SAS code to strip apostrophe from end of data values - sas

I have a variable Deck1-Deck100 (Deck1 through Deck100 representing 100 trials of a task) with four possible values A' B' C' D'. I need to recode this variable so that A' and B' = 0 and C' and D' = 1. Can you help? I know nothing about how to compress variables.

or the informat approach:
/* generate a fake data set */
data trials;
array trial(100) $2.;
array t(4) $2. _temporary_ ("A'","B'","C'","D'");
do i = 1 to 100;
trial[i] = t[j];
drop i j ;
proc print noobs;
var trial1-trial10;
/* create a 'recoding' format */
proc format;
invalue trials (upcase)
/* convert the values */
data newtrials;
set trials;
array trial(*) $2. trial1-trial100;
array rtrial(100);
do i = 1 to 100;
rtrial[i]=input(trial[i], trials.);
drop i trial:;
proc print noobs;
var rtrial1-rtrial10;
which produces this output:
trial1 trial2 trial3 trial4 trial5 trial6 trial7 trial8 trial9 trial10
D' D' B' A' A' D' A' B' C' D'
rtrial1 rtrial2 rtrial3 rtrial4 rtrial5 rtrial6 rtrial7 rtrial8 rtrial9 rtrial10
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

Assuming that you have all 100 variables in one observation and just want to recode the values, the following might work. Just replace the number 4 with the number 100.
data sample;
proc print data=sample;
data result;
set sample;
array alldecks(4) deck1-deck4;
do i=1 to 4;
if alldecks(i) eq 'A''' or alldecks(i) eq 'B''' then alldecks(i)='0';
if alldecks(i) eq 'C''' or alldecks(i) eq 'D''' then alldecks(i)='1';
drop i;
proc print data=result;
This gives you the following output:
Obs deck1 deck2 deck3 deck4
1 A' B' C' D'
Obs deck1 deck2 deck3 deck4
1 0 0 1 1

Striping the single quote is easy, just compress() it out:
data _null_;
length old new $8.;
old = "A'";
new = compress(old, "'");
put (_all_) (=/);
/* on log


Divide a dataset into subsets based on a column and perform a repeated operation for subsets

I need to perform the same operation on many different periods. In my sample data for two periods: 402 and 403.
I cannot understand the concept of how I can make a loop that will do it for me.
At the end, I'd like to have final1 for period 402, final2 for period 403 etc.
Sample data that I use for testing:
data one;
input period $ a $ b $ c $ d e;
402 a . a 1 3
402 . b . 2 4
402 a a a . 5
402 . . b 3 5
403 a a a . 6
403 a a a . 7
403 a a a 2 8
This is how I manually choose one period of one data:
data new;
set one;
where period='402';
This is how I calculate different things for the given period e.g. number of missing data, non-missing, total:
1 - For numeric variables:
proc iml;
use new;
read all var _NUM_ into x[colname=nNames];
n = countn(x,"col");
nmiss = countmiss(x,"col");
ntotal = n + nmiss;
2 - and similarly for char variables:
read all var _CHAR_ into x[colname=cNames];
close nww;
c = countn(x,"col");
cmiss = countmiss(x,"col");
ctotal = c + cmiss;
Save numeric and char results:
create cnt1Data var {nNames n nmiss ntotal};
close cnt1Data;
create cnt2Data var {cNames c cmiss ctotal};
close cnt2Data;
Rename columns to be the same:
data cnt1Datatemp;
set cnt1Data;
rename nNames = Name n = nonMissing nmiss = missing ntotal = total;
data cnt2Datatemp;
set cnt2Data;
rename cNames = Name c = nonMissing cmiss = missing ctotal = total;
and merge data into the final set:
data final;
set cnt1Datatemp cnt2Datatemp;
Final data for period 402 should look like:
a b c d e
2 2 1 1 0 - missing
2 2 3 3 4 - non-missing
4 4 4 4 4 - total
and respectively for period 403:
a b c d e
0 0 0 2 0 - missing
3 3 3 1 3 - non-missing
3 3 3 3 3 - total
You can make something similar with simple SQL query.
create table miss_count as select period
, sum(missing(A)) as A
, sum(missing(B)) as B
from have
group by period
period a b c d e
402 2 2 1 1 0
403 0 0 0 2 0
It you add in
, count(*) as nobs
then you have all the information you need to calculate all of the counts you wanted.
If the number of variables is short enough you can even generate the code into a macro variable (limit of 64K bytes in a macro variable)
proc sql noprint;
select catx(' ','sum(missing(',nliteral(name),')) as',nliteral(name))
into :varlist separated by ','
from dictionary.columns
where libname='WORK' and memname='ONE' and lowcase(name) ne 'period'
create table miss_count as select period,count(*) as nobs,&varlist
from one
group by period
period nobs a b c d e
402 4 2 2 1 1 0
403 3 0 0 0 2 0
It is much easier to find this information in sql;
proc sql;
select sum(a is not missing) as fil_a
, sum(a is missing) as mis_a
, count(*) as tot_a
from one
where period eq 402;
You can even 0handle all periods at once using group by.
There are a few ways to make this work for all variables in a dataset (except for some group by variables). For instance:
%macro count_missing();
proc sql;
select count(*), name
into :no_var, :var_list separated by ' '
from sasHelp.vcolumn
where libName eq 'WORK' and memName eq 'ONE' and upcase(name) ne 'PERIOD';
create view count_missing as
select count(*) as total
%do var_nr = 1 %to &no_var;
%let var = %scan(&var_list, &var_nr);
, sum(&var is missing) as mis_&var
group by period;
data report_missing;
set count_missing;
format count_of $32.;
count_of = 'missing';
%do var_nr = 1 %to &no_var;
%let var = %scan(&var_list, &var_nr);
&var = mis_&var;
count_of = 'non missing';
%do var_nr = 1 %to &no_var;
%let var = %scan(&var_list, &var_nr);
&var = total - mis_&var;
count_of = 'total';
%do var_nr = 1 %to &no_var;
%let var = %scan(&var_list, &var_nr);
&var = total;
You don't need iml to summarize data over observations. You can do that with a retain statement too. Moreover, using by processing with first and last, you can process all periods in one go.
data final;
set one;
by period;
if first.period then do;
mis_a = 0;
total = 0;
retain mis_a;
if missing(a) then mis_a +=1; else fil_a += 1;
total += 1;
if last.period;
fil_a = total - mis_a;
This is by far the fastest way to handle a big dataset if the data is sorted by period.
To make it work for a set of variables not known upfront, you can apply the same techniques as in my other solution.

Compare value to max of variable

I have a dataset with a lot of lines and I'm studying a group of variables.
For each line and each variable, I want to know if the value is equal to the max for this variable or more than or equal to 10.
Expected output (with input as all variables without _B) :
(you can replace T/F by TRUE/FALSE or 1/0 as you wish)
| ID | Var1 | Var1_B | Var2 | Var2_B | Var3 | Var3_B |
| A | 1 | F | 5 | F | 15 | T |
| B | 1 | F | 5 | F | 7 | F |
| C | 2 | T | 5 | F | 15 | T |
| D | 2 | T | 6 | T | 10 | T |
Note that for Var3, the max is 15 but since 15>=10, any value >=10 will be counted as TRUE.
Here is what I've maid up so far (doubt it will be any help but still) :
%macro pleaseWorkLittleMacro(table, var, suffix);
proc means NOPRINT data=&table;
var &var;
output out=Varmax(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) max=;
proc transpose data=Varmax out=Varmax(rename=(COL1=varmax));
data Varmax;
set Varmax;
varmax = ifn(varmax<10, varmax, 10);
run; /* this outputs the max for every column, but how to use it afterward ? */
%pleaseWorkLittleMacro(MY_TABLE, VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4, _B);
I have the code in R, works like a charm but I really have to translate it to SAS :
#in a for loop over variable names, db is my data.frame, x is the
#current variable name and x2 is the new variable name
x.max = max(db[[x]], na.rm=T)
x.max = ifelse(x.max<10, x.max, 10)
db[[x2]] = (db[[x]] >= x.max) %>% mean(na.rm=T) %>% percent(2)
An old school sollution would be to read the data twice in one data step;
data expect ;
input ID $ Var1 Var1_B $ Var2 Var2_B $ Var3 Var3_B $ ;
A 1 F 5 F 15 T
B 1 F 5 F 7 F
C 2 T 5 F 15 T
D 2 T 6 T 10 T
data my_input;
set expect;
keep ID Var1 Var2 Var3 ;
proc print;
It is a good habit to declare the most volatile things in your code as macro variables.;
%let varList = Var1 Var2 Var3;
%let markList = Var1_B Var2_B Var3_B;
%let varCount = 3;
Read the data twice;
data my_result;
set my_input (in=maximizing)
my_input (in=marking);
Decklare and Initialize arrays;
format &markList $1.;
array _vars [&&varCount] &varList;
array _maxs [&&varCount] _temporary_;
array _B [&&varCount] &markList;
if _N_ eq 1 then do _varNr = 1 to &varCount;
_maxs(_varNr) = -1E15;
While reading the first time, Calculate the maxima;
if maximizing then do _varNr = 1 to &varCount;
if _vars(_varNr) gt _maxs(_varNr) then _maxs(_varNr) = _vars(_varNr);
While reading the second time, mark upt to &maxMarks maxima;
if marking then do _varNr = 1 to &varCount;
if _vars(_varNr) eq _maxs(_varNr) or _vars(_varNr) ge 10
then _B(_varNr) = 'T';
else _B(_varNr) = 'F';
Drop all variables starting with an underscore, i.e. all my working variables;
drop _:;
Only keep results when reading for the second time;
if marking;
Check results;
proc print;
var ID Var1 Var1_B Var2 Var2_B Var3 Var3_B;
proc compare base=expect compare=my_result;
This is quite simple to solve in sql
proc sql;
create table my_result as
select *
, Var1_B = (Var1 eq max_Var1)
, Var1_B = (Var2 eq max_Var2)
, Var1_B = (Var3 eq max_Var3)
from my_input
, (select max(Var1) as max_Var1
, max(Var2) as max_Var2
, max(Var3) as max_Var3)
(Not tested, as our SAS server is currently down, which is the reason I pass my time on Stack Overflow)
If you need that for a lot of variables, consult the system view VCOLUMN of SAS:
proc sql;
select ''|| name ||'_B = ('|| name ||' eq max_'|| name ||')'
, 'max('|| name ||') as max_'|| name
from sasHelp.vcolumn
where libName eq 'WORK'
and memName eq 'MY_RESULT'
and type eq 'num'
and upcase(name) like 'VAR%'
into : create_B separated by ', '
, : select_max separated by ', '
create table my_result as
select *, &create_B
, Var1_B = (Var1 eq max_Var1)
, Var1_B = (Var2 eq max_Var2)
, Var1_B = (Var3 eq max_Var3)
from my_input
, (select max(Var1) as max_Var1
, max(Var2) as max_Var2
, max(Var3) as max_Var3)
(Again not tested)
After Proc MEANS computes the maximum value for each column you can run a data step that combines the original data with the maximums.
data want;
ID $1 Var1 8 Var1_B $1. Var2 8 Var2_B $1. Var3 8 Var3_B $1. var4 8 var4_B $1;
ID Var1 Var1_B Var2 Var2_B Var3 Var3_B ; datalines;
A 1 F 5 F 15 T
B 1 F 5 F 7 F
C 2 T 5 F 15 T
D 2 T 6 T 10 T
data have;
set want;
drop var1_b var2_b var3_b var4_b;
proc means NOPRINT data=have;
var var1-var4;
output out=Varmax(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) max= / autoname;
The neat thing the VAR statement is that you can easily list numerically suffixed variable names. The autoname option automatically appends _ to the names of the variables in the output.
Now combine the maxes with the original (have). The set varmax automatically retains the *_max variables, and they will not get overwritten by values from the original data because the varmax variable names are different.
Arrays are used to iterate over the values and apply the business logic of flagging a row as at max or above 10.
data want;
if _n_ = 1 then set varmax; * read maxes once from MEANS output;
set have;
array values var1-var4;
array maxes var1_max var2_max var3_max var4_max;
array flags $1 var1_b var2_b var3_b var4_b;
do i = 1 to dim(values); drop i;
flags(i) = ifc(min(10,maxes(i)) <= values(i),'T','F');
The difficult part above is that the MEANS output creates variables that can not be listed using the var1 - varN syntax.
When you adjust the naming convention to have all your conceptually grouped variable names end in numeric suffixes the code is simpler.
* number suffixed variable names;
* no autoname, group rename on output;
proc means NOPRINT data=have;
var var1-var4;
output out=Varmax(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_ rename=var1-var4=max_var1-max_var4) max= ;
* all arrays simpler and use var1-varN;
data want;
if _n_ = 1 then set varmax;
set have;
array values var1-var4;
array maxes max_var1-max_var4;
array flags $1 flag_var1-flag_var4;
do i = 1 to dim(values); drop i;
flags(i) = ifc(min(10,maxes(i)) <= values(i),'T','F');
You can use macro code or arrays, but it might just be easier to transform your data into a tall variable/value structure.
So let's input your test data as an actual SAS dataset.
data expect ;
input ID $ Var1 Var1_B $ Var2 Var2_B $ Var3 Var3_B $ ;
A 1 F 5 F 15 T
B 1 F 5 F 7 F
C 2 T 5 F 15 T
D 2 T 6 T 10 T
First you can use PROC TRANSPOSE to make the tall structure.
proc transpose data=expect out=tall ;
by id ;
var var1-var3 ;
Now your rules are easy to apply in PROC SQL step. You can derive a new name for the flag variable by appending a suffix to the original variable's name.
proc sql ;
create table want_tall as
select id
, cats(_name_,'_Flag') as new_name
, case when col1 >= min(max(col1),10) then 'T' else 'F' end as value
from tall
group by 2
order by 1,2
Then just flip it back to horizontal and merge with the original data.
proc transpose data=want_tall out=flags (drop=_name_);
by id;
id new_name ;
var value ;
data want ;
merge expect flags;
by id;

Populate SAS variable by repeating values

I have a SAS table with a lot of missing values. This is only a simple example.
The real table is much bigger (>1000 rows) and the numbers is not the same. But what is the same is that I have a column a that have no missing numbers. Column b and c have a sequence that is shorter than the length of a.
a b c
1 1b 1000
2 2b 2000
3 3b
What I want is to fill b an c with repeating the sequences until they columns are full. The result should look like this:
a b c
1 1b 1000
2 2b 2000
3 3b 1000
4 1b 2000
5 2b 1000
6 3b 2000
7 1b 1000
I have tried to make a macro but it become to messy.
The hash-of-hashes solution is the most flexible here, I suspect.
data have;
infile datalines delimiter="|";
input a b $ c;
4| |
5| |
6| |
7| |
%let vars=b c;
data want;
set have;
rownum = _n_;
if _n_=1 then do;
declare hash hoh(ordered:'a');
declare hiter hih('hoh');
declare hash hh();
do varnum = 1 to countw("&vars.");
varname = scan("&vars",varnum);
hh = _new_ hash(ordered:'a');
do by 0 while (rc=0);
if strip(vvaluex(varname)) in (" ",".") then do;
num_items = hh.num_items;
rowmod = mod(_n_-1,num_items)+1;
else do;
rc =;
keep a &Vars.;
Basically, one hash is built for each variable you are using. They're each added to the hash of hashes. Then we iterate over that, and search to see if the variable requested is populated. If it is then we add it to its hash. If it isn't then we retrieve the appropriate one.
Assuming that you can tell how many rows to use for each variable by counting how many non-missing values are in the column then you could use this code generation technique to generate a data step that will use the POINT= option SET statements to cycle through the first Nx observations for variable X.
First get a list of the variable names;
proc transpose data=have(obs=0) out=names ;
var _all_;
Then use those to generate a PROC SQL select statement to count the number of non-missing values for each variable.
filename code temp ;
data _null_;
set names end=eof ;
file code ;
if _n_=1 then put 'create table counts as select ' ;
else put ',' #;
put 'sum(not missing(' _name_ ')) as ' _name_ ;
if eof then put 'from have;' ;
proc sql noprint;
%include code /source2 ;
Then transpose that so that again you have one row per variable name but this time it also has the counts in COL1.
proc transpose data=counts out=names ;
var _all_;
Now use that to generate SET statements needed for a DATA step to create the output from the input.
filename code temp;
data _null_;
set names ;
file code ;
length pvar $32 ;
pvar = cats('_point',_n_);
put pvar '=mod(_n_-1,' col1 ')+1;' ;
put 'set have(keep=' _name_ ') point=' pvar ';' ;
Now use the generated statements.
data want ;
set have(drop=_all_);
%include code / source2;
So for your example data file with variables A, B and C and 7 total observations the LOG for the generated data step looks like this:
1229 data want ;
1230 set have(drop=_all_);
1231 %include code / source2;
NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) file CODE is file .../#LN00026.
1232 +_point1 =mod(_n_-1,7 )+1;
1233 +set have(keep=a ) point=_point1 ;
1234 +_point2 =mod(_n_-1,3 )+1;
1235 +set have(keep=b ) point=_point2 ;
1236 +_point3 =mod(_n_-1,2 )+1;
1237 +set have(keep=c ) point=_point3 ;
NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) ending.
1238 run;
NOTE: There were 7 observations read from the data set WORK.HAVE.
NOTE: The data set WORK.WANT has 7 observations and 3 variables.
Populate a temporary array with the values, then check the row and add the appropriate value.
Setup the data
data have;
infile datalines delimiter="|";
input a b $ c;
4| |
5| |
6| |
7| |
Get a count of the non-null values
proc sql noprint;
select count(*)
into :n_b
from have
where b ^= "";
select count(*)
into :n_c
from have
where c ^=.;
Now populate the missing values by repeating the contents of each array.
data want;
set have;
/*Temporary Arrays*/
array bvals[&n_b] $ 32 _temporary_;
array cvals[&n_c] _temporary_;
if _n_ <= &n_b then do;
/*Populate the b array*/
bvals[_n_] = b;
else do;
/*Fill the missing values*/
b = bvals[mod(_n_+&n_b-1,&n_b)+1];
if _n_ <= &n_c then do;
/*populate C values array*/
cvals[_n_] = c;
else do;
/*fill in the missing C values*/
c = cvals[mod(_n_+&n_c-1,&n_c)+1];
data want;
set have;
if n=0 then b='3b';
else b=cats(n,'b');
if n in (1,0) then c=1000;
else c=2000;
drop n;

Count number of 0 values

Similar to here, I can count the number of missing observations:
data dataset;
input a b c;
1 2 3
0 1 0
0 0 0
7 6 .
. 3 0
0 0 .
proc means data=dataset NMISS N;
But how can I also count the number of observations that are 0?
If you want to count the number of observations that are 0, you'd want to use proc tabulate or proc freq, and do a frequency count.
If you have a lot of values and you just want "0/not 0", that's easy to do with a format.
data have;
input a b c;
1 2 3
0 1 0
0 0 0
7 6 .
. 3 0
0 0 .
proc format;
value zerof
other='Not Zero';
proc freq data=have;
format _numeric_ zerof.;
tables _numeric_/missing;
Something along those lines. Obviously be careful about _numeric_ as that's all numeric variables and could get messy quickly if you have a lot of them...
I add this as an additional answer. It requires you to have PROC IML.
This uses matrix manipulation to do the count.
(ds=0) -- creates a matrix of 0/1 values (false/true) of values = 0
[+,] -- sums the rows for all columns. If we have 0/1 values, then this is the number of value=0 for each column.
' -- operator is transpose.
|| -- merge matrices {0} || {1} = {0 1}
Then we just print the values.
proc iml;
use dataset;
read all var _num_ into ds[colname=names];
close dataset;
ds2 = ((ds=0)[+,])`;
n = nrow(ds);
ds2 = ds2 || repeat(n,ncol(ds),1);
cnames = {"N = 0", "Count"};
mattrib ds2 rowname=names colname=cnames;
print ds2;
Easiest to use PROC SQL. You will have to use a UNION to replicate the MEANS output;
Each section of the first FROM counts the 0 values for each variable and UNION stacks them up.
The last section just counts the number of observations in DATASET.
proc sql;
select n0.Variable,
n0.N_0 label="Number 0",
n.count as N
from (
select "A" as Variable,
count(a) as N_0
from dataset
where a=0
select "B" as Variable,
count(b) as N_0
from dataset
where b=0
select "C" as Variable,
count(c) as N_0
from dataset
where c=0
) as n0,
select count(*) as count
from dataset
) as n;
there is levels options in proc freq you could use.
proc freq data=dataset levels;
table _numeric_;

How to delete blank observations in a data set in SAS

I want to delete ALL blank observations from a data set.
I only know how to get rid of blanks from one variable:
data a;
set data(where=(var1 ne .)) ;
Here I set a new data set without the blanks from var1.
But how to do it, when I want to get rid of ALL the blanks in the whole data set?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
If you are attempting to get rid of rows where ALL variables are missing, it's quite easy:
/* Create an example with some or all columns missing */
data have;
set sashelp.class;
if _N_ in (2,5,8,13) then do;
call missing(of _numeric_);
if _N_ in (5,6,8,12) then do;
call missing(of _character_);
/* This is the answer */
data want;
set have;
if compress(cats(of _all_),'.')=' ' then delete;
Instead of the compress you could also use OPTIONS MISSING=' '; beforehand.
If you want to remove ALL Rows with ANY missing values, then you can use NMISS/CMISS functions.
data want;
set have;
if nmiss(of _numeric_) > 0 then delete;
data want;
set have;
if nmiss(of _numeric_) + cmiss(of _character_) > 0 then delete;
for all char+numeric variables.
You can do something like this:
data myData;
set myData;
array a(*) _numeric_;
do i=1 to dim(a);
if a(i) = . then delete;
drop i;
This will scan trough all the numeric variables and will delete the observation where it finds a missing value
Here you go. This will work irrespective of the variable being character or numeric.
data withBlanks;
input a$ x y z;
a 1 2 3
b 1 . 3
c . . 3
. . .
d . 2 3
e 1 . 3
f 1 2 3
%macro removeRowsWithMissingVals(inDsn, outDsn, Exclusion);
inDsn: Input dataset with some or all columns missing for some or all rows
outDsn: Output dataset with some or all columns NOT missing for some or all rows
Exclusion: Should be one of {AND, OR}. AND will only exclude rows if any columns have missing values, OR will exclude only rows where all columns have missing values
/*get a list of variables in the input dataset along with their types (i.e., whether they are numericor character type)*/
PROC CONTENTS DATA = &inDsn OUT = CONTENTS(keep = name type varnum);
/*put each variable with its own comparison string in a seperate macro variable*/
data _null_;
set CONTENTS nobs = num_of_vars end = lastObs;
/*use NE. for numeric cols (type=1) and NE '' for char types*/
if type = 1 then call symputx(compress("var"!!varnum), compbl(name!!" NE . "));
else call symputx(compress("var"!!varnum), compbl(name!!" NE '' "));
/*make a note of no. of variables to check in the dataset*/
if lastObs then call symputx("no_of_obs", _n_);
DATA &outDsn;
set &inDsn;
%do i =1 %to &no_of_obs.;
%if &i < &no_of_obs. %then &Exclusion;
%mend removeRowsWithMissingVals;
%removeRowsWithMissingVals(withBlanks, withOutBlanksAND, AND);
%removeRowsWithMissingVals(withBlanks, withOutBlanksOR, OR);
Outout of withOutBlanksAND:
a x y z
a 1 2 3
f 1 2 3
Output of withOutBlanksOR:
a x y z
a 1 2 3
b 1 . 3
c . . 3
e 1 . 3
f 1 2 3
Really weird nobody provided this elegant answer:
if missing(cats(of _all_)) then delete;
Edit: indeed, I didn't realized the cats(of _all_) returns a dot '.' for missing numeric value.
As a fix, I suggest this, which seems to be more reliable:
*-- Building a sample dataset with test cases --*;
data test;
attrib a format=8.;
attrib b format=$8.;
a=.; b='a'; output;
a=1; b=''; output;
a=.; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b='.'; output;
a=1; b='b'; output;
*-- Apply the logic to delete blank records --*;
data test2;
set test;
*-- Build arrays of numeric and characters --*;
*-- Note: array can only contains variables of the same type, thus we must create 2 different arrays --*;
array nvars(*) _numeric_;
array cvars(*) _character_;
*-- Delete blank records --*;
*-- Blank record: # of missing num variables + # of missing char variables = # of numeric variables + # of char variables --*;
if nmiss(of _numeric_) + cmiss(of _character_) = dim(nvars) + dim(cvars) then delete;
The main issue being if there is no numeric at all (or not char at all), the creation of an empty array will generate a WARNING and the call to nmiss/cmiss an ERROR.
So, I think so far there is not other option than building a SAS statement outside the data step to identify empty records:
*-- Building a sample dataset with test cases --*;
data test;
attrib a format=8.;
attrib b format=$8.;
a=.; b='a'; output;
a=1; b=''; output;
a=.; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b='.'; output;
a=1; b='b'; output;
*-- Create a SAS statement which test any missing variable, regardless of its type --*;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct 'missing(' || strip(name) || ')'
into :miss_stmt separated by ' and '
from dictionary.columns
where libname = 'WORK'
and memname = 'TEST'
miss_stmt looks like missing(a) and missing(b)
*-- Delete blank records --*;
data test2;
set test;
if &miss_stmt. then delete;