Monads and Actors - concurrency

I've been trying to find anything that discusses when you should favor the use of monads over actors (in concurrency scenarios), but I've found nothing. In particular, I'm wondering about the use of the Reactive Extensions (LINQ to Events) vs. F#'s MailboxProcessor. Please give examples in addition to any philosophical reasoning you might have.
For better context, the Reactive Extensions implement the continuation monad in the form of IObservable/IObserver. I'm not necessarily saying I have to use F#, just that F# has a concrete "actor model" available in a .NET language in the form of MailboxProcessor<'T>.
What I'm trying to understand is when to use a monad (in this case a continuation monad) vs. an actor model for concurrency purposes. Where the monad (as I understand it) doesn't introduce state, the actor has its own internal state that is modified as necessary to provide protected access.
I've seen a number of examples of using both: Rx and node.js (CPS, not really the continuation monad) vs. F#'s MailboxProcessor and Scala's Akka framework. I just don't know why you would choose one over the other.

I'm not sure that the question makes sense as phrased - there are many different monads (e.g. the identity monad, the list monad, the option monad, ...), most of which have nothing to do with concurrency. Furthermore, it would be helpful to know more about the particular scenario that you're dealing with - "concurrency" is a bit of a nebulous topic. Depending on what you're trying to achieve, F#'s async workflows (which are built on the Async monad) might be your best bet.
If you're using F#, I'd recommend against using LINQ-to-anything directly, since those libraries have a very alien feel when accessed via F#. You could, however, create pleasant F# wrappers (such as the existing Seq and Observable modules). Additionally, for monadic types, you could create a computation expression builder (e.g. you could create a builder using the Reactive Extensions which would enable you to use computation expressions to build and compose IObservables).

Please excuse my newbie-ness as I'm just learning F#.
I'm intrigued to see the use of RX in place of a MailboxProcessor, if you have any links to relevant materials.
With my limited understanding; I would choose MbP's in my own code as events are a bit messy to set up in F# (from what I can take from this article: MSDN). And you need events for RX to hook into right?
Where as with a MbP all I need is a discriminated union of messages, a list of functions I wish to be executed when a given message is received. And the mail box processor that handles this.
This all looks pretty neat in the code. I can bunch my MbP's together in a module then my "object" module looks like
Message DU
Wrapper with some getters and setters that post data to the MbP
For me this looks a lot neater than it would If I wrote my code with events as described in that MSDN article I linked to.
Though I am just an F# junior so I may be a miles off with my reckoning and it is a look-&-feel thing rather than a suitability-for-purpose choice (as I'm not qualified to make that call, yet)

Would you accept answers from the Scala world?
If you seek "a purely functional alternative to actor model" then please see this great post from Paul Chiusano's blog
(archived here:
and some references below:
Actors do not Compose
Akka’s Actors are not Usefully Typed
The type system is the reason we use Scala.
Unfortunately, the current API suffers from a few drawbacks, which are to a good degree associated with the lack of type safety
Status of this Project and Relation to Akka Actors
Akka Typed is the result of many years of research and previous attempts (including Typed Channels in the 2.2.x series) and it is on its way to stabilization, but maturing such a profound change to the core concept of Akka will take a long time
A side-effect of this is that behaviors can now be tested in isolation without having to be packaged into an Actor, tests can run fully synchronously without having to worry about timeouts and spurious failures. Another side-effect is that behaviors can nicely be composed and decorated
Composable application architecture with reasonably priced monads
The concept of "function passing style" from Heather Miller might be key to a distributed functional programming model.
SF Scala: Heather Miller, Function-Passing Style, A New Model for Distributed Programming
Update 12/2018 : now we can use Aecor which provide the means to:
implement business domain logic with a functional programming model and
use an Akka based runtime
"behaviors belong to the domain layer and runtime is out there in the infrastructure layer."

