HowTo Install the Django emailauth App into a New Project - django

I'm a Django newbie and am interesting in understanding how to install the EmailAuth app into my new project:
Seems like Django apps are meant to be plug in play so I must be missing something....
Here's what I tried.
I created a new project
copied the emailauth directory over
Updated my with the INSTALLED_APPS 'emailauth' and made sure my had correct db and email settings.
But that failed, I must be missing some other installation requirements?
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Django apps are Python modules.


django ImportError: No module named plugins

i need some help.
I searched in internet but i didn't find any response. I'n new in python nad django :) that causes that i'm here.
Maybe i start at the beginning, i have some project django on heroku hosting, and i have repository on git. I check and i don't have ftp connection to heroku :/ and i have only repository on git. In this repository is requirement.txt file but there no information about version of modules.
I want to prepare enviroment on my ubuntu, i downloaded my existing django project and i started server by command
python server
I was informed by python that i need to install some of module, and library of python etc. Everything went ok until apperad info
ImportError: No module named plugins
There is no name of plugins this showed just plugins. I installed some module like django-plugins ( i think that module have a folder i dist-package like djangoplugins ). It did not help :/, than i created new folder in dist-package ( in python library folder ) "plugins" and i copied content form djangoplugins . This did not help :/. again showed me "ImportError: No module named plugins". i don't have any idea , whats i need to install, i installed every plugins i found in internet and it didn't help.
Maybe you had this problem ? i know that django can be 1.6 version.]
I have wrong version of django and django-cms.

django-registration: Where should I put the "registration" directory?

I'm using the django-registration app from, and I'm a bit confused as to where I should place it.
I've added "registration" under INSTALLED_APPS in (as instructed), but shouldn't the registration app mentioned be in my project directory, with all my other apps? This seems to make more sense to me than having it somewhere else (ie. PYTHONPATH).
So, I'm thinking of cloning the repo, just grabbing django-registration's registration app, abandoning all the other files included in django-registration (INSTALL, README, docs, etc.), and sticking that registration app in my project directory.
This way, I can edit the models to include more fields, reflect that in the forms, etc.
Is this wrong?
(Sorry, it's my first large Django project)
Normally you wouldn't touch the files of django-registration - if you want to add your own custom fields for a user profile, you'd do something like this:
Saving profile with registration in Django-Registration
When you install a django package, this package are on your PYTHONPATH, so your project see it.
So just install via pip or easy_install (pip is better), and put on settings' INSTALLED_APPS the 'registration' package
Follow this instructions

No module named filterspecs

In eclipse,when i create new project, i got an error like,
Error creating Django project file not created
If i synchronize present project and runserver, iam getting Error: No module named filterspecs.But i haven't used filterspecs in my project. Already installed in usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin.
Kindly advise to rectify the error.
You may be using django.contrib.admin.filterspecs to create custom filters for your admin pages, such as outlined here:
Custom Filter in Django Admin on Django 1.3 or below
Unfortunatelly, you will have to rewrite these using the new list_filter module functionality.
See the manual here:
This happened to me as well, even though my code wasn't directly using any filterspecs.
Run python runserver --traceback to see exactly where the error is coming from.
This module was removed in Django 1.4, but other external modules you have listed in your might still be using it, so make sure you upgrade everything in your INSTALLED_APPS list. In my case, I was using an outdated version of FeinCMS, but after I upgraded it, the error went away.
Obviously, your system is lacking filterspecs module which is required by the project. Install it by typing sudo pip install filterspecs in the console (if you are on linux)

I've installed django on dreamhost using passenger_wsgi now how do I export my development project onto this?

I followed the wiki on .
Django is installed in my site's directory and I've even created my first project, now what do I do ?
You can copy your project files to the server and transfer your database to the sql server on dreamhost. Don't forget to make changes in your to reflect the environment. Should work otherwise me thinks.

How do I install an open source django-application?

I want to install an existing django app, The code is at
I installed django and I understand how to create a new django project.
But how do you deploy an existing app? I know how this works in Rails or Symfony, but I don't really get the django concept here.
Where do I put the files? Which scripts do I run?
Thanks for the steps.
Why is this any different from deploying your own applications? Just put them somewhere in your PYTHONPATH and set up mod_wsgi or whatever to serve them.