Django: "reverse" many-to-many relationships on forms - django

The easiest example of the sort of relationship I'm talking about is that between Django's Users and Groups. The User table has a ManyToMany field as part of its definition and the Group table is the "reverse" side.
A note about my constraints: I am not working with the Admin interface at all nor is that an option.
Now, onto the programming problem. I need to write a form that is used to edit MyGroup instances, defined simply as the following:
class MyGroup( Group ):
some_field = models.CharField( max_length=50 )
I want to be able to have a form page where I can edit both some_field and which users are members of the group. Because I'm working with a model, a ModelForm seems obvious. But I cannot figure out how to get Django to include the users because it is on the reverse side of the User-Group relationship. Ideally, I'd like the display widget for specifying the users to be like the one for specifying permissions that is found on the User and Group pages within Admin.

do the trick for a foreign key relationship.
GroupUserInlineFormSet = inlineformset_factory(MyGroup, User, form=PurchaseOrderEditForm, max_num=100, extra=2, can_delete=False)
guformset = GroupUserInlineFormSet (instance=mygroup)
might point you in the right direction. not sure how this can work with a manytomany relationship.

I never found a great way to do this. I ended up writing custom forms that manage creating the fields and specifying an appropriate queryset on them.
For the display portion of the question, there is a way to use the SelectFilter (a.k.a. horizontal filter) on regular pages. One page with instructions I found is here, and there was another that was helpful, but I can't seem to re-located it.
I'm considering writing up a more thorough guide to both parts of this process. If anyone is interested please let me know, it'll give me the push to actually get it done.


Django Admin: How to change model name?

I would like to change the model name displayed in admin. The idea is to be able to register filtered versions of the model to the admin view. I know that I can add filter options when viewing the model. I am not interested in doing that.
I don't think using the approach for solving admin plural naming is an option: Django fix Admin plural. I could be wrong. If so, please tell me how this can be done.
I found this approach which seems to be the right solutions: Change 'Change model class name' in Django Admin || Change the 'Change' <h1>. However, I can't make it work. Is it just me not trying hard enough?
It is also an option to make a number of models and then register each of them. However, I will prefer to rename and register filtered versions in admin.
Any suggestions for solving this little issue?

implementing multiple profiles with django-all-auth

Django noob here - I was recently pointed to django-all-auth for registering/handling users, which I'm finding awesome in its near instant setup.
However I'm stumbling at trying to implement multiple user profile models. In reading other answers I've found this to be the closest answer thus far, but not really what I need.
When coding my own basic registration the user would select an account type (basic, pro, elite for example - each being their own profile model). Depending on the link selected the signup form would display both the generic User registration form as well as the profile form of the type chosen by the user.
I know I can go so far as to completely customize all-auth and make something like this work, but I'm hoping to be pointed in a direction that involves less wrecking of the original app. I've thought about having user redirected after signup to choose a profile type, but that seems to be a lot of extra steps.
Thanks for the help!
To extend the basic user class, just subclass AbstractUser. You can find that in the docs. With this you can add the fields your basic user is missing.
Now, you want several types of profiles with different fields, or perhaps the same fields but adding new fields every time.
You can create something like:
class ProfileBase(models.Model):
class ProfilePro(ProfileBase):
#You can extend ProfilePro here if you want it to include the pro_field
class ProfileElite(ProfileBase):
Once you have these models creating the forms should be easy.
Be aware, when you subclass this way django creates 1 table per model, including on the subclass table only the new fields. This makes necessary a join per level of inheritance so try not to abuse that.
There is a second way to use inheritance:
class ProfileBase(models.Model):
class Meta:
If you define the base class as abstract you won't have a table for it, so you can't create objects for that model, but each of your subclasses will be on it's own table. If you do it this way you may need extra logic to handle cases when user changes of type of profile (i.e. went from pro to elite).
To keep this separated from django-allauth, just finish the registration (create a form and in your settings define ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_FORM_CLASS to override all-auth default with your basic info + pick a profile type form) and once your user is logged in, redirect them to their profile to finish the process.

Tracking a reverse relationship for a foreignkey in django-reversion

I'm trying to figure out how how to track changes for a foreignkey relationship in Django using Django-reversion.
In short, I am trying to model a Codelist, which contains Codes which only belong to one Codelist. This can be modelled using a foreign key like so:
class CodeList(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Code(models.Model):
value = models.PositiveIntegerField(max_length=100)
meaning = models.CharField(max_length=100)
codelist = models.ForeignKey(CodeList,related_name="codes")
Additionally, the only way to edit a code is by using an inline form in the admin site accessed via its codelist. For all intents and purposes, codes belong to codelists as they should...
Except when it comes to reversion.
I'm using the reversion.middleware.RevisionMiddleware to track all editing changes, as there are some non-admin forms for editing codes.
What I'd like is when I see the history of a codelist, it should changes to the codes as well, but I can't figure that out in the Django-reversion API. The issue is that the API covers tracking the code, and seeing changes to the codelist, not the other way around by following the reversed relationship.
Is anyone aware of how this might be done?
Its not well documented Its very well documented, I just couldn't find it, but you can just add the inverse relationship as the field to follow like so:
reversion.register(CodeList, follow=["codes"])

Creating Model Relationships Via Forms

What is the defacto way of creating model relationships in Django via frontend forms.
For example a user signs up for service using a form, they start a quote.
In getting a quote they can select and add products to their quote specifying variable such as sizes in this process.
This is modelled with relevant User, Quote, Product models and relevant relationships.
I am trying to work out the best way that these are linked together by frontend forms and views.
Would I load into the quote form a hidden field for the related user_id for example, which I can then process manually to form the one-to-many relationship.
I am just wondering if this is something accounted for within forms or if I have to manually create the forms to achieve my goal.
This is one of the more complicated things to try and achieve but there are several things in Django which will help you.
You're going to need a ManyToMany field on the Quote model to link the Products to it.
This can be displayed in forms simply via a ModelMultipleChoiceField:
... which is just renders a basic multiple select list of existing products.
The interface you want probably looks more like an inline formset however. The complication here is that they are designed for ForeignKey relations rather than ManyToMany.
Under the covers, a ManyToMany relation is actually just two ForeignKey relations, via an intermediate 'through' model. We can exploit this to build an inline formset on the through model, see this answer:
You'll note the caveat in that answer, the inline rows won't know which Quote they belong to unless you override some code.
You may like to look at some helper apps which provide custom widgets for ManyToMany fields:

Can I make Django admin reflect a hierarchy of models?

Assume a Django application with a few models connected by one-to-many relationships:
class Blog(models.Model):
class Post(models.Model):
blog = models.ForeignKey(Blog)
class Comment(models.Model):
post = models.ForeignKey(Post)
Conceptually, they form a hierarchy, a tree-like structure. I want the Django admin to reflect that. In particular:
in a changelist of posts, every post should have a link to the changelist of corresponding comments;
similarly, a post’s edit page should link to the changelist of comments from the top-right buttons area;
when I open that list of related comments, it needs to reflect the relationship in the breadcrumbs (something like: Posts › “Hello world” › Comments) and, ideally, also in the URL (post/123/comment/).
This should of course also apply to the other levels of the hierarchy.
Number 1 is pretty easy with a custom list_display entry and using the ?post__id= query to the comments changelist. But this is little more than a hack. Generally Django assumes my three models to be independent, top-level entities.
Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this? I guess I could override a bunch of templates and AdminModel methods, but perhaps there is a better solution for what seems like a common situation?
Are you sure you are not just looking at Django Admin Inline Models ?
There is no way that an automated admin will pick up your relationships, because in an RDBS there can be any number of foreign keys / one to one / many to many relations, and Django does not have a customized hierarchical behavior built in.
You can indeed edit the breadcrumb customizing an admin template if you want.
For relations you might also be interested into django MPTT that allows to make hierarchical model instances. Also see this question: Creating efficient database queries for hierarchical models (django) in that respect.
How is this a common situation? Consider the fact a model can have a virtually unlimited number of foreign key relationships, let alone visa versa. How would the admin 'know' how to represent this data the way a user requires without customizing things?
One would suggest you are used to work with content management systems rather than webframeworks (no pun intended). It's important to notice Django isn't a cms, but a webframework you can built on top of as you see fit. In a nutshell: 'Django is rather clueless and unaware of contextual requirements'.
Although the admin is quite a beast out-of-the-box, it can be hard to customize. There have been quite some discussions whether it should even be part of core. I can only suggest, if customizing things tends to get hacky, you should probably write your own 'admin', it's not that hard.