What makes EXE's grow in size? - c++

My executable was 364KB in size. It did not use a Vector2D class so I implemented one with overloaded operators.
I changed most of my code from
point.x = point2.x;
point.y = point2.y;
point = point2;
This resulted in removing nearly 1/3 of my lines of code and yet my exe is still 364KB. What exactly causes it to grow in size?

The compiler probably optimised your operator overload by inlining it. So it effectively compiles to the same code as your original example would. So you may have cut down a lot of lines of code by overloading the assignment operator, but when the compiler inlines, it takes the contents of your assignment operator and sticks it inline at the calling point.
Inlining is one of the ways an executable can grow in size. It's not the only way, as you can see in other answers.

What makes EXE’s grow in size?
External libraries, especially static libraries and debugging information, total size of your code, runtime library. More code, more libraries == larger exe.
To reduce size of exe, you need to process exe with gnu strip utility, get rid of all static libraries, get rid of C/C++ runtime libraries, disable all runtime checks and turn on compiler size optimizations. Working without CRT is a pain, but it is possible. Also there is a wcrt (alternative C runtime) library created for making small applications (by the way, it hasn't been updated/maintained during last 5 years).
The smallest exe that I was able create with msvc compiler is somewhere around 16 kilobytes. This was a windows application that displayed single window and required msvcrt.dll to run. I've modified it a bit, and turned it into practical joke that wipes out picture on monitor.
For impressive exe size reduction techniques, you may want to look at .kkrieger. It is a 3D first person shooter, 96 kilobytes total. The game has a large and detailed level, supports shaders, real-time shadows, etc. I.e. comparable with Saurbraten (see screenshots). The smallest working windows application (3d demo with music) I ever encountered was 4 kilobytes big, and used compression techniques and (probably) undocumented features (i.e. the fact that *.com executbale could unpack and launch win32 exe on windows xp)..
In most cases, size of *.exe shouldn't really bother you (I haven't seen a diskette for a few years), as long as it is reasonable (below 100 megabytes). For example of "unreasonable" file size see debug build of Qt 4 for mingw.
This resulted in removing nearly 1/3 of my lines of code and yet my exe is still 364KB.
Most likely it is caused by external libraries used by compiler, runtime checks, etc.
Also, this is an assignment operation. If you aren't using custom types for x (with copy constructor), "copy" operation is very likely to result in small number of operations - i.e. removing 1/3 of lines doesn't guarantee that your code will be 1/3 shorter.
If you want to see how much impact your modification made, you could "ask" compiler to produce asm listing for both versions of the program then compare results (manually or with diff). Or you could disasm/compare both versions of executable. BUt I'm certain that using GNU strip or removing extra libraries will have more effect than removing assignment operators.

What type is point? If it's two floats, then the compiler will implicitly do a member-by-member copy, which is the same thing you did before.
EDIT: Apparently some people in today's crowd didn't understand this answer and compensated by downvoting. So let me elaborate:
Lines of code have NO relation to the executable size. The source code tells the compiler what assembly line to create. One line of code can cause hundreds if not thousands of assembly instructions. This is particularly true in C++, where one line can cause implicit object construction, destruction, copying, etc.
In this particular case, I suppose that "point" is a class with two floats, so using the assignment operator will perform a member-by-member copy, i.e. it takes every member individually and copies it. Which is exactly the same thing he did before, except that now it's done implicitly. The resulting assembly (and thus executable size) is the same.

Executables are most often sized in 'pages' rather than discrete bytes.

I think this a good example why one shouldn't worry too much about code being too verbose if you have a good optimizing compiler. Instead always code clearly so that fellow programmers can read your code and leave the optimization to the compiler.

Some links to look into
GCC C++ "Hello World" program -> .exe is 500kb big when compiled on Windows. How can I reduce its size?
As for Windows, lots of compiler options in VC++ may be activated like RTTI, exception handling, buffer checking, etc. that may add more behind the scenes to the overall size.

