Least Recently Used cache using C++ - c++

I am trying to implement LRU Cache using C++ . I would like to know what is the best design for implementing them. I know LRU should provide find(), add an element and remove an element. The remove should remove the LRU element. what is the best ADTs to implement this
For ex: If I use a map with element as value and time counter as key I can search in O(logn) time, Inserting is O(n), deleting is O(logn).

One major issue with LRU caches is that there is little "const" operations, most will change the underlying representation (if only because they bump the element accessed).
This is of course very inconvenient, because it means it's not a traditional STL container, and therefore any idea of exhibiting iterators is quite complicated: when the iterator is dereferenced this is an access, which should modify the list we are iterating on... oh my.
And there are the performances consideration, both in term of speed and memory consumption.
It is unfortunate, but you'll need some way to organize your data in a queue (LRU) (with the possibility to remove elements from the middle) and this means your elements will have to be independant from one another. A std::list fits, of course, but it's more than you need. A singly-linked list is sufficient here, since you don't need to iterate the list backward (you just want a queue, after all).
However one major drawback of those is their poor locality of reference, if you need more speed you'll need to provide your own custom (pool ?) allocator for the nodes, so that they are kept as close together as possible. This will also alleviate heap fragmentation somewhat.
Next, you obviously need an index structure (for the cache bit). The most natural is to turn toward a hash map. std::tr1::unordered_map, std::unordered_map or boost::unordered_map are normally good quality implementation, some should be available to you. They also allocate extra nodes for hash collision handling, you might prefer other kinds of hash maps, check out Wikipedia's article on the subject and read about the characteristics of the various implementation technics.
Continuing, there is the (obvious) threading support. If you don't need thread support, then it's fine, if you do however, it's a bit more complicated:
As I said, there is little const operation on such a structure, thus you don't really need to differentiate Read/Write accesses
Internal locking is fine, but you might find that it doesn't play nice with your uses. The issue with internal locking is that it doesn't support the concept of "transaction" since it relinquish the lock between each call. If this is your case, transform your object into a mutex and provide a std::unique_ptr<Lock> lock() method (in debug, you can assert than the lock is taken at the entry point of each method)
There is (in locking strategies) the issue of reentrance, ie the ability to "relock" the mutex from within the same thread, check Boost.Thread for more information about the various locks and mutexes available
Finally, there is the issue of error reporting. Since it is expected that a cache may not be able to retrieve the data you put in, I would consider using an exception "poor taste". Consider either pointers (Value*) or Boost.Optional (boost::optional<Value&>). I would prefer Boost.Optional because its semantic is clear.

The best way to implement an LRU is to use the combination of a std::list and stdext::hash_map (want to use only std then std::map).
Store the data in the list so that
the least recently used in at the
last and use the map to point to the
list items.
For "get" use the map to get the
list addr and retrieve the data
and move the current node to the
first(since this was used now) and update the map.
For "insert" remove the last element
from the list and add the new data
to the front and update the map.
This is the fastest you can get, If you are using a hash_map you should almost have all the operations done in O(1). If using std::map it should take O(logn) in all cases.
A very good implementation is available here

This article describes a couple of C++ LRU cache implementations (one using STL, one using boost::bimap).

When you say priority, I think "heap" which naturally leads to increase-key and delete-min.

I would not make the cache visible to the outside world at all if I could avoid it. I'd just have a collection (of whatever) and handle the caching invisibly, adding and removing items as needed, but the external interface would be exactly that of the underlying collection.
As far as the implementation goes, a heap is probably the most obvious. It has complexities roughly similar to a map, but instead of building a tree from linked nodes, it arranges items in an array and the "links" are implicit based on array indices. This increases the storage density of your cache and improves locality in the "real" (physical) processor cache.

I suggest a heap and maybe a Fibonacci Heap

I'd go with a normal heap in C++.
With the std::make_heap (guaranteed by the standard to be O(n)), std::pop_heap, and std::push_heap in #include, implementing it would be absolutely cake. You only have to worry about increase-key.


Memory efficient std::map alternative

I'm using a std::map to store about 20 million entries. If they were stored without any container overhead, it would take approximately 650MB of memory. However, since they are stored using std::map, it uses up about 15GB of memory (i.e. too much).
The reason I am using an std::map is because I need to find keys that are equal to/larger/smaller than x. This is why something like sparsehash wouldn't work (since, using that, I cannot find keys by comparison).
Is there an alternative to using std::map (or ordered maps in general) that would result in less memory usage?
EDIT: Writing performance is much more important than reading performance. It will probably only read ~10 entries, but I don't know which entries it will read.
One alternative would be to use flat_map from Boost.Containers: that supports the same interface as std::map, but is backed by a sorted contiguous array (think std::vector) instead of a tree. Or hand-roll your own solution based on the same idea.
Its performance characteristic is of course different, due to the different back-end. It's up to you to evaluate whether it's usable in your case.
Are you writing on-the-fly or one time before the lookup is done? If the later is the case, you shouldn't need a map, you could use std::vector and one-time sort.
You could just insert everything unsorted to the vector, sort one-time after everything is there (O(N * log N) as well as std::map, but much better performance characteristics) and then lookup in the sorted array (O(logN) as the std::map).
And especially if you know the number of elements before reading and could reserve the vector size upfront, that could work pretty well. Or at least if you know some "upper bound" to reserve perhaps slightly more than actually needed but avoid the reallocations.
Given your requirements:
Insertion needs to be quick
There are many elements to read
Read-back can be slow
You only read back data once
I'd consider typedef std::pair<uint64, thirty_six_byte_struct> element; and populate a std::list<element>. That will be hard to beat in terms of performance.
For reading back, I'd simply traverse the linked list, checking at every point if you need one of those elements. That's a O(N) traversal but as you say, you'll only do that once.
Turns out the issue wasn't std::map.
I realized was using 3 separate maps to represent various parts of the same data, and after slimming it down to 1, the difference in memory was entirely negligible.
Looking at the code a little more, I realized code I had written to free a really expensive struct (per element of the map) didn't actually work.
Fixing that part, it now uses <1GB of memory, as it should! :)
TL;DR: std::map's overhead is entirely negligible for this. The issue was my own.

Initializing a std::map when the size is known in advance

I would like to initialize a std::map. For now I am using ::insert but I feel I am wasting some computational time since I already know the size I want to allocate. Is there a way to allocate a fixed size map and then fill the map ?
No, the members of the map are internally stored in a tree structure. There is no way to build the tree until you know the keys and values that are to be stored.
The short answer is: yes, this is possible, but it's not trivial. You need to define a custom allocator for your map. The basic idea is that your custom allocator will set aside a single block of memory for the map. As the map requires new nodes, the allocator will simply assign them addresses within the pre-allocated block. Something like this:
std::map<KeyType, ValueType, std::less<KeyType>, MyAllocator> myMap;
myMap.get_allocator().reserve( nodeSize * numberOfNodes );
There are a number of issues you'll have to deal with, however.
First, you don't really know the size of each map node or how many allocations the map will perform. These are internal implementation details. You can experiment to find out, but you can't assume that the results will hold across different compilers (or even future versions of the same compiler). Therefore, you shouldn't worry about allocating a "fixed" size map. Rather, your goal should be to reduce the number of allocations required to a handful.
Second, this strategy becomes quite a bit more complex if you want to support deletion.
Third, don't forget memory alignment issues. The pointers your allocator returns must be properly aligned for the various types of objects the memory will store.
All that being said, before you try this, make sure it's necessary. Memory allocation can be very expensive, but you still shouldn't assume that it's a problem for your program. Measure to find out. You should also consider alternative strategies that more naturally allow pre-allocation. For example, a sorted list or a std::unordered_map.
Not sure if this answers your question, but Boost.Container has a flat_map in which you can reserve space. Basically you can see this as a sorted vector of (key, value) pairs. Tip: if you also know that your input is sorted, you can use insert with hint for maximal performance.
There are several good answers to this question already, but they miss some primary points.
Initialize the map directly
The map knows the size up front if initialized directly with iterators:
auto mymap = std::map(it_begin, it_end);
This is the best way to dodge the issue. If you are agnostic about the implementation, the map can then know the size up front from the iterators and you moved the issue to the std:: implementation to worry about.
Alternatively use insert with iterators instead, that is:
mymap.insert(it_begin, it_end);
See: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/map/insert
Beware of Premature optimization
but I feel I am wasting some computational time.
This sounds a lot like you are optimization prematurely (meaning you do not know where the bottleneck is - you are guessing or seeing an issue that isn't really one). Instead, measure first and then do optimization - repeat if necessary.
Memory allocation could already be optimized, to a large degree
Rolling your own block allocator for the map could be close to fruitless. On modern system(here I include OS/hardware and the C++ language level) memory allocation is already very well optimized for the general case and you could be looking at little or no improvement if rolling your own block allocator. Even if you take a lot of care and get the map into one contiguous array - while an improvement in itself - you could still be facing the problem that in the end, the elements could be placed randomly in the array (eg. insertion order) and be less cache friendly anyway (this very much depending on your actual use case though - I'm assuming a super large data-set).
Use another container or third party map
If you are still facing this issue - the best approach is probably to use another container (eg. a sorted std::vector - use std::lower_bound for lookups) or use a third party map optimized for how you are using the map. A good example is flat_map from boost - see this answer.
Let the std::map worry about the issue.
When performance is the main issue: use a data structure (perhaps 3rd party) that best suits how your data is being used (random inserts or bulk inserts / mostly iteration or mostly lookups / etc.). You then need to profile and gather performance metrics to compare.
You are talking about block allocators. But it is hard to implement. Measure before think about such hard things. Anyway Boost has some articles about implementing block allocator. Or use already implemented preallocated map Stree

Quickest Queue Container (C++)

I'm using queue's and priority queues, through which I plan on pumping a lot of data quite quickly.
Therefore, I want my q's and pq's to be responsive to additions and subtractions.
What are the relative merits of using a vector, list, or deque as the underlying container?
At the time of writing, both Mike Seymour and Steve Townsend's answers below are worth reading. Thanks both!
The only way to be sure how the choice effects performance is to measure it, in a situation similar to your expected use cases. That said, here are some observations:
For std::queue:
std::deque is usually the best choice; it supports all the necessary operations in constant time, and allocates memory in chunks as it grows.
std::list also supports the necessary operations, but may be slower due to more memory allocations; in special circumstances, you might be able to get good results by allocating from a dedicated object pool, but that's not entirely straightforward.
std::vector can't be used as it doesn't have a pop_front() operation; such an operation would be slow, as it would have to move all the remaining elements.
A potentially faster, but less flexible, alternative is to implement a circular buffer over a fixed-size array (e.g. std::array, or a std::vector that you don't resize). You'll need to deal with the case of it filling up, either by reporting an error, or allocating a larger buffer and copying all the data.
For std::priority_queue:
std::vector is usually the best choice; it grows exponentially (reducing the number of memory allocations), and is a simple data structure that's very fast to access - an iterator can be implemented simply as a wrapper around a pointer.
std::deque may be slower as it typically grows linearly (requiring more memory allocation), and access is more complicated than with a vector.
std::list can't be used as it doesn't provide random access.
To summarise - the defaults are usually the best choice, but if speed really is important, then measure the alternatives.
I would use std::queue for your basic queue which is (by default at least) a wrapper on deque. Do something more special-purpose if that does not work for you.
std::priority_queue also exists (over vector by default) but the added semantics make it more likely that you could have to roll your own here, depending on perf observed for your particular access pattern.
vector has storage characteristics which make it very ill-suited to removal from front of the dataset. A lot of shuffling down to be done every time you pop_front. For a simple queue, avoid this.
list is likely to be too expensive for any high-hit queue, because by contract it has to offer function you don't need. It could be a candidate for use as a priority queue but my instinct is always to trust the STL.
vector would implement a stack as your fast insertion is at the end and fast removal is also at the end. If you want a FIFO queue, vector would be the wrong implementation to use.
deque or list both provide constant time insertion at either end. list is good for LRU caches where you want to move elements out of the middle fast and where you want your iterators to remain valid no matter how much you move them about. deque is generally used when insertions and deletions are at the end.
The main thing I need to ask about your collection is whether they are accessed by multiple threads. I sort-of assume they are, in which case one of your primary aims is to reduce locking. This is best done if you at least have a multi_push and multi_get feature so that you can put more than one element on at a time without any locking.
There are also lock-free containers or semi-lock-free containers.
You will probably find that your locking strategy is more important than any performance in the collection itself as long as your operations are all constant-time.

Choosing a STL Container for a very large list

I have a very large list of items (~2 millions) that I want to optimize for access speed. I iterate trough the items using an iterator (++it).
Right now the code is implemented using std:map<std::wstring, STRUCT>.
I wonder if it's worth to change std::map with a std::deque<std::pair<std::wstring, STRUCT>>. I think I would have advantage of using pointer arithmetic and minimize cache miss. It worths ?
I know that profiling is the answer but I need an opinion before implementing this ...
If you know in advance the size, then std::Vector is clearly the way to go it your objects aren't too big.
std::vector<Object> list;
And then fill it as usual.
This is the fastest and least memory consuming approach. However, you need to be able to allocate enought continous memory. But excepted if your object are 1kb big, it shouldn't be a problem.
With deque, you would lose ( or would have to re-implement ) the advantage of Key-Value pairs. If it's not essential for your data, I would consider using deque.
Generally, if you're only doing search in this set (no insertions/deletions), you're probably better off using a sorted sequential cointainer, like deque or vector. You can then use simple binary search to find the needed elements. The advantage of using a sequential container is that it is better in terms of memory usage, has very simple implementation, and provides better locality of reference. I'd write one version of the code using vector, and another version of the code using deque, then compare them in terms of preformance to decide which one to use in the final version.
However, if your structure needs to be updated (new elements need to be inserted or old elements have to be deleted frequently), map is better choice. Or maybe, you just have to drop STL containers altogether and just use an in-memory database (see SQLite), but it highly depends on what problem you're solving.
The fastest container to iterate through is usually a vector, so if you want to optimize for iteration at the expense of everything else, use that.
Overall app performance of course will depend how many times you iterate, and how you construct your data in the first place. For a simple test, once your map has been populated you can construct a vector from it as follows:
vector<pair<K,V> > myvec(mymap.begin(), mymap.end());
Where K and V are the key and value types of the map. Then just use the vector iterators in place of the map iterators and compare performance.
Of course, if you want to modify the map in future, then normally it would not be appropriate to optimize for iteration at the expense of everything else.

sort() function in C++

I found two forms of sort() in C++:
1) sort(begin, end);
2) XXX.sort();
One can be used directly without an object, and one is working with an object.
Is that all? What's the differences between these two sort()? They are from the same library or not? Is the second a method of XXX?
Can I use it like this
vector<int> myvector
list<int> mylist;
std::sort is a function template that works with any pair of random-access iterators. Consequently, the algorithm implemented by std::sort is tailored (optimized) for random access. Most of the time it is going to be some flavor of quick-sort.
std::list::sort is a dedicated list-oriented version of sort. std::list is a container that does not support [efficient] random access, which means that you can't use std::sort with it. This creates the need for a dedicated sorting algorithm. Most of the time it will be implemented as some flavor of merge-sort.
std::list includes a sort() member, because there are ways to do sorting efficiently that work for lists, but almost nothing else. If you tried to use the same sorting implementation for a list as everything else, one of them wouldn't work very well, so they provide a special one for list.
Most of the time, you should use std::sort, and forget that std::list even exists. It's useful in a few very specific circumstances, but they're sufficiently rare that using it is a mistake at least 90% of the time that people think they should.
Edit: The situation is not that using std::list::sort is a mistake, but that using std::list is usually a mistake. There are a couple of reasons for this. First of all, std::list requires a couple of pointers in addition to space for each item you store, so unless your data is fairly large, it can impose a substantial space overhead. Second, since each node is allocated individually, traversing nodes tends to be fairly slow (locality of reference is low, so cache utilization tends to be poor). Finally, although you can insert or delete an element from the middle of a list with constant complexity, you (normally) need to use a linear-complexity traversal of the list to find the right point at which to insert or delete that item. Couple that with the poor cache utilization, and you get insertions and deletions in the middle of a linked list usually being slower than with something like a vector or deque.
The other 10% of the time (or maybe somewhat less than that) is when you can reasonably store a position in the list in the long term, and (at least typically) plan on making a number of insertions and deletions at (close to) that same point, without traversing the linked list each time to find the right place. If you make enough modifications to the list at (or close to) the same place, you can amortize the list traversal over a number of insertions and deletions. If you make enough modifications at (close to) the same place, you can come out ahead.
That can work out well in a few cases, but forces you to store more "state" data for a long period of time, mostly to make up for the deficiencies in the data structure itself. To the extent possible, I prefer to make individual operations close to pure and atomic, so they minimize dependence (and effect) on long-term data. In the single-threaded case, this mostly helped modularity, but with multi-core, multithreaded (etc.) programming, it can also have a substantial effect on efficiency and difficulty of development. Access to that long-term data generally requires thread synchronization.
That's not to say that avoiding list will automatically make your programs lots faster, or anything like that -- just that I find situations where it's really useful to be quite rare, and a lot of situations that seem to fit what people have been told about when a linked list will be useful, really aren't.
std::sort only works with random-access iterators. That limits it to arrays, vector and deque (and user-defined types which provide random access).
std::list is a linked list which doesn't support random access. The generic sort function doesn't work for it. And even if it did, it would be suboptimal. A linked list is not sorted by copying data from node to node - it is sorted by relinking the nodes.
std::sort also wouldn't work for other containers (sets and maps), but those are always sorted anyway.