Better to create new VBOs or just swap the data? (OpenGL) - opengl

So in a OpenGL rendering application, is it usually better to create and maintain a vertex buffer throughout the life of an application and just swap out the data every frame with glBufferData, or is it better to just delete the VBO and recreate it every frame?
Intuition tells me it's better to swap out data, but a few sample programs I've seen does the latter, so I'm kind of confused.
I read Nvidia's whitepaper on VBOs, but as I'm a newbie to opengl, it didn't make a whole lot of sense.
Thanks in advance for and advice

Since you're generating a whole new set of data each frame the documentation seems to indicate that GL_STREAM_DRAW is the Right Way to go about things.

The significant thing about VBOs is that they are render data buffers that are stored in graphics memory and not in the computer's main memory. That makes their usage very efficient when the data in them isn't being updated (too) frequently, because every time you do that, the computer will have to transfer (potentially huge amounts of) data from main to graphics memory - which is slow.
So the ideal case is to put all required render data into VBOs once and then only manipulate them via OpenGL functions like matrix transformation or via shaders.
So you would e.g. put each mesh's world space coordinates and texture coordinates into VBOs and never directly touch them again; you'd use the modelview matrix, lighting functions and shaders to render them.
You can do more to optimize VBO usage, but that's the basics as I have understood them.
Find some good hints and more details here: How do I use OpenGL 3.x VBOs to render a dynamic world?


Cost of large buffer switch vs. small buffer switch

I'm creating a tile-based renderer where each tile has a vertex model. However, from each vertex model only a small portion is rendered in one frame. These subsets change every frame.
What would be the fastest way to render this? I can think of the following options:
Make one draw call for every model. Every model is stored in full on the gpu. For every draw call, the full vbo is switched every time. Indices are then used to pick the appropriate small portion for the actual rendering.
Make one draw call with one vbo which gets assembled every frame by copying the necessary (small) subset of all the other vbos (the data is copied within vram).
Make one draw call with one vbo, but the vbo is recreated every frame with the (small) subset from CPU data using glBufferData.
Which do you think is fastest, or can you think of something faster?
One deciding factor is obviously if switching between larger VBOs is more expensive than switching between smaller VBOs.
It is a bad idea to make a lot of drawcalls. In OpenGL,you will be CPU bound by this method, so it is better to batch a lot of models.
Actually, I would go for this method. All static geometry is inside one and only one VBO and one VAO. It does not mean that you only have "one draw call". However, you should use glMultiDraw*Indirect.
The idea burried that is you have to use compute shaders to perform culling on GPU, and use something like GL_INDIRECT_PARAMETERS extensions with your multi indirect draw call.
Indirect Drawing
For all dynamic geometry, you can use a persistent buffer.
To answer your question about changing vao/vbo. Change VAO, or use glBindVertexBuffer should not make a big overhead.
But you should profile it, it can depends on your driver / hardware :)

What's the best way to draw multiple objects in modern OpenGL?

I'm trying to use modern OpenGL and shaders, instead of the immediate mode I have been using so far. I recently learned about VBOs and VAO, and I'm still trying to get my head round them, but I know that a VBO takes an array of floats that are vertices, which it then passes to the GPU etc
What is the best way to draw multiple objects (which are all identical) but in different positions, using VBOs. Will I have to draw one, then modify the array passed in beforehand, and then draw it again and modify and draw and modify and so on... for all blocks in the screen every frame? Or is there a better way?
I'm trying to achieve this:
Any help is appreciated - I don't want to learn bad (deprecated, old) immediate mode habits, when I could be learning a more modern way!
You should not modify the vertices in your program, that should be done in the shaders. For this, you will create a matrix that represents the transformation and will use that matrix in the vertex shader.
The main idea is:
You create a VAO holding the information of your VBO (vertices, normals, texture coordinates, tangent information, etc.)
Then, for every different object, you generate a model matrix that holds the information of the position, orientation and scale (and other homogeneous tranformations) and send that to your shader to make the transformations.
The idea is that you bind your VAO just once and then draw all the different objects just sending the information that change (model matrix, may be textures) and draw the objects.
To learn about how to use the model matrix, read tutorials like this:
There are even better ways to do this, but you can start from here.
Other information that would be good for your case is using instancing.
Later, you can move on indirect drawing for even better performance. Later...

OpenGL what does glTexImage2D do?

What does gl.glTexImage2D do? The docs say it "uploads texture data". But does this mean the whole image is in GPU memory? I'd like to use one large image file for texture mapping. Further: can I simply use a VBO for uv and position coordinates to draw the texture?
Right, I am using words the wrong way here. What I meant was carrying a 2D array of UV coordinates and a 2D array of model to subsample a larger PNG image (in texture memory) onto individual tile models. My confusion here lies in not knowing how fast these fetches can take. Lets say I have a 5000x5000 pixel image. I load it as a texture. Then I create my own algorithm for fetching portions of it to draw. Where do I save myself the bandwidth for drawing these tiles? If I implement an LOD algorithm to determine which tiles are close, which are far and which are out of the camera frustum how do manage each these tiles in memory? Loaded question I know but I am struggling to find the best implementation to get started. I am developing for mobile devices with OpenGL ES 2.0.
What exactly happens when you call glTexImage2D() is system dependent, and there's no way for you to know, unless you have developer tools that allow you to track GPU and memory usage.
The only thing guaranteed is that the data you pass to the call has been consumed by the time the call returns (since the API definition allows you to modify/free the data after the call), and that the data is accessible to the GPU when it's used for rendering. Between that, anything is fair game. Keep in mind that OpenGL is a very asynchronous API. When you make API calls, the corresponding work is mostly queued up for later execution by the GPU, and is generally not completed by the time the calls return. This can include calls for uploading data.
Also, not all GPUs have "GPU memory". In fact, if you look at them by quantity, very few of them do. Mobile GPUs have caches, but mostly not VRAM in the sense of traditional discrete GPUs. How VRAM and caches are managed is highly system dependent.
With all the caveats above, and picturing a GPU that has VRAM: While it's possible that they can load the data into VRAM in the glTexImage2D() call, I would be surprised if that was commonly done. It just wouldn't make much sense to me. When a texture is loaded, you have no idea how soon it will be used for rendering. Since you don't know if all textures will fit in VRAM (and they often will not), you might have to evict it from VRAM before it was ever used. Which would obviously be very wasteful. As a general strategy, I think it will be much more efficient to load the texture data into VRAM only when you have a draw call that uses it.
Things would be somewhat different if the driver could be very confident that all texture data will fit in VRAM. But with OpenGL, there's really no reasonable way to know this ahead of time. And things get even more complicated since at least on desktop computers, you can have multiple applications running at the same time, while VRAM is a shared resource.
You are correct.
glteximage2d is the function that actually moves the texture data across to the gpu.
you will need to create the texture object first using glGenTextures() and then bind it using glBindTexture().
there is a good example of this process in the opengl redbook
you can then use this texture with a VBO. There are many ways to accomplish this, but interleaving your vertex coordinates, texture coordinates, and vertex normals and then telling the GPU how to unpack them with several calls to glVertexAttribPointer is the best bet as far as performance.
you are on the right track with VBOs, the old fixed pipeline GL stuff is depricated so you should just learn VBO from the outset.
this book is not 100% up to date, but it is complete and free and should serve as a great place to start learning VBO Open GL Book

Techniques for drawing tiles with OpenGL

I've been using XNA for essentialy all of my programming so far and would like to move on to OpenGL (along with SFML for IO, creating the window etc.) with C++ . For starters I'd like to create a tile-based game and I've mostly looked at LazyFoo's tutorials.
I just have a two questions:
How should I draw the tiles? Should I use immediate drawing, arrays, VBOs or what? VBOs feel like overkill for this but I'm not sure. It's very tempting to use immediate drawing but apparently it's deprecated. Maybe it's fine for this purpose since it's 2D and only for a bunch of quads.
I'd like a lot of different tiles and thus all of my tiles will not fit into a single texture without making it massive. I've read that using bindTexture isn't very cheap and thus I should avoid as many calls as I can. I thought that maybe I can create a manager for my textures and stitch them all together into one big texture and bind that but then the dimensions of that is an issue.
Don't use immediate mode! It's cumbersome to work with and has been removed from recent OpenGL versions. Use Vertex Arrays, ideally through VBOs. In the end they're much easier to use, believe me.
Regarding that switching of textures. We're talking about optimizing the texture switch patterns in very complex scenes. In your case it will hardly matter at all.
Right now you worry abount things without having even used them. That's worse than premature optimization. I suggest you first get a good grip on OpenGL, then start worrying about state switch management.
With regards to the texture atlas; this is usually done by stitching textures into groups of power-of-two sized textures. For example in a tile-based game you might have a particular tile set (say, tiles for an ice world) grouped together on 2 or 3 textures. When you want to render them you would determine what tiles are visible, then you bind each texture once and render the tiles from that texture for any tiles that are visible on screen.
This requires quite a lot of set-up time to get right; you need keep information on each sub-texture of the atlas so you can find the right texture and render the appropriate region of that texture whenever a tile is referenced. You also need a good way of grouping rendering operations so that they occur when the appropriate texture is bound.
Like datenwolf said, I wouldn't focus too much on complicated texture systems early on; eager binding of textures will be plenty fast enough until you get further down the road.

How do I use Vertex Buffer Objects to render many different circles?

I'm trying to write a game that deals with many circles (well, Triangle Fans, but you get the idea). Each circle will have an x position, a y position, and a mass property. Every circle's mass property will be different. Also, I want to color some groups of circles different, while keeping a transparent circle center, and fading to opaque along the perimeter of the circles.
I was told to use VBOs, and have been Googling all day. I would like a full example on how I would draw these circles and an explanation as to how VBOs work, while keeping that explanation simple.
I have not implemented VBOs myself yet, but from what I understand, they work similar to texture objects. In fact, when I am reminding myself and explaining to others what VBOs are, I like to incorrectly call texture objects 'texture buffer objects', to reinforce the conceptual similarity.
(Not to be mixed with buffer textures from NVIDIA-specified extension GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object.)
So let's think: what are texture objects? They are objects you generate using glGenTextures(). glGenBuffersARB() does similar thing. An analogy applies with glBindTexture() and glBindBufferARB().
(As of OpenGL 1.5, functions glGenBuffers() and glBindBuffer() have entered core OpenGL, so you can use them in place of the extension equivalents.)
But what exactly are these 'texture objects', and what do they do? Well, consider that you can, actually, use glTexture2D() in each frame to set up a texture. Texture objects only serve to reduce traffic between GPU and main memory; instead of sending entire pixel array, you send just the "OpenGL name" (that is, an integer identifier) of the texture object which you know to be static.
VBOs serve similar purpose. Instead of sending the vertex array over and over, you upload the array once using glBufferData() and then send just the "OpenGL name" of the object. They are great for static objects, and not so great for dynamic objects. In fact, many generic 3D engines such as Ogre3D provide you with a way to specify if a mesh is dynamic or static, quite probably in order to let you decide between VBOs and vertex arrays.
For your purposes, VBOs are not the right answer. You want numerous simple objects that are continuously morphing and changing. By simple, I mean those with less than 200 vertices. Unless you intend to write a very smart and complex vertex shader, VBOs are not for you. You want to use vertex arrays, which you can easily manipulate from main CPU and update them each frame without making special calls to graphics card to reupload the entire VBO onto the graphics card (which may turn out slower than just sending vertex arrays).
Here's a quite good letscallit "man page" from nVidia about VBO API. Read it for further info!
good vbo tutorial
What you're doing looks like particles, you might want to google "particle rendering" just in case.