When you compile a c or c++ program into an executable, the compiler translates your code into machine code, and applying optimizations as it sees fit.
But simply, more code = more machine code to generate = more size to the executable.

Also, check if you have lot of static/global objects. This substantially increase your exe size if they are not zero initialized.
For example:
int temp[100] = {0};
int main()
size of the above program is 9140 bytes on my linux machine.
if I initialize temp array to 5, then the size will shoot up by around 400 bytes. The size of the below program on my linux machine is 9588.
int temp[100] = {5};
int main()
This is because, zero initialized global objects go into .bss segment, which ill be initialized at once during program startup. Where as non zero initialized objects contents will be embedded in the exe itself.


When should I use CUDA's built-in warpSize, as opposed to my own proper constant?

nvcc device code has access to a built-in value, warpSize, which is set to the warp size of the device executing the kernel (i.e. 32 for the foreseeable future). Usually you can't tell it apart from a constant - but if you try to declare an array of length warpSize you get a complaint about it being non-const... (with CUDA 7.5)
So, at least for that purpose you are motivated to have something like (edit):
enum : unsigned int { warp_size = 32 };
somewhere in your headers. But now - which should I prefer, and when? : warpSize, or warp_size?
Edit: warpSize is apparently a compile-time constant in PTX. Still, the question stands.
Let's get a couple of points straight. The warp size isn't a compile time constant and shouldn't be treated as one. It is an architecture specific runtime immediate constant (and its value just happens to be 32 for all architectures to date). Once upon a time, the old Open64 compiler did emit a constant into PTX, however that changed at least 6 years ago if my memory doesn't fail me.
The value is available:
In CUDA C via warpSize, where is is not a compile time constant (the PTX WARP_SZ variable is emitted by the compiler in such cases).
In PTX assembler via WARP_SZ, where it is a runtime immediate constant
From the runtime API as a device property
Don't declare you own constant for the warp size, that is just asking for trouble. The normal use case for an in-kernel array dimensioned to be some multiple of the warp size would be to use dynamically allocated shared memory. You can read the warp size from the host API at runtime to get it. If you have a statically declared in-kernel you need to dimension from the warp size, use templates and select the correct instance at runtime. The latter might seem like unnecessary theatre, but it is the right thing to do for a use case that almost never arises in practice. The choice is yours.
Contrary to talonmies's answer I find warp_size constant perfectly acceptable. The only reason to use warpSize is to make the code forward-compatibly with a possible future hardware that may have warps of different size. However, when such hardware arrives, the kernel code will most likely require other alterations as well in order to remain efficient. CUDA is not a hardware-agnostic language - on the contrary, it is still quite a low-level programming language. Production code uses various intrinsic functions that come and go over time (e.g. __umul24).
The day we get a different warp size (e.g. 64) many things will change:
The warpSize will have to be adjusted obviously
Many warp-level intrinsic will need their signature adjusted, or a new version produced, e.g. int __ballot, and while int does not need to be 32-bit, it is most commonly so!
Iterative operations, such as warp-level reductions, will need their number of iterations adjusted. I have never seen anyone writing:
for (int i = 0; i < log2(warpSize); ++i) ...
that would be overly complex in something that is usually a time-critical piece of code.
warpIdx and laneIdx computation out of threadIdx would need to be adjusted. Currently, the most typical code I see for it is:
warpIdx = threadIdx.x/32;
laneIdx = threadIdx.x%32;
which reduces to simple right-shift and mask operations. However, if you replace 32 with warpSize this suddenly becomes a quite expensive operation!
At the same time, using warpSize in the code prevents optimization, since formally it is not a compile-time known constant.
Also, if the amount of shared memory depends on the warpSize this forces you to use the dynamically allocated shmem (as per talonmies's answer). However, the syntax for that is inconvenient to use, especially when you have several arrays -- this forces you to do pointer arithmetic yourself and manually compute the sum of all memory usage.
Using templates for that warp_size is a partial solution, but adds a layer of syntactic complexity needed at every function call:
This obfuscates the code. The more boilerplate, the harder the code is to read and maintain.
My suggestion would be to have a single header that control all the model-specific constants, e.g.
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ <= 600
//all devices of compute capability <= 6.0
static const int warp_size = 32;
Now the rest of your CUDA code can use it without any syntactic overhead. The day you decide to add support for newer architecture, you just need to alter this one piece of code.

