Regular Expression: Mathematically vs. Programmatically - regex

Consider the following regular expressions:
Does anyone that is very familiar with regular expression theory in Mathematics agree that the two regular expressions are semantically the same?

Programmatically (as in evaluated by the regular expression engine of a language) it only differs in the capturing groups resulting.
Other than that, they are the same. It is as writing ((7) + (1)) as opposed as 7 + 1. They evaluate to are the same. (Yeah, mathematically speaking, regular languages doesn't evaluate to anything)

Yes, those two regular expressions are the same because they both recognize the same language. The fact that they are not written identically is just a notational issue.

Do they describe the same language? Yes. Do they mean the same thing to someone trying to interpret the language? No. The second one tells me that I should be more interested in the 7s.

The second reduces to first. Do you agree that
are semantically different?

The only difference is the parens assign the enclosed pattern to a group so you can reference that little piece after it's been evaluated.


Regex and grammar free context conversion

Can the following CFG be converted to a Regex ?
Someone said that this could be it regex: (ab* a + b)*
is this true and why? I cant seem to understand it
It's not a regular language.
Consider the subset of the language with exactly one b. (In other words, the intersection of the language with a*ba*.) If the language were regular, that subset would also be regular, since it would be the intersection of two regular languages.
But it's not regular, since it consists of strings in which the number of as following the b is at least as large as the number of as preceding the b, and that is not a regular language ("regular languages can't count").

POSIX Regular Expressions: Excluding a word in an expression?

I am trying to create a regular expression using POSIX (Extended) Regular Expressions that I can use in my C program code.
Specifically, I have come up with the following, however, I want to exclude the word "http" within the matched expressions. Upon some searching, it doesn't look like POSIX makes it obvious for catching specific strings. I am using something called a "negative look-a-head" in the below example (i.e. the (?!http:) ). However, I fear that this may only be something available to regular expressions defined in dialects other than POSIX.
Is negative lookahead allowed? Is the logical NOT operator allowed in POSIX (i.e. ! )?
Working regular expression example:
If I cannot use negative-lookahead like in other dialects, what can I do to the above regular expression to filter out the specific word "http:"? Ideally, is there any way without inverse logic and ultimately creating a ridiculously long regular expression in the process? (the one I have above is quite long already, I'd rather it not look more confusing if possible)
[NOTE: I have consulted other related threads in Stack Overflow, but the most relevant ones seem to only ask this question "generically", which means answers given didn't necessarily mean they were POSIX-flavored ==> in another thread or two, I've seen the above (?!insertWordToExcludeHere) negative lookahead, but I fear it's only for PHP.)
[NOTE 2: I will take any POSIX regular expression phrasings as well, any help would be appreciated. Does anyone have a suggestion on how whatever regular expression that would filter out "http:" would look like and how it could be fit into my current regular expression, replacing the (?!http:)?]
According to lookaheads and lookbehinds are not in the POSIX flavour.
You may consider thinking in terms of lexing (tokenization) and parsing if your problem is too complex to be represented cleanly as a regex.

Construction of pattern that doesn't contain binary string

I was trying to write a pattern which doesn't contain binary string (let's assume 101). I know that such expressions cannot be written using Regular Expression considering
I tried writing the pattern for the above problem using Regular Expression though and it seems to be working.
What I wanted to ask is that can a regular expression be written for my problem and why? And if yes, then is my regular expression correct?
To match a whole string that doesn't contain 101:
Look-ahead are indeed an easy way to check a condition on a string through regex, but your regex will only match alphanumeric words that do not start with 101.
You wrote
I know that such expressions cannot be written using Regular
Expression considering
In that Wikipedia article, you seem to have missed the
Note that the "regular expression" features provided with many
programming languages are augmented with features that make them
capable of recognizing languages that can not be expressed by the
formal regular expressions (as formally defined below).
The negative lookahead construct is such a feature.

