How to find hard erroneous interface casts in Delphi (Win32) - regex

I am trying to find some mysterious bugs in an application, and believe the cause may be some hard casts on interfaces. Such casts are unsafe in Delphi, for example
which should be
CurrentObj as ISomeInterface
In light of the lack of compiler warnings which in my opinion should be emitted for hard casts, my question is how to easily find these casts in a codebase? Some sort of regex grep search perhaps? The codebase is large and it would take forever to search manually for it.

You don't say which flavor of regular expressions you're using. I'm going to assume PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expressions), which means these examples won't work with the goofball "regular expressions" option in the IDE's Find dialog. However, they'll work with any self-respecting grep tool, as well as with the built-in regexes in Perl, Ruby, .NET, and many other languages.
You could start with something like this:
which would search for one or more word characters, followed by zero or more spaces, followed by an open parenthesis. This would match:
TObject (Foo)
but depending on your regex library, and which options you use, and how you pass the input into it, might or not match if there's a line break before the open paren:
and definitely wouldn't work if there's a comment in between, like this pathological case:
X := ISomeInterface // come back and look at this cast, it's dangerous
But for most well-formatted code, it will be good enough.
Now your problem is that it's giving you way more than just the typecasts -- it's also giving you just about every method call in your code. So some refinement is needed.
If your code follows the typical Delphi coding style, then this would probably work much better:
and make sure you do a case-sensitive match. This will match anyplace where you have a word boundary, followed by a capital T (the traditional prefix for most classes and types) or capital I (the prefix for interfaces) or capital E (the prefix for Exception descendants), followed by another capital letter, then some number of upper- or lowercase letters or digits or underscores, followed by optional spaces and an open paren. There's a good chance this is what you need.
However, if you have any type names that don't follow the usual naming conventions (e.g. TfcTreeView that has a lowercase letter after the T), or if you ever rely on Delphi's case-insensitivity (e.g. if there's any chance you might ever have code like tobject(Foo) or even Tobject(Foo)), then it gets harder. If that's the case, post some details and I may be able to make suggestions.

If you know the name of the interface you could use the following
regular expression in the Find in Files Dialog.
Where ITest is the name of your interface


Encode/decode certain text sequences in Qt

I have a QTextEdit where the user can insert arbitrary text. In this text, there may be some special sequences of characters which I wish to translate automatically. And from the translated version, I wish I could go back to the sequences.
Take for instance this:
QMessageBox::information(0, "Foo", MAGIC_TRANSLATE(myTextEdit->text()));
If the user wrote, inside myTextEdit's text, the sequence \n, I would like that MAGIC_TRANSLATE converted the string \n to an actual new line character.
In the same way, if I give a text with a new line inside it, a MAGIC_UNTRANSLATE will convert the newline with a \n string.
Now, of course I can implement these two functions by myself, but what I am asking is if there is something already made, easy to use, in Qt, which allows me to specify a dictionary and it does the rest for me.
Note that sequences with common prefix can create some conflicts, for example converting:
\foo -> FOO
\foobar -> FOOBAR
can give rise to issues when translating the text asd \foobar lol, because if \foo is searched and replaced before \foobar, then the resulting text will be asd FOObar lol instead of the (more natural) asd FOOBAR lol.
I hope to have made clear my needs. I believe that this may be a common task, so I hope there is a Qt solution which takes into account this kind of issues when having conflicting prefixes.
I am sorry if this is a trivial topic (as I think it may be), but I am not familiar at all with encoding techniques and issues, and my knowledge of Qt encoding cover only very simple Unicode-related issues.
Btw, in my case a data-oriented approach, based on resources or external files or anything that does not requires a recompilation would be great.
It sounds like your question is, "I want to run a sequence of regular expression or simple string replacements to map between two encodings of some text".
First you need to work out your mapping, exactly. As you say, if your escape sequences like \foo and \foobar are fiddly, you might find that you don't have a bidirectional, lossless mapping. No library in the world can help you if your design or encoding is flawed.
When you end up with a precise design (which we can't help you on given the complete lack of information provided on the purpose of this function), you'll probably find that a sequence of string replacements is fine. If it really is more complicated, then some QRegExps should be enough.
It is always a bit ugly to self-answer questions, but... Maybe this solution is useful to someone.
As suggested by Nicholas in his answer, a good strategy is to use replacement. It is simple and effective in most cases, for example in the plain C/C++ escaping:
\n \r \t etc
This works because they are all different. It will always work with a replacement if the sequences are all different and, in particular, if no sequence is a prefix to another sequence.
For example, if your sequences are the one aboves plus some greek letters, you will not like the \nu sequence, which should be translated to ν.
Instead, if the replacing function tests for \n before \nu, the result is wrong.
Assuming that both sequences will be translated in two completely different entities, there are two solutions: place a close-sequence character, for example \nu;, or just replace by longest to shorter strings. This ensure that any sequence which is prefix of another one is not replaced before it.
For various reasons, I tried another way: using a trie, which is a tree of all the prefixes of a dictionary of words. Long story short: it works fairly well and probably works faster than (most) regexes and replacements.
Regex are state machines and it is not rare to re-process the input, with a trie, you avoid to re-match characters twice, so you go pretty fast.
Code for tries is pretty easy to find on the internet, and the modifications to do efficient matching are trivial, so I will not write the code here.