C++ array to Halide Image (and back)

I'm getting started with Halide, and whilst I've grasped the basic tenets of its design, I'm struggling with the particulars (read: magic) required to efficiently schedule computations.
I've posted below a MWE of using Halide to copy an array from one location to another. I had assumed this would compile down to only a handful of instructions and take less than a microsecond to run. Instead, it produces 4000 lines of assembly and takes 40ms to run! Clearly, therefore, I have a significant hole in my understanding.
What is the canonical way of wrapping an existing array in a Halide::Image?
How should the function copy be scheduled to perform the copy efficiently?
Minimal working example
#include <Halide.h>
using namespace Halide;
void _copy(uint8_t* in_ptr, uint8_t* out_ptr, const int M, const int N) {
Image<uint8_t> in(Buffer(UInt(8), N, M, 0, 0, in_ptr));
Image<uint8_t> out(Buffer(UInt(8), N, M, 0, 0, out_ptr));
Var x,y;
Func copy;
copy(x,y) = in(x,y);
int main(void) {
uint8_t in[10000], out[10000];
_copy(in, out, 100, 100);
Compilation Flags
clang++ -O3 -march=native -std=c++11 -Iinclude -Lbin -lHalide copy.cpp
Let me start with your second question: _copy takes a long time, because it needs to compile Halide code to x86 machine code. IIRC, Func caches the machine code, but since copy is local to _copy that cache cannot be reused. Anyways, scheduling copy is pretty simple because it's a pointwise operation: First, it would probably make sense to vectorize it. Second, it might make sense to parallelize it (depending on how much data there is). For example:
copy.vectorize(x, 32).parallel(y);
will vectorize along x with a vector size of 32 and parallelize along y. (I am making this up from memory, there might be some confusion about the correct names.) Of course, doing all this might also increase compile times...
There is no recipe for good scheduling. I do it by looking at the output of compile_to_lowered_stmt and profiling the code. I also use the AOT compilation provided by Halide::Generator, this makes sure that I only measure the runtime of the code and not the compile time.
Your other question was, how to wrap an existing array in a Halide::Image. I don't do that, mostly because I use AOT compilation. However, internally Halide uses a type called buffer_t for everything image related. There is also C++ wrapper called Halide::Buffer that makes using buffer_t a little easier, I think it can also be used in Func::realize instead of Halide::Image. The point is: If you understand buffer_t you can wrap almost everything into something digestible by Halide.
To emphasize the first thing Florian mentioned, which I think is the key point of misunderstanding here: you appear to be timing the compilation of the copy operation ("pipeline," in common Halide terms), not just its execution. Your code size estimate is presumably also for the whole binary resulting from copy.cpp, not just the code in the Halide-generated copy function (which won't actually even appear in the binary you're compiling with clang, since it is only constructed by JITing at runtime in this program).
You can observe the actual cost of your pipeline here by first calling copy.compile_jit() before realize (realize implicitly calls compile_jit the first time it is run, so it's not necessary, but it's valuable to factor apart the runtime from the compile overhead). You would then put your timer exclusively around realize.
If you actually want to pre-compile this (or any other) pipeline for static linking into your ultimate program, which is what it seems you might be expecting, what you really want to do is use Func::compile_to_file in one program to compile and emit the code (as copy.h and copy.o), and then link and call these in another program. Check out tutorial lesson 10 to see this in more detail:
https://github.com/halide/Halide/blob/master/tutorial/lesson_10_aot_compilation_generate.cpp https://github.com/halide/Halide/blob/master/tutorial/lesson_10_aot_compilation_run.cpp

How to write convertible code, 32 bit/64 bit?

