how can I use static library build by different version of mingw? - c++

I am facing a complicated situation about using a static library under windows.
The static library is build by a specific version of mingw which is bundled with Eiffel studio. Since Eiffel studio uses mingw to create its output as a static lib, I have no control over this configuration.
If I try to use this static library with Eclipse CDT which is using a more recent version of mingw, then I can't compile my project. This is because I have to provide -l options to various libraries like winsock, and it appears due to difference between versions of compilers generating static library and my code, this does not work.
If I force Eclipse to use the same mingw directory that comes with Eiffel studio, the one that compiled the static lib, then I can compile my code (there are some other issues here though)
I do not want to constrain my c++ development just because a static library is build with a particular version of mingw.
So how can I use this static library from my own mingw version? This is windows xp btw..
Best Regards

Though I don't have a lot of information here is what I would do:
Try to compile with the newer version of mingw and see if you can make it work. Errors are very important in this case (you should check also the mingw manual/mailing lists/forums for finding about the compatibility between mingw versions
Separate the library from the program and wrap all its functionality - to avoid different incompatible compilation flags (you could create a different library - even a DLL and call your new functions (wrappers for some library functions)
Decide what part of the project is mandatory - the part with the library or the rest of the code
If the library is mandatory I would compile the code with that version of mingw
Else I would try to find an equivalent for that library or eliminate it
Others option may be available but this is what I would do (in this order)


Linking a MinGW library to a MSVC app with a C interface

I'm trying to link to the OpenAL soft library as compiled with the Media Autobuild Suite, and I'm getting the following error from Visual Studio:
libopenal.a(source.cpp.o) : fatal error LNK1143: invalid or corrupt file: no symbol for COMDAT section 0xA
My application is in C++ and compiled directly in Visual Studio 2019 (however, with the VS2017 toolset). OpenAL soft is written in C++ but exposes a C interface, and the MAB Suite compiles using MinGW/gcc and generates a libopenal.a static library file.
I've read from multiple other questions such as From MinGW static library (.a) to Visual Studio static library (.lib) and How to use libraries compiled with MingW in MSVC? that object files compiled with different compilers are generally not compatible for C++ due to name mangling, but often are compatible with C linkage. Because C does not use name mangling, and because the ABI is (usually) OS-dependent, libraries with a C interface compiled on the same platform are generally compatible.
Nevertheless, I've been running into linker errors, namely the LNK1143 above. I've confirmed that the included headers use extern "C" { to hint C linkage and that the target platform (x64) is the same for both builds. I also linked to libgcc.a as this answer recommends, and did not get any linker errors for it.
Does this mean the claim that C interfaces are generally compatible across compilers is not true? Or is this a special case in which it's not working? If the latter, what could be causing the linking to fail? Would I have better luck if I recompiled as shared libraries (dlls) instead of static libraries (even if I still use MinGW's .a files instead of .lib)?
I cannot change compilers from MSVC for my main app. I intend to use more libraries from the MAB Suite in the future, so I'd prefer to stay with MinGW for those dependencies if possible because I don't want to recompile all 70+ by hand.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Mixing compilers is tricky and prone to issues.
In some very simple cases it may work, but there are definitely a number of cases where you will run in to issues, for example:
if the different components use different runtime libraries
if memory management is being mixed (e.g. forget about freeing memory allocated with malloc() in MSVC using free() in MinGW)
when using exception handling in C++
My advice to do it all with the same compiler (and even the same version of this compiler).
Specifically in your case OpenAL can be built with MinGW-w64. So maybe you should look into that instead of downloading some prebuilt version from the web.
Or - somewhat easier - use MSYS2 and use its pacman package manager to get its own MinGW-w64 build of OpenAL.
I figured out what works for me, so I'll share.
I was not able to link a static library between compilers as I originally attempted. My understanding is that the extra info kept in the lib to allow link-time code generation is compiler-specific. Brecht Sanders's answer outlines a few possible reasons why the code wouldn't be compatible.
I was, however, able to link to a shared library, with a few extra steps.
Using the same suite (see the question), I compiled as shared and got libopenal.dll, libopenal.dll.a, and libopenal.def. In my case, the .def file was generated by the suite. Accoding to this answer, you can generate a .def file with gcc using:
gcc -shared -o your_dll.dll your_dll_src.c -Wl,--output-def,your_dll.def
Trying to link to libopenal.dll.a still gave me errors (I don't know exactly why, and I already discarded the logs.) What I did instead was generate a .lib file from the .def file. In Visual Studio's built-in terminal:
lib /machine:x64 /def:libopenal.def
This generated a libopenal.lib file in the working directory. Linking to this file worked perfectly, and I was able to successfully load the dll at runtime.
I've tested this same method with many other MinGW-compiled libraries from the suite, including libavformat, libavcodec, libavutil, libavdevice, swresample, and swscale, and thus far all of them have worked.
Kind of convoluted, but it seems to work well for me, so I hope this helps anyone else with the same problem.