PCRE Regex Syntax

I guess this is more or less a two-part question, but here's the basics first: I am writing some PHP to use preg_match_all to look in a variable for strings book-ended by {}. It then iterates through each string returned, replaces the strings it found with data from a MySQL query.
The first question is this: Any good sites out there to really learn the ins and outs of PCRE expressions? I've done a lot of searching on Google, but the best one I've been able to find so far is In my opinion, the information there is not well-organized and since I'd rather not get hung up having to ask for help whenever I need to write a complex regex, please point me at a couple sites (or a couple books!) that will help me not have to bother you folks in the future.
The second question is this: I have this regex
and I need it to catch instances such as {first_name}, {last_name}, {email}, etc. I have three problems with this regex.
The first is that it sees "{first_name} {last_name}" as one string, when it should see it as two. I've been able to solve this by checking for the existence of the space, then exploding on the space. Messy, but it works.
The second problem is that it includes punctuation as part of the captured string. So, if you have "{first_name} {last_name},", then it returns the comma as part of the string. I've been able to partially solve this by simply using preg_replace to delete periods, commas, and semi-colons. While it works for those punctuation items, my logic is unable to handle exclamation points, question marks, and everything else.
The third problem I have with this regex is that it is not seeing instances of {email} at all.
Now, if you can, are willing, and have time to simply hand me the solution to this problem, thank you as that will solve my immediate problem. However, even if you can do this, please please provide an lmgfty that provides good web sites as references and/or a book or two that would provide a good education on this subject. Sites would be preferable as money is tight, but if a book is the solution, I'll find the money (assuming my local library system is unable to procure said volume).
Back then I found PHP's own PCRE syntax reference quite good:
Let's talk about your expression. It's quite a bit more verbose than necessary; I'm going to simplify it while we go through this.
A rather simpler way of looking at what you're trying to match: "find a {, then any number of letters or underscores, then a }". A regular expression for that is (in PHP's string-y syntax): '/\{[a-z_]+\}/'
This will match all of your examples but also some wilder ones like {__a_b}. If that's not an option, we can go with a somewhat more complex description: "find a {, then a bunch of letters, then (as often as possible) an underscore followed by a bunch of letters, then a }". In a regular expression: /\{([a-z]+(_[a-z]+)*\}/
This second one maybe needs a bit more explanation. Since we want to repeat the thing that matches _foo segments, we need to put it in parentheses. Then we say: try finding this as often as possible, but it's also okay if you don't find it at all (that's the meaning of *).
So now that we have something to compare your attempt to, let's have a look at what caused your problems:
Your expression matches any characters inside the {}, including } and { and a whole bunch of other things. In other words, {abcde{_fgh} would be accepted by your regex, as would {abcde} fg_h {ijkl}.
You've got a mandatory _ in there, right after the first .*. The (_){1} (which means exactly the same as _) says: whatever happens, explode if this ain't here! Clearly you don't actually want that, because it'll never match {email}.
Here's a complete description in plain language of what your regex matches:
Match a {.
Match a _.
Match absolutely anything as long as you can match all the remaining rules right after that anything.
Match a _.
Match a single letter.
Instead of that _ and the single letter, absolutely anything is okay, too.
Match a }.
This is probably pretty far from what you wanted. Don't worry, though. Regular expressions take a while to get used to. I think it's very helpful if you think of it in terms of instructions, i.e. when building a regular expression, try to build it in your head as a "find this, then find that", etc. Then figure out the right syntax to achieve exactly that.
This is hard mainly because not all instructions you might come up with in your head easily translate into a piece of a regular expression... but that's where experience comes in. I promise you that you'll have it down in no time at all... if you are fairly methodical about making your regular expressions at first.
Good luck! :)
For PCRE, I simply digested the PCRE manpages, but then my brain works that way anyway...
As for matching delimited stuff, you generally have 2 approaches:
Match the first delimiter, match anything that is not the closing delimiter, match the closing delimiter.
Match the first delimiter, match anything ungreedily, match the closing delimiter.
E.g. for your case:
\{(.+?)\} - Note the ? after the +
I added a group around the content you'd likely want to extract too.
Note also that in the case of #1 in particular but also for #2 if "dot matches anything" is in effect (dotall, singleline or whatever your favourite regex flavour calls it), that they would also match linebreaks within - you'd need to manually exclude that and anything else you don't want if that would be a problem; see the above answer for if you want something more like a whitelist approach.
Here's a good regex site.
Here's a PCRE regex that will work: \{\w+\}
Here's how it works:
It's basically looking for { followed by one ore more word characters followed by }. The interesting part is that the word character class actually includes an underscore as well. \w is essentially shorthand for [A-Za-z0-9_]
So it will basically match any combination of those characters within braces and because of the plus sign will only match braces that are not empty.