A c++ specific question. So i read a question about what makes a program 32 bit/64 bit, and the anwser it got was something like this (sorry i cant find the question, was somedays ago i looked at it and i cant find it again:( ): As long as you dont make any "pointer assumptions", you only need to recompile it. So my question is, what are pointer assumtions ? To my understanding there is 32 bit pointer and 64 bit pointers so i figure it is something to do with that . Please show the diffrence in code between them. Any other good habits to keep in mind while writing code, that helps it making it easy to convert between the to are also welcome :) tho please share examples with them
Ps. I know there is this post:
How do you write code that is both 32 bit and 64 bit compatible?
but i tougth it was kind of to generall with no good examples, for new programmers like myself. Like what is a 32 bit storage unit ect. Kinda hopping to break it down a bit more (no pun intended ^^ ) ds.
In general it means that your program behavior should never depend on the sizeof() of any types (that are not made to be of some exact size), neither explicitly nor implicitly (this includes possible struct alignments as well).
Pointers are just a subset of them, and it probably also means that you should not try to rely on being able to convert between unrelated pointer types and/or integers, unless they are specifically made for this (e.g. intptr_t).
In the same way you need to take care of things written to disk, where you should also never rely on the size of e.g. built in types, being the same everywhere.
Whenever you have to (because of e.g. external data formats) use explicitly sized types like uint32_t.
For a well-formed program (that is, a program written according to syntax and semantic rules of C++ with no undefined behaviour), the C++ standard guarantees that your program will have one of a set of observable behaviours. The observable behaviours vary due to unspecified behaviour (including implementation-defined behaviour) within your program. If you avoid unspecified behaviour or resolve it, your program will be guaranteed to have a specific and certain output. If you write your program in this way, you will witness no differences between your program on a 32-bit or 64-bit machine.
A simple (forced) example of a program that will have different possible outputs is as follows:
int main()
std::cout << sizeof(void*) << std::endl;
return 0;
This program will likely have different output on 32- and 64-bit machines (but not necessarily). The result of sizeof(void*) is implementation-defined. However, it is certainly possible to have a program that contains implementation-defined behaviour but is resolved to be well-defined:
int main()
int size = sizeof(void*);
if (size != 4) {
size = 4;
std::cout << size << std::endl;
return 0;
This program will always print out 4, despite the fact it uses implementation-defined behaviour. This is a silly example because we could have just done int size = 4;, but there are cases when this does appear in writing platform-independent code.
So the rule for writing portable code is: aim to avoid or resolve unspecified behaviour.
Here are some tips for avoiding unspecified behaviour:
Do not assume anything about the size of the fundamental types beyond that which the C++ standard specifies. That is, a char is at least 8 bit, both short and int are at least 16 bits, and so on.
Don't try to do pointer magic (casting between pointer types or storing pointers in integral types).
Don't use a unsigned char* to read the value representation of a non-char object (for serialisation or related tasks).
Avoid reinterpret_cast.
Be careful when performing operations that may over or underflow. Think carefully when doing bit-shift operations.
Be careful when doing arithmetic on pointer types.
Don't use void*.
There are many more occurrences of unspecified or undefined behaviour in the standard. It's well worth looking them up. There are some great articles online that cover some of the more common differences that you'll experience between 32- and 64-bit platforms.
"Pointer assumptions" is when you write code that relies on pointers fitting in other data types, e.g. int copy_of_pointer = ptr; - if int is a 32-bit type, then this code will break on 64-bit machines, because only part of the pointer will be stored.
So long as pointers are only stored in pointer types, it should be no problem at all.
Typically, pointers are the size of the "machine word", so on a 32-bit architecture, 32 bits, and on a 64-bit architecture, all pointers are 64-bit. However, there are SOME architectures where this is not true. I have never worked on such machines myself [other than x86 with it's "far" and "near" pointers - but lets ignore that for now].
Most compilers will tell you when you convert pointers to integers that the pointer doesn't fit into, so if you enable warnings, MOST of the problems will become apparent - fix the warnings, and chances are pretty decent that your code will work straight away.
There will be no difference between 32bit code and 64bit code, the goal of C/C++ and other programming languages are their portability, instead of the assembly language.
The only difference will be the distrib you'll compile your code on, all the work is automatically done by your compiler/linker, so just don't think about that.
But: if you are programming on a 64bit distrib, and you need to use an external library for example SDL, the external library will have to also be compiled in 64bit if you want your code to compile.
One thing to know is that your ELF file will be bigger on a 64bit distrib than on a 32bit one, it's just logic.