How to link MinGw-compiled library with MSVC project in VisualStudio?

I'm writing a project in VS 2017 that utilizes the Windows 32 bit version of SWI Prolog. I'm using the SWI Prolog C++ interface in another project that compiles with MSVC, using a C++ header and a .a static library to go with it.
I got everything linked together fine so that the projects runs okay in the local debugger mode for VS. However, when I try to use the compiled .exe, I get a linker error:
The procedure entry point __divmoddi4 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\ProgrammingLanguages\swipl-32\bin\libswipl.dll
After some Googling I saw that this function is unique to newer versions of GCC, and it makes sense that the SWI Prolog library uses it considering it was cross compiled using MinGW.
The problem is I need this executable to work on its own, but I have no idea how to get the project to resolve this linker error without straight up switching to GCC. Is there any way I can resolve this linking error while still using MSVC?
I read some other threads about using extern "C" to resolve the problem but I get compiler errors since there's overloaded functions in the header I'm using. Unless I need to use the C header for SWI Prolog instead?
It seems that it tries to use different DLL versions in debugger and as a standalone EXE. Run the project in the debugger and check which DLLs it loads (there is a special pane somewhere in VS). Then make sure it can find the same DLLs when you run it as a standalone executable (e.g. put them in the same folder as the EXE).
Never found a true solution to this, but just an old way around. I rolled back SWI Prolog and grabbed an older version that actually had the static libraries built and available for Windows.

Programming language that doesn't require a runtime/dependency to be installed

I want to know a programming language that doesn't require a runtime/dependency to be installed on the target system. My primary target is Windows XP and above.
I tried Autohotkey but it dosent have many advance functions.
Firstly, please confirm that does 'C++' requires to install a runtime/dependency on the target system is is Win XP or later. Secondly, please suggest me an alternative to C++ that doesnt require a dependency to be installed.
UPDATE: I will be using CodeBlocks! Does the C++ code compiled with that requires a dependency?
UPDATE: Sorry for the misconception, by CodeBlocks I mean the default compiler of CodeBlocks (ie: GNU GCC Compiler or MinGW).
Everything usually depends on the project, not the language. For example, programs compiled in Visual Studio's C++ uses some runtime libraries to work properly. However, you can configure the project in such way, that these libraries are included in the executable file, thus not needing additional dependencies. Delphi works similarly.
Here's the setting for Visual Studio Project:
If you choose option with "DLL", your program will require runtime DLLs. Otherwise it will be standalone, the runtimes will be incorporated into your binary file.
Edit: In response to question edit
I'll repeat myself: it depends on project, not the compiler or IDE.
If you want to create a program that does not require anything else in order to run, except for base operating system (no .NET, no Java, no Perl, no runtime libraries, etc), then your best bet is to use C or C++ and compile your program as single statically compiled executable.
It is rather difficult to achieve in practice, but it can be done.
Codeblocks is not a compiler, but an IDE, that can use different compilers.
The most common one is MinGW.
To complie with minGW so that all the standard libraries are statically linked you shold configure your project (see "project settings") so the the linker options include the -static flag.
You can even be more specific by stecifying

