C++ interview - testing potential candidates - c++

I have to interview some C++ candidates over the next few weeks and as the most senior programmer in the company I'm expected to try and figure out whether these people know what they are doing.
So has anybody got any suggestions?
Personally I hate being left in a room to fill out some C++ questions so I'd rather do a more complex test that I can chat with the interviewee about their approaches and so forth as we go along. ie it doesn't matter whether they get the right answers or not its how they approach the problem that interests me. I don't care whether they understand obscure features of the language but I do care that they have a good solid understanding of pointers as well as understanding the under lying differences between pointers and references. I would also love to see how they approach optimisation of a given problem because solid fast code is a must, in my opinion.
So any suggestions along these lines would be greatly appreciated!

I wouldn't make them write code. Instead, I'd give them a couple of code snippets to review.
For example, the first would be about design by contract: See if they know what preconditions, postconditions and invariants are. Do a couple of small mistakes, such as never initializing an integer field but asserting that it is >= 0 in the invariant, and see if they spot them.
The second would be to give them bool contains(char * inString, char c). Implement it with a trivial loop. Then ask whether there are any mistakes. Of course, your code here does not check for null in the input parameter inString (even if the very previous question talked about preconditions!). Also, the loop finishes at character 0. Of course, the candidate should spot the possible problems and insist on using std::string instead of this char * crap. It's important because if they do complain, you'll know that they won't add their own char *'s to new code.
An alternative which addresses containers: give them a std::vector<int> and code which searches for prime numbers or counts the odd numbers or something. Make some small mistake. See if they find any issues and they understand the code. Ask in which situation a std::set would be better (when you are going to search elements quite systematically and original order of entrance doesn't matter.).
Discuss everything live, letting them think a couple minutes. Capture the essence of what they say. Don't focus on "coverage" (how many things they spot) because some people may be stressed. Listen to what they actually say, and see if it makes any sense.
I disagree with writing code in interviews. I'd never ask anyone to write code. I know my handwritten code would probably suck in a situation like that. Actually, I have seldom been asked to do so, but when I have, I haven't been hired.

This one is a great complex task, even though it is looking quite harmless.

I believe that a C++ programmer needs more than just generic programming skills, because...
In C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when you do, you blow off your whole leg.
Writing bug-free, maintainable C++ code places a much higher demand on a few areas than most languages.
One thing I'll call "pedanticness". You know how some people can spot spelling errors in something at a glance? A C++ programmer needs to be able to spot simple bugs while they read or write code (whether the code is their own or not). A programmer who relies on the "compile and test" technique just to get rid of simple bugs is incompatible with the C++ language, because those bugs don't always lead to immediate failure in C++.
C++ programmers also need a good knowledge of low-level stuff. Pointers, memory allocators, blocking, deadlocks. And "nitty gritty" C++ issues, like multiple inheritance and method hiding and such, particularly if they need to maintain other people's code.
Finally, C++ programmers need to be able to write code that's easy for other people to use. Can they design stuff well?
A good test for the first two areas is "Here's some C++ code I got off the internet. Find the bugs, and identify the unneccessary bits." (There's lots of really bad C++ code available on the internet, and often the programmer does unnecessary things due to a faulty understanding of how to be "safe" in C++.)
The last area you can test with more generic interview questions.

A few questions can allow you to know a lot about a candidate:
Differences between a pointer and a reference, when would you use each?
Why would you make a destructor virtual?
Where is the construction order of a class attributes defined?
Copy constructor and operator=. When would you implement them? When would you make them private?
When would you use smart pointers? what things would you take into account to decide which?
Where else have you seen RAII idiom?
When would you make a parameter const? when a method?
When would you make an attribute mutable?
What is virtual inheritance?
What is template specialization?
What are traits?
What are policies?
What is SFINAE?
What do you know about C++Ox standard?
What boost libraries have you used?
What C++ books have you read? (Sutter? Alexandrescu?)
Some short exercises (no more than 10 minutes) about STL containers, memory management, slicing, etc. would also be useful. I would allow him to do it in a computer with a ready environment. It's important to observe the agility.

Checkout Joel's Guerrilla guide to interviewing. Seems a lot like what you are looking for.

"Write a program that receives 3 integers in the range of 0..2^32-1, and validates if they represent valid edges of a triangle".
It seems to be a simple question. The input is considered valid if the sum of any two edges is greater than the third edge. However, there are some pitfalls, that a good programmer will handle:
The correct type to use should be unsigned long. Many "programmers" will fail here.
Zero values should be considered as non-valid.
Overflow should be avoided: "if (a+b <= c) return false" is problematic since a+b may cause an overflow.
if (a <= c-b) is also bad solution since c-b may be negative. Not a good thing for unsigned types.
if (c > b) { if (a <= c-b) return false; } else { if (a <= b-c) return false; } This looks much better, but it will not work correctly if (a >= b+c).
A good programmer must be detail oriented. This simple exercise will help checking if he is.

Depending on what your organisation's pre-screening is like, assume that the person knows nothing at all about C++ and has just put in on their CV because it makes them look supertechnical. Seriously. Start with something simple, like reversing a string. I have had candidates who couldn't even write a function prototype for this !!

Do not forget to also test for code bigotry. I know I don't want anyone working for or with me that isn't a flexible and consequently practical programmer both in their attitude to the programming language, but also in their approach to problem solving.
Denying any type of preconceptions
Understanding the value of the
exceptions in any Best Practices
Being capable of refusing long term
habits in favor of something else if
the need arises
These are characteristics dear to me. The manner of testing for these is not ideal if the interviews aren't lengthy or don't involve presenting code. But showing code snippets with purposely debatable techniques while offering a use case scenario and asking the candidate how they feel about the solution is one way.

This article offers some general ideas that are relevant regardless of what language you're working with.

Don't test only the C++ and overall technical skills! Those are of course important, but they are nothing if people don't listen, don't answer properly or don't follow the commitments they made.
Check at most for the ability to clearly communicate. If people cant tell you what roughly they did in their former jobs within a few minutes, they will also be unable to report about their work at your place etc.
In a recent company we invited people for interviews in groups of about 3 people together. They were surprised, but nobody was angry about that. It was very interesting, because people had to communicate not only with us, but also with others in the same position. In case we were interested further, we arranged a second interview.

You can choose potentially problematic task and see how they approach it. Ask them to write a smart pointer for example, you'll see if they understand pointers, references and templates in one step :) Usually they are stressed so they will do mistakes, those mistakes might help you find out how good they problem solving skills are, what paths would they use to fix a mistake and so on. The only problem with this approach is that sometimes interviewee just don't know anything about the task and you would have to quickly figure out something easier. If they do perfect code you can discuss their choices but when there's nothing to look at it is depressing for both of you.

Here is my answer to a similar question geared towards C#, but notice that my answer is language agnostic. My interview question is, in fact, in C. I rarely interview a person with the goal of finding out if they can program. I want to find out if they can think, problem solve, collaborate, communicate, understand something new, and so on. In the meantime, I circle around trying to see if they "get it" in terms of the big picture of software engineering. I use programming questions because that's a common basis and an easy ruse.

Get Codility.com to screen out non-programming programmers, this will get you a limited number of mostly reasoable candidates. Sit for an hour with each of them and try to build something together (a micro web server, a script for processing some of your data, a simple GUI). Pay attention to communication skills, i.e. how much effort does it take to understand the candidate. Ask the candidate for recommendation of books related to the subject (C++ software development in your case). Follow Guerilla Guide to Interviewing, i.e. answer yourself honestly, if the person is smart and gets things done. Good luck.

Check 10 C++ Interview Questions by Tests4Geeks.
It's an addition to their pre-interview C++ test and it has really usefull questions. Many people have been working on these interview questions so it's quite balanced and has no tricky or syntax questions.
Idea is quite simple - first you weed out incompetent candidates using the test, then you use article questions in real-life interview.

Whatever you do, pairing would be a good idea. Come up with a good program and pair with the guy and work towards solving the problem. IMHO, that a very good idea

So has anybody got any suggestions?
I'd recommend getting a copy of this:
ie it doesn't matter whether they get the right answers or not its how they approach the problem that interests me
You could ask the candidate to come up with a UML design to a common problem. If they show you a design pattern, then you can talk through the pros/cons of the pattern. You could then ask them to produce some code for one of the classes.
This would help you determine their technical knowledge level and their communication abilities.
I do care that they have a good solid understanding of pointers as well as understanding the under lying differences between pointers and references
Linked list problems are good for determining whether a candidate has a solid grasp of pointers.
As for references, you could show them some code that does not use references correctly, and ask them to describe the problem.
e.g show them a class definition that contains a reference member variable, and the implementation of the constructor with the reference initialization missing.
I would also love to see how they approach optimisation of a given problem because solid fast code is a must, in my opinion.
I'd start off simple...
Show them a code example that passes strings to a function by value. (the strings should not be modified in the function). You should check they correct the code to pass the strings by const reference.
After this, you could show a constructor that uses assignment instead of initialization (for objects). Ask them to improve it.
Lastly, ask them simple questions about data structure selection.
e.g. When they should use a list rather than a vector.
If you feel they have a grasp of the fundamentals you could either ask how they approach optimization problems (discuss profilers etc), or ask them to optimize something less obvious.

Take a look into this C++ test. They have a questions about differences between pointers and references as you require.
Here is full list of topics:
Fundamentals: References & Pointers, Const Correctness, Explicit
Standard Library
Class Design, Overloading
Virtual Functions, Polymorphism, Inheritance
Memory Management, Exception Safety
Miscellaneous: Perfect Forwarding, Auto, Flow Control, Macros
These guys are really serious about their questions, they also made the great list of C++ interview question which you might ask your candidates:


Secret to achieve good OO Design [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am a c++ programmer, and I am looking forward to learning and mastering OO design.I have done a lot of search and as we all know there is loads of material, books, tutorials etc on how to achieve a good OO design. Of course, I do understand a good design is something can only come up with loads of experience, individual talent, brilliance or in fact even by mere luck(exaggeration!).
But sure it all starts off with a solid beginning & building some strong basics.Can someone help me out by pointing out the right material on how to start off this quest of learning designing right from the stage of identifying objects, classes etc to the stage of using design patterns.
Having said that I am a programmer but I have not had a experience in designing.Can you please help me take someone help me out in this transition from a programmer to a designer?
Any tips,suggestions,advice will be helpful.
[Edit]Thanks for the links and answers, I need to get myself in to that :) As i mentioned before I am a C++ programmer and I do understand the OO basic concepts as such, like inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and having written code in C++ do understand a few of the design patterns as well.what i dont understand is the basic thought process with which one should approach a requirement. The nitty grittys of how to appraoch and decide on what classes should be made, and how to define or conclude on relationships they should have amongst themselves.Knowing the concepts(t some extent) but not knowing how to apply them is the problem i seem to have :( Any suggestions about that?
(very) Simple, but not simplist design (simple enough design if you prefer) : K.I.S.S.
Prefer flat hierarchies, avoid deep hierarchies.
Separation of concerns is essential.
Consider other "paradigms" than OO when it don't seem simple or elegant enough.
More generally : D.R.Y. and Y.A.G.N.I help you achieve 1.
There is no secret. It's sweat, not magic.
It's not about doing one thing right. It's balancing many things that must not go wrong. Sometimes, they work in sync, sometimes, they work against each other. Design is only one group of these aspects. The best design doesn't help if the project fails (e.g. because it never ships).
The first rule I'd put forward is:
1. There are no absolutes
Follows directly from the "many things to balance. D.R.Y., Y.A.G.N.I. etc. are guidelines, strictly following them cannot guarantee good design, if followed by the letter they may make your project fail.
Example: D.R.Y. One of the most fundamental principles, yet studies show that complexity of small code snippets increases by a factor of 3 or more when they get isolated, due to pre/post condition checking, error handling, and generalization to multiple related cases. So the principle needs to be weakened to "D.R.Y. (at least, not to much)" - when to and when not is the hard part.
The second rule is not a very common one:
2. An interface must be simpler than the implementation
Sounds to trivial to be catchy. Yet, there's much to say about it:
The premise of OO was to manage program sizes that could not be managed with structured programming anymore. The primary mechanism is to encapsulate complexity: we can hide complexity behind a simpler interface, and then forget about that complexity.
Interface complexity involves the documentation, error handling specifications, performance guarantees (or their absence), etc. This means that e.g. reducing the interface declaration by introducing special cases isn't a reduction in complexity - just a shuffle.
3-N Here's where I put most of the other mentions, that have been explained already very well.
Separation of Concerns, K.I.S.S, SOLID principle, D.R.Y., roughly in that order.
How to build software according to these guidelines?
Above guidelines help evaluating a piece of code. Unfortunately, there's no recipe how to get there. "Experienced" means that you have a good feel for how to structure your software, and some decisions just feel bad. Maybe all the principles are just rationnalizaitons after the fact.
The general path is to break down a system into responsibilities, until the individual pieces are managable.
There are formal processes for that, but these just work around the fact that what makes a good, isolated component is a subjective decision. But in the end, that's what we get paid for.
If you have a rough idea of the whole system, it isn't wrong to start with one of these pieces as a seed, and grow them into a "core". Top-down and bottom-up aren't antipodes.
Practice, practice, practice. Build a small program, make it run, change requirements, get it to run again. The "changing requirements" part you don't need to train a lot, we have customers for that.
Post-Project reviews - try to get used to them even for your personal projects. After it's sealed, done, evaluate what was good, what was bad. Consider the source code was thrown away - i.e. don't see that sessison as "what should be fixed?"
Conway's Law says that "A system reflects the structure of the organizaiton that built it." That applies to most complex software I've seen, and formal studies seem to confirm that. We can derive a few bits of information from that:
If structure is important, so are the people you work with.
Or Maybe structure isn't that important. There is not one right structure (just many wrong ones to avoid)
I'm going to quote Marcus Baker talking about how to achieve good OO design in a forum post here: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4671598&postcount=24
1) Take one thread of a use case.
2) Implement it any old how.
3) Take another thread.
4) Implement it any old how.
5) Look for commonality.
6) Factor the code so that commonality is collected into functions. Aim for clarity of code. No globals, pass everything.
7) Any block of code that is unclear, group into a function as well.
8) Implement another thread any old how, but use your existing functions if they are instant drop-ins.
9) Once working, factor again to remove duplication. By now you may find you are passing similar lumps of stuff around from function to function. To remove duplication, move these into objects.
10) Implement another thread once your code is perfect.
11) Refactor to avoid duplication until bored.
Now the OO bit...
12) By now some candidate higher roles should be emerging. Group those functions into roles by class.
13) Refactor again with the aim of clarity. No class bigger than a couple of pages of code, no method longer than 5 lines. No inheritance unless the variation is just a few lines of code.
From this point on you can cycle for a bit...
14) Implement a thread of use case any old how.
15) Refactor as above. Refactoring includes renaming objects and classes as their meanings evolve.
16) Repeat until bored.
Now the patterns stuff!
Once you have a couple of dozen classes and quite a bit of functionality up and running, you may notice some classes have very similar code, but no obvious split (no, don't use inheritance). At this point consult the patterns books for options on removing the duplication. Hint: you probably want "Strategy".
The following repeats...
17) Implement another thread of a use case any old how.
18) Refactor methods down to five lines or less, classes down to 2 pages or less (preferably a lot less), look for patterns to remove higher level duplication if it really makes the code cleaner.
19) Repeat until your top level constructors either have lot's of parameters, or you find yourself using "new" a lot to create objects inside other objects (this is bad).
Now we need to clean up the dependencies. Any class that does work should not use "new" to create things inside itself. Pass those sub objects from out side. Classes which do no mechanical work are allowed to use the "new" operator. They just assemble stuff - we'll call them factories. A factory is a role in itself. A class should have just one role, thus factories should be separate classes.
20) Factor out the factories.
Now we repeat again...
21) Implement another thread of a use case any old how.
22) Refactor methods down to five lines or less, classes down to 2 pages or less (preferably a lot less), look for patterns to remove higher level duplication if it really makes the code cleaner, make sure you use separate classes for factories.
23) Repeat until your top level classes have an excessive number of parameters (say 8+).
You've probably finished by now. If not, look up the dependency injection pattern...
24) Create (only) your top level classes with a dependency injector.
Then you can repeat again...
25) Implement another thread of a use case any old how.
26) Refactor methods down to five lines or less, classes down to 2 pages or less (preferably a lot less), look for patterns to remove higher level duplication if it really makes the code cleaner, make sure you use separate classes for factories, pass the top level dependencies (including the factories) via DI.
27) Repeat.
At any stage in this heuristic you will probably want to take a look at test driven development. At the very least it will stop regressions while you refactor.
Obviously, this is a pretty simple process, and the information contained therein shouldn't be applied to every situation, but I feel like Marcus gets it right, especially with regards to the process one should use to design OO code. After a while, you'll start doing it naturally, it'll just become second nature. But while learning to do so, this is a great set of steps to follow.
As you said, there is nothing like experience. You can read every existing book on the planet about this, you'll still not as good as if you practice.
Understanding the theory is good, but in my humble opinion, there is nothing like experience. I think the best way to learn and understand things completely is to apply them in some project(s).
There you'll face difficulties, you'll learn to solve them, sometimes perhaps with a bad solution : but still you'll learn. And if at any time something bothers you and you can't find how to solve it nicely, we'll be here on SO to help you ! :)
I can advice you the book "Head First Design Patterns" (search Amazon). It is a good starting point, before seriously diving into the gang of fours' bible, and it shows design principles and the most used patterns.
In a nutshell : Code, criticize, look for a well-known solution, implement it, and back to first step till you're (more or less) satisfied.
As often, the answer to this kind of question is : it depends. And in that case, it depends how you learn things. I'll tell you what work for me, for I face the very problem you describe, but it won't work with everybody and I would not say it's "the perfect answer".
I begin coding something, not too simple, not too complex. Then, I look at the code and I think : all right, what is wrong ? For that, you can use the first three "SOLID principles" :
Single responsibility (are all your classes serving a unique purpose ?)
Open/Close principle (if you want to add a service, your classes can be extended with inheritance, but there is no need to alter the basic functions or your current classes).
Liskov Substitution (all right, this one I can't explain simply, and I'd advise reading about it).
Don't try to master those and understand everything about them. Just use them as guideline to criticize your code. Think chiefly about "what if I want to do this now ?". "What if I work for a client, and he wants to add this or that ?". If your code is perfectly adaptable to any situation (which is almost impossible), you might have reached a very good design.
If it's not, consider a solution. What would you do ? Try to come with an idea. Then, read about design patterns and find one that could answer your problem. See if it matches your idea - often, it's the idea you had, but better expressed and developped. Now, try to implement it. It's going to take time, you'll often fail, it's frustrating, and that's normal.
Design is about experience, but experience is acquired by criticizing your own code. That's how you'll understand design, not as a cool thing to know, but as the basis for a solid code. It's not enough to know "all right, a good code has that and that". It's much better to have experienced why, to have failed and see what whas wrong. The trouble with design pattern is that they are very abstract. My method is a way (probably not the only one nor the best) to make them less abstract to you.
No-solo-work. Good designs are seldom created by a single person only. Talk to your colleagues. Discuss your design with others. And learn.
Don't be too smart. A complex hierarchy with 10 levels of inheritance is seldom a good design. Make sure that you can clearly explain how your design works. If you can't explain the basic principles in 5 minutes, your design is probably too complex.
Learn tricks from the masters: Alexandrescu, Meyers, Sutter, GoF.
Prefer extensibility over perfection. Source code written today will be insufficient in 3 years time. If you write your code to be perfect now, but inextensible, you will have a problem later. If you write your code to be extensible (but not perfect), you will still be able to adapt it later.
The core concepts in my mind are:
Encapsulation - Keep as much of you object hidden from both the prying eyes and sticky fingers of the outside world.
Abstraction - Hide as much of the inner workings of you object from the simple minds of the code that needs to use your objects
All the other concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism and design patters are about incorporating the two concepts above and still have objects that can solve real world problems.

How to deal with seniors' bad coding style/practices? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am new to work but the company I work in hires a lot of non-comp-science people who are smart enough to get the work done (complex) but lack the style and practices that should help other people read their code.
For example they adopt C++ but still use C-like 3 page functions which drives new folks nuts when they try to read that. Also we feel very risky changing it as it's never easy to be sure we are not breaking something.
Now, I am involved in the project with these guys and I can't change the entire code base myself or design so that code looks good, what can I do in this situation?
PS> we actually have 3 page functions & because we do not have a concept of design, all we can do is assume what they might have thought as there is no way to know why is it designed the way it is.
I am not complaining.I am asking for suggestion,already reading some books to solve the issues Pragmatic Programmer; Design portion from B.Stroustrup; Programming and principles by B.Stroustrup;
The best and most important thing you can do is lead by example. Do things the right way and try to improve things slowly. You aren't going to fix anything overnight.
Make sure every piece of code that you are responsible for is better after you are done with it. Over time, the system will tangibly be better because of your efforts.
After you build a strong reputation with your co-workers, try go start some code reviews or lunch-training sessions to get everyone up to speed on better ways to do things.
In a nutshell: it will be difficult and frustrating, but it's possible. Good luck.
Your best bet is to NOT to handle it at all. Here are potential problems if you try:
You will be criticized for doing something you were not told to (makes performance reviews go real bad.)
You will have less time to do your own work.
You will not advance your career by cleaning working code- if it is not broke then do not touch it.
Never make enemies with people who control your career- unintentionally implying they are obsolete morons does not help your cause (especially in a bad economy).
Focus on making your own code great. Battling poorly written code is part of the ill of being a Software Engineer. You are in the wrong profession if you will not stand for it.
A little off point but important- You may need to switch jobs or teams if possible once the economy picks up. Mixing with a truckload of bad coders who do not bother to update their knowledge and practices dulls your own programming skills and weakens your marketability.
If you're a junior dev, then the only thing you can really do is write code as elegantly and readable as possible.
If your style is indeed better, other people might notice and say "hey we should adopt this formula"
Actions speak louder than complaints, which is something I noticed.
The present is embodied in Hexagram 47 - K'un (Oppression): Despite exhaustion, there may yet be progress and success. For the firm and correct, the really great man, there will be good fortune. He will fall into no error. If he make speeches, his words cannot be made good.
The future is embodied in Hexagram 6 - Sung (Conflict): Though there is sincerity in one's contention, he will yet meet with opposition and obstruction. If he cherish an apprehensive caution, there will be good fortune. If he prosecute the contention to the bitter end, there will be evil. It will be advantageous to see the great man. It will not be advantageous to cross the great stream.
I was in the exact same shoes before. I got hired as a C++ programmer to 'lead the team' on how to use C++ by an enthusiastic manager. That was about a decade ago. Some of the newer engineers loved me, the seniors despised me. Our system was basically a pseudo-C++ system. It was like C with classes, but it appeared that people didn't even understand the usefulness of things like constructors since they hardly appeared.
You complain about functions that are 3 pages long; we had functions that were 8000 lines long full of long jumps, function pointer casts, etc. One of the seniors even formatted the code with 2-space indentations so that super deep nested blocks can be written without using much horizontal space since the seniors seemed to be allergic to writing functions and procedural programming in general. Someone even inlined a 2000 line function thinking it would make things faster. You might be dealing with some bad code, but I was dealing with the most horrid copy-and-paste code imaginable.
Unfortunately I was very young and cocky. I didn't get along with the seniors, I fought against them in territorial battles over code. They responded by creating coding standards which no sane C++ programmer could follow (ex: it's okay to use operator new, but don't use exception handling, don't use constructors or destructors, etc). As a result I wrote the most bizarre and stupid standards-workaround C++ code just to kind of rebel against those standards since I refused to write C-style code given the reason I was hired (I didn't hate C so much, but writing C code was not part of the job description: I was hired essentially as a C++ consultant), even though the standards made C-style coding the only practical way to do things. I only kept my job because I put in so much overtime to make sure that my code works very well in spite of these ridiculous coding standards.
It wasn't until years later when others started to see things my way that we lifted the silly standards and started writing more natural, easy-to-read C++ code complete with STL and boost goodies, RAII, exception-handling, etc. That isolated the seniors who refused to write code in a more sane fashion and they were finally forced to adapt.
In retrospect, I could have done things much better. The seniors were intent not to allow me to be put in a teaching position, but I think I would have gotten my point across much faster with my head down. The biggest regret I have is trying to work around the impossible coding standards rebelliously rather than getting them rectified through clear and rational discussions. As a result, I have really stupid and obfuscated C++ code in the system which people attribute to me even though that's not how I normally write C++ code. The regular developers I work with understand this, but the seniors still point to it as an example of why C++ is bad.
In short, I recommend that you focus on making more friends rather than enemies. Your friends will support you, and if your way is better and you can clearly demonstrate it, you can isolate the few who will never agree.
Being enthusiastic to code the right way is a good trait to possess and in the software industry we will always encounter other developers who write code that is not quite in line with our "perfect way" of coding. This should never be interpreted as rubbish code, or inept coders, because we all start out like that in some shape or form.
Always respect your peers around you as you want them to respect you. It's certainly not easy to do in an environment that highly regards ego, but attempting to approach a topic like this is never easy.
It's how you communicate
Try different approach angles, remember you are there to learn as much as to render a service.
So commenting on the "poor" code style in an "in-your-face" kind of approach might not be the result you were looking for. So then back up a bit and try approaching the topic with "I was considering the style of code used and have a few suggestions..." and see the difference that gives.
Where I work now, the one thing I've learnt is that it's fine to comment on something that's might not be good quality but then I had better have a better solution to present.
In other words, be prepared to back up your words with useful solutions and not because you feel so.
This is the most basic reason why establishing coding standards and code review processes are a good idea.
I will not write three page functions no matter what coding standards and processes are established, but some people will. They will create 20 local variables at the beginning, without initializing any of them. You'll have pointers and integers with unspecified values. You won't know the exact meaning and scope of each variable. Etc etc.
Try to convince your manager and, later, your team, with solid arguments. Maybe you could start with a shared reading of Effective C++ or C++ Coding Standards. Try to stress the point that, when working this way and creating better code, everybody wins. If they see this as a win-win situation, they will be more open to the change.
I can empathize.
I'm below two senior programmers who have very unique styles that I find frustrating. We have code that consists of one main function that's 1000 lines long. (That is not a typo.) Our coding standards discourage globals, so we make every program one App object. Now our globals are member variables! When we need an iteration interface for C++ classes, why should we use the begin, end, and operator++ conventions, when First, AtLast, and Next can be used instead. We've wrapped up third party libraries in custom interfaces for no good reason. (We've wrapped log4cxx and lost functionality for no reason I can tell, and one of our date classes consists of a shared pointer to a boost::date object with a fraction of the functionality.)
Here's how I've kept my sanity. I've focused on the new languages and tools. This is our company's first project involving Python, and I've spent my time writing utilities and programs there. While the senior programmers code in what they're familiar with, I've got near free rein of all the Python code. I couldn't stand the C++ APIs we use, so I duplicated most of the same functionality in Python in a much more friendly way, and the other developers prefer it too.
Likewise, we have little familiarity with log4cxx and less with boost-build, both of which I've taken time to study in depth and know good enough that people come to me with questions. I've written a handful of resources on our wiki giving usage tips for log4cxx and numpy and other tools.
This is how it is, get used to it or quit and find a place where it isn't like that. You will be marginalized if you criticize their efforts and they may feel threatened if you do indeed write your own, better code or improve theirs. At the end of the day they deliver code and management sees a black box that works and that's all that matters. Plus, you'll be just another kid from college who thinks he knows something about development at a business and laughed at and ostracized when not around. Honestly, a lot of the times these systems are built like this because of shaky requirements, lots of functionality bolted on with time and managements lack of respect for a stable software development process.
Not all companies are like this. I'd start looking for a new job to be honest.
I fervently hope, this is the best opportunity to grow by facing the challenge.As Robert said,try to lead by example.If possible let them adopt your pattern.
You are not alone. I too faced recently, luckily we have support from Senior Management for Code Reviews.
1. Even a single line change for Bug fix should be reviewed online.
Comments on code can be classified as CodingStandard/Suggestion/Clarification/Major/Minor etc
While giving comments to senior you can start with Clarification/CodingStandard rather than Major
You could address the issue of "we are afraid to touch it for fear of breaking it" by writing extensive unit tests. Once you get the unit tests in place, you will be freed to refactor at will. If your unit tests still pass after the refactoring, you can be confident you haven't broken anything.
Just place a copy of "Clean Code" (Martin), "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" (Fowler) or "Effective C++" somewhere in the office where people may start browsing the books. From now on, word will spread. Seriously, its never too late to learn! ;)

Is it acceptable for a C++ programmer to not know how null-terminated strings work? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any way for a C++ programmer with 1,5 years of experience to have no idea that null-terminated strings exist as a concept and are widely used in a variety of applications? Is this a sign that he is potentially a bad hire?
Is there any way for a C++ programmer
with 1,5 years of experience to have
no idea that NULL-terminated strings
exist as a concept and are widely used
in a variety of applications?
No. What have he/she been doing for these 1,5 years?
Is this a sign that he is potentially
a bad hire?
Yes. Knowledge of C should be mandatory for a C++ programmer.
What does he use -- std::string only? Does he know about string literals? What is his take on string literals?
There's too little detail to tell you if he's a bad hire, but he sounds like he needs a bit more talking to than most.
Is this a sign that he is potentially a bad hire?
Definitely, C++ programmer must understand what happens behind all cool STL stuff.
Unfortunately there are too many substandard C++ programmers on the market.
BTW: The are not NULL terminated, but rather zero terminated.
IMHO, I'd expect a competent programmer to have the basic curiosity to wonder how things like the STL containers actually work. I wouldn't expect them to necessarily be prepared to implement one, mind you.
But the NUL terminated string is a fundamental data type of both C and C++. Given the chance to avoid the messy details with a container is a luxury. You still have to appreciate what the container is doing for you.
I'd say it depends on what you want to hire them for, and what their purpose in your organization will be.
Somebody who understands C++ but not C (which is easy to do, nowadays), will fall into this type of category. They can, potentially, be a fine employee. However, I would say this is a warning, so depending on their resume, this would be one mark against them in my book.
However, if they are going to be working on fairly straightforward projects, and not be required to design and develop critical parts of your code base (at least early on), they might be fine.
I would not, however, hire somebody to do design or to work on critical systems who did not understand the basic concepts like this one. Any developer I hire who will be working on C++ projects at a high level needs to understand memory management, basic concepts of C and C++, templates and generic programming, and all of the fundamentals, at least to a reasonable degree, of the language they will be using.
Not understanding the concepts of how string literals work would be a big disadvantage - even if they will be using std::string or the like, I want them to understand how it works underneath, at least to some degree, and also the other options out there. Understanding the concepts helps to understand the rationale behind the newer, nicer technologies, but also to understand the compromises being made when they are used. It also helps to understand the design decisions made there, and apply them to your own projects.
In the work we do at my company, and I guess that is the case for many other places, you must know about NULL-terminated (or zero terminated) strings. Yes, we use C++ and we try to use std::string where we can. But we have code that was developed years ago that uses C-style strings, sprintf and this kind of stuff. Then you have external code and APIs, how can you call even Windows API without knowing about these C concepts?
So will he be a bad hire? Well, what you don't know you can learn... But it is definitely not a good sign.
NUL-terminated strings (aka ASCIIZ) aren't even a C construct, I think a good programmer should at least know there are different ways to store a string (terminating with 0, prefixing with length...).
Perhaps you won't ever need this, but for me it feels like using your computer without ever opening it and have a look what's in there just to understand it a bit better.
I won't say that someone who doesn't know about it is potentially a bad hire, but note that if you use NUL-terminated strings in your project, he'll have to learn the concept and might stumble about the common mistakes in this field (not increasing the array sizes by 1 to store the additional 0 etc.) which a programmer that knows about NUL-terminated string wouldn't.
not knowing that they exist - a really bad sign
hardly using them - IMO not really a bad sign. Back in the days when I was programming C++ I avoided null terminated strings for everyting except for string literals.
std::strings (or CStrings) were used instead.
It means they have never opened a file forv input or output. The standard library has no means of specifying a file name via a std::string - you have to use a zero-terminated one.
It sounds like this is a programmer who didn't start out as a programmer. I took C++ classes in college and even read a few books on the language. Every book within the first 3 chapters will explain how a string, which is an array of characters, knows that it ends, by using the "/0" identifier. This is basic knowledge of C++.
This programmer sounds like a business user who wanted to cut costs by learning "programming" in order to create software for the company without getting a properly educated and experienced developer.
Sorry if that sounded harsh. I take my profession very seriously and consider it an art form of sorts.
Consider the coursework in any C/C++ based undergrad coursework. There has to be a data structures course s/he must have taken and this course must have had an assignment wherein they have to implement a string type from scratch. Obviously, nobody expects all functionality of std::string but they must have implemented a string class and when they did that they must have explored this matter, in depth.
No hire.
People say and do all sorts of weird things while being interviewed. Have you seen this person do any coding?
1.5 years is not very much time, but experience means squat if the hire can't think properly. So I'd note it as a warning flag and dig deeper. If the interviewing stage is over and you have to make a decision, it sounds to me like your answer should be NO HIRE.
I'd say that it depends on what you are looking for. If you're looking for a relatively inexperiences (and therefore presumably cheap) programmer that you can mold to fit your organization, he might be OK. You've just found out that he has no idea how C does things, and that you'll have to explain a whole lot of C concepts to him when they come up.
At this point the important thing is to figure out if he's just uneducated (he's never come across the need before) or if he's he kind of guy who never learns ANYTHING he doesn't immediately need, or if he's an idiot. If #1, then you can consider hiring him, if he knows enough to be useful. If #2 then I'd take a pass, but perhaps you can make use of a 9-5er. If #3, show him the door.
And I wouldn't take not knowing about C stuff TOO seriously, I've met people who've programmed in C for 15 years who didn't know about __FILE__ and __LINE__. And they were good, they just never came across it before I showed it to them. This guy could be the same way – he's only ever seen the STL way of doing things, so he doesn't know anything else.
In your hiring decision, you should consider whether or not he will be able to learn the important pieces of information over whether or not he knows them now. A year and a half is hardly any time at all as far as business experience goes. As others have mentioned, dig deeper, try to find the boundaries of his programming knowledge, and try to figure out how hard it will be to push those boundaries outward. This will depend a lot on personal habits and character. If he's a good learner and a good communicator, he's a good hire. If technical learning is beyond him, programming probably isn't the best career for him.
Well, I heard from a friend in German SAP they they hired someone as a developer and then later discovered he had always thought 1KB = 1000 Bytes. Looks like they discovered it when he made some kind of bug. They were shocked then moved him to do customer support.
Compared to that, your newly hired developer could be a genius. If seriously, he could have just started making his experience when high-level languages occupied the majority of the market and just didn't skim the era of low-level programming (C++ or something).
Does not necessarily mean he is bad. Just belongs to the new pepsi-generation of developers.
NULL-terminated strings don't exist, so I guess he might be a good hire.
Update: null-terminated and terminating '\0' appear in the C++ standard, according to some of the comments. Instead of deleting my answer, I turn it into wiki, to preserve the interesting part of the debate.

What kinds of interview questions are appropriate for a c++ phone screen?

Curious to get people's thoughts. I conduct frequent interviews, and have had enough in my career to reflect on them, and I've noticed a broad array of questions. I made this c++ specific, but it's worth noting that I have had people ask me algorithmic complexity questions over the phone, and I don't even mean what is the complexity of a hash lookup vs. a binary tree, I mean more like analytical problems, such as "imagine there are 4 bumble bees, each buzzing bla bla bla."
Now personally I prefer to keep phone screens a little more concrete, and leave the abstract questions for the white board. So when conducting c++ phone interviews, what kind of topics do you cover, especially for Sr. developers?
I know there is another thread similar to this, but frankly it seems to completely have missed the point that this is about phone screens, not interviews that are face to face. Plus this is more c++ specific.
I'd ask about resource/memory management, because it's an important subject in C++, and it doesn't require concrete code. Just sketch a simple hypothetical scenario, and ask how they'd ensure some vital resource gets freed even in the face of errors/exceptions. Say they're developing a network app, how do they ensure that we close our sockets properly? Of course the proper answer would be to wrap it in a RAII object, but don't ask them that directly (it's easy to google "RAII", while the above question "how would you ensure resources get released properly" actually shows you whether or not they know the appropriate techniques. If they answer "wrap everything in try/catch", they might have a problem. And this ties in nicely with questions about the differences between heap and stack.
You might be able to come up with some simple question about exception safety too, which doesn't require any real code. In general, I'd say a discussion of all the various C++ idioms might be a good idea, because many of them don't require much actual code, but are still vital language-specific concepts.
See if they know about smart pointers (again preferably by giving them a situation where smart pointers are called for, and see how they would solve the problem), and maybe templates/metaprogrammin (in the latter case, probably just find out if they're aware that it's possible ,rather than requiring them to code actual metaprograms on the phone)
You might also want to ask about some common areas of undefined behavior (what are the values of a and b after executing a = b++ + b++??), or allocate an array of 10 elements, and add 10 or 11 to the array pointer, and ask what the result is in each case (+=10 is legal, gives you a past-the-end pointer, +=11 is undefined). Or give them a scenario where they need to copy a lot of objects, and ask how they'd do that (plain for-loop copying each element at a time, memcpy or std::copy are obvious answers. Note the caveats with memcpy, that it's not safe for non-POD objects)
Or ask about their coding style in general. How do they feel about iterators? Do they prefer plain old for-loops? Do they know how to use std::for_each or std::transform?
Seems the a = b++ + b++ (the answer is undefined behavior, btw) suggestion in particular generated a lot of comments. Perhaps people read too much into it. As the OP said he preferred to ask concrete (not abstract, and easy to explain/answer/discuss over the phone) questions, that'd reveal a bit about the interviewee's C++ skills, and this is a simple (and yes, perhaps nitpicky) example of that. The reasoning behind it is that 1) it has an intuitive meaning, which is wrong, and 2) you have to have a certain level of experience with C++ before you realize this. And of course 3), it's short and easy to ask over the phone. It doesn't require anyone to write code down. No, it won't reveal whether the candidate is a "great programmer", but as I understood the question, that wasn't the goal either. If someone gets it wrong, it doesn't mean much at all, but if they get it right, you can be fairly sure that they know a bit of C++. But if you read my answer again, you'll see that it was just a quick example of a category of questions I thought should be represented. C++ is full of undefined behavior, even in code that looks completely harmless and intuitive. Asking the candidate to recognize some instance of this may be useful, whether it's the "modify the same variable twice in the same expression" example above, or something different.
I like to find out if people actually know anything about the tools they're using. And I also find that "senior" developers can have serious gaps in their knowledge.
You could consider asking
What a vtable is.
How templates work
What the difference between the heap and the stack is. The depth of the reply to this one could be quite illuminating!
The "you really need to interview me" answer to the last question would cover
allocation - limits, use-cases, failure modes, efficiency, resource cleanup, destructors
stack call-frames - what happens when a function is called, parameters, backtraces
As part of a phone screen for C++ positions I've taken to asking 'Who is Bjarne Stroustrup".
I find it amazing that many many people claiming to be be senior C++ devs can't identify. Hint for English speakers: Go to his FAQ and listen to the correct pronunciation before you ask the question.
Design Patterns
Basics of C/C++
Virtual Functions
Poly morphism
Concepts from Scott Mayer's series
About templates.
(Not in particular order)
Last but not the least. I will give some sample problem I tell them to design the classes. Just the interfaces.

Guidelines to improve your code

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
What guidelines do you follow to improve the general quality of your code? Many people have rules about how to write C++ code that (supposedly) make it harder to make mistakes. I've seen people insist that every if statement is followed by a brace block ({...}).
I'm interested in what guidelines other people follow, and the reasons behind them. I'm also interested in guidelines that you think are rubbish, but are commonly held. Can anyone suggest a few?
To get the ball rolling, I'll mention a few to start with:
Always use braces after every if / else statement (mentioned above). The rationale behind this is that it's not always easy to tell if a single statement is actually one statement, or a preprocessor macro that expands to more than one statement, so this code would break:
// top of file:
#define statement doSomething(); doSomethingElse
// in implementation:
if (somecondition)
but if you use braces then it will work as expected.
Use preprocessor macros for conditional compilation ONLY. preprocessor macros can cause all sorts of hell, since they don't allow C++ scoping rules. I've run aground many times due to preprocessor macros with common names in header files. If you're not careful you can cause all sorts of havoc!
Now over to you.
A few of my personal favorites:
Strive to write code that is const correct. You will enlist the compiler to help weed out easy to fix but sometimes painful bugs. Your code will also tell a story of what you had in mind at the time you wrote it -- valuable for newcomers or maintainers once you're gone.
Get out of the memory management business. Learn to use smart pointers: std::auto_ptr, std::tr1::shared_ptr (or boost::shared_ptr) and boost::scoped_ptr. Learn the differences between them and when to use one vs. another.
You're probably going to be using the Standard Template Library. Read the Josuttis book. Don't just stop after the first few chapters on containers thinking that you know the STL. Push through to the good stuff: algorithms and function objects.
Delete unnecessary code.
That is all.
Use and enforce a common coding style and guidelines. Rationale: Every developer on the team or in the firm is able to read the code without distractions that may occur due to different brace styles or similar.
Regularly do a full rebuild of your entire source base (i.e. do daily builds or builds after each checkin) and report any errors! Rationale: The source is almost always in a usable state, and problems are detected shortly after they are "implemented", where problem solving is cheap.
Turn on all the warnings you can stand in your compiler (gcc: -Wall is a good start but doesn't include everything so check the docs), and make them errors so you have to fix them (gcc: -Werror).
Google's style guide, mentioned in one of these answers, is pretty solid. There's some pointless stuff in it, but it's more good than bad.
Sutter and Alexandrescu wrote a decent book on this subject, called C++ Coding Standards.
Here's some general tips from lil' ole me:
Your indentation and bracketing style are both wrong. So are everyone else's. So follow the project's standards for this. Swallow your pride and setup your editor so that everything is as consistent as possible with the rest of the codebase. It's really really annoying having to read code that's indented inconsistently. That said, bracketing and indenting have nothing whatsoever to do with "improving your code." It's more about improving your ability to work with others.
Comment well. This is extremely subjective, but in general it's always good to write comments about why code works the way it does, rather than explaining what it does. Of course for complex code it's also good for programmers who may not be familiar with the algorithm or code to have an idea of what it's doing as well. Links to descriptions of the algorithms employed are very welcome.
Express logic in as straightforward a manner as possible. Ironically suggestions like "put constants on the left side of comparisons" have gone wrong here, I think. They're very popular, but for English speakers, they often break the logical flow of the program to those reading. If you can't trust yourself (or your compiler) to write equality compares correctly, then by all means use tricks like this. But you're sacrificing clarity when you do it. Also falling under this category are things like ... "Does my logic have 3 levels of indentation? Could it be simpler?" and rolling similar code into functions. Maybe even splitting up functions. It takes experience to write code that elegantly expresses the underlying logic, but it's worth working at it.
Those were pretty general. For specific tips I can't do a much better job than Sutter and Alexandrescu.
In if statements put the constant on the left i.e.
if( 12 == var )
if( var == 12 )
Beacause if you miss typing a '=' then it becomes assignment. In the top version the compiler says this isn't possible, in the latter it runs and the if is always true.
I use braces for if's whenever they are not on the same line.
if( a == b ) something();
if( b == d )
Open and close braces always get their own lines. But that is of course personal convention.
Only comment when it's only necessary to explain what the code is doing, where reading the code couldn't tell you the same.
Don't comment out code that you aren't using any more. If you want to recover old code, use your source control system. Commenting out code just makes things look messy, and makes your comments that actually are important fade into the background mess of commented code.
Use consistent formatting.
When working on legacy code employ the existing style of formatting, esp. brace style.
Get a copy of Scott Meyer's book Effective C++
Get a copy of Steve MConnell's book Code Complete.
There is also a nice C++ Style Guide used internally by Google, which includes most of the rules mentioned here.
Start to write a lot of comments -- but use that as an opportunity to refactor the code so that it's self explanatory.
for(int i=0; i<=arr.length; i++) {
arr[i].conf() //confirm that every username doesn't contain invalid characters
Should've been something more like
for(int i=0; i<=activeusers.length; i++) {
Use tabs for indentations, but align data with spaces
This means people can decide how much to indent by changing the tab size, but also that things stay aligned (eg you might want all the '=' in a vertical line when assign values to a struct)
Allways use constants or inline functions instead of macros where posible
Never use 'using' in header files, because everything that includes that heafer will also be affected, even if the person includeing your header doesn't want all of std (for example) in their global namespace.
If something is longer than about 80 columes, break it up into multiple lines eg
if(SomeVeryLongVaribleName != LongFunction(AnotherVarible, AString) &&
Only overload operators to make them do what the user expects, eg overloading the + and - operators for a 2dVector is fine
Always comment your code, even if its just to say what the next block is doing (eg "delete all textures that are not needed for this level"). Someone may need to work with it later, posibly after you have left and they don't want to find 1000's of lines of code with no comments to indicate whats doing what.
setup coding convention and make everyone involved follow the convention (you wouldn't want reading code that require you to figure out where is the next statement/expression because it is not indented properly)
constantly refactoring your code (get a copy of Refactoring, by Martin Fowler, pros and cons are detailed in the book)
write loosely coupled code (avoid writing comment by writing self-explanatory code, loosely coupled code tends to be easier to manage/adapt to change)
if possible, unit test your code (or if you are macho enough, TDD.)
release early, release often
avoid premature optimization (profiling helps in optimizing)
In a similar vein you might find some useful suggestions here: How do you make wrong code look wrong? What patterns do you use to avoid semantic errors?
Where you can, use pre-increment instead of post-increment.
I use PC-Lint on my C++ projects and especially like how it references existing publications such as the MISRA guidelines or Scott Meyers' "Effective C++" and "More Effective C++". Even if you are planning on writing very detailed justifications for each rule your static analysis tool checks, it is a good idea to point to established publications that your user trusts.
Here is the most important piece of advice I was given by a C++ guru, and it helped me in a few critical occasions to find bugs in my code:
Use const methods when a method is not supposed to modify the object.
Use const references and pointers in parameters when the object is not supposed to modify the object.
With these 2 rules, the compiler will tell you for free where in your code the logic is flawed!
Also, for some good techniques you might follow Google's blog "Testing on the Toilet".
Look at it six months later
make sure you indent properly
Hmm - I probably should have been a bit more specific.
I'm not so much looking for advice for myself - I'm writing a static code analysis tool (the current commercial offerings just aren't good enough for what I want), and I'm looking for ideas for plugins to highlight possible errors in the code.
Several people have mentioned things like const correctness and using smart pointers - that's the kind of think I can check for. Checking for indentation and commenting is a bit harder to do (from a programming point of view anyway).
Smart pointers have a nice way of indicating ownership very clearly. If you're a class or a function:
if you get a raw pointer, you don't own anything. You're allowed to use the pointee, courtesy of your caller, who guarantees that the pointee will stay alive longer than you.
if you get a weak_ptr, you don't own the pointee, and on top of that the pointee can disappear at any time.
if you get a shared_ptr, you own the object along with others, so you don't need to worry. Less stress, but also less control.
if you get an auto_ptr, you are the sole owner of the object. It's yours, you're the king. You have the power to destroy that object, or give it to someone else (thereby losing ownership).
I find the case for auto_ptr particularly strong: in a design, if I see an auto_ptr, I immediately know that that object is going to "wander" from one part of the system to the other.
This is at least the logic I use on my pet project. I'm not sure how many variations there can be on the topic, but until now this ruleset has served me well.