What's the point with pointer? when you increment/change a pointer, the compiler will increment your pointer from the size of the pointing type.
The contained type size is defined by your processor's register size/the distrib your working on.
But you just don't have to care about this, the compilation will do everything for you.
Sum: That's why you can't execute a 64bit ELF file on a 32bit distrib.
Typical pitfalls for 32bit/64bit porting are:
The implicit assumption by the programmer that sizeof(void*) == 4 * sizeof(char).
If you're making this assumption and e.g. allocate arrays that way ("I need 20 pointers so I allocate 80 bytes"), your code breaks on 64bit because it'll cause buffer overruns.
The "kitten-killer" , int x = (int)&something; (and the reverse, void* ptr = (void*)some_int). Again an assumption of sizeof(int) == sizeof(void*). This doesn't cause overflows but looses data - the higher 32bit of the pointer, namely.
Both of these issues are of a class called type aliasing (assuming identity / interchangability / equivalence on a binary representation level between two types), and such assumptions are common; like on UN*X, assuming time_t, size_t, off_t being int, or on Windows, HANDLE, void* and long being interchangeable, etc...
Assumptions about data structure / stack space usage (See 5. below as well). In C/C++ code, local variables are allocated on the stack, and the space used there is different between 32bit and 64bit mode due to the point below, and due to the different rules for passing arguments (32bit x86 usually on the stack, 64bit x86 in part in registers). Code that just about gets away with the default stacksize on 32bit might cause stack overflow crashes on 64bit.
This is relatively easy to spot as a cause of the crash but depending on the configurability of the application possibly hard to fix.
Timing differences between 32bit and 64bit code (due to different code sizes / cache footprints, or different memory access characteristics / patterns, or different calling conventions ) might break "calibrations". Say, for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) sleep(0); is likely going to have different timings for 32bit and 64bit ...
Finally, the ABI (Application Binary Interface). There's usually bigger differences between 64bit and 32bit environments than the size of pointers...
Currently, two main "branches" of 64bit environments exist, IL32P64 (what Win64 uses - int and long are int32_t, only uintptr_t/void* is uint64_t, talking in terms of the sized integers from ) and LP64 (what UN*X uses - int is int32_t, long is int64_t and uintptr_t/void* is uint64_t), but there's the "subdivisions" of different alignment rules as well - some environments assume long, float or double align at their respective sizes, while others assume they align at multiples of four bytes. In 32bit Linux, they align all at four bytes, while in 64bit Linux, float aligns at four, long and double at eight-byte multiples.
The consequence of these rules is that in many cases, bith sizeof(struct { ...}) and the offset of structure/class members are different between 32bit and 64bit environments even if the data type declaration is completely identical.
Beyond impacting array/vector allocations, these issues also affect data in/output e.g. through files - if a 32bit app writes e.g. struct { char a; int b; char c, long d; double e } to a file that the same app recompiled for 64bit reads in, the result will not be quite what's hoped for.
The examples just given are only about language primitives (char, int, long etc.) but of course affect all sorts of platform-dependent / runtime library data types, whether size_t, off_t, time_t, HANDLE, essentially any nontrivial struct/union/class ... - so the space for error here is large,
And then there's the lower-level differences, which come into play e.g. for hand-optimized assembly (SSE/SSE2/...); 32bit and 64bit have different (numbers of) registers, different argument passing rules; all of this affects strongly how such optimizations perform and it's very likely that e.g. SSE2 code which gives best performance in 32bit mode will need to be rewritten / needs to be enhanced to give best performance 64bit mode.
There's also code design constraints which are very different for 32bit and 64bit, particularly around memory allocation / management; an application that's been carefully coded to "maximize the hell out of the mem it can get in 32bit" will have complex logic on how / when to allocate/free memory, memory-mapped file usage, internal caching, etc - much of which will be detrimental in 64bit where you could "simply" take advantage of the huge available address space. Such an app might recompile for 64bit just fine, but perform worse there than some "ancient simple deprecated version" which didn't have all the maximize-32bit peephole optimizations.
So, ultimately, it's also about enhancements / gains, and that's where more work, partly in programming, partly in design/requirements comes in. Even if your app cleanly recompiles both on 32bit and 64bit environments and is verified on both, is it actually benefitting from 64bit ? Are there changes that can/should be done to the code logic to make it do more / run faster in 64bit ? Can you do those changes without breaking 32bit backward compatibility ? Without negative impacts on the 32bit target ? Where will the enhancements be, and how much can you gain ?
For a large commercial project, answers to these questions are often important markers on the roadmap because your starting point is some existing "money maker"...