Compiling linux library for mingw

I have been using a socket library for C++. Some other info: 32 bit Linux, Codelite and GCC toolset. I want to be able to compile my program for Windows using the windows edition of Codelite. The socket library I have been using doesn’t have a mingw32 build of the library, but it’s open source. So how can I make a mingw32 build of the socket library so I can make a windows build using the source provided?
Most open source linux libraries are built with the make build system (although there others like jam etc, and custom written scripts for building). MinGW comes with the make utility, it's mingw32-make.exe. It may be possible (if you're lucky) to simply rebuild your library by making it on Windows.
The more usual scenario is that you will need to configure the project before you can build it though. The windows shell doesn't support the scripting requirements required to configure, but there's another part of the MinGW project that does called MSYS. If you install msys and all the required tools you need for it, you'll be able to ./configure your project before running make.
Of course, the above will only work if the library is written to be portable. There are some breaking difference between the linux socket implementation (sys/socket.h), and the windows implementation (winsock2.h). You may be forced to edit chunks of the code to ensure that it is versioned correctly for the platform (or that any dependencies required are also built for Windows).
Also, there is the chance that the library may already be built for Windows, but using a different compiler like MSVC, which produces .lib and .dll files. Mingw requires .a files for libraries, but a clever feature is the ability to link directly against a .dll, without the need for an imports library, so you can often use an existing windows library that was not built against Mingw (Although this won't help for static linking). There is also a tool, dlltool, which can convert .lib to .a.
If you give detail on the specific library you're working with, I may be able to pick out for you what needs to be done to run it on Win.
You port it to the new platform. :)
You're fortunate that it is opensource, because then it would be practically impossible to port it (You'd have to pay $$$'s to get a copy of the code for a particular license, or rewrite the entire product).
Alternatively, they may well already have a port... Check the documentation for the library you are using.
First off your going to need to make sure that you aren't including any Linux specific libraries.

Are C++ libs created with different versions of Visual Studio compatible with each other?

I am creating a open-source C++ library using Visual Studio 2005. I would like to provide prebuilt libs along with the source code. Are these libs, built with VS2005, also going to work with newer versions of Visual Studio (esp VS Express Edition 2008)? Or do I need to provide separate libs per VS version?
Not normally, no. Libraries built with the VS tools are linked into the 'Microsoft C Runtime' (called MSVCRT followed by a version number) which provides C and C++ standard library functions, and if you attempt to run a program that requires two different versions of this runtime then errors will occur.
On top of this, different compiler versions churn out different compiled code and the code from one compiler version frequently isn't compatible with another apart from in the most trivial cases (and if they churned out the same code then there would be no point having different versions :))
If you are distributing static libraries, you may be able to distribute version-independent libraries, depending on exactly what you are doing. If you are only making calls to the OS, then you may be OK. C RTL functions, maybe. But if you use any C++ Standard Library functions, classes, or templates, then probably not.
If distributing DLLs, you will need separate libraries for each VS version. Sometimes you even need separate libraries for various service-pack levels. And as mentioned by VolkerK, users of your library will have to use compatible compiler and linker settings. And even if you do everything right, users may need to link with other libraries that are somehow incompatible with yours.
Due to these issues, instead of spending time trying to build all these libraries for your users, I'd spend the time making them as easy to build as possible, so that users can can build them on their own with minimal fuss.
Generally it's not possible to link against libraries built with different compilers, different versions of the same compiler, and even different settings of the same compiler version and get a working application. (Although it might work for specific subsets of the language and std library.) There is no standard binary interface for C++ - not even one for some common platform as there are in C.
To achieve that, you either need to wrap your library in a C API or you will have to ship a binary for every compiler, compiler version, and compiler setting you want to support.
If your library project is a static library, then, you'll have to supply a build for every Visual Studio version that you want your users to be in. In the example you gave, that equates to providing both a VS2005 and a VS2008 library.
If your library project is a dynamic library, then, you evade the problems somewhat, but, it means that users will need to make sure that they use the 'Microsoft C Runtime' that's compatible with your build environment. You can eliminate that criteria should you statically link the 'Microsoft C Runtime' into your dynamic library.