Negation of a regular expression

I am not sure how it is called: negation, complementary or inversion. The concept is this. For example having alphabet "ab"
R = 'a'
!R = the regexp that matche everyhting exept what R matches
In this simple example it should be soemthing like
!R = 'b*|[ab][ab]+'
How is such a regexp called? I remeber from my studies that there is a way to calculate that, but it is something complicated and generally too hard to make by hand. Is there a nice online tool (or regular software) to do that?
jbo5112's answer gives good practical help. However, on the theoretical side: a regular expression corresponds to a regular language, so the term you're looking for is complementation.
To complement a regex:
Convert into the equivalent NFA. This is a well-known and defined process.
Convert the NFA to a DFA via the powerset construction
Complement the DFA by making accept states not accept and vice versa.
Convert the DFA to a regular expression.
You now have the complement of the original regular expression!
If all you're doing is searching, then some software/languages for regular expressions have a way to negate the match built in. For example, with grep you can use a '-v' option to get lines that don't match and the SQL variants I've seen allow you to use a 'not' qualifier to negate the match.
Another option that some/most/all regex dialects support is to use "negative lookahead". You may have to look up your specific syntax, but it's an interesting tool that is well worth reading about. Generally it's something like this: if R='<regex>', then Negative_of_R='(?!<regex>)'. Unfortunately, it can vary with the peculiarities of your language (e.g. vim uses \(<regex>\)\#!).
A word of caution: If you're not careful, a negated regular expression will match more than you expect. If you have the text This doesn't match 'mystring'. and search for (?!mystring), then it will match everything except the 'm' in mystring.

Meaning of "match" as related to Regular Expressions

I'm writing a term paper on regular expressions and I'm a bit confused regarding the way one uses the word "match" when referring to regexes. Which of the following is the correct wording to use:
"The regular expression matches the string"
"The string matches the regular expression"
Or are they both correct? All opinions on this are welcome! I really want to get this right and I think it would help my understanding greatly to get this clarified.
I think both are correct. It depends on what you're focusing on. If your focus is in the regular expression itself to see if it serves to work on a given string or set of strings, then you use the first sentence. In the contrary, if you are more interested in looking at a set of strings that match certain criteria, the second one is applicable. You know, a match has the meaning of some equivalence under certain conditions, so both sentences sound equivalent to me.
The string is being matched to the regular expression pattern, therefore I would say the latter is more accurate
When two things match, it is (from a logical perspective at least) irrelevant in which order you mention them.
So it depends on what you want to put focus on.
The string matches the regular expression: Focus is on the string.
The regular expression matches the string: Focus is on the regex.
The latter sounds better to me. The regex specifies a pattern that the string may match. But there's nothing really wrong with either.
If you said either one to me, I would understand what you're saying. I'm sure people have said both to me, and I never thought either one needed to be corrected.
I agree that the string matches (or not) the regular expression. To make it clear why I'd say: the regular expression defines a grammar, and a given string is either well-formed according to that grammar or not.
"The regular expression matches the string"
True if the RE matches the whole string (eg. using ^ $ or just happening to match everything). Otherwise, I would write: the regular expression has match(es) in the string.
"The string matches the regular expression"
Again, true if the regex matches everything, otherwise it sounds a bit odd.
But indeed, in the case of a whole match, the two sentences are equivalent.
Since you're looking for a regular expression within a string, it's more correct to say that you've found the regular expression since that's a one-way relationship.
But as to which matches which, that's a two way relationship and it doesn't really matter (in English, anyway - I can't vouch for other languages ), so either would be correct.
My preference would be to say that the string matches the regular expression, since the RE is the invariant part and the string changes. But that's a personal preference and is unlikely to have any bearing on reality :-)
"The string matches the regular expression" seems to be shorthand for "the string is in the language defined by and isomorphic to the regular expression."
"The regular expression matches the string" seems to be shorthand for "a parser automaton compiled from the regular expression will parse the string and halt in a final state."
I'd say:
At design time a user/develper creates a regular expression that matches a string.
At run time a regular expression engine finds a string that matches the regular expression.
(Not intended to be a definition, just an example of common usage.)
Since a regular expression represents a possibly infinite set of finite strings, I would say that it is most correct to write that "string s matches regular expression r". You could also say that "string s is member of the set generated by regular expression r".
Also, you should consider using the words accept and reject, especially if you intend to discuss finite automata in your paper.