How much is 32 kB of compiled code

I am planning to use an Arduino programmable board. Those have quite limited flash memories ranging between 16 and 128 kB to store compiled C or C++ code.
Are there ways to estimate how much (standard) code it will represent ?
I suppose this is very vague, but I'm only looking for an order of magnitude.
The output of the size command is a good starting place, but does not give you all of the information you need.
$ avr-size program.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
The size of your image is usually a little bit more than the sum of the text and the data sections. The bss section is essentially compressed because it is all 0s. There may be other sections which are relevant which aren't listed by size.
If your build system is set up like ones that I've used before for AVR microcontrollers then you will end up with an *.elf file as well as a *.bin file, and possibly a *.hex file. The *.bin file is the actual image that would be stored in the program flash of the processor, so you can examine its size to determine how your program is growing as you make edits to it. The *.bin file is extracted from the *.elf file with the objdump command and some flags which I can't remember right now.
If you are wanting to know how to guess-timate how your much your C or C++ code will produce when compiled, this is a lot more difficult. I have observed a 10x blowup in a function when I tried to use a uint64_t rather than a uint32_t when all I was doing was incrementing it (this was about 5 times more code than I thought it would be). This was mostly to do with gcc's avr optimizations not being the best, but smaller changes in code size can creep in from seemingly innocent code.
This will likely be amplified with the use of C++, which tends to hide more things that turn into code than C does. Chief among the things C++ hides are destructor calls and lots of pointer dereferencing which has to do with the this pointer in objects as well as a secret pointer many objects have to their virtual function table and class static variables.
On AVR all of this pointer stuff is likely to really add up because pointers are twice as big as registers and take multiple instructions to load. Also AVR has only a few register pairs that can be used as pointers, which results in lots of moving things into and out of those registers.
Some tips for small programs on AVR:
Use uint8_t and int8_t instead of int whenever you can. You could also use uint_fast8_t and int_fast8_t if you want your code to be portable. This can lead to many operations taking up only half as much code, because int is two bytes.
Be very aware of things like string and struct constants and literals and how/where they are stored.
If you're not scared of it, read the AVR assembly manual. You can get an idea of the types of instructions, and from that the type of C code that easily maps to those instructions. Use that kind of C code.
You can't really say there. The length of the uncompiled code has little to do with the length of the compiled code. For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<std::string> strings;
std::sort(strings.begin(), strings.end());
std::copy(strings.begin(), strings.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, ""));
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<std::string> strings;
for ( int idx = 0; idx < strings.size(); idx++ )
std::cout << strings[idx];
Both are the exact same number of lines, and produce the same output, but the first example involves an instantiation of std::sort, which is probably an order of magnitude more code than the rest of the code here.
If you absolutely need to count number of bytes used in the program, use assembler.
Download the arduino IDE and 'verify' some of your existing code, or look at the sample sketches. It will tell you how many bytes that code is, which will give you an idea of how much more you can fit into a given device. Picking a couple of the examples at random, the web server example is 5816 bytes, and the LCD hello world is 2616. Both use external libraries.
Try creating a simplified version of your app, focusing on the most valuable feature first, then start adding up the 'nice (and cool) stuff to have'. Keep an eye on the byte usage shown in the Arduino IDE when you verify your code.
As a rough indication, my first app (LED flasher controlled by a push buttun) requires 1092 bytes. That`s roughly 1K out of 32k. Pretty small footprint for C++ code!
What worries me most is the limited amount of RAM (1 Kb). If the CPU stack takes some of it, then there isn`t much left for creating any data structures.
I only had my Arduino for 48 hrs, so there is still a lot to use it effectively ;-) But it's a lot of fun to use :).
It's quite a bit for a reasonably complex piece of software, but you will start bumping into the limit if you want it to have a lot of different functionality. Also, if you want to store quite a lot of static strings and data, it can eat into that quite quickly. But 32 KB is a decent amount for embedded applications. It tends to be RAM that you have problems with first!
Also, quite often the C++ compilers for embedded systems are a lot worse than the C compilers.
That is, they are nowhere as good as C++ compilers for the common desktop OS's (in terms of producing efficient machine code for the target platform).
At a linux system you can do some experiments with static compiled example programs. E.g.
$ size `which busybox `
text data bss dec hex filename
1830468 4448 25650 1860566 1c63d6 /bin/busybox
The sizes are given in bytes. This output is independent from the executable file format, since the sizes of the different sections inside the file format. The text section contains the machine code and const stufff. The data section contains data for static initialization of variables. The bss size is the size of uninitialized data - of course uninitialized data does not need to be stored in the executable file.)
Well, busybox contains a lot of functionality (like all common shell commands, a shell etc.).
If you link own examples with gcc -static, keep in mind, that your used libc may dramatically increase the program size and that using an embedded libc may be much more space efficient.
To test that you can check out the diet-libc or uclibc and link against that. Actually, busybox is usually linked against uclibc.
Note that the sizes you get this way give you only an order of magnitude. For example, your workstation probably uses another CPU architecture than the arduino board and the machine code of different architecture may differ, more or less, in its size (because of operand sizes, available instructions, opcode encoding and so one).
To go on with rough order of magnitude reasoning, busybox contains roughly 309 tools (including ftp daemon and such stuff), i.e. the average code size of a busybox tool is roughly 5k.