I'm going to respond to my own question and say you should use both. This is based on Don Syme's post. A MbP uses the Async computation to do its work, and the Async is a thread-aware continuation monad. Looks like you can use it by itself for some uses, but the MbP definitely requires it.
I don't really like this answer, and I'd be happy for someone to respond with a better explanation of when to use each.
See MiniRx, which is now apart of FSharpx, for an implementation of an Rx-style monad implemented using MailboxProcessor. As MailboxProcessor is itself implemented using the async monad, these pieced to indeed work together. They are just different means of abstraction.


Coroutines and handling async in clojure(script) best practices?

There seems to be a myriad of implementations for 'coroutines' or asynchronous logic in clojure, many of the talks by Rich Hickey and other potential authorities on the matter are from almost a decade ago and I'm trying to find out what is the latest and greatest, best practice way to handle this problem.
My favorite abstraction for this type of thing is lua coroutines, but I think these may be a strictly imperative style of doing things, and I'm a little confused as to what the functional way is instead.
In lua though it's really simple and easy with coroutines to:
A) Non-busy wait for X seconds.
B) Non-busy wait for a variable or function to be a specific value, such as true
A can probably be achieved using setTimeout, but B can't really, at least I don't know how. I'm also not sure setTimeout is the best practice for these types of problems?
In a 2013 blog post, Rich Hickey describes the motivations for clojure.core.async. While the JVM has some applications, the primary motive was to give the illusion of threads to the single-threaded Javascript environment.
The "simulated multithreading" provided by clojure.core.async is not as robust as using actual JVM threads (especially when Exceptions/Errors occur), so it is of limited use for JVM Clojure. This will be even more true when Java virtual threads become a reality.
So if you are in ClojureScript, clojure.core.async is much better than nothing (i.e. callback hell). However, even JS is contemplating a multithreading model via WebAssembly, so an alternative to clojure.core.async could exist for ClojureScript in the future.

Lisp-family: how to escape object-oriented java-like thinking? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Backstory: I've made a lot of large and relatively complex projects in Java, have a lot of experience in embedded C programming. I've got acquainted with scheme and CL syntax and wrote some simple programms with racket.
Question: I've planned a rather big project and want to do it in racket. I've heard a lot of "if you "get" lisp, you will become a better programmer", etc. But every time I try to plan or write a program I still "decompose" the task with familiar stateful objects with interfaces.
Are there "design patterns" for lisp? How to "get" lisp-family "mojo"? How to escape object-oriented constraint on your thinking? How to apply functional programming ideas boosted by powerful macro-facitilties? I tried studying source code of big projects on github (Light Table, for instance) and got more confused, rather than enlightened.
EDIT1 (less ambigious questions): is there a good literatue on the topic, that you can recommend or are there good open source projects written in cl/scheme/clojure that are of high quality and can serve as a good example?
A number of "paradigms" have come into fashion over the years:
structured programming, object oriented, functional, etc. More will come.
Even after a paradigm falls out of fashion, it can still be good at solving the particular problems that first made it popular.
So for example using OOP for a GUI is still natural. (Most GUI frameworks have a bunch of states modified by messages/events.)
Racket is multi-paradigm. It has a class system. I rarely use it,
but it's available when an OO approach makes sense for the problem.
Common Lisp has multimethods and CLOS. Clojure has multimethods and Java class interop.
And anyway, basic stateful OOP ~= mutating a variable in a closure:
#lang racket
;; My First Little Object
(define obj
(let ([val #f])
[(list) val]
[(list 'double) (set! val (* 2 val))]
[(list v) (set! val v)])))
obj ;#<procedure:obj>
(obj) ;#f
(obj 42)
(obj) ;42
(obj 'double)
(obj) ;84
Is this a great object system? No. But it helps you see that the essence of OOP is encapsulating state with functions that modify it. And you can do this in Lisp, easily.
What I'm getting at: I don't think using Lisp is about being "anti-OOP" or "pro-functional". Instead, it's a great way to play with (and use in production) the basic building blocks of programming. You can explore different paradigms. You can experiment with ideas like "code is data and vice versa".
I don't see Lisp as some sort of spiritual experience. At most, it's like Zen, and satori is the realization that all of these paradigms are just different sides of the same coin. They're all wonderful, and they all suck. The paradigm pointing at the solution, is not the solution. Blah blah blah. :)
My practical advice is, it sounds like you want to round out your experience with functional programming. If you must do this the first time on a big project, that's challenging. But in that case, try to break your program into pieces that "maintain state" vs. "calculate things". The latter are where you can try to focus on "being more functional". Look for opportunities to write pure functions. Chain them together. Learn how to use higher-order functions. And finally, connect them to the rest of your application -- which can continue to be stateful and OOP and imperative. That's OK, for now, and maybe forever.
A way to compare programming in OO vs Lisp (and "functional" programming in general) is to look at what each "paradigm" enables for the programmer.
One viewpoint in this line of reasoning, which looks at representations of data, is that the OO style makes it easier to extend data representations, but makes it more difficult to add operations on data. In contrast, the functional style makes it easier to add operations but harder to add new data representations.
Concretely, if there is a Printer interface, with OO, it's very easy to add a new HPPrinter class that implements the interface, but if you want to add a new method to an existing interface, you must edit every existing class that implements the interface, which is more difficult and may be impossible if the class definitions are hidden in a library.
In contrast, with the functional style, functions (instead of classes) are the unit of code, so one can easily add a new operation (just write a function). However, each function is responsible for dispatching according to the kind of input, so adding a new data representation requires editing all existing functions that operate on that kind of data.
Determining which style is more appropriate for your domain depends on whether you are more likely to add representations or operations.
This is a high-level generalization of course, and each style has developed solutions to cope with the tradeoffs mentioned (eg mixins for OO), but I think it still holds to a large degree.
Here is a well-known academic paper that captured the idea 25 years ago.
Here are some notes from a recent course (I taught) describing the same philosophy.
(Note that the course follows the How to Design Programs curriculum, which initially emphasizes the functional approach, but later transitions to the OO style.)
edit: Of course this only answers part of your question and does not address the (more or less orthogonal) topic of macros. For that I refer to Greg Hendershott's excellent tutorial.
A personal view:
If you parameterise an object design in the names of the classes and their methods - as you might do with C++ templates - then you end up with something that looks quite like a functional design. In other words, functional programming does not make useless distinctions between similar structures because their parts go by different names.
My exposure has been to Clojure, which tries to steal the good bit from object programming
working to interfaces
while discarding the dodgy and useless bits
concrete inheritance
traditional data hiding.
Opinions vary about how successful this programme has been.
Since Clojure is expressed in Java (or some equivalent), not only can objects do what functions can do, there is a regular mapping from one to the other.
So where can any functional advantage lie? I'd say expressiveness. There are lots of repetitive things you do in programs that are not worth capturing in Java - who used lambdas before Java provided compact syntax for them? Yet the mechanism was always there.
And Lisps have macros, which have the effect of making all structures first class. And there's a synergy between these aspects that you will enjoy.
The "Gang of 4" design patterns apply to the Lisp family just as much as they do to other languages. I use CL, so this is more of a CL perspective/commentary.
Here's the difference: Think in terms of methods that operate on families of types. That's what defgeneric and defmethod are all about. You should use defstruct and defclass as containers for your data, keeping in mind that all you really get are accessors to the data. defmethod is basically your usual class method (more or less) from the perspective of an operator on a group of classes or types (multiple inheritance.)
You'll find that you'll use defun and define a lot. That's normal. When you do see commonality in parameter lists and associated types, then you'll optimize using defgeneric/defmethod. (Look for CL quadtree code on github, for an example.)
Macros: Useful when you need to glue code around a set of forms. Like when you need to ensure that resources are reclaimed (closing files) or the C++ "protocol" style using protected virtual methods to ensure specific pre- and post-processing.
And, finally, don't hesitate to return a lambda to encapsulate internal machinery. That's probably the best way to implement an iterator ("let over lambda" style.)
Hope this gets you started.

