How are controls put in the caption bar? - c++

I noticed Firefox 4, Opera and Chrome, and IE 7/8 put buttons and controls in the title/caption bar, how is this done?
alt text

What they probably do is turn the caption bar off entirely (by excluding the WS_CAPTION window style), add a glass area to the top of the window, and then draw their own controls.
See for more on glass.

Probably they simply handle the WM_NCPAINT message and draw part of the non-client area (which includes the borders and the caption bar) by themselves; they will also handle WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, WM_NCHITTEST and other WM_NC* messages to emulate the behavior of a button on the caption bar.
Or at least, this was the way it was commonly done before Aero; I don't know how much it changed this kind of things.

Yes, you can do that.. you have use window hooks, insert your dll in remote process and run the function of dll remotely. here is full fledged article dealing with it :-


How to create a borderless window with titlebar in windows c++

I am trying to create a Direct3D app that is operating in windowed mode with a title bar and minimize/quit button. However, I'd really like to be able to axe the border around the window.
I am looking to do this because it looks pretty cheesy on dual monitors when the app is filling the primary monitor horizontally (with room to move the app vertically), but its window border overflows onto the secondary screen. I've tried a bunch of combinations of setwindowlong with GWL_STYLE and GWL_EXSTYLE, but can't seem to make headway unless I disable the title bar.
I've seen a bunch of apps that are borderless however they seem to emulate the title bar rather than using the built in one provided by Microsoft.
Thanks for any suggestions.
You can't remove the border and keep the titlebar AFAIK.
You can reimplement the titlebar by using WM_NCHITTEST but you still need to draw it yourself which would not be a bad idea if you want your D3D app to look its best.
Visual Studio, last time I checked, achieves its border with transparent layered windows standing behind the primary one. They are the shadows you see.

Reliably identifying any window's client area

I am working on a program that will replicate, and then extend the functionality of Aero Snap.
Aero Snap restores a maximized window, if the user "grabs" it's title bar, and I am having difficulties identifying this action.
Given a cursor position in screen coordinates, how would I check if the position is within the window's title bar? I am not really at home in the Win32 API, and could not find a way that works reliably for complicated scenarios such as:
Note that tabs that chrome inserts into the title bar. Office does something similar with the quick launch menu.
title bar hits are via the message "non client" messages - ie the area of a window that is not the client (or inner) window.
WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN is probably the message you want to trap.
You also probably want to set a window hook to hook mouse messages, if its the NC message you want, you handle it your way, if not - pass it on to the message chain.
Edit: if Chrome is using the DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea calls to draw the tabs, then you will need to use WM_NCHITTEST.

flicker free tab control with WS_EX_COMPOSITED

I have a VS2008 C++ application for Windows XP SP3 developed using WTL 8.1. My application contains a tab control that flickers when the application border is resized.
My window hierarchy looks like this:
CFrameWindowImpl CMainFrm
|-CSplitterWindow Splitter
|-CTabView Configuration Tabs
| |-CDialogImpl Configuration View 1
| |-CDialogImpl Configuration View 2
| |-CDialogImpl Configuration View 3
|-CDialogImpl Control View
The solution I'm trying is to make the CFrameWindowImpl derived class use the WS_EX_COMPOSITED style and all windows beneath it use the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT style. Unfortunately, this makes the tab control buttons show as an empty black bar and the controls of any Configuration View to not show at all.
If I remove the WS_EX_COMPOSITED and WS_EX_TRANSPARENT styles, the form displays properly, but the CTabView and everything beneath it flickers horribly when resized.
What do I need to change to eliminate the flicker and draw the controls properly?
Got it working. I removed all the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT styles per Mark Ransom's suggestion. I put the WS_EX_COMPOSITED style on only the CTabCtrl (contained within the CTabView). Other controls get double-buffering as needed through WTL::CDoubleBufferImpl<>.
A window flickers because it gets erased before it's drawn. To eliminate this you need to disable erasing of the window entirely and use double buffering - draw the window contents into a bitmap, then copy the bitmap to the window. Because the bitmap contains the entire contents including the background, there's no need to erase anymore.
It looks like WS_EX_COMPOSITED will handle the double buffering automatically, but you still probably need to use a NULL background brush and/or handle the WM_ERASEBKGND message.
Whats not mentioned in MSDN is that the Desktop Window Manager - the component that hooks window painting on Windows Vista and 7 to perform the desktop composition necessary to get the aero glass effect - does NOT implement WS_EX_COMPOSITED.
Which means all the work you put into getting this style to work on XP, is doomed to become irrelevent on Vista or later.
The other problem with WS_EX_COMPOSITED - and why it was an optional style and not a default on XP: The double buffering only picks up painting performed during the BeginPaint / EndPaint block of the parent window. Lots of, even standard controls, perform painting outside of their WM_PAINT handlers, and as a result the backbuffer gets only partially painted.
Sadly, the result is, the only way to "eliminate" flicker in native API apps is to try to minimize it: WS_CLIPCHILDREN and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS can help if you dont have overlapping controls - to ensure that each control's area is painted only once. And ensure that the main dialog does not perform any flood filling in WM_ERASEBKGND
It is not, in my experience, possible to use double-buffering for anything that contains child controls (unless they all fully support WM_PRINT, which most do not).

Custom titlebar icons - Vista / Windows7

I'd like to add a custom button to my Window's titlebar. This doesn't need to work on XP - just Vista and later. Searching on the net yields lots of results for doing it the WM_NCPAINT way (eg. Is there a way to do this using Vista/Windows7 with Aero is enabled?
Thanks for any help,
There is no simple way to do this, even on Vista/7. If you don't want to use the WM_NC* method, you can create your window without the WS_CAPTION, WS_SYSMENU, etc. styles, use DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea to make a portion of your client area into the window frame, and then draw the titlebar yourself. However, this isn't less work than using the MC_NC* method because you will need to implement all of the titlebar features (system menu, close box, maximize box, etc.) yourself.

TAB control background in ATL App, XP styles

I have an ATL application with a dialog containing a TAB control. The App uses a common controls manifest.
Under XP with visual styles, the tab control background is a different color than the dialog and the controls (mostly checkboxes), so it looks quite ugly.
How can I fix that?
There is - apparently - one thing to do to get tab control pages colored correctly using XP visual styles.
In the WM_INITDIALOG handler for each page, call the uxtheme API EnableThemeDialogTexture
With the ETDT_ENABLETAB flag this automatically changes the background color of the dialog and all its child controls to paint appropriately on a tab.
The dialog pages do not need any kind of transparent flag, or indeed any style bit set differently from previously. If you have overridden WM_ERASEBKGND or WM_CTLCOLORDLG in your pages DialogProc you will need to revert to default handling (return FALSE).
Here you could find answer to your question.
The check boxes will post WM_CTLCOLORBTN notifications to their parent. If, for the checkbox control IDs, the parent window's message handler returns the result of
then the check boxes should be drawn with a transparent background, which should give you the look you want.