Regex to add missing space after comma before argument in functions (to meet coding guidelines)

there is an open source php project i would like to contribute by reducing some coding guidline violations. as there are about 5000 violations for a specific sniff i guess it would be appropriate to use some regex.
the coding guidline rule is called "FunctionCallArgumentSpacingNoSpaceAfterComma". this means that all arguemts should be separated by a comma followed by a space.
these example snippets violate this rule:
$this->message('About', 'Warning, very important!', $this->securityRisk().$this->alterPasswordForm(),2);
$sFiles = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(PATH_typo3conf,'sql',1,1);
if (!strstr(implode(',',$sFiles).',', '/database.sql,')) {
can anybody help in creating a useful regex to fix these coding guidline violations? i tried some hours but i am unfortunately not capable to solve this on my own.
The first thing I would try would be something like this:
sed 's/,\([^ ]\)/, \1/g' someFile.php
Replace commas followed by non-spaces with a comma, a space, and the character that WAS after the comma.
After thinking about it for a split-second, that might kinda work.
But there must be multiple things I'm not thinking of...
You can't safely/reliably do this with a regex. You can't even reliably skip past string literals in some languages (contemplate Perl's q syntax; especially how it works with what it considers to be "bracketing" characters). And even ignoring those, you get into trouble if you have multiple languages in the codebase (there being subtle differences between string/character literals in, say, PHP, Java, and Perl).