Can a C compiler rearrange stack variables?

I have worked on projects for embedded systems in the past where we have rearranged the order of declaration of stack variables to decrease the size of the resulting executable. For instance, if we had:
void func()
char c;
int i;
short s;
We would reorder this to be:
void func()
int i;
short s;
char c;
Because of alignment issues the first one resulted in 12 bytes of stack space being used and the second one resulted in only 8 bytes.
Is this standard behavior for C compilers or just a shortcoming of the compiler we were using?
It seems to me that a compiler should be able to reorder stack variables to favor smaller executable size if it wanted to. It has been suggested to me that some aspect of the C standard prevents this, but I haven't been able to find a reputable source either way.
As a bonus question, does this also apply to C++ compilers?
If the answer is yes, C/C++ compilers can rearrange stack variables, can you give an example of a compiler that definitely does this? I'd like to see compiler documentation or something similar that backs this up.
Edit Again
Thanks everybody for your help. For documentation, the best thing I've been able to find is the paper Optimal Stack Slot Assignment in GCC(pdf), by Naveen Sharma and Sanjiv Kumar Gupta, which was presented at the GCC summit proceedings in 2003.
The project in question here was using the ADS compiler for ARM development. It is mentioned in the documentation for that compiler that ordering declarations like I've shown can improve performance, as well as stack size, because of how the ARM-Thumb architecture calculates addresses in the local stack frame. That compiler didn't automatically rearrange locals to take advantage of this. The paper linked here says that as of 2003 GCC also didn't rearrange the stack frame to improve locality of reference for ARM-Thumb processors, but it implies that you could.
I can't find anything that definitely says this was ever implemented in GCC, but I think this paper counts as proof that you're all correct. Thanks again.
Not only can the compiler reorder the stack layout of the local variables, it can assign them to registers, assign them to live sometimes in registers and sometimes on the stack, it can assign two locals to the same slot in memory (if their live ranges do not overlap) and it can even completely eliminate variables.
As there is nothing in the standard prohibiting that for C or C++ compilers, yes, the compiler can do that.
It is different for aggregates (i.e. structs), where the relative order must be maintained, but still the compiler may insert pad bytes to achieve preferable alignment.
IIRC newer MSVC compilers use that freedom in their fight against buffer overflows of locals.
As a side note, in C++, the order of destruction must be reverse order of declaration, even if the compiler reorders the memory layout.
(I can't quote chapter and verse, though, this is from memory.)
The compiler is even free to remove the variable from the stack and make it register only if analysis shows that the address of the variable is never taken/used.
The stack need not even exist (in fact, the C99 standard does not have a single occurence of the word "stack"). So yes, the compiler is free to do whatever it wants as long as that preserves the semantics of variables with automatic storage duration.