what is the relationship among different approaches of F# concurrency

I'm recently learn F# asynchronous workflows, which is an important feature of F# concurrency. What confused me is that how many approaches to write concurrent code in F#? I read Except F#, and some blog about F# concurrency, I know things like background workers; IAsyncResult; If programming on local machine, there is shard-memory concurrency in F#; If programming on distributed system, there is message-passing concurrency. But I really not sure what is the relationship between these techniques, and how to classify them. I understand it is quite a "big" question cannot be answer with one or two sentences, so I would definitely appreciate if anyone can give me specific answer or recommend me some useful references.
I'm also rather new to F#, so I hope more answers come to complement this one :)
The first thing is you need to distinguish between .NET classes (which can be used from any .NET language) and F# unique ways to deal with asynchronous operations. In the first case as you mention and among others, you have:
System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker: This was used mainly in the first .NET versions with Windows Forms and it's not recommended anymore.
System.IAsyncResult: This is also an old .NET interface implemented by several classes (also Task) but I don't usually use it directly.
Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation: Another interface but used only in Windows Store apps. Most of the times you translate it directly to Task, so you don't have to worry too much about it.
System.Threading.Tasks.Task: This is the recommended way now to handle .NET asynchronous and parallel (with the Parallel Task Library) operations. It's the hidden force behind C# async/await keywords, which are just syntactic sugar to pass continuations to Tasks.
So now with F# unique ways: Asynchronous Workflows and MailboxProcessor. It can roughly be said the former corresponds to parallelism while the latter deals with concurrency.
Asynchronous Workflows: This is just a computation expression (aka monad) which happens to deal with asynchrony: operations that run in the background to prevent blocking the UI thread or parallel operations to get the maximum performance in multi-core systems.
It's more or less the equivalent to C# async/await but we F# fans like to think it's a more elegant solution because it uses a more generic and flexible mechanism (computation expressions) which can be adapted for example to asynchronous sequences, events or even Javascript callbacks. It has also other advantages as Thomas Petricek explains here.
Within an asynchronous workflow most of the time you'll be using the methods in Control.Async or the extensions to .NET classes (like WebRequest.AsyncGetResponse) from the F# Core Library. If necessary, you can also interact directly with .NET Tasks (Async.AwaitTask and Async.StartAsTask) or even easily create your own async operations with Async.StartWithContinuations.
To learn more about asynchronous workflows you can consult the MSDN documentation, the magnificent Scott Wlaschin's site, Tomas Petricek's blog or the F# Wikibook.
Control.MailboxProcessor: Designed to deal with concurrency, that is, several processes running at the same time which usually need to share some information. The traditional .NET way to prevent memory corruption when several threads try to write a variable at the same time was the lock statement. Besides the fact that functional style prefers to use immutable values, memory locks are complicated to use properly and can also have a high performance penalty. So instead of this, MailboxProcessor uses an Erlang-like message-based (or actor-based) approach to concurrency.
I have not used MailboxProcessor myself that much, but for more info you can check Scott Wlaschin's site or the F# Wikibook.
I hope this helps! If someone sees something not completely correct in this answer, please feel free to edit it.

Comparison of Boost StateCharts vs. Samek's "Quantum Statecharts"

