Methods for side-effects in purely functional programming languages - monads

At the moment I'm aware of the following methods to integrate side-effects into purely functional programming languages:
effect systems
unique types
Monads are often cited to be the most effective and most general way to do this.
Which other methods exist? How do they compare?

Arrows, which are more general than monads.

The very simplest method is to simply pass around the environment between the functions. This is often used to teach scheme.

To me a more general way is via a monad/comonad pair. This generalizes the common "monad" approach which should correctly be called the "strong monad" approach, since it only works with strong monads.
Moving to a monad/comonad pair allows effects to be modeled that result in some variables no longer being available. An example where this is useful is the effect of migrating a thread to another host in a distributed setting.
An additional method of historical interest is to make the whole program a function mapping a stream/list of input events to a stream/list of output events. See: "How to Declare an Imperative" by Phil Wadler:


Lisp-family: how to escape object-oriented java-like thinking? [closed]

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Backstory: I've made a lot of large and relatively complex projects in Java, have a lot of experience in embedded C programming. I've got acquainted with scheme and CL syntax and wrote some simple programms with racket.
Question: I've planned a rather big project and want to do it in racket. I've heard a lot of "if you "get" lisp, you will become a better programmer", etc. But every time I try to plan or write a program I still "decompose" the task with familiar stateful objects with interfaces.
Are there "design patterns" for lisp? How to "get" lisp-family "mojo"? How to escape object-oriented constraint on your thinking? How to apply functional programming ideas boosted by powerful macro-facitilties? I tried studying source code of big projects on github (Light Table, for instance) and got more confused, rather than enlightened.
EDIT1 (less ambigious questions): is there a good literatue on the topic, that you can recommend or are there good open source projects written in cl/scheme/clojure that are of high quality and can serve as a good example?
A number of "paradigms" have come into fashion over the years:
structured programming, object oriented, functional, etc. More will come.
Even after a paradigm falls out of fashion, it can still be good at solving the particular problems that first made it popular.
So for example using OOP for a GUI is still natural. (Most GUI frameworks have a bunch of states modified by messages/events.)
Racket is multi-paradigm. It has a class system. I rarely use it,
but it's available when an OO approach makes sense for the problem.
Common Lisp has multimethods and CLOS. Clojure has multimethods and Java class interop.
And anyway, basic stateful OOP ~= mutating a variable in a closure:
#lang racket
;; My First Little Object
(define obj
(let ([val #f])
[(list) val]
[(list 'double) (set! val (* 2 val))]
[(list v) (set! val v)])))
obj ;#<procedure:obj>
(obj) ;#f
(obj 42)
(obj) ;42
(obj 'double)
(obj) ;84
Is this a great object system? No. But it helps you see that the essence of OOP is encapsulating state with functions that modify it. And you can do this in Lisp, easily.
What I'm getting at: I don't think using Lisp is about being "anti-OOP" or "pro-functional". Instead, it's a great way to play with (and use in production) the basic building blocks of programming. You can explore different paradigms. You can experiment with ideas like "code is data and vice versa".
I don't see Lisp as some sort of spiritual experience. At most, it's like Zen, and satori is the realization that all of these paradigms are just different sides of the same coin. They're all wonderful, and they all suck. The paradigm pointing at the solution, is not the solution. Blah blah blah. :)
My practical advice is, it sounds like you want to round out your experience with functional programming. If you must do this the first time on a big project, that's challenging. But in that case, try to break your program into pieces that "maintain state" vs. "calculate things". The latter are where you can try to focus on "being more functional". Look for opportunities to write pure functions. Chain them together. Learn how to use higher-order functions. And finally, connect them to the rest of your application -- which can continue to be stateful and OOP and imperative. That's OK, for now, and maybe forever.
A way to compare programming in OO vs Lisp (and "functional" programming in general) is to look at what each "paradigm" enables for the programmer.
One viewpoint in this line of reasoning, which looks at representations of data, is that the OO style makes it easier to extend data representations, but makes it more difficult to add operations on data. In contrast, the functional style makes it easier to add operations but harder to add new data representations.
Concretely, if there is a Printer interface, with OO, it's very easy to add a new HPPrinter class that implements the interface, but if you want to add a new method to an existing interface, you must edit every existing class that implements the interface, which is more difficult and may be impossible if the class definitions are hidden in a library.
In contrast, with the functional style, functions (instead of classes) are the unit of code, so one can easily add a new operation (just write a function). However, each function is responsible for dispatching according to the kind of input, so adding a new data representation requires editing all existing functions that operate on that kind of data.
Determining which style is more appropriate for your domain depends on whether you are more likely to add representations or operations.
This is a high-level generalization of course, and each style has developed solutions to cope with the tradeoffs mentioned (eg mixins for OO), but I think it still holds to a large degree.
Here is a well-known academic paper that captured the idea 25 years ago.
Here are some notes from a recent course (I taught) describing the same philosophy.
(Note that the course follows the How to Design Programs curriculum, which initially emphasizes the functional approach, but later transitions to the OO style.)
edit: Of course this only answers part of your question and does not address the (more or less orthogonal) topic of macros. For that I refer to Greg Hendershott's excellent tutorial.
A personal view:
If you parameterise an object design in the names of the classes and their methods - as you might do with C++ templates - then you end up with something that looks quite like a functional design. In other words, functional programming does not make useless distinctions between similar structures because their parts go by different names.
My exposure has been to Clojure, which tries to steal the good bit from object programming
working to interfaces
while discarding the dodgy and useless bits
concrete inheritance
traditional data hiding.
Opinions vary about how successful this programme has been.
Since Clojure is expressed in Java (or some equivalent), not only can objects do what functions can do, there is a regular mapping from one to the other.
So where can any functional advantage lie? I'd say expressiveness. There are lots of repetitive things you do in programs that are not worth capturing in Java - who used lambdas before Java provided compact syntax for them? Yet the mechanism was always there.
And Lisps have macros, which have the effect of making all structures first class. And there's a synergy between these aspects that you will enjoy.
The "Gang of 4" design patterns apply to the Lisp family just as much as they do to other languages. I use CL, so this is more of a CL perspective/commentary.
Here's the difference: Think in terms of methods that operate on families of types. That's what defgeneric and defmethod are all about. You should use defstruct and defclass as containers for your data, keeping in mind that all you really get are accessors to the data. defmethod is basically your usual class method (more or less) from the perspective of an operator on a group of classes or types (multiple inheritance.)
You'll find that you'll use defun and define a lot. That's normal. When you do see commonality in parameter lists and associated types, then you'll optimize using defgeneric/defmethod. (Look for CL quadtree code on github, for an example.)
Macros: Useful when you need to glue code around a set of forms. Like when you need to ensure that resources are reclaimed (closing files) or the C++ "protocol" style using protected virtual methods to ensure specific pre- and post-processing.
And, finally, don't hesitate to return a lambda to encapsulate internal machinery. That's probably the best way to implement an iterator ("let over lambda" style.)
Hope this gets you started.

What is the use of monads in OCaml?