As for an example: I encountered many times a situation where I could not display a local variable in the debugger because it was stored in a register.
The compiler for the Texas instruments 62xx series of DSP's is capable of, and does
"whole program optimization." ( you can turn it off)
This is where your code gets rearranged, not just the locals. So order of execution ends up being not quite what you might expect.
C and C++ don't actually promise a memory model (in the sense of say the JVM), so things can be quite different and still legal.
For those who don't know them, the 62xx family are 8 instruction per clock cycle DSP's; at 750Mhz, they do peak at 6e+9 instructions. Some of the time anyway. They do parallel execution, but instruction ordering is done in the compiler, not the CPU, like an Intel x86.
PIC's and Rabbit embedded boards don't have stacks unless you ask especially nicely.
A compiler might not even be using a stack at all for data. If you're on a platform so tiny that you're worrying about 8 vs 12 bytes of stack, then it's likely that there will be compilers which have pretty specialised approaches. (Some PIC and 8051 compilers come to mind)
What processor are you compiling for?
it is compiler specifics, one can make his own compiler that would do the inverse if he wanted it that way.
A decent compiler will put local variables in registers if it can. Variables should only be placed on the stack if there is excessive register pressure (not enough room) or if the variable's address is taken, meaning it needs to live in memory.
As far as I know, there is nothing that says variables need to be placed at any specific location or alignment on the stack for C/C++; the compiler will put them wherever is best for performance and/or whatever is convenient for compiler writers.
AFAIK there is nothing in the definition of C or C++ specifying how the compiler should order local variables on the stack. I would say that relying on what the compiler may do in this case is a bad idea, because the next version of your compiler may do it differently. If you spend time and effort to order your local variables to save a few bytes of stack, those few bytes had better be really critical for the functioning of your system.
There's no need for idle speculation about what the C standard requires or does not require: recent drafts are freely available online from the ANSI/ISO working group.
This does not answer your question but here is my 2 cents about a related issue...
I did not have the problem of stack space optimization but I had the problem of mis-alignment of double variables on the stack. A function may be called from any other function and the stack pointer value may have any un-aligned value. So I have come up with the idea below. This is not the original code, I just wrote it...
#pragma pack(push, 16)
typedef struct _S_speedy_struct{
double fval[4];
int64 lval[4];
int32 ival[8];
#pragma pack(pop)
int function(...)
int i, t, rv;
S_speedy_struct *ptr;
char buff[112]; // sizeof(struct) + alignment
// ugly , I know , but it works...
t = (int)buff;
t += 15; // alignment - 1
t &= -16; // alignment
ptr = (S_speedy_struct *)t;
// speedy code goes on...