URL routing problem in codeigniter - regex

I am trying to route a URL using codeigniter URL routing.
I want to redirect a url like
/users/edit?email to userController/editemail
/users/edit?password to userController/editpassword
I tried using the following line in routes.php in config folder
$route["users/edit?(email|password)"] = "userController/edit$1";
This displays page not found. I am guessing that ? is being treated as a regular expression character. I tried escaping it but that didn't work either.
I don't want to set the config setting uri_protocol to PATH_INFO or QUERY_STRING, since this is just a pretty URL I want to setup, not pass anything to the action.
Can somebody help me out over here?

You should escape the ? like this, it should work. (not tested)
$route["users/edit\?(email|password)"] = "userController/edit$1";
Later edit:
This works as intended:
$route["users/edit(email|password)?"] = "userController/edit$1";
The userController looks like this
class UserController extends Controller {
function edit()
echo "general edit";
function editemail()
echo "edit email!";
function editpassword()
echo "edit password";
Router works like this:
if you go to http://sitename/index.php/users/editemail you see editemail() action.
if you go to http://sitename/index.php/users/editpassword you see editpassword() action.
if you go to http://sitename/index.php/users/edit you see the edit() action (the question mark makes optional the email/password field and you can do some other things in edit() action


URL rule for dynamic suffix in Yii2

I want to receive a parameter from URL with extension in that.
Here is my controller:
public function actionIndex($directory=null,$filename=null)
echo $directory.$filename;exit;
Here is my URL rule:
'<directory:\w+>/<filename:\w+>' => 'file/index',
it works like that:
But it shows 404 when I do this:
Any suggestions how this can be achieved?
I was able to achieve that with following regex:
'<directory:\w+>/<filename:\w+[.]\w+>' => 'file/index'

Using wildcard route matching in FW/1

I am trying to use the wildcard match on routes in FW/1 v 3.5.
component extends="framework.one" {
this.name= "Wildcard7";
variables.framework = {
home = 'main.home',
action = 'fuseaction',
baseURL = 'useCgiScriptName',
trace = isDebugMode()
variables.framework.routes = [
{ "main/home" = "main/home"},
{ "*" = "main/404"}
When I run the page, without specifying an action, I get the main/404 page instead of main/home
** FW/1 trace**
How can I get main/404 to run only on invalid pages?
When I run the page, without specifying an action, I get the main/404 page instead of main/home
I assume you are trying to access the page like so - your.domain/index.cfm/main. Note the lack of the home action.
Based on your routes, your first route is saying if the path supplied equals "main/home" then point to the view main/home. If there is an action of home in a main.cfc controller then that will be ran prior to rendering the view.
Leaving off the action, home, would not match any of your current routes; resulting in your wildcard catching it. You would need to handle it by including another route like {"main" = "main"}.
To access main/home from your.domain/index.cfm, you can try passing a route of {"/" = "main/home"}. I would suggest this being above your wildcard and below any other routes to avoid any freak matches.

route query for play framework 1.2.5

I need to add a route for the following syntax:
In my routes file, I tried using the following
GET /select/{term}
However, the above does not catch the URL - instead it goes to another handler in the config (placed beneath the handler for select/{term}:
GET /{auth}
Any thoughts on fixing or troubleshooting this would be most welcome. thanks
?term= means that term is a parameter - not part of the route you are trying to match
so you'd write
GET /select YourControllerClass.yourMethod
YourControllerClass extends Controller {
public static void yourMethod(String term){
Logger.debug("term=" + term);
If your URL was http://www.testsite.com/select/query1 then the route definition you provided above should work

Using Servlet filter on all the pages except the index

I'm trying to use a Filter to force my users to login if they want to access some pages.
So my Filter has to redirect them to an error page in there's no session.
But I don't want this to happen when they visit index.html, because they can login in the index page.
So I need an URL Pattern that matches all the pages excluding / and index.xhtml.
How can I do that? Can I use regex in my web.xml ?
After reading this
I thought that I can make something like :
if (!req.getRequestURI().matches("((!?index)(.*)\\.xhtml)|((.*)\\.(png|gif|jpg|css|js(\\.xhtml)?))"))
in my doFilter() method, but it still processes everything.
I'm sure that the regex works because I've tested it online and it matches the files that doesn't need to be filtered, but the content of the if is executed even for the excluded files!
EDIT 2 :
I'm trying a new way.
I've mapped the Filter to *.xhtml in my web.xml, so I don't need to exclude css, images and javascript with the regex above.
Here's the new code (into the doFilter())
if (req.getRequestURI().contains("index")) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
if (!userManager.isLogged()) {
request.getRequestDispatcher("error.xhtml").forward(request, response);
} else {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
but it still doesn't because it calls the chain.doFilter() (in the outer if) on every page.
How can I exclude my index page from being filtered?
The web.xml URL pattern doesn't support regex. It only supports wildcard prefix (folder) and suffix (extension) matching like /faces/* and *.xhtml.
As to your concrete problem, you've apparently the index file defined as a <welcome-file> and are opening it by /. This way the request.getRequestURI() will equal to /contextpath/, not /contextpath/index.xhtml. Debug the request.getRequestURI() to learn what the filter actually retrieved.
I suggest a rewrite:
String path = request.getRequestURI().substring(request.getContextPath().length());
if (userManager.isLogged() || path.equals("/") || path.equals("/index.xhtml") || path.startsWith(ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER)) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/error.xhtml").forward(request, response);
Map this filter on /*. Note that I included the ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER check so that JSF resources like <h:outputStylesheet>, <h:outputScript> and <h:graphicImage> will also be skipped, otherwise you end up with an index page without CSS/JS/images when the user is not logged in.
Note that I assume that the FacesServlet is mapped on an URL pattern of *.xhtml. Otherwise you need to alter the /index.xhtml check on path accordingly.

Rest API Web Service - iOS

Its my first time to use web service in iOS.
REST was my first choice and I use code igniter to form it.
I have my Controller:
require APPPATH.'/libraries/REST_Controller.php';
class Sample extends REST_Controller
function example_get()
$users_array = array();
$users = $this->users->get_all_users();
foreach($users as $user){
$new_array = array(
'id'=>$user->id ,
array_push( $users_array, $new_array);
$data['users'] = $users_array;
$this->response($data, 200);
function user_put()
$message = array('message' => 'ADDED!');
$this->response($message, 200);
, using my web browser, accessing the URL http://localhost:8888/restApi/index.php/sample/example/format/json really works fine and gives this output:
, this gives me a great output using RKRequest by RestKit in my app.
The problem goes with the put method. This URL :
always give me an error like this:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<error>Unknown method.</error>
This is my Users model
class Users extends CI_Model {
function __construct()
function get_all_users()
$query = $this->db->get('users');
return $query->result();
function insertAUser(){
$data = array('name'=> "Sample Name", 'age'=>"99");
$this->db->insert('users', $data);
What is the work around for my _put method why am I not inserting anything?
Thanks all!
Unless you set the method to PUT or POST, your web server is not going to treat it as such. When you enter URLs in a browser bar, that is almost always a GET request. You might try to use curl like
curl -X POST -d #filename http://your.url.path/whatever
Another link would be: https://superuser.com/questions/149329/what-is-the-curl-command-line-syntax-to-do-a-post-request
So you should be able to do a PUT similarly (perhaps with no data). Not really sure if this should be iOS tagged though :)
I got this problem by using Firefox plug in rest Client.
I just have to indicate the headers and the body to make put and post work.