How does Boost.Python work? - c++

How is Python able to call C++ objects when the interpreter is C and has been built w/ a C compiler?

Boost.Python has special macros that declare functions with extern "C" so the Python interpreter will be able to call them. It's kind of complicated, but you can look at the Boost documentation for more info.

Python declares a C-API (see or This API defines a generic object type called PyObject which is just a normal C struct. This structure defines (nearly) everything a python object can do, e.g., what happens when do additions or comparisons on this object or simply call it like a function.
Because python types are also objects (and therefore are represented in C by a PyObject structure), defining a new type is a simple matter of defining a new PyObject struct like that one. When methods are called in Python, the interpreter forwards the call to C functions associated with this structure.
As long as a given (compiled) extension provides the correct entry points such that the Python interpreter can introspect it and find out what is available (the documentation I indicated above does explain this in details), then it can use these objects like any other object you normally have available at the prompt - which BTW, are constructed using the very same C-API. It suffices you import the compiled extension.
I hope it is somewhat clear how the Python interpreter calls stuff from compiled extensions from the above. The sole missing gap is how the C-API calls the C++ code.
Boost.Python does this by declaring C entry points in code along the lines as explained here: Elegantly call C++ from C. Every time you call, e.g., boost::python::class_, it does this for the type you declare to python, creating therefore a PyObject that represents your class, with the name you choose. As you call .def on this class you go filling in the internal slots of that structure, declaring more methods, operators and attributes of your new type. Each of these internal slots points to a C-style function that is nothing but a wrapper to the equivalent C++ call.

C++ can interoperate with C by extern "C" declarations.


Creating a new c++ object from within a lua script?

I want to have a class called "fileProcessor". This class is completely static and merely serves as a convinient namespace (within my normal library namespace) for some global function. This is a basic blueprint of the class with only the relevant stuff
class fileProcessor{
lua_State* LUA_state;
static std::variant<type1,type2> processFile(const char* filePath,const char* processorScript);
Please note again that I ommitted most of the stuff from the class so if anything seems odd ignore it.
What process file is supposed to do is:
Read the filePath file, storing all directives including it (this is my own filetype or style of syntax. This is already handeled correctly). The directives are stored with strings, one for the command and one for everything after it.
Read the script file and check if it has a commented out fileProcessor line at the top. This is to make sure that the lua script loaded is relevant and not some random behaviour script
Load and compile the lua script.
Make all read directives available (they are saved in a struct of 2 strings as mentioned before)
Run the file and recieve a object back. The object should only be of types that I listed in the return type (variant)
I am having problems with step 4 and one vital part of the scripting.
How can I make the creation of a full new object of type1 or type2 possible within lua, write to it from within lua and then get it back from the lua stack into c++ and still know if its type1 or type2?
---No example provided since this question is more general and the only reason I provided my class is for context.---
It seems like you are trying to do it the other way around. I quote a part of this answer: are expecting Lua to be the primary language, and C++ to be the client. The problem is, that the Lua C interface is not designed to work like that, Lua is meant to be the client, and all the hard work is meant to be written in C so that Lua can call it effortlessly.
If you are convinced there is no other way that doing it other way around you can follow the workaround that answer has given. Otherwise I think you can achieve what you need by using LUA as it meant to be.
LUA has 8 basic types (nil, boolean, number, string, userdata, function, thread, and table). But you can add new types as you require by creating a class as the new type in native C++ and registering it with LUA.
You can register by either:
Using some LUA helper for C++ like luna.h (as shown in this tutorial).
Pushing a new lua table with the C++ class (check this answer).
Class object instance is created in your native C++ code and passed to LUA. LUA then makes use of the methods given by the class interface.

Using c++ object in c

I am writing code in c++. I need to support few basic data types and something like BigInt. This types will be exposed to outside world(through header file), which might also include c program.
Should I implement BigInt like data type as struct or class?
The confusion is because
1. If I implement it as class, as OO advantages, I can do all processing in class. But I may have to implement some work around for c programs
2. If I implement it as struct I need not do anything special for c programs, but I loose modularity and ease of implementation.
basically C couldn't access C++ objects, either struct/class (they're the same in C++, only differs in default visibility specifier). You have to create procedural wrapper for the C++ object (i.e. creation, method call, destruction, etc).
For creation, create a function that returns opaque pointer (in C++, this would be the object pointer). For method call, add the returned pointer (from creation function above) as one of the (typically first) parameter. For destruction it's the same as method call, but typically receives no other parameter other than the pointer above.
If you plan on using it in C, I suggest you write it in C. C++ gets along with C a million times better than C gets along with C++. Another option would be to write it in C and then provide a thin C++ wrapper that gives it an OO interface.

SWIG:Lua - Passing a c++ instance as a lua function parameter

I'm exporting some c++ classes to Lua with SWIG. I have declared boost::filesystem::path in the SWIG interface file like this:
namespace boost
namespace filesystem
class path {};
Now I want to call a function declared in a lua script which should take a boost::filesystem::path& as parameter to pass it to another object. I only need to be able to pass the path to the object. I don't need to use any functionality from the path object.
function on_path_selected(the_path)
I am going to call the Lua function from c++ using it's index.
lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_function_index);
lua_push[SOMETHING](L, path_object); // <-- HOW TO ?
THE QUESTION: How to push a boost::filesystem::path as a parameter to the Lua function?
This is actually fairly complicated. The expected use of SWIG is to create modules for Lua. The Lua script should be the one deciding what gets called and what doesn't. It isn't really meant for embedded use, where you use SWIG to expose some C++ objects and then call Lua code directly from your application.
That's not to say that it's impossible, just complicated.
All SWIG-based C++ objects are passed through Lua as pointers. Thus ownership is a question; you can't just shove a pointer to a stack object into Lua.
The safest way to do this is to pass a new copy of the object to Lua. That way, Lua owns the pointer. SWIG will know that Lua owns the pointer, and will attach a proper garbage collection mechanism to it to clean it up. So everything should be fine, memory wise.
But doing this requires properly "boxing" (for want of a better term) that object the way that SWIG wants it done. This requires using certain SWIG macros.
Given how you have bound the path type to SWIG, you would do something like this to stick it onto a Lua stack:
swig_type_info *pathType = SWIG_TypeQuery("boost::filesystem::path *");
boost::filesystem::path *pArg = new boost::filesystem::path(the_path);
SWIG_NewPointerObj(L, pArg, pathType, 1);
SWIG_TypeQuery fetches the type of any object that has been bound by SWIG to Lua. This type info object is needed for SWIG_NewPointerObj, which takes a pointer to that type. Both of these are macros. SWIG_NewPointerObj gives Lua ownership of the pointer; Lua's garbage collector will delete it thanks to SWIG's metatables. Also SWIG_NewPointerObj pushes the object onto the lua_State stack.
Once it's on the stack, you can pretty much do whatever you want with it. Return it from a function to Lua, pass it to a Lua function as an argument, stick it in a global variable, etc. It's a Lua value.
Now, if you type this code into your project, odds are good that you'll get a compile error when the compiler sees swig_type_info. This type is defined internally within the source file generated by SWIG's command-line.
You have two options:
Put this source code into the .swig file itself. Yes, really. You can define regular C++ functions there, within verbatum sections (the %{ %} delimited blocks). These functions will be copied directly into SWIG's generated code. You can access them by putting prototypes in headers. This is the simplest and easiest way to work. This is often used for creating special interfaces, where a pre-existing C++ function isn't appropriate for a Lua API (or simply doesn't exist).
You can generate an appropriate header that contains these definitions with the -external-runtime argument. This has to be a different SWIG execution step from the step that generates the .cpp file. See, it doesn't actually process the SWIG file or anything. All it needs is the target language (-lua) and whether you're using C++ (-c++).So just have a command that does swig -c++ -lua -external-runtime someheader.h, and that's all you need to get the types and macros.
Include that header in whatever source you want to attach SWIG-bound objects to Lua in.

JNI non-Java class members

I want to create a Java wrapper against some third-party library with C interface. The library operates on a complex Context entity which is essentially a C++ object (C++ is used internally in that library, but API is in pure C). It would be natural to wrap this entity into a class accessible from Java. For that, a pointer to Context should be stored somewhere.
I see two options to do this:
to declare a new member on java side (as long, for example) and convert it to pointer type inside JNI methods implementation
to declare a new member in JNI header (That might be illegal if Java relies on the size of structure it gerenated for me by javah)
All the tutorials on JNI are too simple to give me a hint on how to wrap a complex entities with Java classes, any links on more verbose documentation are appreciated.
I also want to know where it is appropriate to call Context destruction function (C++ destructor inside) I don't want to use Java finalize for that as Java don't favor finalize methods and I supect there is a way to define a destruction procedure on native side.

c++ library with c interface

i need to write a library in c++ , usable by client to do some operations in a remote server. The only thing in the specific i haven't done yet it's: The c++ library need a C interface. Let me explain better:
From client using this lib i need to do call something like:
int operation(void* addr);
if int<0 error
and so..
But the library it's a class in c++.
So my answer is.. Need I a global variable holding the instance of class in the library?
The are some better option to develop this C interface of C++ class?
Thx in advice for answer.
You can use the PIMPL idiom in the C wrapper. You provide a method YourClass_Create that internally calls the constructor (using new) and returns the pointer to your class instance; for the client code this will be just an opaque handle (it may be a typedef for void *), to be passed to every function of your C interface to specify on which instance it has to work (just like FILE * in stdio).
All these functions will have to do is to call the corresponding method on the handle (converted back to a pointer to your class) and translate exceptions to error codes.
As #jdv-Jan de Vaan pointed out in his comment, don't forget the necessary #ifdefed extern "C" {} around your C wrapper code, otherwise you may get linker errors.