaceregexp task. See
It has pretty much the same usage syntax but accepts regular expressions as the match string.


Regex capture words inside tags

Given an XML document, I'd like to be able to pick out individual key/value pairsfrom a particular tag:
<aaa>key0:val0 key1:val1 key2:va2</aaa>
I'd like to get back
So far I have
Which will match everything inside, but as one result.
I also have
[^\s][\w]*:[\w]*[^\s] which will also match correctly in groups on this:
key0:val0 key1:val1 key2:va2
But not with the tags. I believe this is an issue with searching for subgroups and I'm not sure how to get around it.
You cannot combine the two expressions in the way you want, because you have to match each occurrence of "key:value".
So in what you came up with - (?<=<abc>)([\w]*:[\w]*[\s]*)+(?=<\/abc>) - there are two matching groups. The bigger one matches everything inside the tags, while the other matches a single "key:value" occurrence. The regex engine cannot give each individual occurence because it does not work that way. So it just gives you the last one.
If you think in python, on the matcher object obtained after applying you regex, you will have access to and, because you have two matching ( ) groups in the regex.
But what you want is the n occurences of "key:value". So it's easier to just run the simpler \w+:\w+ regex on the string inside the tags.
I uploaded this one at parsemarket, and I'm not sure its what you are looking for, but maybe something like this:
AFAIK, unless you know how many k:v pairs are in the tags, you can't capture all of them in one regex. So, if there are only three, you could do something like this:
But I would think you would want to do some sort of loop with whatever language you are using. Or, as some of the comments suggest, use the parser classes in the language. I've used BeautifulSoup in Python for HTML.

Is there a function to create a regex pattern from a string input?

I'm lousy at regular expressions but occasionally they're the only thing that's the right solution for a problem.
Is there something in the .NET framework that allows you to input an unencoded string and get a pattern from it? Which you could then modify as required?
e.g. I want to remove a CDATA section that contains a file from some XML but I can't work out what the right pattern is for <![CDATA[hugepileofrandombinarydataherethatalsoneedstogo]]> and I don't want to ask for help each time I'm stuck on a regex pattern.
Such tools exist, google by "regex generator".
But, as suggested in comments, better learn regex. Simple patterns are easy. Something like <!\[.*?]]>
in your case.
There are Regex Design tools like expresso...
It's not perfect but as there is no suitable .Net component the text to regex page at is the best I've seen for those people who occasionally need to build a regex to match a string but don't have the time to relearn regex each time they want to use one.

Exclude a certain String from variable in regex

Hi I have a Stylesheet where i use xsl:analyze-string with the following regex:
(&journal_abbrevs;)[\s ]*([0-9]{{4}})[,][\s ][S]?[\.]?[\s ]?([0-9]{{1,4}})([\s ][(][0-9]{{1,4}}[)])?
You don't need to look at the whole thing :)
&journal_abbrevs; looks like this:
What I need to do know is exclude one of the strings in &journal_abbrevs; from this regex. E.g. I don't want example-String1 to be matched.
Any ideas on how to do that ?
It seems XSLT regex does not support look-around. So I don't think you'll be able to get a solution for this that does not involve writing out all strings from journal_abbrevs in your regex. Related question.
To minimize the amount of writing out, you could split journal_abbrevs into say journal_abbrevs1, journal_abbrevs2 and journal_abbrevs3 (or how many you decide to use) and only write out whichever one that contains the string you wish to exclude. If journal_abbrevs1 contains the string, you'd then end up with something like:
If it supported look-around, you could've used a very simple:

matching table tag by regular expression in php

I need to match a substring in php substring is like
<table class="tdicerik" id="dgVeriler"
I wrote a regular expression to it like <table\s*\sid=\"dgVeriler\" but it didnot work where is my problem ?
You forgot a dot:
would have worked.
would have been better (making the repetition lazy, matching as little as possible).
would have been better still (making sure that we don't accidentally match outside of the <table>tag).
And not trying to parse HTML with regular expressions, using a parser instead, would probably have been best.
I dont know what you want get but try this:

What is a better way to write this regular expression?

I am converting XML children into the element parameters and have a dirty regex script I used in Textmate. I know that dot (.) doesn't search for newlines, so this is how I got it to resolve.
grade="$13" language="$1" years="$11">
I know there's a better way to do this. Please help me build my regex skills further.
Use an xml parser, don't use regex to parse xml.
If there are no other tags inside the <education> element, I would change that part to:
If possible, I would use the same technique everywhere else you're using .*. In the case of the language attribute, it would take this form: