Good cross platform functional language for library use in a C++ application? - c++

What are my options in terms of a fast functional language for library use in a cross-platform Qt C++ application?
It seems almost all languages (functional or not) have some way of calling C/C++ code in an easy manner. I'd like to go the other way around - write an application in Qt using C++ for stateful business logic, GUIs and stuff but drop down and use a functional language for the core calculation library.
Which ones are easy to use in this manner? Can for instance OCaml code be compiled into a static library and then consumed by a C++ app?

Haskell has this capability, though the interaction with Qt/qmake and your build process with ghc may take a little trickery to get working:
There is also a project called HaskellDirect which seems similar to your purpose as well:

AutoCAD uses AutoLisp so my suggestion would be Lisp.

I'd be tempted to check out qtHaskell and to do the whole thing in Haskell. My opinion is based on Don Stewart's remarkable success doing xmonad in Haskell.

Lisp and Haskell are excellent functional languages but if we consider the ease of binding C/C++ code along with the language, I'd recommend lua.
It is extremely straightforward to bind C functions to lua right off the bat, the interpreter is super compact and easy library to build, it's among the fastest scripting languages out there, and, with luabind, you can easily bind C++ classes, template instantiations, etc. I've had to do bindings for numerous scripting languages in the past and I've never found one that's quite as straightforward as lua. It's also supported with swig if you prefer to bind things through swig which will allow your application to support multiple scripting languages.
From a pure language point of view, the meta-feature/metaprogramming aspect of lua (comparable to lisp) makes it very easy to support all kinds of programming paradigms, though I personally find it best suited for functional programming. It's extremely customizable and well-suited for embedded use.
However, since you are already using qt, qtHaskell might be a nice choice to consider as well.


Building a simple DSL in Haskell with C++ interop

I'm designing a simple interpreted language for testing real-time embedded systems. The control flow is severely restricted to provide strong static guarantees on what the scripts will do + how long they will run. For example, you can only branch on constant conditionals or loop over fixed ranges.
There is a large existing codebase in C++ with relevant models and IO libs, so this language must be able to call into C++. The systems under test have hard timing requirements, so we can't tolerate much jitter in the test framework. Our past solution was a custom DSL embedded in the C++ runtime, but we ended up re-inventing too many wheels (parser, linter, interactive interpreter, etc..) to achieve the static guarantees we need.
Haskell's facilities for crafting embedded DSLs with these guarantees are extremely appealing to me, but I'm stuck in determining how to embed it into the soft real-time C++ runtime. Any ideas? Pointers to any libraries / existing projects would be greatly appreciated!
Sounds like the path of least resistance would be an EDSL that generates C++. This way, you don't have to worry about the potential mismatch between soft real-time and the GHC RTS.
You might look at how other EDSLs that generate PLs are implemented:
HJScript uses a free monad approach to embedding JS.
JMacro uses more of an external DSL approach but embedded via TH. Wouldn't be my choice.
Instead of generating strings of C++ code, it's nice to have a data structure. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a package available for C++. However, you could take a look at language-c — perhaps extend that or build your own. You might even consider generating C and using the C to C++ interop provided by those languages.
I'd probably dissuade you from looking at the design of Cryptol or Cogent as these are fully-fledged programming languages (that you have indicated you are inclined to steer away from).

GObject vs C++: What benefits does GObj offer, and how does it compare in speed/size?

What does it offer to an object oriented language such as C++? or is it not possible to use GTK+ without it?
Is the GObject implementation of objects is of a similar quality to that of C++ in terms of the size and speed of an executable assuming both examples use the same compiler? Or are there some trade-offs where GObject would be slower on the account of additional capabilities it provides?
GObject (a bit like COM in the Windows world) is a C API designed with cross language interoperability in mind.
This means that you can use GObjects in any language which supports calling C functions, but this makes it very difficult to write GObjects in a non-C language which are truly reusable from any language (if you write a GObject derived class in say, Python, you'd have to embed a Python interpreter every time you wanted to use objects from this class in C).
It is possible to semi-automate the creation of bindings for many languages (eg. Python, Perl, JS etc), and here lies one of the strengths of GObject. This accounts for the somewhat opaque API that GObject provides, which is, I confess, quite difficult to understand thoroughly.
Unfortunately, it doesn't fit well within the C++ language either. GObjects have no trivial relationship with C++ classes, and even if bindings are available (Gtkmm) it is not possible to easily write a C++ class "inheriting from GObject" and expose it to the world. You have to write C for this.
[What the world would need would be some kind of extensions to the C++ language which would make it easy to interop with GObject, a little like C++Cx on Windows, but 1) it is a difficult task, perhaps achievable through a GCC plugin, and 2) there is no momentum towards C++ in the Gnome world, or generally in the Linux world (KDE being a notable exception). For now we are stuck with the Gtkmm bindings.]
The article on GObject from Wikipedia includes a comparison with C++. Some of the things they mention is the lack of multiple inheritance, and the presence of signals. Additionally, GObject benefits from the fact that the names of exported C functions do not, unlike C++, depend on your choice of compiler. So if you were to develop an object-oriented library using GObject, it would probably be easier to link with than a C++ one.
It would also be interesting to look at the Vala programming language, which targets GObject.
Just a little elaboration on something hinted by Vlad: A major point in favour of C is that it makes interoptability between compilers or languages 'possible' (guaranteed), in that it standardises an ABI. This (pardon me if I'm oversimplifying) enables guarantees about how callers from any C compiler or other language can use exported symbols. Hence why GTK+ has bindings to various other languages - including C++ in GTKmm. The latter is the best of both worlds IMHO: the well-established API of GTK+ but with the language features of C++.
C++ as yet does not have an official standard ABI, though all is not yet lost, as the A-Team are working on it:

What language to use for text editor?

I feel like writing a (rich) text editor mainly to be used for note-taking, in either C or C++, using most probably GTK or Qt for the UI.
The problem is that I can't really decide what to use. I know both C and C++, C a little better. I've never used Qt but I'm completely fine with learning, and I have some experience with GTK.
Is there any particular combination you would give preference to and why? In particular, do you think there is any advantage to using C++, or will C do just fine?
I'm writing an editor myself, and I too have choose C++ and Qt.
The reasons for this:
C++ is CPU- and memory-efficient. I hate slow text editors with a passion.
Supporting libraries are almost always written in C or C++, so I can interface nicely with them (and extend them if needed).
Qt is a great, well supported, cross-platform/-system GUI library, and it contains a lot of generally useful base classes/algorithms. It makes C++ actually fun to use.
Personally, I would go for C++/Qt.
The reason for my bias is that unlike GTK, Qt is not only a UI toolkit, but provides a lot of other features like networking, database access, xml parsing... which could benefit you a lot. And all that with a consistent API.
The main fault of Qt is that it is a replacement for standard C++ library in a sense that it has its own list, string, map, hash... classes. Those have much nicer API than STL and are (IMO) much more pleasant to work with, but if you learn C++ this way, it will be much more difficult to return to standard C++ if you ever need to.
If you want a gentle introduction to OOP with C++ and Qt, see this book (free to download):
C++ is probably, better suited for RAD (Rapid Application Development) than C. This is because of its additional features such as classes and objects. C I think would just handicap you because, you do not have some stuff like classes and objects.
Usually, OO languages are suited for GUIs and what not whereas, languages like C are for low-level driver stuff where efficiency is of great importance (even though its a little debatable).
C++ is a better C. C++ can do whatever C can do and in addition supports object-oriented and generic-programming design paradigms. 'SUPPORT' here means the language itself and the facilities around it provide ease, pleasure and productivity for the programmer to achieve these design goals. Go for C++ and you won't regret.
If you choose Qt, you must also choose C++ because Qt is a C++ library. If you are programming a rich text editor, I don't know how much it's left for you to do on top of Qt's text editor which well supports rich text. You probably only need to concentrate on adding domain-specific features of your interest.

Scripting language for C++ [closed]

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I'm getting a little rusty in scripting languages, provided they're popping like mushrooms lately :)
Today I thought that it would be nice to have a scripting language that talks seamlessly to C++, that is, could use C++ classes, and, the most important for me, could be compiled into C++ or some DLL/.SO (plus its .h) so that I could link it into my C++ program and make use of the classes the script defines or implements.
I know I could embed any popular scripting language such as lua, ruby, python... but the interface usually includes some kind of "eval" function that evaluates the provided scripting code. Depending on the tool used to couple C++ and the scripting language, the integration for callbacks of the script into C++ could be more or less easy to write, but I haven't seen any scripting language that actually allows me to write independent modules that are exposed as a .h and .so/dll to my program (maybe along the lines of a scripting language that generates C++ code).
Do you know any such tool/scripting language?
Thanks in advance.
PD. I've been thinking along the lines of Vala or Haskell's GHC. They generate C, but not C++...
UPDATE 2020: Today I would probably go with Lua + Sol2/3 except if I really want to avoid Lua as a language. Chaiscript becomes a good candidate in this case though it is not optimal performance-wise compared to Lua+Sol2/3 (though it was greatly improved through years so it is still good enough in many cases).
Falcon have been dead for some years, RIP.
The following ones are more C++ integration oriented than language bindings :
ChaiScript - trying at the moment in a little project, interesting, this one is MADE with C++ in mind and works by just including a header! Not sure if it's good for a big project yet but will see, try it to have some taste!
(not maintained anymore) Falcon - trying on a big project, excellent; it's not a "one include embed" as ChaiScript but it's because it's really flexible, and totally thought to be used in C++ (only C++ code in libs) - I've decided to stick with it for my biggest project that require a lot of scripting flexibility (comparable to ruby/python )
AngelScript - didn't try yet
GameMonkey - didn't try yet
Io - didn't try yet
For you, if you really want to write your scripting module in C++ and easily expose it to the scripting language, I would recommand going with Falcon. It's totally MADE in C++, all the modules/libraries are written that way.
The question usually asked in this context is: how do I expose my C++ classes so they can be instantiated from script? And the answer is often something like
You're asking the opposite question and it sounds like you're complicating matters a bit. A scripting engine that produced .h files and .so files wouldn't really be a scripting engine - it would be a compiler! In which case you could use C++.
Scripting engines don't work like that. You pass them a script and some callbacks that provide a set of functions that can be called from the script, and the engine interprets the script.
Try lua:
For using C++ classes in lua you can use:
To generate binding use tolua++:
It takes a cleaned up header as input and outputs a c file that does the hard work. Easy, nice and a pleasure to work with.
For using Lua objects in C++ I'd take the approach of writing a generic Proxy object with methods like (field, setField, callMethod, methods, fields).
If you want a dll you could have the .lua as a resource (in Windows, I don't know what could be a suitable equivalent for Linux) and on your DllMain initialize your proxy object with the lua code.
The c++ code can then use the proxy object to call the lua code, with maybe a few introspection methods in the proxy to make this task easier.
You could just reuse the proxy object for every lua library you want to write, just changing the lua code provided to it.
This is slightly outside my area of expertise, but I'm willing to risk the downvotes. :-)
Boost::Python seems to be what you're looking for. It uses a bit of macro magic to do its stuff, but it does expose Python classes to C++ rather cleanly.
I'm the author of LikeMagic, a C++ binding library for the Io language. (I am not the author of Io.)
One of my explicit goals with LikeMagic is complete and total C++ interoperability, in both directions. LikeMagic will marshal native Io types as C++ types (including converting between STL containers and Io's native List type) and it will represent C++ classes, methods, fields, and arrays within Io. You can even pass a block of Io code out of the Io environment and use it in C++ as a functor!!
Wrapping C++ types up for consumption in Io script is simple, quick and easy. Accessing script objects from C++ does require an "eval" function like you described, but the template based type conversion and marshaling makes it easy to access the result of executing a script string. And there is the aforementioned ability to turn Io block() objects into C++ functors.
Right now the project is still in the early stages, although it is fully operational. I still need to do things like document its build steps and dependencies, and it can only be built with gcc 4.4.1+ (not Microsoft Visual C++) because it uses C++0x features not yet supported in MSVC. However, it does fully support Linux and Windows, and a Mac port is planned.
Now the bad news: Making the scripts produce .h files and .so or .dll files callable from C++ would not only require a compiler (of a sort) but it would also have to be a JIT compiler. That's because (in many scripting languages, but most especially in Io) an object's methods and fields are not known until runtime - and in Io, methods can even be added and removed from live objects! At first I was going to say that the very fact that you're asking for this makes me wonder if perhaps you don't really understand what a dynamic language is. But I do believe in a way of design in which you first try to imagine the ideal or easiest possible way of doing something, and then work backwards from there to what is actually possible. And so I'll admit from an ease-of-use standpoint, what you describe sounds easier to use.
But while it's ideal, and just barely possible (using a script language with JIT compilation), it isn't very practical, so I'm still unsure if what you're asking for is what you really want. If the .h and .so/.dll files are JITted from the script, and the script changes, you'd need to recompile your C++ program to take advantage of the change! Doesn't that violate the main benefit of using script in the first place?
The only way it is practical would be if the interfaces defined the scripts do not change, and you just are making C++ wrappers for script functions. You'd end up having a lot of C++ functions like:
int get_foo() { return script.eval("get_foo()"); }
int get_bar() { return script.eval("get_bar()"); }
I will admit that's cleaner looking code from the point of view of the callers of the wrapper function. But if that's what you want, why not just use reflection in the scripting language and generate a .h file off of the method lists stored in the script objects? This kind of reflection can be easily done in Io. At some point I plan to integrate the OpenC++ source-to-source translator as a callable library from LikeMagic, which means you could even use a robust C++ code generator instead of writing out strings.
You can do this with Lua, but if you have a lot of classes you'll want a tool like SWIG or toLua++ to generate some of the glue code for you.
None of these tools will handle the unusual part of your problem, which is to have a .h file behind which is hidden a scripting language, and to have your C++ code call scripts without knowing that that are scripts. To accomplish this, you will have to do the following:
Write the glue code yourself. (For Lua, this is relatively easy, until you get into classes, whereupon it's not so easy, which is why tools like SWIG and toLua++ exist.)
Hide behind the interface some kind of global state of the scripting interpreter.
Supposing you have multiple .h files that each are implemented using scripts, you have to decide which ones share state in the scripting language and which ones use separate scripting states. (What you basically have is a VM for the scripting language, and the extremes are (a) all .h files use the same VM in common and (b) each .h file has its own separate, isolated VM. Other choices are more complicated.)
If you decide to do this yourself, writing the glue code to turn Lua tables into C++ classes (so that Lua code looks like C++ to the rest of the program) is fairly straightforward. Going in the other direction, where you wrap your C++ in Lua (so that C++ objects look to the scripts like Lua values) is a big pain in the ass.
No matter what you do, you have some work ahead of you.
Google's V8 engine is written in C++, I expect you might be able to integrate it into a project. They talk about doing that in this article.
Good question, I have often thought about this myself, but alas there is no easy solution to this kind of thing. If you are on Windows (I guess not), then you could achieve something like this by creating COM components in C++ and VB (considering that as a scripting language). The talking happens through COM interfaces, which is a nice way to interop between disparate languages. Same holds for .NET based languages which can interop between themselves.
I too am eager to know if something like this exists for C++, preferably open source.
You might check into embedding Guile (a scheme interpreter) or V8 (Google's javascript interpreter - used in Chrome - which is written in C++).
Try the Ring programming language
(1) Extension using the C/C++ languages
(2) Embedding Ring Interpreter in C/C++ Programs
(3) Code Generator for wrapping C/C++ Libraries

What advantages does C++ have over other languages for Qt development?

As well-known, C++ has steeper learning curve than most of the mainstream languages, which results in better performance . But, does using C++ over other languages[like Java,Ruby,Python] for Qt development have still (major) advantages,let's say about Qtopia? If any, what are they?
Qt is natively a C++ API, so any other languages have to have wrapper code around it which needs to be maintained, etc. The primary documentation will also be for the C++ API.
I'm not sure if there are any "official" bindings to other languages which are maintained and released together with Qt.
If you are looking at Qtopia, you are probably looking into embedded systems. In that case, C++ will likely be the one you want to choose, specifically for those performance reasons.
Otherwise, Trolltech maintains a Java binding, and I imagine that some of the other language bindings aren't too bad either, since those languages can interact directly with c/c++ code. However, those bindings are likely to always be a little out of date.
it's easier to create a single executable.
don't know if that will be for long...