c++ - escape special characters - c++

I need to escape all special characters and replace national characters and get "plain text" for a tablename.
string getTableName(string name)
My string could be "šárka65_%&." and I want to get string I can use in my database as a tablename.

Which DBMS?
In standard SQL, a name enclosed in double quotes is a delimited identifier and may contain any characters.
In MS SQL Server, a name enclosed in square brackets is a delimited identifier.
In MySQL, a name enclosed in back-ticks is a delimieted identifier.
You could simply choose to enclose the name in the appropriate markers.
I had a feeling that wasn't what you wanted...
What codeset is your string in? It seems to be UTF-8 by the time it gets to my browser. Do you need to be able to invert the mapping unambiguously? That is harder.
You can use many schemes to map the information:
One simple minded one is simply to hex-encode everything, using a marker (X) to protect against leading digits:
One slightly less simple minded one is hex-encode anything that is not already an ASCII alphanumeric or underscore.
Or, as a comment suggests, you can devise a mapping table for accented Latin letters - indeed, a mapping table appropriately initialized will be the fastest approach. The input is the character in the source string; the output is the desired mapped character or characters. If you use an 8-bit character set, this is entirely manageable. If you use full Unicode, it is a lot less manageable (not least, how do you map all the Han syllabary to ASCII?).
Or ...


How to manage file name in flutter

I have a string and it's going to be a filename . So i want to check if there is a special characters that i'm going to replace them so i won't be a problem when i'm going to create the file . is it a good practice to replace them with "_" ?
i' used this is it correct ? is there other characters excepts alphabet and number can be used on file name ? Which characters should I avoid in file names
String filename = ch.replaceAll(RegExp('[^A-Za-z0-9]'), '_');
The list of allowed filename characters depends on the underlying filesystem. On (most) Unix, anything except / and \0 is allowed. On Windows, the rules get weird. For example, you (usually) can't end a filename with a period; you can't name a file NUL, etc.
Other considerations: It would be confusing to allow spaces at the beginning/end of a filename. Spaces within a filename break certain tools (looking at you, make). Is your filesystem case-sensitive or case-preserving? Does it have a maximum filename length?
Which characters should I avoid in file names?
Wrong question. Do you have a particular need to allow "unusual" characters in filenames?
If these are machine-generated names, just do what you're doing (I prefer hyphens, but that's a stylistic decision). If these are user-generated filenames, just try saving the file -- if it fails, get the user to choose another name.
tl;dr: use URL-safe characters: [A-Za-z0-9_-]+.

i am building a program for Urdu language analysis so how can I make my program to accept text file in Urdu language in c++

I am building a language analysis program I have a program which counts the words in text and give the ratio of every word in text as a output, but this program can not work on file containing Urdu text. how can I make it work
Urdu may be presented in two¹ forms: Unicode and Code Page 868. This is convenient to you because the two ranges do not overlap. It is inconvenient because the Unicode code range is U+0600 – U+06FF, which means encoding is an issue:
CP-868 will encode each one as a single-byte value in the range 128–252
UTF-8 will encode each one as a two-byte sequence with bits 110x xxxx and 10xx xxxx
UTF-16 encodes every character as two-byte entities
UTF-32 encodes every character as four-byte entities
This means that you should be aware of encoding issues, and for an easy life, use UTF-16 internally (std::u16string), and accept files as (default) UTF-8 / CP-868, or as UTF-16/32 if there is a BOM indicating such.
Your other option is to simply require all input to be UTF-8 / CP-868.
¹ AFAIK. There may be other ways of storing Urdu text.
  Three forms. See comments below.
Word separation
As you know, the end of a word is generally marked with a special letter form.
So, all you need is a table of end-of-word letters listing letters in both the CP-868 range and the Unicode Arabic text range.
Then, every time you find a space or a letter in that table you know you have found the end of a word.
As you read words, store them in a histogram. For C++ a map <u16string, size_t> will do. The actual content of each word does not matter.
After that you have all the information necessary to print stats about the text.
The approach presented above is designed to be simple at the cost of some correctness. If you are doing something for the workplace, for example, and assuming it matters, you should also consider:
Normalizing word forms
For example, the same word may be presented in standard Arabic text codes or using the Urdu-specific codes. If you do not convert to the Urdu equivalent characters then you will have two words that should compare equal but do not.
Use something internally consistent. I recommend UZT, as it is the most complete Urdu text representation. You will also need an additional lookup for the original text representation from the UZT representation.
As complete a dictionary (as an unordered_set <u16string>) of words in Urdu as you can get.
This is how it is done with languages like Japanese, for example, to find breaks between words.
Then use the dictionary to find all the words you can, and fall back on letterform recognition and/or spaces for what remains.

How to prevent illegal characters error in DB2 SQL query?

I'm working with a huge DB2 table (hundreds of millions of rows), trying to select only the rows that are matched by this regular expression:
\b\d([- \/\\]?\d){12,15}(\D|$)
(That is, a word boundary, followed by 13 to 16 digits separated by nothing or a single dash, space, slash, or backslash, followed be either a non-digit or the end of the line.)
After much Googling, I've managed to create the following SQL:
SELECT idx, comment FROM tblComment
WHERE xmlcast(xmlquery('fn:matches($c,"\b\d([- \/\\]?\d){12,15}(\D|$)")' PASSING comment AS "c") AS INTEGER)=1
Which works perfectly, as far as I can tell... unless it finds a row with an illegal character:
An illegal XML character "#x3" was found in an SQL/XML expression or function argument that begins with string [...]
The data contains many illegal XML characters, and changing the data is not an option (I have limited read-only access, and there are far too many rows that would need to be fixed). Is there a way to strip out or ignore illegal characters, without first modifying the database? Or, is there a different way for me to write my query that has the same effect?
You will have to identify what are all the illegal XML characters that occur in your data. Once you know them, you can use the TRANSLATE() function to eliminate them during the pattern matching.
Say, you determine that all ASCII control characters (0x00 through 0x0F and 0x7F) may be present in the COMMENT column. Your query might then look like:
SELECT idx, comment FROM tblComment
WHERE xmlcast(xmlquery(
'fn:matches($c,"\b\d([- \/\\]?\d){12,15}(\D|$)")'
PASSING TRANSLATE(comment, ' ', x'01020304050607080B0C0F7F') AS "c")
All legal XML characters are listed in the manual. 0x09, 0x0A and 0x0D are legal, so you don't need to TRANSLATE() them, for example.

How do I remove words from multilingual text?

I have two versions of the same document (D, say) containing multilingual text (English and others):
I. One is encoded in ASCII with Unicode code-points represented as character entity references (i.e. Unicode characters are of the form &#N, where N is the decimal equivalent of the Unicode hex value)
II. The other is UTF-8 encoding.
Q 1:
I have a separate list of words (encoded in UTF-8, and in more than one language), that I have to remove from the document D. How should I proceed?
Can I use regex to clean D? For doc type I, I believe I have to specify the whole &#N patterns for each word in the list when I form the regex.
Should the task be easier for doc type II, now that I can specify the non-English characters directly in the regex (my emacs is configured to use these non-English fonts) ?
Q 2:
I have a huge collections of such document D's. What should be the best algorithm to remove words from each of these documents? A table look-up is straight-forward but probably the slowest. Should I regex through each?
I suggest processing the entities first so that the two sorts of files look the same. When you’re done removing, put the first set back into their encoded form.

Using preg_replace/ preg_match with UTF-8 characters - specifically Māori macrons

I'm writing some autosuggest functionality which suggests page names that relate to the terms entered in the search box on our website.
For example typing in "rubbish" would suggest "Rubbish & Recycling", "Rubbish Collection Centres" etc.
I am running into a problem that some of our page names include macrons - specifically the macron used to correctly spell "Māori" (the indigenous people of New Zealand).
Users are going to type "maori" into the search box and I want to be able to return pages such as "Māori History".
The autosuggestion is sourced from a cached array built from all the pages and keywords. To try and locate Māori I've been trying various regex expressions like:
Which also returns page titles containing "Moorings" but not "Māori". How does preg_match/ preg_replace see characters like "ā" and how should I construct the regex to pick them up?
Use the /u modifier for utf-8 mode in regexes,
You're better of on a whole with doing an iconv('utf-8','ascii//TRANSLIT',$string) on both name & search and comparing those.
One thing you need to remember is that UTF-8 gives you multi-byte characters for anything outside of ASCII. I don't know if the string $page_title is being treated as a Unicode object or a dumb byte string. If it's the byte string option, you're going to have to do double dots there to catch it instead, or {1,4}. And even then you're going to have to verify the up to four bytes you grab between the M and the o form a singular valid UTF-8 character. This is all moot if PHP does unicode right, I haven't used it in years so I can't vouch for it.
The other issue to consider is that ā can be constructed in two ways; one as a single character (U+0101) and one as TWO unicode characters ('a' plus a combining diacritic in the U+0300 range). You're likely just only going to ever get the former, but be aware that the latter is also possible.
The only language I know of that does this stuff reliably well is Perl 6, which has all kinds on insane modifiers for internationalized text in regexps.