webservice with different Os - web-services

I created webservice in my system and
need to diploy it in a server which
contain OS other than windows,say
Mac or any others,so that those
working on Java or any other
technologies can acees my
webservice.Is there any possible solution
other than visual studio IDE is
there any utility for creating
webservice.i Heard about wsdlgen.exe
something like that .Is this useful
in this type of situation whoich i
explained above

A web service can be used (if written right) from many OS, however - when you say deploy - if you mean the actual service executable - you don't need to deploy it (probably you can't even) on mac or linux in order for other tech to access it.
you need to deploy it on the framework that you used to develope it (like win server for WCF / other dot net or c++ based server) and make sure it can be accessed by other technologies - by it's contracts / endpoints ect.
They will access it through tcp/ip probably http, using a common language that they can both talk.
** it doesn't matter if you deploy on IIS or as a service, or as a console application - as long as it implement the right standard other OS based client can access it.

Webservices are a platform independent setup. A webservice is a standardized way of communicating structured data. The language of the webservice is XML, thus it can be interpreted by most languages, and platforms (I haven't heard of webservices being used on DOS 3 yet. )
Your implementation of the webservice must be deployed to the compatible server. If you used a .NET language that is most likely on IIS (mono on its respected mod_net). If its in Java then on Tomcat, JBoss, etc.
Once you have deployed your webservice any client can access your webservice. The output of the webservice is [typically] contained in an HTTP message. Your client is not required to be written in the same language as the service its self, nor is it require the same platform that it is hosted on. I've heard of FPGA's using webservces, and I've been consumed a web service (written in java) from a Nokia N800 (using gSoap as the client).


New web application technology

We're about to start a new project and I've been looking at some of the new web technologies. We want to build a RESTful api which a client can access. To date we've been using python with django/flask to build the api and using jquery for the front end.
I've read quite a bit on javascript frameworks such as emberjs and angular, as well as nodejs solutions like express, meteor and derby. I really like the idea that a site should 'auto update' when the model changes.I'm aware that there are some libraries like gevent which can help facilitate socket level communication, but it seems to be more of a patch than an elegant solution.
Ideally, I don't want to give up a proven technology, ie writing server code in python (or php,ruby whatever) for building my whole app on nodejs. Having a RESTful API is important since we want our services to be open and accessible.
Would it be a bad idea to have 2 servers and 1 client? 1 traditional api server communicating with a javascript framework on the client. Then also run a nodejs server alongside the api server which can somehow talk to the api and if it finds updates, passes it along to the client.
We want to build a RESTful api which a client can access.
Ideally, I don't want to give up a proven technology, ie writing server code in python (or php,ruby whatever) for building my whole app on nodejs.
Then you should probably go with Rails and Ember.js. I'll quote eviltrout (co-founder of discourse) which is build on ember and rails:
One amazing side effect of a rich client side app is you end up with a battle tested API. Our app has consumed our own API since day one, so we know it works.
If we want to create a native client for Android or iOS, it would be a lot easier because we already speak JSON fluently. If people want to build services that use Discourse, they won’t have to result to screen scraping. It’s a huge win for us and the developers that use our platform. 1
However you should keep in mind that ember is as of to date still a very young framework (rc3 v1.0.0).
I don't know what sort of application you are building (in respect to why you would want to use node) How to decide when to use Node.js?

XML web service running on Ubuntu

VS Studio 2005
I have developed an application that will need to access a web service.
I will be developing the web service. However, the platform will be Ubuntu running Apache Tomcat server.
I have 2 questions:
1) Can I deploy a MS XML web service to run on a Ubuntu Server?
2) If I can't. I will have to develop a Java Web Service. However, my application that is written in VS C# 2005 will need to access it will be a windows application. How can my application access a Java Web Service?
Many thanks for any advice,
If you want cross-platform compatibility, you can only deploy .net code that runs under Mono. The best way to check this is to actually develop the code under Mono and use Mono to test it. So, don't use Visual Studio. Sorry.
There is no problem with interfacing pieces of code written in two different languages. You can use XMLRPC, a RESTful API, or a proprietary protocol. I'm sure there are other ways for the two to "talk", as well.

Web Service solutions from Mac

Trying to find a way to rapidly develop web services on the Mac Server platform that will be served via Apache and need to be able to write to flat files or SQL Lite on the Mac.
We have .net, ObjC, C++, Python, and Java skills. We have done lots of web service work before on Windows and will probably go with Azure when we build out the product.
Our development server is on Mac OSX 10.5.8 and we are on a tight time and cost budget to get a prototype done for a small beta group (< than 500 transactions per day) that we can later rework.
We are thinking SOAP, possibly REST. Not sure what is available for Mac?
Any help appreciated // :)
If you are developing a service, you must have some idea what clients you are trying to serve. If those clients expect to talk to a SOAP service, you'll need SOAP. If you are just serving JavaScript code-in-a-browser, REST is probably sufficient.
Apache CXF, being 100% Open Source Java, can be used to build REST or SOAP services on MacOS or anywhere else. There are, of course, other options.
What about Ruby on Rails? Easy to deploy, runs great on the Mac - and is trivial to setup RESTful web services for.
If you dont need all the magic of Rails, the other (albeit) Ruby option would be to use Sinatra - I would challenge anyone to find a RESTful webservices library easier to use than that - its so elegant and so easy. I am primarilly a .Net developer, but I picked up Ruby and Sinatra in a heartbeat.
In either case, I would stay away from SOAP - In my opinion it's just too inflexible these days. In a web 2.0 world of live internet APIs making the webservices RESTful is the easier, faster (and smaller) option. We used to use SOAP exclusively where I work, but the reality is that it just doesnt deliever in the same way that REST does. With the accessibility of JSON and XML serialization frameworks out for any languge even the object passing is trivial. SOAP is harder to scale, is harder to test, uses more bandwidth and is not as flexible. Not everything can talk SOAP (out of the box), but tell me something that cant do a HTTP request?

Blackberry what SDK and language are used

I am new in Blackberry. Can anyone help me out for following queries?
Which SDK is used in Blackberry?
In what language are Blackberry applications developed?
Can we call webservices through Blackberry applications?
Blackberry applications are written in Java. They support Java ME as well as some additional blackberry specific APIs. Check out http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/javaappdev/overview.jsp
As for calling a web service, yes you can do that as well. Check out the Rapid Application development tutorial at: http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/rapidappdev/
As heavyd said you can use the Rapid Application Development for accessing web services.
I've used the Visual Studio plugin before but this doesn't allow you as much access to the API as using the standard JDE plugin for Eclipse or the Blackberrys Java Development Environment (at least when I used it). It all depends on what you want to do, whether it's whip up a quick app or create a fully customised sweet looking application that'll take a little longer.
If you don't decide to go down the RAD route you can use a 3rd party library like KSOAP2, or, the way I do it, is use the Sun Wireless Toolkit (WTK) to create Stubs for you're web service methods which you can then call in your application. I've used this method for a .NET web service and it's pretty straightforward.

Libraries for creating a 'stand alone' Web Service deployed as a single binary

I want to create a simple web service which I shall then make available to third parties to host. The third parties will want to host the service as part of their own systems be that Windows, Linux or Solaris. They will want the web service to be made available to them as a pre compiled binary which they can run without dependencies on further third party software other than the OS itself.
So I am looking for a library, preferably in C / C++, which I can use to create a stand alone web service. I don't want to buy, install configure and manage some Application Server middleware such as Web Sphere, nor do my customers. I am happy to have a RESTFUl service rather than using SOAP.
I'm sure there are more than options available each with their own pro's and con's. A comparison of the options would be fantastic.
You may want to take a look at Webtoolkit (or 'wt'): www.webtoolkit.eu