Django Admin: How to change model name? - django

I would like to change the model name displayed in admin. The idea is to be able to register filtered versions of the model to the admin view. I know that I can add filter options when viewing the model. I am not interested in doing that.
I don't think using the approach for solving admin plural naming is an option: Django fix Admin plural. I could be wrong. If so, please tell me how this can be done.
I found this approach which seems to be the right solutions: Change 'Change model class name' in Django Admin || Change the 'Change' <h1>. However, I can't make it work. Is it just me not trying hard enough?
It is also an option to make a number of models and then register each of them. However, I will prefer to rename and register filtered versions in admin.
Any suggestions for solving this little issue?


How to add report section to the Django admin?

I want to implement a report section in Django admin. This would mean adding a custom section in the admin homepage where instead of a list of models I would see a list of reports. I want to use Django's admin tables with filters, sorting, everything if possible.
What would be the "best" way of achieving this? I realize this is a "big" question so I'm not asking for code snippets necessarily, a summary of needed actions would be just fine :)
P.S. Be report I mean a "made up" model by custom queries (queryset or how it's called).
P.S.2 Maybe this question should be something like: How to use Django admin tables functionality in own admin view?
P.S.3 Or maybe there is a way of providing to the existing admin interface my own data. This way I don't have to do anything else. I just want to say instead of a model take this data and display it in a nice table which I can sort, filter etc etc.
So you are attempting to add in new pages into the django admin.
This section explains to you exactly how you can do so -
The basic idea is to add in new urls that you want in your as if you are adding urls for your "front end" pages. The key difference is that these new urls you are adding should start with ^admin/ and would look something like ^admin/my_special_link_in_admin and this url will point to your own custom view function at a location you so prefer.
(r'^admin/my_special_link_in_admin/$', 'my_custom_admin_app.views.special_admin_page'),
So this is the way for complete customization. There's a very good tutorial which I refer to here -
In addition, if you don't want to do too much work, consider using Django Admin Plus -
Or a django-admin-views -

Django: Best way to handle multiselect US state selection

What is the best way to include in a model to save multi-select US states? I need a user to select several states and save this data in a model (via form OR modelform ).
I tried LocalFlavor USStateField model it doesn't seem to work for me since I can't call it like a regular model.
This django app i've written may help you.

Django Admin like Inlines in my ModelForm

I'm trying to replicate the inlines in the Django admin for adding related models on a FKd model on my own non admin ModelForm. In particular, when you use a StackeAdminInline and you get the "+ Add another XXX" bit of Javascript to add more of the related model.
It must be possible if the admin can do it, but I can't find a project with an example of how to do this. Can anyone point me at something? Am using Crispy Forms, although happy not to if need be. I did see but seems as though this wasn't preferred by the Crispy maintainers, and was thinking there must be some more Djangoic way of doing this if the admin can do it already.
The JS used by the admin is based on this jQuery plugin which is still reasonably maintained.

Django admin: Change selected box of related fields to autocomplete

We have some models that are have a user as a foreign key. But with about 25000 users in our system, it's a bit daunting to find the one we need.
Is there a solution out there that's better than the select box? Maybe an autocomplete so we can start typing the user name / address? Or just a search box? When switching the related user for these objects, it's getting harder and harder with 25000 unsorted users.
Even just setting it to sort the users by username would be helpful.
I had this problem and my conclusion was to use an autocomplete field instead. It works pretty well in most cases. The only problem is when you have a lot of entries that are mostly the same. For example, in your case, if you type Robert for the name and there's a few hundred Robert entries in the list...
As mentions in shuckc's answer, Django 2.0+ admin as now autocomplete built in.
For older Django or to use outside of the admin (old answer)
There are many apps that add autocomplete to the Django admin:
django-extensions (ForeignKeyAutocompleteAdmin)
django-autocomplete (on google code)
django-autocomplete (tyrion)
My preferred one is the last one. It's well written, it can be used with the admin and outside of the admin, it works with ManyToManyFields, ForeignKeyFields, CharFields, etc.
I did a fork of this project for my client that adds some niceties like a lookup (loupe) button like the ForeignKeyRawIdWidget.
Django 2.0 admin has autocomplete built in, just set the autocomplete_fields field on the ModelAdmin class. e.g.
class QuestionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
ordering = ['date_created']
search_fields = ['question_text']
class ChoiceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
autocomplete_fields = ['question']
The simplest out-of-the-box solution is to add the field to your ModelAdmin's raw_id_fields -- then you'll get a pop-up window in which you can use the built-in searching/filtering and pagination control's to find and select the object you're after.
If you really want autocomplete, the other answers give a you reasonable starting point.
You can use the ForeignKeyRawIdWidget from django.contrib.admin.widgets. It renders FK relations as an input with a small button along-side which presents a searchable pop up.
There is an app for that (django-autocomplete).

Django: "reverse" many-to-many relationships on forms

The easiest example of the sort of relationship I'm talking about is that between Django's Users and Groups. The User table has a ManyToMany field as part of its definition and the Group table is the "reverse" side.
A note about my constraints: I am not working with the Admin interface at all nor is that an option.
Now, onto the programming problem. I need to write a form that is used to edit MyGroup instances, defined simply as the following:
class MyGroup( Group ):
some_field = models.CharField( max_length=50 )
I want to be able to have a form page where I can edit both some_field and which users are members of the group. Because I'm working with a model, a ModelForm seems obvious. But I cannot figure out how to get Django to include the users because it is on the reverse side of the User-Group relationship. Ideally, I'd like the display widget for specifying the users to be like the one for specifying permissions that is found on the User and Group pages within Admin.
do the trick for a foreign key relationship.
GroupUserInlineFormSet = inlineformset_factory(MyGroup, User, form=PurchaseOrderEditForm, max_num=100, extra=2, can_delete=False)
guformset = GroupUserInlineFormSet (instance=mygroup)
might point you in the right direction. not sure how this can work with a manytomany relationship.
I never found a great way to do this. I ended up writing custom forms that manage creating the fields and specifying an appropriate queryset on them.
For the display portion of the question, there is a way to use the SelectFilter (a.k.a. horizontal filter) on regular pages. One page with instructions I found is here, and there was another that was helpful, but I can't seem to re-located it.
I'm considering writing up a more thorough guide to both parts of this process. If anyone is interested please let me know, it'll give me the push to actually get it done.