I've had heavy exposure to Miro Samek's "Quantum Hierarchical State Machine," but I'd like to know how it compares to Boost StateCharts - as told by someone who has worked with both. Any takers?
I know them both, although at different detail levels. But we can start with the differences I've came across, maybe there are more :-) .
First, the Quantum Platform provides a complete execution framework for UML state machines, whereas boost::statechart only helps the state machine implementations. As such, boost::statechart provides the same mechanism as the event processor of the Quantum Platform (QEP).
UML Conformance
Both approaches are designed to be UML conform. However, the Quantum Platform executes transition actions before exit actions of the respective state. This contradicts the UML, but in practice this is seldom a problem (if the developer is aware of it).
Boost::statechart is designed according to UML 1.4, but as far as I know the execution semantics did not change in UML 2.0 in an incompatible way (please correct me if I'm wrong), so this shouldn't be a problem either.
Supported UML features
Both implementations do not support the full UML state machine feature set. For example, parallel states (aka AND states) are not supported directly in QP. They have to be implemented manually by the user. Boost::statechart does not support internal transitions, because they were introduced in UML 2.0.
I think the exact features that each technique supports are easy to figure out in the documentation, so I don't list them here.
As a fact, both support the most important statechart features.
Other differences
Another difference is that QP is suitable for embedded applications, whereas boost::statechart maybe is, maybe not. The FAQ says "it depends" (see, but to me this is already a big warning sign.
Also, you have to take special measurements to get boost::statechart real-time capable (see FAQ).
So much to the differences that I know, tell me if you find more, I'd be interested!
I have also worked with both, let me elaborate on theDmi's great answer:
Trace capability:
QP also implements a powerful trace capability called QSpy which enables very fine granularity traces with filter capabilities. With boost you have to roll your own and you never get beyond a certain granularity.
Modern C++ Style and Compile time error checking:
While Boost MSM and Statecharts give horrid and extremely long error messages if you mess up (as does all code written by template geniuses I envy), this is far better than runtime error detection. QP uses Q_ASSERT() and similar macros to do some error checking but in general you have to watch yourself more with QP and code is less durable.
I also find the extensive use of the preprocessor in QP takes a bit of getting used to. It may be warranted to use the preprocessor rather than templates, virtual functions etc. because of QPs use in embedded systems where the C++ compilers are often worse and the hardware is less virtual function friendly but sometimes I wish Mr. Samek would make a C, a C++ and a Modern C++ version ;) Rumor has it I'm not the only one who hates the preprocessor.
Boost MSM is not good for anything above 20 states, Statecharts has pretty much no limit on states but the amount of transitions a state can have is limited by the mpl::vector/list constraints. QP is scalable to an insane degree, virtually unlimited states and transitions are possible. It should also be noted that QP state machines can be spread over many many files with few dependencies.
Model driven development:
because of its extreme scalability and flexibility QP is much better suited for Model Driven Development, see this article for a lengthy comparison:
Embedded designs:
QP is the only solution for any kind of embedded design in my mind. Its documented down to the bare bones so its easily portable, ports exist for many many common processors and it brings a lot of stuff with it beyond the state machine functionality. I particularly like the raw thread safe queues and memory management. I have never seen an embedded kernel I liked until I tried the RTC Kernel in QP (although it should be noted I have not used it in production code yet).
I am unfamiliar with Boost StateCharts, but something I feel Samek gets wrong is that he associates transition actions with state context. Transition actions should occur between states.
To understand why I don't like this style requires an example:
What if a state has two different transitions out? Then the events are different but the source state would be the same.
In Samek's formalism, transition actions are associated with a state context, so you have to have the same action on both transitions. In this way, Samek does not allow you to express a pure Mealy model.
While I have not provided a comparison to Boost StateCharts, I have provided you with some details on how to critique StateCharts implementations: by analyzing coupling among the various components that make up the implementation.

Methods for side-effects in purely functional programming languages

At the moment I'm aware of the following methods to integrate side-effects into purely functional programming languages:
effect systems
unique types
Monads are often cited to be the most effective and most general way to do this.
Which other methods exist? How do they compare?
Arrows, which are more general than monads.
The very simplest method is to simply pass around the environment between the functions. This is often used to teach scheme.
To me a more general way is via a monad/comonad pair. This generalizes the common "monad" approach which should correctly be called the "strong monad" approach, since it only works with strong monads.
Moving to a monad/comonad pair allows effects to be modeled that result in some variables no longer being available. An example where this is useful is the effect of migrating a thread to another host in a distributed setting.
An additional method of historical interest is to make the whole program a function mapping a stream/list of input events to a stream/list of output events. See: "How to Declare an Imperative" by Phil Wadler: