How much is 32 kB of compiled code - c++

I am planning to use an Arduino programmable board. Those have quite limited flash memories ranging between 16 and 128 kB to store compiled C or C++ code.
Are there ways to estimate how much (standard) code it will represent ?
I suppose this is very vague, but I'm only looking for an order of magnitude.

The output of the size command is a good starting place, but does not give you all of the information you need.
$ avr-size program.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
The size of your image is usually a little bit more than the sum of the text and the data sections. The bss section is essentially compressed because it is all 0s. There may be other sections which are relevant which aren't listed by size.
If your build system is set up like ones that I've used before for AVR microcontrollers then you will end up with an *.elf file as well as a *.bin file, and possibly a *.hex file. The *.bin file is the actual image that would be stored in the program flash of the processor, so you can examine its size to determine how your program is growing as you make edits to it. The *.bin file is extracted from the *.elf file with the objdump command and some flags which I can't remember right now.
If you are wanting to know how to guess-timate how your much your C or C++ code will produce when compiled, this is a lot more difficult. I have observed a 10x blowup in a function when I tried to use a uint64_t rather than a uint32_t when all I was doing was incrementing it (this was about 5 times more code than I thought it would be). This was mostly to do with gcc's avr optimizations not being the best, but smaller changes in code size can creep in from seemingly innocent code.
This will likely be amplified with the use of C++, which tends to hide more things that turn into code than C does. Chief among the things C++ hides are destructor calls and lots of pointer dereferencing which has to do with the this pointer in objects as well as a secret pointer many objects have to their virtual function table and class static variables.
On AVR all of this pointer stuff is likely to really add up because pointers are twice as big as registers and take multiple instructions to load. Also AVR has only a few register pairs that can be used as pointers, which results in lots of moving things into and out of those registers.
Some tips for small programs on AVR:
Use uint8_t and int8_t instead of int whenever you can. You could also use uint_fast8_t and int_fast8_t if you want your code to be portable. This can lead to many operations taking up only half as much code, because int is two bytes.
Be very aware of things like string and struct constants and literals and how/where they are stored.
If you're not scared of it, read the AVR assembly manual. You can get an idea of the types of instructions, and from that the type of C code that easily maps to those instructions. Use that kind of C code.

You can't really say there. The length of the uncompiled code has little to do with the length of the compiled code. For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<std::string> strings;
std::sort(strings.begin(), strings.end());
std::copy(strings.begin(), strings.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, ""));
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<std::string> strings;
for ( int idx = 0; idx < strings.size(); idx++ )
std::cout << strings[idx];
Both are the exact same number of lines, and produce the same output, but the first example involves an instantiation of std::sort, which is probably an order of magnitude more code than the rest of the code here.
If you absolutely need to count number of bytes used in the program, use assembler.

Download the arduino IDE and 'verify' some of your existing code, or look at the sample sketches. It will tell you how many bytes that code is, which will give you an idea of how much more you can fit into a given device. Picking a couple of the examples at random, the web server example is 5816 bytes, and the LCD hello world is 2616. Both use external libraries.

Try creating a simplified version of your app, focusing on the most valuable feature first, then start adding up the 'nice (and cool) stuff to have'. Keep an eye on the byte usage shown in the Arduino IDE when you verify your code.
As a rough indication, my first app (LED flasher controlled by a push buttun) requires 1092 bytes. That`s roughly 1K out of 32k. Pretty small footprint for C++ code!
What worries me most is the limited amount of RAM (1 Kb). If the CPU stack takes some of it, then there isn`t much left for creating any data structures.
I only had my Arduino for 48 hrs, so there is still a lot to use it effectively ;-) But it's a lot of fun to use :).

It's quite a bit for a reasonably complex piece of software, but you will start bumping into the limit if you want it to have a lot of different functionality. Also, if you want to store quite a lot of static strings and data, it can eat into that quite quickly. But 32 KB is a decent amount for embedded applications. It tends to be RAM that you have problems with first!
Also, quite often the C++ compilers for embedded systems are a lot worse than the C compilers.
That is, they are nowhere as good as C++ compilers for the common desktop OS's (in terms of producing efficient machine code for the target platform).

At a linux system you can do some experiments with static compiled example programs. E.g.
$ size `which busybox `
text data bss dec hex filename
1830468 4448 25650 1860566 1c63d6 /bin/busybox
The sizes are given in bytes. This output is independent from the executable file format, since the sizes of the different sections inside the file format. The text section contains the machine code and const stufff. The data section contains data for static initialization of variables. The bss size is the size of uninitialized data - of course uninitialized data does not need to be stored in the executable file.)
Well, busybox contains a lot of functionality (like all common shell commands, a shell etc.).
If you link own examples with gcc -static, keep in mind, that your used libc may dramatically increase the program size and that using an embedded libc may be much more space efficient.
To test that you can check out the diet-libc or uclibc and link against that. Actually, busybox is usually linked against uclibc.
Note that the sizes you get this way give you only an order of magnitude. For example, your workstation probably uses another CPU architecture than the arduino board and the machine code of different architecture may differ, more or less, in its size (because of operand sizes, available instructions, opcode encoding and so one).
To go on with rough order of magnitude reasoning, busybox contains roughly 309 tools (including ftp daemon and such stuff), i.e. the average code size of a busybox tool is roughly 5k.


Why does full `constexpr` enabling of a data structure cause the compiled code to be bigger?

At this moment of Jason Turner's 2016 CppCon talk "Practical Performance Practices", he mentions that full constexpr enabling of every data structure that can be (I'm guessing that means making every field and function constexpr that can be) can result in bigger code "because this causes more data structures to be compiled into your code so you have more data in the data segment than something that would be calculated at runtime" (this quote is kind of a combination of what he actually said at this time stamp and what he said at the end as an answer to a question about this topic).
I don't really understand what that means. Why would constexpr data structures compile to be bigger than non-constexpr data structures? Does anyone have an actual example that shows this?
When implementing a 7-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) algorithm on a microcontroller, I find it handy to build a 256-byte lookup table ahead of time, with some code like this:
uint8_t crc_table[256];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
crc_table[i] = some_crc_function(i);
So if you turn crc_table into a constexpr thing that gets computed at compile time, your toolchain would have to store a 256-byte table in your executable, which takes up space. It would also be able to remove the code for generating the CRC table, but if the machine instructions for that code take less than 256 bytes, then I'd expect the executable to get bigger.

Write a C++ struct to a file and read file using another programming language?

I have a challenging situation; we will have programs on Mac, PC, iOS and Android receiving files in a legacy format and parsing data from those files. We cannot change how those files are created.
The files are produced by a C++ program filling a struct with numbers and Strings and then writing it out. Here's a sanitized version.
struct MyObject {
String Kfkj(MAXKYS);
String Oern(MAXKYS);
String Vdflj(MAXKYS, 9);
int Muic;
int Tdfkj;
int VdfkAsdk;
int SsdjsdDsldsk;
int Ndsoief;
String TdflsajPdlj;
String TdckjdfPas;
String AdsfakjIdd;
int IdkfjdKasdkj;
int AsadkjaKadkja(MAXKYS);
int Kasldsdkj;
bool Usadl;
String PsadkjOasdj(9);
String PasdkjOsdkj;
Primitives and Strings, as you can see.
Then here is how they write it out to a file:
MyInstance MyObject;
FileName = "C:\MyFile.ab2"
ofstream fout (FileName, ios::binary);
fout.write((char*)& MyInstance, sizeof(MyInstance));
There is no option for us to translate it once and then distribute the file to other platforms; we must translate it on each and every different platform, and this is what we have to work with. I'd appreciate any information on how C++ serializes data, so we know how to parse the file.
EDIT: solution
The feedback I received from multiple answers here was VERY helpful. Using that, I did extensive analysis with hex editors and discovered:
the elements come in the file one after another
a "String," in this case, starts with an int describing how many characters follow the int for that String. If the String does not exist, it will still have that int with a value of 0.
integers, for the files and machines I saw, are two bytes, little-endian, and MOSTLY unsigned (there were a few that were signed, just to keep me on my toes)
the boolean was two bytes, with apparently -1 (FF FF) representing "true"
So far we have not ran into issues with different padding or endianness on different devices, but those are very real concerns. The skilled notes and warnings in these answers provides us with more ammunition to try to convince the client to change to a less fragile alternative, such as XML or JSON, for transferring data online across platforms.
As for those of you asking if the developer was fired... well, let's just say their code is very old, but after multiple conversations we're still having trouble convincing them writing out the C++ struct and trying to read that on different platforms is not a good idea.
You're going to run into many problems.
C++ doesn't have a specific format for serializing data per se. It is highly dependent on the computer architecture/processor that you are running on.
The compiler is allowed to add padding to help alignment on systems. When we say alignment we basically are referring to an architecture/processor's affinity for having data lie on specific byte boundaries. For example, some processors vastly prefer floating point numbers to lie at 4 or 8 byte boundaries - if they don't the processor may work much slower or may not work at all.
So, you can't simply know what padding your system is adding magically.
What you can do is use #pragma pack(1) / #pragma pack(0) to stop your compiler from padding your numbers.
PS: you also have to worry about endianness. What if one computer is running on big-endian and one is little endian? They will interpret bytes differently without a conversion.
Simply put, you either have to fix the application generating the files so it uses a proper serialization scheme OR you need to look at it running on a SPECIFIC computer, look at exactly how it writes the files, and write a translator for every target platform (which is just silly).
Interesting Suggestion
If you're really stuck, write an app that monitors the folder where you write files. Have the app pick up the files (since it's on the same PC it'll be able to read their format without issue). Have it write the files back in XML or some other true serialization format and distribute those instead.
Whoa - that's crazy. So String objects don't contain any pointers? Must not- because you claim this is working code.
Anyway, that code isn't doing any serialization. Its just writing the structure out to file exactly the way it is laid out in memory. The only issue you have is that on some platforms padding and sizeof integral types like int may be different.
You'll have to find the size of the integral types, and use that information in reader/writer for newer platforms to make sure they get laid out the same way on the legacy platform.
You're running a real risk with that code though. As it is, a compiler change could suddenly cause the file layout to change.
The format of your data file is entirely down to the compiler that your C++ program is compiled with, and the definition of your String class. You can rely on the fields being in the order they're declared in, and in this case, I think you can rely on there not being any padding at the start, but that's about all. Some tips that might help you out in this case:-
You don't give the definition of the String class you're using. If it's a typedef for std::string, you're completely screwed, because the contents of the string aren't in the memory. I assume your C++ programmers are using some special local buffer, in which case I'll guess you will find the first bytes of the object are the string, and there is some amount of useless padding afterwards. I hope the struct contains an int at the start telling you how much data in it is useful.
You'll probably find the int fields are four bytes long.
You'll probably find the bool field is one byte long, followed by three bytes of useless padding. Only one bit, most likely the bottom bit, will be set.
That's about all the useful guesswork I can offer you. In your target language, make sure to read the whole file in as the closest thing to a byte array available in the language, and only after that, use the language features to convert it into the right kind of thing in your language. Don't try reading it in as integers, as that won't let you byte-swap if you're on a platform with different endianness to the C++ program. I suggest also looking through the file in a text editor to reverse-engineer it and help you find the offset of each field.
Last piece of advice: consider printing P45s (or pink slips, or whatever you have in your country) for whichever programmers or project managers thought this kind of 'serialization' was a good idea. This kind of sloppy work might have been acceptable in a life-or-death situation, but they have seriously screwed you over in a way you're going to find it very hard to recover from. Writing the code to read in these files will not be that hard, if it's only one struct like this, but keeping it reliable will be a world of pain, and they've effectively made it impossible for themselves to change compilers or compiler version safely.
The way it's done, the struct is written in raw form to a file. So basically what you need to know to parse this file is the binary layout of your struct.
Basically, the fields are just one after the other, so to read an int, you just read 4 bytes and cast that to an int, etc.
Strings are a particular case. It's not clear from your code whether this "String" type is an inline array of characters, or a pointer to such an array. In the first case, you need to know how many characters each string contains and simply read that number of characters sequentially. In the second case, you won't be able to get the string back, since it won't have been written to file. The pointer will be useless to you.
One last concern is whether the struct is packed or not. Since you gave no indication to that, by default struct fields are aligned to 4-bytes boundaries, so there may be space for instance after the boolean field that you need to account for. If the struct is packed, then each field comes directly after the previous.
So, to make a long story short, figure out your struct binary layout using its definition and, if all else fails, inspecting the memory at run-time with the debugger, or use a hex editor to study the output file. Then write that specification down somewhere and this will give you what you need to read from the file. It's impossible to tell exactly what that layout is simply by looking at the pseudo-definition you gave.
Writing in an ofstream does not serialize data. This code write the raw memory content of the struct as it was a string of char. Depending of your compiler, its version, its options and the system it is running on the content will be completely different.
Even the number of bits of a char is allowed to change between c++ implementation.
Data referenced by the object of the struct won't be written (forget the content of std::string).
If you cannot change the writer code. You must know the alignment policy, the size of base type and the data representation. You will have to analyze files produced by hand, for example with an hexadecimal editor like this one
, and probably look at your compiler documentation.
If you can change the writer code. Use proper serialization like json, protocol buffer or simply xml.
No one has pointed out something that sticks out to me as particularly problematic (maybe because I've been bit by it). That problem: the data member bool Usadl;. sizeof(bool) varies across platforms, across compilers, and even across releases of the same compiler. Common values for sizeof(bool) are 4 and 1. This will bite you. It's getting hard to find a big endian machine nowadays, very, very hard to find a computer where CHAR_BIT is not 8 or sizeof(int) is not 4. This is not the case for sizeof(bool).
In agreement with everyone else, Chad's team needs to document the structure of the records in the file, and then make sure the program that produces the file writes this structure explicitly, including element sizes, padding, and endianness. Don't depend on class layout to do this for you. That's just asking for trouble.
The best way would probably be to use JSON or if you want a more robust solution go with something like Avro. Avro has a C++ API and a Java API, so it covers most of the cases you're encountering.

What makes EXE's grow in size?

My executable was 364KB in size. It did not use a Vector2D class so I implemented one with overloaded operators.
I changed most of my code from
point.x = point2.x;
point.y = point2.y;
point = point2;
This resulted in removing nearly 1/3 of my lines of code and yet my exe is still 364KB. What exactly causes it to grow in size?
The compiler probably optimised your operator overload by inlining it. So it effectively compiles to the same code as your original example would. So you may have cut down a lot of lines of code by overloading the assignment operator, but when the compiler inlines, it takes the contents of your assignment operator and sticks it inline at the calling point.
Inlining is one of the ways an executable can grow in size. It's not the only way, as you can see in other answers.
What makes EXE’s grow in size?
External libraries, especially static libraries and debugging information, total size of your code, runtime library. More code, more libraries == larger exe.
To reduce size of exe, you need to process exe with gnu strip utility, get rid of all static libraries, get rid of C/C++ runtime libraries, disable all runtime checks and turn on compiler size optimizations. Working without CRT is a pain, but it is possible. Also there is a wcrt (alternative C runtime) library created for making small applications (by the way, it hasn't been updated/maintained during last 5 years).
The smallest exe that I was able create with msvc compiler is somewhere around 16 kilobytes. This was a windows application that displayed single window and required msvcrt.dll to run. I've modified it a bit, and turned it into practical joke that wipes out picture on monitor.
For impressive exe size reduction techniques, you may want to look at .kkrieger. It is a 3D first person shooter, 96 kilobytes total. The game has a large and detailed level, supports shaders, real-time shadows, etc. I.e. comparable with Saurbraten (see screenshots). The smallest working windows application (3d demo with music) I ever encountered was 4 kilobytes big, and used compression techniques and (probably) undocumented features (i.e. the fact that *.com executbale could unpack and launch win32 exe on windows xp)..
In most cases, size of *.exe shouldn't really bother you (I haven't seen a diskette for a few years), as long as it is reasonable (below 100 megabytes). For example of "unreasonable" file size see debug build of Qt 4 for mingw.
This resulted in removing nearly 1/3 of my lines of code and yet my exe is still 364KB.
Most likely it is caused by external libraries used by compiler, runtime checks, etc.
Also, this is an assignment operation. If you aren't using custom types for x (with copy constructor), "copy" operation is very likely to result in small number of operations - i.e. removing 1/3 of lines doesn't guarantee that your code will be 1/3 shorter.
If you want to see how much impact your modification made, you could "ask" compiler to produce asm listing for both versions of the program then compare results (manually or with diff). Or you could disasm/compare both versions of executable. BUt I'm certain that using GNU strip or removing extra libraries will have more effect than removing assignment operators.
What type is point? If it's two floats, then the compiler will implicitly do a member-by-member copy, which is the same thing you did before.
EDIT: Apparently some people in today's crowd didn't understand this answer and compensated by downvoting. So let me elaborate:
Lines of code have NO relation to the executable size. The source code tells the compiler what assembly line to create. One line of code can cause hundreds if not thousands of assembly instructions. This is particularly true in C++, where one line can cause implicit object construction, destruction, copying, etc.
In this particular case, I suppose that "point" is a class with two floats, so using the assignment operator will perform a member-by-member copy, i.e. it takes every member individually and copies it. Which is exactly the same thing he did before, except that now it's done implicitly. The resulting assembly (and thus executable size) is the same.
Executables are most often sized in 'pages' rather than discrete bytes.
I think this a good example why one shouldn't worry too much about code being too verbose if you have a good optimizing compiler. Instead always code clearly so that fellow programmers can read your code and leave the optimization to the compiler.
Some links to look into
GCC C++ "Hello World" program -> .exe is 500kb big when compiled on Windows. How can I reduce its size?
As for Windows, lots of compiler options in VC++ may be activated like RTTI, exception handling, buffer checking, etc. that may add more behind the scenes to the overall size.
When you compile a c or c++ program into an executable, the compiler translates your code into machine code, and applying optimizations as it sees fit.
But simply, more code = more machine code to generate = more size to the executable.
Also, check if you have lot of static/global objects. This substantially increase your exe size if they are not zero initialized.
For example:
int temp[100] = {0};
int main()
size of the above program is 9140 bytes on my linux machine.
if I initialize temp array to 5, then the size will shoot up by around 400 bytes. The size of the below program on my linux machine is 9588.
int temp[100] = {5};
int main()
This is because, zero initialized global objects go into .bss segment, which ill be initialized at once during program startup. Where as non zero initialized objects contents will be embedded in the exe itself.

Profiling memory usage in Mathematica

Is there any way to profile the mathkernel memory usage (down to individual variables) other than paying $$$ for their Eclipse plugin (mathematica workbench, iirc)?
Right now I finish execution of a program that takes multiple GB's of ram, but the only things that are stored should be ~50MB of data at most, yet mathkernel.exe tends to hold onto ~1.5GB (basically, as much as Windows will give it). Is there any better way to get around this, other than saving the data I need and quitting the kernel every time?
EDIT: I've just learned of the ByteCount function (which shows some disturbing results on basic datatypes, but that's besides the point), but even the sum over all my variables is nowhere near the amount taken by mathkernel. What gives?
One thing a lot of users don't realize is that it takes memory to store all your inputs and outputs in the In and Out symbols, regardless of whether or not you assign an output to a variable. Out is also aliased as %, where % is the previous output, %% is the second-to-last, etc. %123 is equivalent to Out[123].
If you don't have a habit of using %, or only use it to a few levels deep, set $HistoryLength to 0 or a small positive integer, to keep only the last few (or no) outputs around in Out.
You might also want to look at the functions MaxMemoryUsed and MemoryInUse.
Of course, the $HistoryLength issue may or not be your problem, but you haven't shared what your actual evaluation is.
If you're able to post it, perhaps someone will be able to shed more light on why it's so memory-intensive.
Here is my solution for profiling of memory usage:
myByteCount[symbolName_String] :=
Hold[x__] :>
If[MemberQ[Attributes[x], Protected | ReadProtected],
Sequence ## {}, {ByteCount[
Through[{OwnValues, DownValues, UpValues, SubValues,
DefaultValues, FormatValues, NValues}[Unevaluated#x,
Sort -> False]]], symbolName}]];
With[{listing = myByteCount /# Names[]},
Labeled[Grid[Reverse#Take[Sort[listing], -100], Frame -> True,
Alignment -> Left],
"ByteCount for symbols without attributes Protected and \
ReadProtected in all contexts", 16, FontFamily -> "Times"],
Style[Row#{"Total: ", Total[listing[[All, 1]]], " bytes for ",
Length[listing], " symbols"}, Bold]}, Center, 1.5], Top]]
Evaluation the above gives the following table:
Michael Pilat's answer is a good one, and MemoryInUse and MaxMemoryUsed are probably the best tools you have. ByteCount is rarely all that helpful because what it measures can be a huge overestimate because it ignores shared subexpressions, and it often ignores memory that isn't directly accessible through Mathematica functions, which is often a major component of memory usage.
One thing you can do in some circumstances is use the Share function, which forces subexpressions to be shared when possible. In some circumstances, this can save you tens or even hundreds of magabytes. You can tell how well it's working by using MemoryInUse before and after you use Share.
Also, some innocuous-seeming things can cause Mathematica to use a whole lot more memory than you expect. Contiguous arrays of machine reals (and only machine reals) can be allocated as so-called "packed" arrays, much the way they would be allocated by C or Fortran. However, if you have a mix of machine reals and other structures (including symbols) in an array, everything has to be "boxed", and the array becomes an array of pointers, which can add a lot of overhead.
One way is to automatize restarting of kernel when it goes out of memory. You can execute your memory-consuming code in a slave kernel while the master kernel only takes the result of computation and controls memory usage.

Align native code on fixed size memory boundaries with GCC/G++/AS?

I have a C function that contains all the code that will implement the bytecodes of a bytecode interpreter.
I'm wondering if there is a way to align segments of the compiled code in memory on fixed size boundaries so that I could directly calculate the address to jump to from the value of the bytecode? Sort of the same way an array works but instead of reading from the calculated address, I'm jumping to it.
I am aware that i will have to put the code to perform the next jump at the end of every "bytecode code" segment and that I will have to make the boundary size at least as big as the size of the largest segment.
If this is even possible, how would I tell the compiler/assembler (gcc / g++ / as) to align in said way?
I realize this is not exactly what you are asking for, but this is the standard way to implement byte code interpreters with GCC.
GCC's "computed goto" or "labels as values" feature allows you to put labels in an array and efficiently jump to different bytecode instructions. See Fast interpreter using gcc's computed goto. Also look at this related Stack Overflow question: C/C++ goto, and the GCC documentation on labels as values.
The code to do this would look something like this:
void* jumptable[] = {&&label1, &&label2};
/* Code here... */
/* Other code here... */
You can then jump to different instructions using the table:
goto *jumptable[i];
There are two issues here, but the answer is the same. First, you're writing (binary) data to a (binary) file. Second, you're loading that (binary) data into memory. You control where it goes on disk, and you control where it goes in memory. You can easily calculate what you're looking for.
Personally, I would probably use an array when loading data into memory, and I would make sure all data started at a valid index in that array. Arrays are laid out contiguously and are relatively easy to work with. Kernighan and Ritchie's book The C Programming Language mentions a technique of using unions for alignment, but that doesn't make pointer arithmetic any easier.
If you are using linux use posix_memalign(). I am sure there is a similar function for Windows.
If you want to align your own code have a look at the gcc __attribute__ syntax.
The ld -Ttext options may also be helpful.