differentiating and testing regex variants

Several implementations of regular expressions differ from each other in subtle ways which is the source of much confusion when I try to use them.
Most of these differences include the semantics related to whether a character is escaped or not. This is most often an issue with parentheses, but can apply to curly brackets and others. This is probably a consequence of the syntax of the language or environment in which the implementation is found. For instance, if the $ symbol indicates a variable name in some language, one can expect regular expressions represented in that language would require escaping the "end of line" anchor to \$ or some such. But what gets confusing at this point is how you would represent an actual dollar sign. I believe Perl gets around this by wrapping a regex inside forward slashes /.
Similarly there are escapes for specific characters themselves, for instance non printing characters such as \n and \t. Then there are the similar looking generic character groups such as \d for digits, \s for whitespace, and \w which I just learned covers underscores as well as digits. I found myself on several occasions trying to use \a for a "alphabetical" group but this only ended up matching the bell character 0x07.
It's pretty clear that there is no simple and one-shot solution to knowing all of the differences in features and syntax offered by the myriad of implementations of regular expressions out there, short of somebody doing all the hard work and putting results in a well organized table. Here is one example of exactly this, but of course it doesn't cover several of the programs that I use extensively myself, which include vim, sed, Notepad++, Eclipse, and believe it or not MS Word (at least version 2010, I suspect 2007 also has this, they call it "wildcards") has a simple regex implementation too.
I guess what I want is to be as lazy as possible (in a certain sense) by trying to come up with a way to determine for any given regex implementation what its "escape settings" are beyond any doubt by applying one (or a few) queries.
I'm thinking I can make a file which contains test cases, along with a huge regex query, and somehow engineer it so that running it once will show me exactly what syntax I need to use subsequently without doubting myself any further. (as opposed to having to edit files and use multiple queries to figure out the same thing which gets terribly old after a while).
If nobody else has attempted to construct such a monstrosity, I may undertake this task myself. If it's even possible. Is this possible?
I tried to come up with an example (it was just to figure out if EOL anchor is $ or \$) but in every case I had to use a multitude of different search/replace queries in order to determine how the program will respond to the input.
Edit: I came up with something using capturing and backtracking. I gotta work on it a little more.
Update: Well, Notepad++ does not implement the OR operator commonly denoted by the pipe |. Word's "wildcards" is a poor substitute also, it doesn't have | or *. I'm fairly certain that missing any of the regular expression operators (union, concat, star) means it cannot generate a regular grammar, so those two are ruled out.
I can create an input file like this:
and query
replacing with
yields a result of (assuming unescaped parens is group and unescaped pipe is or)
I ran this in vim. This output would demonstrate the single characters that are matched by each item specified next to it, i.e. the escaped dollar sign item is seen to match the actual dollar sign character rather than the non escaped dollar sign item at the end.
It's difficult to see what's going on with the $ anchor since it matches zero characters, but it shouldn't be hard to find a solution for it. Besides it's not a commonly mistaken one. The ones I'm particularly worried about are pipe and parens and the different brackets. When you've got 4 different types in there there are 2^4 combinations of escaped and non-escaped versions of them you can use. Trial-and-error with that is horrific.
This output isn't too hard to parse at a glance, and is also seriously easy to process as part of a script. The one glaring problem that remains is figuring out whether parens and pipe need to be escaped. Because the functionality of the whole thing depends on them.
It would seem like that will require multiple queries. It may be possible with a cleverly engineered jumble of backslashes, parens, and pipes to figure out the combination (only 4 possibilities after all) with an initial query, then choose the subsequent matrix generator query based on it.
Something like this shows it can work:
replace with
would produce:
:(e if escaped parens is group and escaped pipe is or
:e) if parens is group and escaped pipe is or
(f: if escaped parens is group and pipe is or
f): if parens is group and pipe is or
I still don't really like this though because it requires a second query on a second set of input. Too much setting up. I may just make 4 copies of the "matrix" thing.
The table on this page summarizes quite nicely which features are available in which regex implementations:

boost::regex - \bb?

I have some badly commented legacy code here that makes use of boost::regex::perl. I was wondering about one particular construct before, but since the code worked (more or less), I was loath to touch it.
Now I have to touch it, for technical reasons (more precisely, current versions of Boost no longer accepting the construct), so I have to figure out what it does - or rather, was intended to do.
The relevant part of the regex:
The piece that gives me headaches is \bb. I know of \b, but I could not find mention of \bb, and looking for a literal 'b' would not make sense here. Is \bb some special underdocumented feature, or do I have to consider this a typo?
As Boost seems to be a regex engine for C++, and one of the compatibility modes is perl compatibility--if that is a "perl-compatible" expression, than the second 'b' can only be a literal.
It's a valid expression, pretty much a special case for words beginning with 'b'.
It seems to be the deciding factor that this is a c++ library, and that it's to give environments that aren't perl, perl-compatible regexes. Thus my original thought that perl might interpret the expression (say with overload::constant) is invalid. Yet it is still worth mentioning just for clarification purposes, regardless of how inadvisable it would be tweak an expression meaning "word beginning with 'b'".
The only caveat to that idea is that perhaps Boost out-performs Perl at it's own expressions and somebody would be using the Boost engine in a Perl environment, then all bets are off as to whether that could have been meant as a special expression. This is just one stab, given a grammar where '!!!' meant something special at the beginning of words, you could piggyback on the established meaning like this (NOT RECOMMENDED!)
This would be something dumb to do, but as we are dealing with code that seems unfit for its task, there are thousands of ways to fail at a task.
(\bb\s|\bb|^[a-z]\s|^[a-z]) matches a b if it's not preceded by another word character, or any lowercase letter if it's at the beginning of the string. In either case, the letter may be followed by a whitespace character. (It could match uppercase letters too if case-insensitive mode is set, and the ^ could also match the beginning of a line if multiline mode is set.)
But inside a lookbehind, that shouldn't even have compiled. In some flavors, a lookbehind can contain multiple alternatives with different, fixed lengths, but the alternation has to be at the top level in the lookbehind. That is, (?<=abc|xy|12345) will work, but (?<=(abc|xy|12345)) won't. So your regex wouldn't work even in those flavors, but Boost's docs just say the lookbehind expression has to be fixed-length.
If you really need to account for all four of the possibilities matched by that regex, I suggest you split the lookbehind into two: