What do you feel is over-generalization? - c++

Having spent some time playing around in Haskell and other functional languages, I've come to appreciate the simplicity of design that comes from describing problems in general terms. While many aspects of template programming can be far from simple, some uses are common enough that I don't think they're an impediment to clarity (especially function templates). I find templates can often simplify the current design while automatically adding a bit of future-resistance. Why should their functionality be relegated to the library writers?
On the other hand, some people seem to avoid templates like the plague. I could understand this a decade ago when the very concept of generic types was foreign to much of the programming community. But now all of the popular statically-typed OO languages support generics of one form or another. The added familiarity seems to warrant an adjustment of the conservative attitudes.
One such conservative attitude was expressed to me recently:
You should never make anything more general than necessary - basic rule of software development.
I was quite honestly surprised to see this stated so dismissively as if it should've been self evident. Personally I find it far from self-evident, what with languages like Haskell where everything is generic unless you specify otherwise. That being said, I think I understand where this point of view comes from.
In the back of my mind, I do have something like that rule rattling around. Now that it's at the forefront, I realize I've always interpreted it in the light of overall architecture. For example, if you have a class, you don't want to load it up with tons of features you might one day use. Don't bother making interfaces if you only need one concrete version (though mockability might be a counterargument to this one). Things like that...
What I don't do, however, is apply this principle on the micro level. If I have a small utility function that has no reason to be dependent on any particular type, I'll make a template.
So what do you think, SO? What do you consider to be over-generalizing? Does this rule have differing applicability depending on the context? Do you even agree this is a rule?

Over generalizing makes me crazy. I'm not scared of templates (nowhere near) and I like general solutions. But I also like solving the problem for which the client is paying. If it's a one week project, why am I now funding a one month extravaganza which will continue to work not only through obvious possible future changes like new taxes, but probably through the discovery of new moons or life on mars?
Bringing this back to templates, the client asks for some capability that involves your writing a function that takes a string and a number. You give me a templated solution that takes any two types and does the right thing for my specific case and something that might or might not be right (due the absence of requirements) in the rest of the cases, and I will not be grateful. I will be ticked off that in addition to paying you I have to pay someone to test it, someone to document it, and someone to work within your constraints in the future if a more general case should happen to come along.
Of course, not all generalization is over generalization. Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. As general as necessary, but no more general. As tested as we can afford, but no more tested. Etc. Also, "predict what might change and encapsulate it." All these rules are simple, but not easy. That's why wisdom matters in developers and those who manage them.

If you can do it in the same time, and the code is at least as clear, generalization is always better than specialization.
There's a principle that XP people follow called YAGNI - You Ain't Gonna Need It.
The wiki has this to say:
Even if you're totally, totally, totally sure that you'll need a feature later on, don't implement it now. Usually, it'll turn out either a) you don't need it after all, or b) what you actually need is quite different from what you foresaw needing earlier.
This doesn't mean you should avoid building flexibility into your code. It means you shouldn't overengineer something based on what you think you might need later on.

Too generic ? I must admit I am a fan of Generic Programming (as a principle) and I really like the idea that Haskell and Go are using there.
While programming in C++ however, you are offered two ways to achieve similar goals:
Generic Programming: by the way of templates, even though there are issues with compilation time, dependency on the implementation, etc..
Object-Oriented Programming: its ancestor in a way, which places the issue on the object itself (class/struct) rather than on the function...
Now, when to use ? It's a difficult question for sure. Most of the times it's not much more than a gut feeling, and I've certainly seen abuse of either.
From experience I would say that the smaller a function/class, the more basic its goal, the easier it is to generalize. As an example, I carry around a toolbox in most of my pet projects and at work. Most of the functions / classes there are generic... a bit like Boost in a way ;)
// No container implements this, it's easy... but better write it only once!
template <class Container, class Pred>
void erase_if(Container& c, Pred p)
c.erase(std::remove_if(c.begin(), c.end(), p), c.end());
// Same as STL algo, but with precondition validation in debug mode
template <class Container, class Iterator = typename Container::iterator>
Iterator lower_bound(Container& c, typename Container::value_type const& v)
return std::lower_bound(c.begin(), c.end(), v);
On the other hand, the closer you get to the business specific job, the least likely you are to be generic.
That's why I myself appreciate the principle of least effort. When I am thinking of a class or method, I first take a step backward and think a bit:
Would it make sense for it to be more generic ?
What would be the cost ?
Depending on the anwsers, I adapt the degree of genericity, and I struggle to avoid premature locking, ie I avoid using a non-generic enough way when it doesn't cost much to use a slightly more generic one.
void Foo::print() { std::cout << /* some stuff */ << '\n'; }
// VS
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Foo const& foo)
return out << /* some stuff */ << '\n';
Not only is it more generic (I can specify where to output), it's also more idiomatic.

Something is over-generalized when you're wasting time generalizing it. If you are going to use the generic features in the future then you're probably not wasting time. It's really that simple [in my mind].
One thing to note is that making your software generalized isn't necessarily an improvement if it also makes it more confusing. There is often a trade off.

I think you should consider two basic principles of programming: KISS (keep it simple and straightforward) and DRY (don't repeat yourself). Most of the time I start with the first: implement the needed functionality in the most straightforward and simple way. Quite often it's enough, because it can already satisfy my requirements. In this case it remains simple (and not generic).
When the second (or max third) time I need something similar I try to generalize the problem (function, class, design, whatever) based on the concrete real life examples -> it's unlikely that I do the generalization just for itself.
Next similar problem: if it fits to the current picture elegantly, fine, I can solve it easily. If not, I check if the current solution can be further generalized (without making it too complicated/not so elegant).
I think you should do something similar even if you know in advance that you will need a general solution: take some concrete examples, and do the generalization based on them. Otherwise it's too easy to run into dead ends where you have a "nice", general solution, but it's not usable to solve the real problems.
However, there might be some exceptional cases to this.
a) When a general solution is almost exactly the same effort and complexity. Example: writing a Queue implementation using generics is not much more complicated then doing the same just for Strings.
b) If it's easier to solve the problem in the general way, and also the solution is easier to understand. It does not happen too often, I can't come up with a simple, real life example of this at the moment :-(. But even in this case having/analyzing concrete examples previously is a must IMO, as only it can confirm that you are on the right track.
One can say experience can overcome the prerequisite of having concrete problems, but I think in this case experience means that you have already seen and thought about concrete, similar problems and solutions.
If you have some time you could have a look at Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. It has a lot of interesting stuff about how to find the right balance between genericity and complexity, and how to keep the complexity at a minimum that is really required by the your problem.
And of course, the various agile processes also recommend something similar: start with the simple, refactor when it's needed.

For me, over generalization is, if there is need to break the abstraction in any further steps. Example within the project, I live in:
Object saveOrUpdate(Object object)
This method is too generic, because it is provided to the client within a 3-Tier-Architecture, so you have to check the saved object on the server without a context.

there are 2 examples from microsoft in over-generalization:
1.) CObject (MFC)
2.) Object (.Net)
both of them are used to "realise" generics in c++ which most of the people doesn't utilize. In fact, everyone did type checking on parameter given using these (CObject/Object) ~


Secret to achieve good OO Design [closed]

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I am a c++ programmer, and I am looking forward to learning and mastering OO design.I have done a lot of search and as we all know there is loads of material, books, tutorials etc on how to achieve a good OO design. Of course, I do understand a good design is something can only come up with loads of experience, individual talent, brilliance or in fact even by mere luck(exaggeration!).
But sure it all starts off with a solid beginning & building some strong basics.Can someone help me out by pointing out the right material on how to start off this quest of learning designing right from the stage of identifying objects, classes etc to the stage of using design patterns.
Having said that I am a programmer but I have not had a experience in designing.Can you please help me take someone help me out in this transition from a programmer to a designer?
Any tips,suggestions,advice will be helpful.
[Edit]Thanks for the links and answers, I need to get myself in to that :) As i mentioned before I am a C++ programmer and I do understand the OO basic concepts as such, like inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and having written code in C++ do understand a few of the design patterns as well.what i dont understand is the basic thought process with which one should approach a requirement. The nitty grittys of how to appraoch and decide on what classes should be made, and how to define or conclude on relationships they should have amongst themselves.Knowing the concepts(t some extent) but not knowing how to apply them is the problem i seem to have :( Any suggestions about that?
(very) Simple, but not simplist design (simple enough design if you prefer) : K.I.S.S.
Prefer flat hierarchies, avoid deep hierarchies.
Separation of concerns is essential.
Consider other "paradigms" than OO when it don't seem simple or elegant enough.
More generally : D.R.Y. and Y.A.G.N.I help you achieve 1.
There is no secret. It's sweat, not magic.
It's not about doing one thing right. It's balancing many things that must not go wrong. Sometimes, they work in sync, sometimes, they work against each other. Design is only one group of these aspects. The best design doesn't help if the project fails (e.g. because it never ships).
The first rule I'd put forward is:
1. There are no absolutes
Follows directly from the "many things to balance. D.R.Y., Y.A.G.N.I. etc. are guidelines, strictly following them cannot guarantee good design, if followed by the letter they may make your project fail.
Example: D.R.Y. One of the most fundamental principles, yet studies show that complexity of small code snippets increases by a factor of 3 or more when they get isolated, due to pre/post condition checking, error handling, and generalization to multiple related cases. So the principle needs to be weakened to "D.R.Y. (at least, not to much)" - when to and when not is the hard part.
The second rule is not a very common one:
2. An interface must be simpler than the implementation
Sounds to trivial to be catchy. Yet, there's much to say about it:
The premise of OO was to manage program sizes that could not be managed with structured programming anymore. The primary mechanism is to encapsulate complexity: we can hide complexity behind a simpler interface, and then forget about that complexity.
Interface complexity involves the documentation, error handling specifications, performance guarantees (or their absence), etc. This means that e.g. reducing the interface declaration by introducing special cases isn't a reduction in complexity - just a shuffle.
3-N Here's where I put most of the other mentions, that have been explained already very well.
Separation of Concerns, K.I.S.S, SOLID principle, D.R.Y., roughly in that order.
How to build software according to these guidelines?
Above guidelines help evaluating a piece of code. Unfortunately, there's no recipe how to get there. "Experienced" means that you have a good feel for how to structure your software, and some decisions just feel bad. Maybe all the principles are just rationnalizaitons after the fact.
The general path is to break down a system into responsibilities, until the individual pieces are managable.
There are formal processes for that, but these just work around the fact that what makes a good, isolated component is a subjective decision. But in the end, that's what we get paid for.
If you have a rough idea of the whole system, it isn't wrong to start with one of these pieces as a seed, and grow them into a "core". Top-down and bottom-up aren't antipodes.
Practice, practice, practice. Build a small program, make it run, change requirements, get it to run again. The "changing requirements" part you don't need to train a lot, we have customers for that.
Post-Project reviews - try to get used to them even for your personal projects. After it's sealed, done, evaluate what was good, what was bad. Consider the source code was thrown away - i.e. don't see that sessison as "what should be fixed?"
Conway's Law says that "A system reflects the structure of the organizaiton that built it." That applies to most complex software I've seen, and formal studies seem to confirm that. We can derive a few bits of information from that:
If structure is important, so are the people you work with.
Or Maybe structure isn't that important. There is not one right structure (just many wrong ones to avoid)
I'm going to quote Marcus Baker talking about how to achieve good OO design in a forum post here: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4671598&postcount=24
1) Take one thread of a use case.
2) Implement it any old how.
3) Take another thread.
4) Implement it any old how.
5) Look for commonality.
6) Factor the code so that commonality is collected into functions. Aim for clarity of code. No globals, pass everything.
7) Any block of code that is unclear, group into a function as well.
8) Implement another thread any old how, but use your existing functions if they are instant drop-ins.
9) Once working, factor again to remove duplication. By now you may find you are passing similar lumps of stuff around from function to function. To remove duplication, move these into objects.
10) Implement another thread once your code is perfect.
11) Refactor to avoid duplication until bored.
Now the OO bit...
12) By now some candidate higher roles should be emerging. Group those functions into roles by class.
13) Refactor again with the aim of clarity. No class bigger than a couple of pages of code, no method longer than 5 lines. No inheritance unless the variation is just a few lines of code.
From this point on you can cycle for a bit...
14) Implement a thread of use case any old how.
15) Refactor as above. Refactoring includes renaming objects and classes as their meanings evolve.
16) Repeat until bored.
Now the patterns stuff!
Once you have a couple of dozen classes and quite a bit of functionality up and running, you may notice some classes have very similar code, but no obvious split (no, don't use inheritance). At this point consult the patterns books for options on removing the duplication. Hint: you probably want "Strategy".
The following repeats...
17) Implement another thread of a use case any old how.
18) Refactor methods down to five lines or less, classes down to 2 pages or less (preferably a lot less), look for patterns to remove higher level duplication if it really makes the code cleaner.
19) Repeat until your top level constructors either have lot's of parameters, or you find yourself using "new" a lot to create objects inside other objects (this is bad).
Now we need to clean up the dependencies. Any class that does work should not use "new" to create things inside itself. Pass those sub objects from out side. Classes which do no mechanical work are allowed to use the "new" operator. They just assemble stuff - we'll call them factories. A factory is a role in itself. A class should have just one role, thus factories should be separate classes.
20) Factor out the factories.
Now we repeat again...
21) Implement another thread of a use case any old how.
22) Refactor methods down to five lines or less, classes down to 2 pages or less (preferably a lot less), look for patterns to remove higher level duplication if it really makes the code cleaner, make sure you use separate classes for factories.
23) Repeat until your top level classes have an excessive number of parameters (say 8+).
You've probably finished by now. If not, look up the dependency injection pattern...
24) Create (only) your top level classes with a dependency injector.
Then you can repeat again...
25) Implement another thread of a use case any old how.
26) Refactor methods down to five lines or less, classes down to 2 pages or less (preferably a lot less), look for patterns to remove higher level duplication if it really makes the code cleaner, make sure you use separate classes for factories, pass the top level dependencies (including the factories) via DI.
27) Repeat.
At any stage in this heuristic you will probably want to take a look at test driven development. At the very least it will stop regressions while you refactor.
Obviously, this is a pretty simple process, and the information contained therein shouldn't be applied to every situation, but I feel like Marcus gets it right, especially with regards to the process one should use to design OO code. After a while, you'll start doing it naturally, it'll just become second nature. But while learning to do so, this is a great set of steps to follow.
As you said, there is nothing like experience. You can read every existing book on the planet about this, you'll still not as good as if you practice.
Understanding the theory is good, but in my humble opinion, there is nothing like experience. I think the best way to learn and understand things completely is to apply them in some project(s).
There you'll face difficulties, you'll learn to solve them, sometimes perhaps with a bad solution : but still you'll learn. And if at any time something bothers you and you can't find how to solve it nicely, we'll be here on SO to help you ! :)
I can advice you the book "Head First Design Patterns" (search Amazon). It is a good starting point, before seriously diving into the gang of fours' bible, and it shows design principles and the most used patterns.
In a nutshell : Code, criticize, look for a well-known solution, implement it, and back to first step till you're (more or less) satisfied.
As often, the answer to this kind of question is : it depends. And in that case, it depends how you learn things. I'll tell you what work for me, for I face the very problem you describe, but it won't work with everybody and I would not say it's "the perfect answer".
I begin coding something, not too simple, not too complex. Then, I look at the code and I think : all right, what is wrong ? For that, you can use the first three "SOLID principles" :
Single responsibility (are all your classes serving a unique purpose ?)
Open/Close principle (if you want to add a service, your classes can be extended with inheritance, but there is no need to alter the basic functions or your current classes).
Liskov Substitution (all right, this one I can't explain simply, and I'd advise reading about it).
Don't try to master those and understand everything about them. Just use them as guideline to criticize your code. Think chiefly about "what if I want to do this now ?". "What if I work for a client, and he wants to add this or that ?". If your code is perfectly adaptable to any situation (which is almost impossible), you might have reached a very good design.
If it's not, consider a solution. What would you do ? Try to come with an idea. Then, read about design patterns and find one that could answer your problem. See if it matches your idea - often, it's the idea you had, but better expressed and developped. Now, try to implement it. It's going to take time, you'll often fail, it's frustrating, and that's normal.
Design is about experience, but experience is acquired by criticizing your own code. That's how you'll understand design, not as a cool thing to know, but as the basis for a solid code. It's not enough to know "all right, a good code has that and that". It's much better to have experienced why, to have failed and see what whas wrong. The trouble with design pattern is that they are very abstract. My method is a way (probably not the only one nor the best) to make them less abstract to you.
No-solo-work. Good designs are seldom created by a single person only. Talk to your colleagues. Discuss your design with others. And learn.
Don't be too smart. A complex hierarchy with 10 levels of inheritance is seldom a good design. Make sure that you can clearly explain how your design works. If you can't explain the basic principles in 5 minutes, your design is probably too complex.
Learn tricks from the masters: Alexandrescu, Meyers, Sutter, GoF.
Prefer extensibility over perfection. Source code written today will be insufficient in 3 years time. If you write your code to be perfect now, but inextensible, you will have a problem later. If you write your code to be extensible (but not perfect), you will still be able to adapt it later.
The core concepts in my mind are:
Encapsulation - Keep as much of you object hidden from both the prying eyes and sticky fingers of the outside world.
Abstraction - Hide as much of the inner workings of you object from the simple minds of the code that needs to use your objects
All the other concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism and design patters are about incorporating the two concepts above and still have objects that can solve real world problems.

C++ interview - testing potential candidates

I have to interview some C++ candidates over the next few weeks and as the most senior programmer in the company I'm expected to try and figure out whether these people know what they are doing.
So has anybody got any suggestions?
Personally I hate being left in a room to fill out some C++ questions so I'd rather do a more complex test that I can chat with the interviewee about their approaches and so forth as we go along. ie it doesn't matter whether they get the right answers or not its how they approach the problem that interests me. I don't care whether they understand obscure features of the language but I do care that they have a good solid understanding of pointers as well as understanding the under lying differences between pointers and references. I would also love to see how they approach optimisation of a given problem because solid fast code is a must, in my opinion.
So any suggestions along these lines would be greatly appreciated!
I wouldn't make them write code. Instead, I'd give them a couple of code snippets to review.
For example, the first would be about design by contract: See if they know what preconditions, postconditions and invariants are. Do a couple of small mistakes, such as never initializing an integer field but asserting that it is >= 0 in the invariant, and see if they spot them.
The second would be to give them bool contains(char * inString, char c). Implement it with a trivial loop. Then ask whether there are any mistakes. Of course, your code here does not check for null in the input parameter inString (even if the very previous question talked about preconditions!). Also, the loop finishes at character 0. Of course, the candidate should spot the possible problems and insist on using std::string instead of this char * crap. It's important because if they do complain, you'll know that they won't add their own char *'s to new code.
An alternative which addresses containers: give them a std::vector<int> and code which searches for prime numbers or counts the odd numbers or something. Make some small mistake. See if they find any issues and they understand the code. Ask in which situation a std::set would be better (when you are going to search elements quite systematically and original order of entrance doesn't matter.).
Discuss everything live, letting them think a couple minutes. Capture the essence of what they say. Don't focus on "coverage" (how many things they spot) because some people may be stressed. Listen to what they actually say, and see if it makes any sense.
I disagree with writing code in interviews. I'd never ask anyone to write code. I know my handwritten code would probably suck in a situation like that. Actually, I have seldom been asked to do so, but when I have, I haven't been hired.
This one is a great complex task, even though it is looking quite harmless.
I believe that a C++ programmer needs more than just generic programming skills, because...
In C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when you do, you blow off your whole leg.
Writing bug-free, maintainable C++ code places a much higher demand on a few areas than most languages.
One thing I'll call "pedanticness". You know how some people can spot spelling errors in something at a glance? A C++ programmer needs to be able to spot simple bugs while they read or write code (whether the code is their own or not). A programmer who relies on the "compile and test" technique just to get rid of simple bugs is incompatible with the C++ language, because those bugs don't always lead to immediate failure in C++.
C++ programmers also need a good knowledge of low-level stuff. Pointers, memory allocators, blocking, deadlocks. And "nitty gritty" C++ issues, like multiple inheritance and method hiding and such, particularly if they need to maintain other people's code.
Finally, C++ programmers need to be able to write code that's easy for other people to use. Can they design stuff well?
A good test for the first two areas is "Here's some C++ code I got off the internet. Find the bugs, and identify the unneccessary bits." (There's lots of really bad C++ code available on the internet, and often the programmer does unnecessary things due to a faulty understanding of how to be "safe" in C++.)
The last area you can test with more generic interview questions.
A few questions can allow you to know a lot about a candidate:
Differences between a pointer and a reference, when would you use each?
Why would you make a destructor virtual?
Where is the construction order of a class attributes defined?
Copy constructor and operator=. When would you implement them? When would you make them private?
When would you use smart pointers? what things would you take into account to decide which?
Where else have you seen RAII idiom?
When would you make a parameter const? when a method?
When would you make an attribute mutable?
What is virtual inheritance?
What is template specialization?
What are traits?
What are policies?
What is SFINAE?
What do you know about C++Ox standard?
What boost libraries have you used?
What C++ books have you read? (Sutter? Alexandrescu?)
Some short exercises (no more than 10 minutes) about STL containers, memory management, slicing, etc. would also be useful. I would allow him to do it in a computer with a ready environment. It's important to observe the agility.
Checkout Joel's Guerrilla guide to interviewing. Seems a lot like what you are looking for.
"Write a program that receives 3 integers in the range of 0..2^32-1, and validates if they represent valid edges of a triangle".
It seems to be a simple question. The input is considered valid if the sum of any two edges is greater than the third edge. However, there are some pitfalls, that a good programmer will handle:
The correct type to use should be unsigned long. Many "programmers" will fail here.
Zero values should be considered as non-valid.
Overflow should be avoided: "if (a+b <= c) return false" is problematic since a+b may cause an overflow.
if (a <= c-b) is also bad solution since c-b may be negative. Not a good thing for unsigned types.
if (c > b) { if (a <= c-b) return false; } else { if (a <= b-c) return false; } This looks much better, but it will not work correctly if (a >= b+c).
A good programmer must be detail oriented. This simple exercise will help checking if he is.
Depending on what your organisation's pre-screening is like, assume that the person knows nothing at all about C++ and has just put in on their CV because it makes them look supertechnical. Seriously. Start with something simple, like reversing a string. I have had candidates who couldn't even write a function prototype for this !!
Do not forget to also test for code bigotry. I know I don't want anyone working for or with me that isn't a flexible and consequently practical programmer both in their attitude to the programming language, but also in their approach to problem solving.
Denying any type of preconceptions
Understanding the value of the
exceptions in any Best Practices
Being capable of refusing long term
habits in favor of something else if
the need arises
These are characteristics dear to me. The manner of testing for these is not ideal if the interviews aren't lengthy or don't involve presenting code. But showing code snippets with purposely debatable techniques while offering a use case scenario and asking the candidate how they feel about the solution is one way.
This article offers some general ideas that are relevant regardless of what language you're working with.
Don't test only the C++ and overall technical skills! Those are of course important, but they are nothing if people don't listen, don't answer properly or don't follow the commitments they made.
Check at most for the ability to clearly communicate. If people cant tell you what roughly they did in their former jobs within a few minutes, they will also be unable to report about their work at your place etc.
In a recent company we invited people for interviews in groups of about 3 people together. They were surprised, but nobody was angry about that. It was very interesting, because people had to communicate not only with us, but also with others in the same position. In case we were interested further, we arranged a second interview.
You can choose potentially problematic task and see how they approach it. Ask them to write a smart pointer for example, you'll see if they understand pointers, references and templates in one step :) Usually they are stressed so they will do mistakes, those mistakes might help you find out how good they problem solving skills are, what paths would they use to fix a mistake and so on. The only problem with this approach is that sometimes interviewee just don't know anything about the task and you would have to quickly figure out something easier. If they do perfect code you can discuss their choices but when there's nothing to look at it is depressing for both of you.
Here is my answer to a similar question geared towards C#, but notice that my answer is language agnostic. My interview question is, in fact, in C. I rarely interview a person with the goal of finding out if they can program. I want to find out if they can think, problem solve, collaborate, communicate, understand something new, and so on. In the meantime, I circle around trying to see if they "get it" in terms of the big picture of software engineering. I use programming questions because that's a common basis and an easy ruse.
Get Codility.com to screen out non-programming programmers, this will get you a limited number of mostly reasoable candidates. Sit for an hour with each of them and try to build something together (a micro web server, a script for processing some of your data, a simple GUI). Pay attention to communication skills, i.e. how much effort does it take to understand the candidate. Ask the candidate for recommendation of books related to the subject (C++ software development in your case). Follow Guerilla Guide to Interviewing, i.e. answer yourself honestly, if the person is smart and gets things done. Good luck.
Check 10 C++ Interview Questions by Tests4Geeks.
It's an addition to their pre-interview C++ test and it has really usefull questions. Many people have been working on these interview questions so it's quite balanced and has no tricky or syntax questions.
Idea is quite simple - first you weed out incompetent candidates using the test, then you use article questions in real-life interview.
Whatever you do, pairing would be a good idea. Come up with a good program and pair with the guy and work towards solving the problem. IMHO, that a very good idea
So has anybody got any suggestions?
I'd recommend getting a copy of this:
ie it doesn't matter whether they get the right answers or not its how they approach the problem that interests me
You could ask the candidate to come up with a UML design to a common problem. If they show you a design pattern, then you can talk through the pros/cons of the pattern. You could then ask them to produce some code for one of the classes.
This would help you determine their technical knowledge level and their communication abilities.
I do care that they have a good solid understanding of pointers as well as understanding the under lying differences between pointers and references
Linked list problems are good for determining whether a candidate has a solid grasp of pointers.
As for references, you could show them some code that does not use references correctly, and ask them to describe the problem.
e.g show them a class definition that contains a reference member variable, and the implementation of the constructor with the reference initialization missing.
I would also love to see how they approach optimisation of a given problem because solid fast code is a must, in my opinion.
I'd start off simple...
Show them a code example that passes strings to a function by value. (the strings should not be modified in the function). You should check they correct the code to pass the strings by const reference.
After this, you could show a constructor that uses assignment instead of initialization (for objects). Ask them to improve it.
Lastly, ask them simple questions about data structure selection.
e.g. When they should use a list rather than a vector.
If you feel they have a grasp of the fundamentals you could either ask how they approach optimization problems (discuss profilers etc), or ask them to optimize something less obvious.
Take a look into this C++ test. They have a questions about differences between pointers and references as you require.
Here is full list of topics:
Fundamentals: References & Pointers, Const Correctness, Explicit
Standard Library
Class Design, Overloading
Virtual Functions, Polymorphism, Inheritance
Memory Management, Exception Safety
Miscellaneous: Perfect Forwarding, Auto, Flow Control, Macros
These guys are really serious about their questions, they also made the great list of C++ interview question which you might ask your candidates:

C++ Meta Templates: A Good or Bad Design Choice?

I'm curious to find out if and when C++ meta templates are a good design choice for systems small to large. I understand that they increase your build time in order to speed up your execution time. However, I've heard that the meta template code is inherently hard to understand by many developers, which could be a problem for a large group of people working on a system with a very large code base (millions of lines of code). Where do you think C++ meta templates are useful (or not)?
Metaprogramming is just another tool in a (C++) programmers' toolbox - it has many great applications, but like anything can be mis- or over- used. I think it's got a bad reputation in terms of 'hard to use', and I think this mainly comes from the fact that it's a significant addition to the language and so takes a while to learn.
As an example of real-world use; I've used template metaprogramming to implement Compile-time asserts and shim libraries in the past; implementing these without templates would either have been impossible or required significantly more code than I had to write.
In the case of the shim library it could have been implemented in a classic object-orientated fashion which could have been designed to have a similar (low) level of code duplication as the templated implementation; however it's runtime performance would have been significantly worse.
If you want to see some good examples of how it can be used, I suggest you read Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu (there is a sample chapter on the publisher's website) - IMO this is one of the best books on the subject.
Template metaprogramming doesn't make your code "inherently hard to understand". It moves the complexity around. The underlying metaprogramming code may be a pain to understand, but at the same time, it typically simplifies client code.
If its effect was just to make code harder to read, it wouldn't be used. The reason it is used from time to time is exactly that it simplifies the code as a whole.
Of course, programmers who are not familiar with metaprogramming will have trouble reading or maintaining the code, but isn't that just an argument against working with programmers who don't know their stuff?
Programmers who don't know about a for-loop wil find that hard to read too.
Fairly simple meta-programming is used throughout the standard library, in the form of traits. The standard library seems to be pretty well received, so I think we can say that meta programming is useful there.
I did face a situation where I had to tackle a not-so-big system which heavily used template metaprogramming (specifically static polymorphismus, SFINAE and maybe other techniques). And I can tell you that this will make it harder for the developers. If template metaprogramming is used a lot, every developer must be familiar with the techniques otherwise they won't be able to work productively.
On the other hand, some uses of templates are quite easy to understand and use. For example generic containers (vector), smart pointers, ...
As always, you need to balance the pros and the cons. If performance is your concern (there are other uses for template metaprogramming too), you should first demonstrate that there are significant and important performance gains to be had by using template metaprogramming techniques. (It's even quite possible to make a program that runs slower by hindering the compiler with excessive use of templates, so always measure!)
C++ templates were not originally designed for metaprogramming so even relatively simple problems solved with metaprogramming can produce code that is difficult to understand, especially to people who are not familiar with common template metaprogramming techniques (since they are usually not very intutitive). Also depending on your particular problem you might consider code generation vs. template metaprogramming.
This depends on who you're working with, and what they like and are familiar with. In the absence of any information I'd suggest the following concrete list of uncontroversial (and not very meta...) template 'things' for a new project:
handwritten smart pointers for whatever sorts of things your app uses
STL containers
static assert
And, for advanced users only:
traits used for some obvious standard application (script language bindings and serialization spring to mind)
This is perhaps a bit conservative but it seems to be easy to convince everybody of the value of these things. If well put together, they don't bloat compile times and mostly work pretty well with commonly-found code browsing facilities. And most of the templates shouldn't take much explaining, even to that large subset of C++ programmers who don't really understand templates all that well.
(Regarding boost, and any other template libraries that it has yet to merge with, it seems to be pretty adventurous by the standards of many (most?) C++ programmers at the moment. So it seems to me prudent to avoid it for now.)

Are C++ meta-templates required knowledge for programmers?

In my experience Meta-templates are really fun (when your compilers are compliant), and can give good performance boosts, and luckily I'm surrounded by seasoned C++ programmers that also grok meta-templates, however occasionally a new developer arrives and can't make heads or tails of some of the meta-template tricks we use (mostly Andrei Alenxandrescu stuff), for a few weeks until he gets initiated appropriately.
So I was wondering what's the situation for other C++ programmers out there?
Should meta-template programming be something C++ programmers should be "required" to know (excluding entry level students of course), or not?
Edit: Note my question is related to production code and not little samples or prototypes
If you can you find enough candidates who really know template meta-programing then by all means, require it. You will be showing a lot of qualified and potentially productive people the door (there are plenty of legitimate reasons not to know how to do this, namely that if you do it on a lot of platforms, you will create code that can't compile, or that average developers will have trouble understanding). Template meta-programming is great, but let's face it, it's pushing C++ to the limit.
Now, a candidate should probably understand basics (compute n! at compile time, or at least explain how it works if they are shown the code). If your new developers are reliably becoming productive within a few weeks, then your current recruiting is probably pretty good.
Yes, but I would not personally place a high priority on it. It's a nifty feature, but it's a bit situational, and good C++ code can be developed without it. I've personally used it once or twice, but haven't really found it to be valuable enough in my work to regularly use it. (Maybe that's a function of my lack of C++ production experience, though)
The only use I've ever made of template metaprogramming in production code is to unroll a critical loop which read a hardware register N times, followed by another M times, N, M different for different hardware and known at compile time. In general, the techniques don't seem a natural fit for our codebase, and I'd never get them through a code review.
Required? As always, it depends. For those of us in embedded land who are just now getting semi-decent C++ compilers for our tiny little DSPs and what not, we're just happy to be able to use classes.
However, if you've got a halfway decent C++ compiler, say gcc 3.3ish+, then yes, you should look at template metaprogramming. A good start is the boost library, of course, because it covers most of the templates you seem to look around for when the STL runs out of gas. It also serves as a great jumping off point.
However, sometimes I find that the advantages of template metaprogramming (lots of nice type safe code with a few lines of < and >) aren't worth the cost that it's going to take. Sometimes, a good old for( container::const_iterator iter = ... ) does what you need just fine.
18 months later and this topic is still very relevent. I would still say that template meta programming is not required knowledge, but you need to be able to at least read and explain the basics such as conditionals and the curiously repeating template pattern (looping). Beyond that, as long as you have a few people who can write a good interface to it, then just basic to intermediate template knowledge is all that is really required, though YMMV.
As someone who makes reasonable (although not extensive) use of templates and meta-programming, I go out of my way to try to make the interfaces (and by that I mean the internal usage interfaces) as normal as possible. Not everyone can understand templates, and even those that can sometimes cannot understand complex or obtuse meta programming paradigms.
With that said, if you want to dig in a modify my low-level libraries, you're going to have to know quite a bit. However, you should not even have to know templates (aside from baseline knowledge) to use them. That's how I draw the line at least, and the knowledge level I would expect in other developers (depending on how they are using the code).
I wouldn't consider template programming required, but it's definitely good to know. You should know enough about the subject to be able to effectively use template libraries such as the STL or Boost.
When I interview someone, I will always ask some questions about template meta-programming. If the candidate doesn't know about the subject, I would never hold that against them. But if they do, then it's a big plus in their favor.
It's not absolutely necessary to know how to use C++ templates. You can do most things without them. They are however a fantastic feature.
Since you roll your own templates, anyone new is going to have to come up to speed with them just like the rest of your code which is going to be the bigger chunk of the learning.
I encourage people to learn to use some of the features of the STL. I have used this library in production code and it does save time and simplify things quite a bit. I also roll my own when the need arises.
I've also heard good things about the boost library.
If I need to write portable code then I'll generally stick away from templates because many compilers still don't support them properly. If you need a portable STL then STLPort is the most portable.

Good Idea / Bad Idea Should I Reimplement Most Of C++? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Recently, I've got a dangerous idea into my head after reading this blog post. That idea can be expressed like this:
I don't need most of what the C++ standard library offers. So, why don't I implement a less general, but easier to use version?
As an example, using the STL spits out reams of incomprehensible and mangled compiler errors. But, I don't care about allocators, iterators and the like. So why don't I take a couple of hours and implement an easy to use linked list class, for example?
What I'd like to know from the StackOverflow community is this: what are the dangers, possible disadvantages and possible advantages to "rolling my own" for most of the existing functionality in C++?
Edit: I feel that people have misunderstood me about this idea. The idea was to understand whether I could implement a very small set of STL functionality that is greatly simplified - more as a project to teach me about data structures and the like. I don't propose re-inventing the entire wheel from the ground up, just the part that I need and want to learn about. I suppose what I wanted to figure out is whether the complexity of using the STL warrants the creation of smaller, simpler version of itself.
Re-using boost or similiar.
Most of what I code is for University and we're not allowed to use external libraries. So it's either the C++ standard library, or my own classes.
Objectivity of this question.
This question is not subjective. Nor should it be community Wiki, since it's not a poll. I want concrete arguments that highlight one advantage or one disadvantage that could possibly occur with my approach. Contrary to popular belief, this is not opinion, but based on experience or good logical arguments.
Please post only one disadvantage or one advantage per answer. This will allow people to evaluate individual ideas instead of all your ideas at once.
And please...
No religious wars. I'm not a fan boy of any language. I use whatever's applicable. For graphics and data compression (what I'm working on at the moment) that seems to be C++. Please constrain your answers to the question or they will be downvoted.
So, why don't I implement a less
general, but easier to use version?
Because you can't. Because whatever else you might say about C++, it is not a simple language, and if you're not already very good at it, your linked list implementation will be buggy.
Honestly, your choice is simple:
Learn C++, or don't use it. Yes, C++ is commonly used for graphics, but Java has OpenGL libraries too. So does C#, Python and virtually every other language. Or C. You don't have to use C++.
But if you do use it, learn it and use it properly.
If you want immutable strings, create your string as const.
And regardless of its underlying implementation, the STL is remarkably simple to use.
C++ compiler errors can be read, but it takes a bit of practice. But more importantly, they are not exclusive to STL code. You'll encounter them no matter what you do, and which libraries you use. So get used to them. And if you're getting used to them anyway, you might as well use STL too.
Apart from that, a few other disadvantages:
No one else will understand your code. If you ask a question on SO about std::vector, or bidirectional iterators, everyone who's reasonably familiar with c++ can answer. If you ask abut My::CustomLinkedList, no one can help you. Which is unfortunate, because rolling your own also means that there will be more bugs to ask for help about.
You're trying to cure the symptom, rather than the cause. The problem is that you don't understand C++. STL is just a symptom of that. Avoiding STL won't magically make your C++ code work better.
The compiler errors. Yes, they're nasty to read, but they're there. A lot of work in the STL has gone into ensuring that wrong use will trigger compiler errors in most cases. In C++ it's very easy to make code that compiles, but doesn't work. Or seems to work. Or works on my computer, but fails mysteriously elsewhere. Your own linked list would almost certainly move more errors to runtime, where they'd go undetected for a while, and be much harder to track down.
And once again, it will be buggy. Trust me. I've seen damn good C++ programmers write a linked list in C++ only to uncover bug after bug, in obscure border cases. And C++ is all border cases. Will your linked list handle exception safety correctly? Will it guarantee that everything is in a consistent state if creating a new node (and thereby calling the object type's constructor) throws an exception? That it won't leak memory, that all the appropriate destructors will be called? Will it be as type-safe? Will it be as performant? There are a lot of headaches to deal with when writing container classes in C++.
You're missing out on one of the most powerful and flexible libraries in existence, in any language. The STL can do a lot that would be a pain even with Java's giant bloated class library. C++ is hard enough already, no need to throw away the few advantages it offers.
I don't care about allocators,
iterators and the like
Allocators can be safely ignored. You pretty much don't even need to know that they exist. Iterators are brilliant though, and figuring them out would save you a lot of headaches. There are only three concepts you need to understand to use STL effectively:
Containers: You already know about these. vectors, linked lists, maps, sets, queues and so on.
Iterators: Abstractions that let you navigate a container (or subsets of a container, or any other sequence of value, in memory, on disk in the form of streams, or computed on the fly).
Algorithms: Common algorithms that work on any pair of iterators. You have sort, for_each, find, copy and many others.
Yes, the STL is small compared to Java's library, but it packs a surprising amount of power when you combine the above 3 concepts. There's a bit of a learning curve, because it is an unusual library. But if you're going to spend more than a day or two with C++, it's worth learning properly.
And no, I'm not following your answer format, because I thought actually giving you a detailed answer would be more helpful. ;)
It'd be tempting to say that an advantage of rolling your own is that you'd learn more of the language, and maybe even why the STL is one of its saving graces.. But I'm not really convinced it's true. It might work, but it can backfire too.
As I said above, it's easy to write C++ code that seems to work. And when it stops working, it's easy to rearrange a few things, like the declaration order of variables, or insert a bit of padding in a class, to make it seemingly work again. What would you learn from that? Would that teach you how to write better C++? Perhaps. But most likely, it'd just teach you that "C++ sucks". Would it teach you how to use the STL? Definitely not.
A more useful approach might be utilizing the awesome power of StackOverflow in learning STL the right way. :)
Disadvantage: no one but you will use it.
Advantage: In the process of implementing it you will learn why the Standard Library is a good thing.
Advantages: eating your own dogfood. You get exactly what you do.
Disadvantages: eating your own dogfood. Numerous people, smarter than 99 % of us, have spent years creating STL.
I suggested you learn why:
using the STL spits out reams of
incomprehensible and mangled compiler
Disadvantage: you may spend more time debugging your class library than solving whatever university task you have in front of you.
Advantage: you're likely to learn a lot!
There is something you can do about the cryptic compiler STL error messages. STLFilt will help simplify them. From the STLFilt Website:
STLFilt simplifies and/or reformats
long-winded C++ error and warning
messages, with a focus on STL-related
diagnostics (and for MSVC 6, it fully
eliminates C4786 warnings and their
detritus). The result renders many of
even the most cryptic diagnostics
Have a look here and, if you are using VisualC, also here.
I think you should do it.
I'm sure I'll get flambayed for this, but you know, every C++ programmer around here has drunk a little too much STL coolaid.
The STL is a great library, but I know from first hand experience that if you roll your own, you can:
1) Make it faster than the STL for your particular use cases.
2) You'll write a library with just the interfaces you need.
3) You'll be able to extend all the standard stuff. (I can't tell you how much I've wished std::string had a split() method)...
Everyone is right when they say that it will be a lot of work. Thats true.
But, you will learn a lot. Even if after you write it, you go back to the STL and never use it again, you'll still have learned a lot.
A bit of my experience : Not that long ago I have implemented my own vector-like class because I needed good control on it.
As I needed genericity I made a templated array.
I also wanted to iterate through it not using operator[] but incrementing a pointer like a would do with C, so I don't compute the address of T[i] at each iteration... I added two methods one to return pointer to the allocated memory and another that returns a pointer to the end.
To iterate through an array of integer I had to write something like this :
for(int * p = array.pData(); p != array.pEnd(); ++p){
Then when I start to use vectors of vectors I figure out that when it was possible a could allocate a big bloc of memory instead of calling new many times. At this time I add an allocator to the template class.
Only then I notice that I had wrote a perfectly useless clone of std::vector<>.
At least now I know why I use STL...
Disadvantage : IMHO, reimplimenting tested and proven libraries is a rabit hole which is almost garanteed to be more trouble than it's worth.
Another Disadvantage:
If you want to get a C++ job when you're finished with University, most people who would want to recruit you will expect that you are familiar with the Standard C++ library. Not necessarily intimately familiar to the implementation level but certainly familiar with its usage and idioms. If you reimplement the wheel in form of your own library, you'll miss out on that chance. This is nonwithstanding the fact that you will hopefully learn a lot about library design if you roll your own, which might earn you a couple of extra brownie points depending on where you interview.
You're introducing a dependency on your own new library. Even if that's sufficient, and your implementation works fine, you still have a dependency. And that can bite you hard with code maintenance. Everyone else (including yourself, in a year's time, or even a month's) will not be familiar with your unique string behavior, special iterators, and so on. Much effort will be needed just to adapt to the new environment before you could ever start refactoring/extending anything.
If you use something like STL, everyone will know it already, it's well understood and documented, and nobody will have to re-learn your custom throwaway environment.
You may be interested in EASTL, a rewrite of the STL Electronic Arts documented a while back. Their design decisions were mostly driven by the specific desires/needs in multiplatform videogame programming. The abstract in the linked article sums it up nicely.
If you look into MFC, you'll find that your suggestion already is used in productive code - and has been so for a long time. None of MFC's collection classes uses the STL.
Why don't you take a look at existing C++ libraries. Back when C++ wasn't quite as mature, people often wrote their own libraries. Have a look at Symbian (pretty horrible though), Qt and WxWidgets (if memory serves me) have basic collections and stuff, and there are probably many others.
My opinion is that the complexity of STL derives from the complexity of the C++ language, and there's little you can do to improve on STL (aside from using a more sensible naming convention). I recommend simply switching to some other language if you can, or just deal with it.
Disadvantage : You're university course is probably laid out like this for a reason. The fact that you are irritated enough by it (sarcasm not intended), may indicate you are not getting the paridigm, and will benefit a lot when you have a paradigm shift.
As an example, using the STL spits out
reams of incomprehensible and mangled
compiler errors
The reason for this is essentially C++ templates. If you use templates (as STL does) you will get reams of incomprehensible error messages. So if you implement your own template based collection classes you will not be in any better spot.
You could make non template based containers and store everything as void pointers or some base class e.g. But you would lose compile time type checks and C++ sucks as a dynamic language. It is not as safe to do this as it would be in e.g. Objective-C, Python or Java. One of the reasons being that C++ does not have a root class for all classes to all introspection on all objects and some basic error handling at runtime. Instead your app would likely crash and burn if you were wrong about the type and you would not be given any clues to what went wrong.
Disadvantage: reimplementing all of that well (that is, at a high level of quality) will certainly take a number of great developers a few years.
what are the dangers, possible disadvantages and possible advantages to "rolling my own" for most of the existing functionality in C++?
Can you afford and possibly justify the amount of effort/time/money spent behind reinventing the wheel?
Re-using boost or similiar.
Rather strange that you cannot use Boost. IIRC, chunks of contribution come in from people related to/working in universities (think Jakko Jarvi). The upsides of using Boost are far too many to list here.
On not 'reinventing the wheel'
Disadvantage: While you learn a lot, you also set yourself back, when you come to think of what your real project objectives are.
Advantage: Maintenance is easier for the folks who are going to inherit this.
STL is very complex because it needs to be for a general purpose library.
Reasons why STL is the way it is:
Based on interators so standard algorithms only need a single implementation for different types of containers.
Designed to behave properly in the face of Exceptions.
Designed to be 'thread' safe in multi threaded applications.
In a lot of applications however you really have enough with the following:
string class
hash table for O(1) lookups
vector/array with sort / and binary search for sorted collections
If you know that:
Your classes do not throw exceptions on construction or assignment.
Your code is single threaded.
You will not use the more complex STL algorithms.
Then you can probably write your own faster code that uses less memory and produces simpler compile/runtime errors.
Some examples for faster/easier without the STL:
Copy-on-Write string with reference counted string buffer. (Do not do this in a multi-threaded environment since you would need to lock on the reference count access.)
Use a good hash table instead of the std::set and std::map.
'Java' style iterators that can be passed around as a single object
Iterator type that does not need to know the type of the container (For better compile time decoupling of code)
A string class with more utility functions
Configurable bounds checking in your vector containers. (So not [] or .at but the same method with a compile or runtime flag for going from 'safe' to 'fast' mode)
Containers designed to work with pointers to objects that will delete their content.
It looks like you updated the question so now there are really two questions:
What should I do if I think the std:: library is too complex for my needs?
Design your own classes that internally use relevant std:: library features to do the "heavy lifting" for you. That way you have less to get wrong, and you still get to invent your own coding interface.
What should I do if I want to learn how data structures work?
Design your own set of data structure classes from the ground up. Then try to figure out why the standard ones are better.