using a Django ModelForm doesn't want to work well with a ManyToManyField - django

I have a ManyToManyField in a model which uses the 'through' option. Using a Django ModelForm, this seems to be failing giving me a funny error about having to use the model's manager.
I want to be able to edit this inline (i think the admin lets me do this) and looked up it on google, but everything to use this Django Inline Forms is really messy and I want to be able to keep my code clean and understandable.

I just got my head around inline forms. The documentation is just silly.


how can i replicate admin.TabularInline outside of the admin (on the user side?)

Given a mode A and a model B that has a field with a many to many relationship with model A, I am trying to allow users creating an object of model B to also create an object of model A inline/on-the-fly just like TabularInline allows you to do on the admin.
This is a very common problem and the solution is not trivial (at least for the moment). Django admin uses Javascript(jQuery) to do this task. Multiplication of a form requires lots of altering values and IDs etc. But recently people started doing this with htmx. The way it is done is explained in this article from JustDjango thoroughly. There is even a video tutorial about it. I personally like the way they do it. You can give it a try. It feels and looks like in the django admin. If you would like to do it purely in django, you can look up formset_factory

Django Admin: How to change model name?

I would like to change the model name displayed in admin. The idea is to be able to register filtered versions of the model to the admin view. I know that I can add filter options when viewing the model. I am not interested in doing that.
I don't think using the approach for solving admin plural naming is an option: Django fix Admin plural. I could be wrong. If so, please tell me how this can be done.
I found this approach which seems to be the right solutions: Change 'Change model class name' in Django Admin || Change the 'Change' <h1>. However, I can't make it work. Is it just me not trying hard enough?
It is also an option to make a number of models and then register each of them. However, I will prefer to rename and register filtered versions in admin.
Any suggestions for solving this little issue?

django use ModelForm to validate a Model

Suppose I have a ModelForm for my Model with custom validation logic, and I want to reuse that to validate an existing model instance. Is there any way to do this?
I thought I could just do something like MyModelForm(instance=foo).is_valid(), but that doesn't work for multiple reasons.
I'd like to reuse the existing form validation to avoid duplication of code, but I can't find any way to do so.
Edit: I'm using Django 1.10, in case that makes a difference.

Django Admin like Inlines in my ModelForm

I'm trying to replicate the inlines in the Django admin for adding related models on a FKd model on my own non admin ModelForm. In particular, when you use a StackeAdminInline and you get the "+ Add another XXX" bit of Javascript to add more of the related model.
It must be possible if the admin can do it, but I can't find a project with an example of how to do this. Can anyone point me at something? Am using Crispy Forms, although happy not to if need be. I did see but seems as though this wasn't preferred by the Crispy maintainers, and was thinking there must be some more Djangoic way of doing this if the admin can do it already.
The JS used by the admin is based on this jQuery plugin which is still reasonably maintained.

Django: One FormWizard for multiple models

Would it be possible/best practice to use 1 FormWizard for manipulating multiple models?
I've experimented with the FormWizard and have defined all the forms. The page 'flow' itself works like a charm. However with all the checks that need to be done and Models that are manipulated it feels like I'm sticking code in the form's __init__ and/or process_step() that really belongs in The docs even state: "Dont manipulate form data via process_step().
Testing a concept with everything in one view, thus using a last_submitted_page (the step equiv) it feels like I'm writing another formwizard.
Anybody been here before? Tips welcome.
Thanx a lot.
Zooming out on the issue I decided to go for the FormWizard approach. I re-confirmed that code is easily placed in and that you can get your model info by using. the process_step().