This might be a stupid question, but since OCaml is not pure and has side effects built-in, what is the use of monads in OCaml?
Monads have nothing to do with purity, except that a pure language without Monads would be almost entirely useless.
In layman's terms, a Monad is just a set of rules that describe how a sequence of steps can be executed. Having a Monad abstraction gives you the ability to define a DSL for executing stuff. A Monad can be built to intelligently handle things like exceptions, ATOMIC rollbacks/commits, retry logic, sleeping between each step, or whatever.
Here are some examples of Monads:
I realize that this list is for Haskell, which is a pure language, but don't let that confuse you.
You don't need to understand category theory to understand what a Monad is, contrary to popular belief. A monad basically has 2 things: (paraphrased from this wikipedia article)
A unit function, defined as (a -> M a), called "return" in Haskell, used to put a value into the context of a Monad.
A binding operation, defined as (M t -> (t -> M u) -> M u), which looks scary but if you look carefully, this is a function that gets invoked between each step of the process, this is where you inject the good stuff.
Depending on the language, there may be more things, but this is the heart of it.
Whilst OCaml supports the standard side-effects provided by most languages, this does not include all possible side-effects. There are a number of effects which OCaml does not provide native support for. Many of these effects can be encoded using Monads. For example,
Concurrency (see Lwt and Async libraries)
Non-deterministic choice
First-class continuations
Ambivalent choice and backtracking
Using more sophisticated representations of computation, such as parameterised monads, even more exotic effects can be encoded. For example,
Polymorphic state
Linear resources
While OCaml allows one to write imperative code it is still functional by its nature, it is used by functional programmers. And we prefer to use persistent data structures and algorithms whenever possible.
What concerning your question, then in particular monads are usefull, for asynchronous computations, e.g., Lwt, Async, where they're used to bind computations (instead of usual way of setting callbacks). Also, monads are used for error handling, instead of exceptions. Also, monads are very helpful in writing parsers, see mparser library. There're also other uses, I enumerated only the most popular.
In general monads just allow you to hide a complex control flow under simple sequential syntax.
This may be a lot more naive than the answer you want but a monad is just a simple abstraction that's useful for structuring computation. It's a little math thing like an equivalence relation (or for people smarter than I am, like a group). Once you learn what they are, you see them everywhere, and they help organize your thinking.

Clojure Protocols vs Types

Despite the title, this is a genuine question, not an attempt at Emacs/Vi flamewars.
I've used Haskell for a few months, and written a small ~10K LOC interpreter. In the past year, I've switched to Clojure. For quite a while, I struggled with Clojure's lack of types. Then I switched into using defrecords in Clojure, and now, switched to Clojure's defprotocols.
I really really like defprotocols. In fact, more than types.
I'm now at the point where for my Clojure functions, for it's documentation string, I just specify:
* the protocols of the inputs
* the protocols of the outputs
Using this, it appears I now have an ad-hoc type system (not compiler checked; but human checked).
I suspect there's something about types that I'm missing. What does types provide over protocols?
Questioning the question...
Your question "What [do] types provide over protocols?" seems awkward to me. Types and protocols are perpendicular; They describe different things. Types/records define structure of data, while Protocols define the structure of some behavior or functionality. And part of why this question seems weird to me is that these things are not mutually exlusive! You can have types implement a protocol, thereby giving them whatever behaviour/functionality that protocol describes. In fact, since your context makes it clear that you have been using protocols, I have to wonder how you've been using them. My guess is that you've been using them with records (or possibly reifying them), but you could just as easily use protocols and (def)types together.
So to me, it seems you've compared apples with oranges here. To help clarify, let me compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges with a couple of different questions:
What problems do protocols solve, and what are the alternatives and their respective advantages/disadvantages?
Protocols let you define functions that operate in different ways on different types. The only other ways to do this are multimethods and simple function logic:
multimethods: have value in being extremely flexible. You can dispatch behavior on type by passing type as the dispatch function, but you can also use any other arbitrary function for dispatching.
internal function logic: You can also (of course) manually check for types in conditionals in your function definitions to decide how to process differently given different types. This is more primitive than multimethod dispatch, and also less extensible. Except in simple cases, multimethods are preferred.
Protocols have the advantage of being much more performant, being based on JVM class/method dispatch, which has been highly optimized. Additionally, protocols were designed to address the expression problem (great read), which makes them really powerful tools for crafting nice, modular, extensible APIs.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of (def)records or reify over (def)types?
On the side of how we specify the structure of data, we have a number of options available:
(def)records: produce a type good for "representing application domain information" (from; worth a read)
(def)types: produce a lighter weight type for creating "artifacts of the implementation/programming domain", such as the standard collection types
reify: construct a one-off object with an anonymous type implementing one or more protocols; good for... one-off things which need to implement a protocol(s)
Practically, records behave like clojure hash-maps, but have the added benefit of being able to implement protocols and have faster attribute lookup. Conveniently, the remain extensible via assoc, though attributes added in this fashion do not share the compiled lookup performance. This is what makes these constructs convenient for implementing applciation logic. Using deftype is advantageous for aspects of implementation/programming domain because they don't implement excess bagage, making the the use cleaner for these cases.
Protocols create interfaces and interfaces are a well, the interface to a type. they describe some aspects of a type though with much less rigor than you would come to expect in a language like Haskell.
machine checking
type inference (you don't get some of your protocols generated from docs of others)
parametric polymorphism (parameterised protocols / protocols with generics don't exist)
higher order protocols (what is the protocol for a function that returns a protocol?)
automatic generation of code / boilerplate
inter-operation with automated tools

Monads and Actors

I've been trying to find anything that discusses when you should favor the use of monads over actors (in concurrency scenarios), but I've found nothing. In particular, I'm wondering about the use of the Reactive Extensions (LINQ to Events) vs. F#'s MailboxProcessor. Please give examples in addition to any philosophical reasoning you might have.
For better context, the Reactive Extensions implement the continuation monad in the form of IObservable/IObserver. I'm not necessarily saying I have to use F#, just that F# has a concrete "actor model" available in a .NET language in the form of MailboxProcessor<'T>.
What I'm trying to understand is when to use a monad (in this case a continuation monad) vs. an actor model for concurrency purposes. Where the monad (as I understand it) doesn't introduce state, the actor has its own internal state that is modified as necessary to provide protected access.
I've seen a number of examples of using both: Rx and node.js (CPS, not really the continuation monad) vs. F#'s MailboxProcessor and Scala's Akka framework. I just don't know why you would choose one over the other.
I'm not sure that the question makes sense as phrased - there are many different monads (e.g. the identity monad, the list monad, the option monad, ...), most of which have nothing to do with concurrency. Furthermore, it would be helpful to know more about the particular scenario that you're dealing with - "concurrency" is a bit of a nebulous topic. Depending on what you're trying to achieve, F#'s async workflows (which are built on the Async monad) might be your best bet.
If you're using F#, I'd recommend against using LINQ-to-anything directly, since those libraries have a very alien feel when accessed via F#. You could, however, create pleasant F# wrappers (such as the existing Seq and Observable modules). Additionally, for monadic types, you could create a computation expression builder (e.g. you could create a builder using the Reactive Extensions which would enable you to use computation expressions to build and compose IObservables).
Please excuse my newbie-ness as I'm just learning F#.
I'm intrigued to see the use of RX in place of a MailboxProcessor, if you have any links to relevant materials.
With my limited understanding; I would choose MbP's in my own code as events are a bit messy to set up in F# (from what I can take from this article: MSDN). And you need events for RX to hook into right?
Where as with a MbP all I need is a discriminated union of messages, a list of functions I wish to be executed when a given message is received. And the mail box processor that handles this.
This all looks pretty neat in the code. I can bunch my MbP's together in a module then my "object" module looks like
Message DU
Wrapper with some getters and setters that post data to the MbP
For me this looks a lot neater than it would If I wrote my code with events as described in that MSDN article I linked to.
Though I am just an F# junior so I may be a miles off with my reckoning and it is a look-&-feel thing rather than a suitability-for-purpose choice (as I'm not qualified to make that call, yet)
Would you accept answers from the Scala world?
If you seek "a purely functional alternative to actor model" then please see this great post from Paul Chiusano's blog
(archived here:
and some references below:
Actors do not Compose
Akka’s Actors are not Usefully Typed
The type system is the reason we use Scala.
Unfortunately, the current API suffers from a few drawbacks, which are to a good degree associated with the lack of type safety
Status of this Project and Relation to Akka Actors
Akka Typed is the result of many years of research and previous attempts (including Typed Channels in the 2.2.x series) and it is on its way to stabilization, but maturing such a profound change to the core concept of Akka will take a long time
A side-effect of this is that behaviors can now be tested in isolation without having to be packaged into an Actor, tests can run fully synchronously without having to worry about timeouts and spurious failures. Another side-effect is that behaviors can nicely be composed and decorated
Composable application architecture with reasonably priced monads
The concept of "function passing style" from Heather Miller might be key to a distributed functional programming model.
SF Scala: Heather Miller, Function-Passing Style, A New Model for Distributed Programming
Update 12/2018 : now we can use Aecor which provide the means to:
implement business domain logic with a functional programming model and
use an Akka based runtime
"behaviors belong to the domain layer and runtime is out there in the infrastructure layer."
I'm going to respond to my own question and say you should use both. This is based on Don Syme's post. A MbP uses the Async computation to do its work, and the Async is a thread-aware continuation monad. Looks like you can use it by itself for some uses, but the MbP definitely requires it.
I don't really like this answer, and I'd be happy for someone to respond with a better explanation of when to use each.
See MiniRx, which is now apart of FSharpx, for an implementation of an Rx-style monad implemented using MailboxProcessor. As MailboxProcessor is itself implemented using the async monad, these pieced to indeed work together. They are just different means of abstraction.

For C/C++, When is it beneficial not to use Object Oriented Programming?

I find myself always trying to fit everything into the OOP methodology, when I'm coding in C/C++. But I realize that I don't always have to force everything into this mold. What are some pros/cons for using the OOP methodology versus not? I'm more interested in the pros/cons of NOT using OOP (for example, are there optimization benefits to not using OOP?). Thanks, let me know.
Of course it's very easy to explain a million reasons why OOP is a good thing. These include: design patterns, abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance.
When not to use OOP:
Putting square pegs in round holes: Don't wrap everything in classes when they don't need to be. Sometimes there is no need and the extra overhead just makes your code slower and more complex.
Object state can get very complex: There is a really good quote from Joe Armstrong who invented Erlang:
The problem with object-oriented
languages is they’ve got all this
implicit environment that they carry
around with them. You wanted a banana
but what you got was a gorilla holding
the banana and the entire jungle.
Your code is already not OOP: It's not worth porting your code if your old code is not OOP. There is a quote from Richard Stallman in 1995
Adding OOP to Emacs is not clearly an
improvement; I used OOP when working
on the Lisp Machine window systems,
and I disagree with the usual view
that it is a superior way to program.
Portability with C: You may need to export a set of functions to C. Although you can simulate OOP in C by making a struct and a set of functions who's first parameter takes a pointer to that struct, it isn't always natural.
You may find more reasons in this paper entitled Bad Engineering Properties
of Object-Oriented Languages.
Wikipedia's Object Oriented Programming page also discusses some pros and cons.
One school of thought with object-oriented programming is that you should have all of the functions that operate on a class as methods on the class.
Scott Meyers, one of the C++ gurus, actually argues against this in this article:
How Non-Member Functions Improve Encapsulation.
He basically says, unless there's a real compelling reason to, you should keep the function SEPARATE from the class. Otherwise the class can turn into this big bloated unmanageable mess.
Based on experiences in a previous large project, I totally agree with him.
A benefit of non-oop functionality is that it often makes exporting your functionality to different languages easier. For example a simple DLL containing only functions is much easier to use in C#, you can use the P/Invoke to simply call the C++ functions. So in this sense it can be useful for writing extremely time critical algorithms that fit nicely into single/few function calls.
OOP is used a lot in GUI code, computer games, and simulations. Windows should be polymorphic - you can click on them, resize them, and so on. Computer game objects should be polymorphic - they probably have a location, a path to follow, they might have health, and they might have some AI behavior. Simulation objects also have behavior that is similar, but breaks down into classes.
For most things though, OOP is a bit of a waste of time. State usually just causes trouble, unless you have put it safely in the database where it belongs.
I suggest you read Bjarne's Paper about Why C++ is not just an Object-Oriented Programming Language
If we consider, for a moment, not object-orienatation itself but one
of the keystones of object-orientation: encapsulation.
It can be shown that change-propagation probability cannot increase
with distance from the change: if A depends on B and B depends on C,
and we change C, then the probability that A will change
cannot be larger than the proabability that B will
change. If B is a direct dependency on C and A is an indirect
dependency on C, then, more generally, to minimise the potential cost
of any change in a system we must miminimise the potential number of
direct dependencies.
The ISO defines encapsulation as the property that the information
contained in an object is accessible only through interactions at the
interfaces supported by the object.
We use encapsulation to minimise the number of potential dependencies
with the highest change-propagation probability. Basically,
encapsulation mitigates the ripple effect.
Thus one reason not to use encapsulation is when the system is so
small or so unchanging that the cost of potential ripple effects is
negligible. This is also, therefore, a case when OO might not be used
without potentially costly consequences.
Well, there are several alternatives. Non-OOP code in C++ may instead be:
C-style procedural code, or
C++-style generic programming
The only advantages to the first are the simplicity and backwards-compatibility. If you're writing a small trivial app, then messing around with classes is just a waste of time. If you're trying to write a "Hello World", just call printf already. Don't bother wrapping it in a class. And if you're working with an existing C codebase, it's probably not object-oriented, and trying to force it into a different paradigm than it already uses is just a recipe for pain.
For the latter, the situation is different, in that this approach is often superior to "traditional OOP".
Generic programming gives you greater performance (among other things because you often avoid the overhead of vtables, and because with less indirection, the compiler is better able to inline), better type safety (because the exact type is known, rather than hiding it behind an interface), and often cleaner and more concise code as well (STL iterators and algorithms enable much of this, without using a single instance of runtime polymorphism or virtual functions.
OOP is little more than an aging buzzword. A methodology that everyone misunderstood (The version supported by C++ and Java has little to do with what OOP originally meant, as in SmallTalk), and then pretended was the holy grail. There are aspects to it that are useful, certainly, but it is often not the best approach for designing an application.
Rather, express the overall logic by other means, for example generic programming, and when you need a class to encapsulate some simple concept, by all means design it according to OOP principles.
OOP is just a tool among many. The goal is not to write OOP code, but to write good code. Sometimes, the way to do this is by using OOP principles, but often, you can get better code using generic programmming principles, or functional programming.
It is a very project dependent decision. My general feel of OOP is that its useful for organizing large projects that involve multiple components. One area I find that OOP is especially pointless is school assignments. Excepting those specifically designed to teach OOP concepts, or large software design concepts, many of my assignments, specifically those in more algorithmy type classes are best suited to non-OOP design.
So specifically, smaller projects, that are not likely to grow large, and projects that center around a single algorithm seem to be non-OOP candidates in my books. Also, if you can write the specification as a linear set of steps, e.g., with no interactive GUI or state to maintain, this would also be an opportunity.
Of course, if you're required to use an OOP design, or an OOP toolkit, or if you have well defined 'objects' in you're spec, or if you need the features of polymorphism, etc. etc. etc...there are plenty of reasons to use it, the above seem to be indicators of when it would be simple not to.
Just my $0.02.
Having an Ada background, I develop in C in terms of packages containing data and their associated functions. This gives a code very modular with pieces of code that can be taken apart and reused on other projects. I don't feel the need to use OOP.
When I develop in Objective-C, objects are the natural container for data and code. I still develop with more or less the package concept in mind with some new cool features.
I'm used to be an OOP fanboy... Then realized using functions, generics and callbacks can often make a more elegant and change-friendly solution in C++ than classes and virtual functions.
Other big names realized it too:
IMHO, I have a feeling that the OOP concept is not really suits the needs of the Big Data, as OOP assume all the stuff to be kept in memory (concept of Objects and member variables). This always result in memory demanding and heavy applications when OOP is used for example for big images processing. Instead, the simplicity of C maybe used with intensive parallel I/O making apps more efficient and easy to implement. It is the year 2019 I am writing this message...Everything may change in a year! :)
In my mind it comes down to what kind of model suits the problem at hand. It seems to me that OOP is best suited to coding GUI programs, in that the data and functionality for a graphical object is easily bundled together. Other problems- (such as a webserver, as an example off the top of my head), might be more easily modeled with a data centric approach, where there's no strong advantage to having a method and its data near each-other.
tl;dr depends on the problem.
I'd say the greatest benefit of C++ OOP is inheritance and polymorphism (Virtual function etc...) .
This allows for code reuse and extendibility
C++, use OOP - - - C, no, with certain exceptions
In C++ you should use OOP. It's a nice abstraction and it's the tool you are given. You either use it or leave it in the box where it can't help. You don't use the power saw for everything but I would read the manual and have it ready for the right job.
In C, it's a more difficult call. While you can certainly write arbitrarily object-oriented code in C, it's enough of a pain that you immediately find yourself fighting the language in order to use it. You may be more productive dropping the doesn't-fit-so-well design pattern and programming as C was intended to be used.
Furthermore, every time you make an array of function pointers or something in an OOP-in-C design pattern, you sever almost completely all visible links in the inheritance chain, making the code hard to maintain. In real OOP languages, there is an obvious chain of derived classes, often analyzed and documented for you. (mmm, javadoc.) Not so in OOP-in-C, and the tools available won't be able to see it.
So, I would argue in general against OOP in C. For a really complex program, you may well need the abstraction, and then you will have to do it despite needing to fight the language in the process and despite making the program quite hard to follow by anyone other than the original author.
But if you knew the program was going to become that complicated, you shouldn't have written it in C in the first place...
In C, there are some times when I 'emulate' the object oriented approach, by defining some sort of constructor with granular control over things like callbacks, when running several instances of it.
For instance, lets say I have some spiffy event handler library and I know that down the road I'm going to need many allocated copies:
So I would have (in C)
MyEvent *ev1 = new_eventhandler();
set_event_callback_func(ev1, callback_one);
MyEvent *ev2 = new_eventhandler();
set_event_callback_func(ev2, callback_two);
Obviously, I would later do something useful with that like handle received events in the two respective callback functions. I'm not going to really elaborate on the method of typing function pointers and structures to hold them, nor what would go on in the 'constructor' because its pretty obvious.
I think, this approach works for more advanced interfaces where its desirable to allow the user to define their own callbacks (and change them on the fly), or when working on complex non-blocking I/O services.
Otherwise, I much prefer a more procedural / functional approach.
Probably an unpopular idea but I think you should stick with non-OOP unless it adds something useful. In most practical problems OOP is useful but if I'm just playing with an idea I start writing non-object code and put functions and data into classes if it becomes useful.
Of course I still use other objects in my code (std::vector et al) and I use namespaces to help organise my functions but why put code into objects until it is useful? Equally don't shy away from free functions in an OO solution.
The question is tricky because OOP encompasses several concepts: object encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, etc. It's easy to take those ideas too far. Here's a concrete example:
When C++ first caught on, zillions of string classes sprung into being. Everything you could possibly imagine doing to a string (upcasing, downcasing, trimming, tokenizing, parsing, etc.) was a member function of some string class.
Notice, though, that std::strings from the STL don't have all these methods. STL is object-oriented--the state and implementation details of a string object are well encapsulated, only a small, orthogonal interface is exposed to the world. All the crazy manipulations that people used to include as member functions are now delegated to non-member functions.
This is powerful, because these functions can now work on any string class that exposes the same interface. If you use STL strings for most things and a specialty version tuned to your program's idiosyncracies, you don't have to duplicate member functions. You just have to implement the basic string interface and then you can re-use all those crazy manipulations.
Some people call this hybrid approach generic programming. It's still object-oriented programming, but it moves away from the "everything is a member-function" mentality that a lot of people associate with OOP.