I've a vector of maps like this:
[{:categoryid 1, :categoryname "foo" }
{:categoryid 2, :categoryname "bar" }
{:categoryid 3, :categoryname "baz" }]
and would like to generate a map of maps like this for searching by categoryname
{"foo" {:categoryid 1, :categoryname "foo" },
"bar" {:categoryid 2, :categoryname "bar" },
"baz" {:categoryid 3, :categoryname "baz" }}
How can I do this?
Another way: (into {} (map (juxt :categoryname identity) [...]))
(reduce (fn [m {catname :categoryname :as input}]
(assoc m catname input))
[{:categoryid 1, :categoryname "foo" }
{:categoryid 2, :categoryname "bar" }
{:categoryid 3, :categoryname "baz" }])
Better yet,
(#(zipmap (map :categoryname %) %)
[{:categoryid 1, :categoryname "foo" }
{:categoryid 2, :categoryname "bar" }
{:categoryid 3, :categoryname "baz" }])
(ns code.groupby
(:use clojure.contrib.seq-utils))
(def vector-of-maps [ {:categoryid 1, :categoryname "foo" }
{:categoryid 2, :categoryname "bar" }
{:categoryid 3, :categoryname "baz" } ])
(group-by :categoryname vector-of-maps)
Gives you a map of Vectors of maps
{"bar" [{:categoryid 2, :categoryname "bar"}],
"baz" [{:categoryid 3, :categoryname "baz"}],
"foo" [{:categoryid 1, :categoryname "foo"}]}
(which I now realise isn't what you wanted...sorry)
I haven't tested it in Clojure, but in ClojureScript this variant appears to be faster than others:
(reduce #(assoc %1 (:categoryname %2) %2) {} [...])
I'm new in clojure and I need mix a very complex (for me) maps that have inside a Vector to mix up.
Orginal map:
{:cars {:previous-page nil, :next-page 2, :count 33, :items [{:id 1, :name "test1"}, {:id 2, :name "test2"}]},
:trucks {:previous-page nil, :next-page 2, :count 11, :items [{:id 1, :name "test3"}, {:id 2, :name "test4"}]},
:boats {:previous-page nil, :next-page 2, :count 22, :items [{:id 1, :name "test5"}, {:id 2, :name "test6"}]}}
Second map:
{:cars {:previous-page 2, :next-page 3, :count 33, :items [{:id 3, :name "test7"}, {:id 4, :name "test8"}]},
:trucks {:previous-page 3, :next-page 4, :count 11, :items [{:id 3, :name "test9"}, {:id 4, :name "test10"}]},
:boats {:previous-page 4, :next-page 5, :count 22, :items [{:id 3, :name "test11"}, {:id 4, :name "test12"}]}}
I need to mix this two maps in only one:
{:cars {:previous-page 2, :next-page 3, :count 33, :items [{:id 1, :name "test1"}, {:id 2, :name "test2"},{:id 3, :name "test7"}, {:id 4, :name "test8"}]},
:trucks {:previous-page 3, :next-page 4, :count 11, :items [{:id 1, :name "test3"}, {:id 2, :name "test4"},{:id 3, :name "test9"}, {:id 4, :name "test10"}]},
:boats {:previous-page 4, :next-page 5, :count 22, :items [{:id 1, :name "test5"}, {:id 2, :name "test6"},{:id 3, :name "test11"}, {:id 4, :name "test12"}]}}
You can use merge-with to combine maps with an arbitrary function. Here there does not seem to be one "rule" though - for :previous-page, :next-page, and :count seem to be "last one wins" but :items seems to be something like#(into [] %)`. Once you can state that rule clearly as a function:
(fn combine [map1 map2] ...)
You can then easily combine the maps with merge-with using whatever combine you've defined.
I have a vector of hashmaps with a format similar to the following:
[{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 1 :b 6} {:a 3 :b 9} {:a 5 :b 1} {:a 6 :b 1}]
I would like to filter out the lowest :b value for matching :a values, so if two :a values are the same e.g. {:a 1 :b 2},{:a 1 :b 6} it should return: {:a 1 :b 2} as 2 is lower than 6
So for the vector above I would like to get:
[{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 5 :b 1} {:a 6 :b 1}]
I have tried a few things but I am a bit stuck, any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Your original direction was correct. You only missed the grouping part:
(def test [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 1 :b 6} {:a 3 :b 9} {:a 5 :b 1} {:a 6 :b 1}])
(defn min-map [m]
(map (partial apply min-key :b) (vals (group-by :a m))))
(min-map test)
=> ({:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4} {:a 5, :b 1} {:a 6, :b 1})
First we group the the list of maps by the key :a, and extract the values of it. We then examine each group and find the smallest value using min-key by key :b
So I thought about it for a bit and I now have an answer (albeit not a very good one):
(defn contains [a vect]
(apply min-key :b(filter #(= (:a %) (:a a))vect))
(defn starter []
(let [tester [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 1 :b 6} {:a 3 :b 9} {:a 5 :b 1} {:a 6 :b 1}]]
(vec(distinct(map #(contains % tester)tester)))
Thanks for everyones help, If you have any critiques or a better solution please post it.
With the dependency
[tupelo "0.1.68"]
we can write the following code. I left in lots of spy expressions so
(ns clj.core
(:use tupelo.core)
(:require [clojure.core :as clj]
[schema.core :as s]
[tupelo.types :as tt]
[tupelo.schema :as ts]
; Prismatic Schema type definitions
(s/set-fn-validation! true) ; #todo add to Schema docs
(def data [ {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 1 :b 6} {:a 3 :b 9} {:a 5 :b 1} {:a 6 :b 1} ] )
(defn accum-smallest-b-entries
; A map where both keys and vals are simple 1-entry maps
; like: {:a 1} -> {:b 2}
; {:a 2} -> {:b 9}
; next entry, like {:a 1 :b 2}
(println "---------------------------------")
(let [new-a-map (select-keys new-a-b-map [:a] ) ; like {:a 1}
_ (spyx new-a-map)
new-b-map (select-keys new-a-b-map [:b] ) ; like {:b 2}
_ (spyx new-b-map)
curr-b-map (get cum-map-a2b new-a-map)
_ (spyx curr-b-map)
next-b-map (if (or (nil? curr-b-map)
(< (grab :b new-b-map) (grab :b curr-b-map)))
_ (spyx next-b-map)
(spyx (assoc cum-map-a2b new-a-map next-b-map))))
(def a2b-map (reduce accum-smallest-b-entries {} data))
(spyx a2b-map)
(defn combine-keyvals-from-a2b-map
; final result like: [ {:a 1 :b 2}
; {:a 2 :b 9} ]
; next entry from a2b-map like [ {:a 5} {:b 1} ]
(println "combine-keyvals-from-a2b-map")
(println "---------------------------------")
(spyx cum-result)
(spyx a2b-entry)
(let [combined-ab-map (glue (first a2b-entry) (second a2b-entry))
_ (spyx combined-ab-map)
new-result (append cum-result combined-ab-map)
_ (spyx new-result)
(def a-and-b-map (reduce combine-keyvals-from-a2b-map [] a2b-map))
(spyx a-and-b-map)
(defn -main [] )
Running the code we get:
new-a-map => {:a 1}
new-b-map => {:b 2}
curr-b-map => nil
next-b-map => {:b 2}
(assoc cum-map-a2b new-a-map next-b-map) => {{:a 1} {:b 2}}
new-a-map => {:a 3}
new-b-map => {:b 4}
curr-b-map => nil
next-b-map => {:b 4}
(assoc cum-map-a2b new-a-map next-b-map) => {{:a 1} {:b 2}, {:a 3} {:b 4}}
new-a-map => {:a 1}
new-b-map => {:b 6}
curr-b-map => {:b 2}
next-b-map => {:b 2}
(assoc cum-map-a2b new-a-map next-b-map) => {{:a 1} {:b 2}, {:a 3} {:b 4}}
new-a-map => {:a 3}
new-b-map => {:b 9}
curr-b-map => {:b 4}
next-b-map => {:b 4}
(assoc cum-map-a2b new-a-map next-b-map) => {{:a 1} {:b 2}, {:a 3} {:b 4}}
new-a-map => {:a 5}
new-b-map => {:b 1}
curr-b-map => nil
next-b-map => {:b 1}
(assoc cum-map-a2b new-a-map next-b-map) => {{:a 1} {:b 2}, {:a 3} {:b 4}, {:a 5} {:b 1}}
new-a-map => {:a 6}
new-b-map => {:b 1}
curr-b-map => nil
next-b-map => {:b 1}
(assoc cum-map-a2b new-a-map next-b-map) => {{:a 1} {:b 2}, {:a 3} {:b 4}, {:a 5} {:b 1}, {:a 6} {:b 1}}
a2b-map => {{:a 1} {:b 2}, {:a 3} {:b 4}, {:a 5} {:b 1}, {:a 6} {:b 1}}
cum-result => []
a2b-entry => [{:a 1} {:b 2}]
combined-ab-map => {:a 1, :b 2}
new-result => [{:a 1, :b 2}]
cum-result => [{:a 1, :b 2}]
a2b-entry => [{:a 3} {:b 4}]
combined-ab-map => {:a 3, :b 4}
new-result => [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4}]
cum-result => [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4}]
a2b-entry => [{:a 5} {:b 1}]
combined-ab-map => {:a 5, :b 1}
new-result => [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4} {:a 5, :b 1}]
cum-result => [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4} {:a 5, :b 1}]
a2b-entry => [{:a 6} {:b 1}]
combined-ab-map => {:a 6, :b 1}
new-result => [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4} {:a 5, :b 1} {:a 6, :b 1}]
a-and-b-map => [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4} {:a 5, :b 1} {:a 6, :b 1}]
In hindsight, it could be simplified more if we were guarenteed that each input map was like {:a :b }, since we could simplify it to a series of 2-d points like [n m], since the keywords :a and :b would be reduntant.
Here is a better answer using the group-by function:
(ns clj.core
(:use tupelo.core)
(:require [clojure.core :as clj]
[schema.core :as s]
[tupelo.types :as tt]
[tupelo.schema :as ts]
; Prismatic Schema type definitions
(s/set-fn-validation! true) ; #todo add to Schema docs
(def data [ {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 1 :b 6} {:a 3 :b 9} {:a 5 :b 1} {:a 6 :b 1} ] )
(def data-by-a (group-by :a data))
; like { 1 [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 1, :b 6}],
; 3 [{:a 3, :b 4} {:a 3, :b 9}],
; 5 [{:a 5, :b 1}],
; 6 [{:a 6, :b 1}] }
(spyx data-by-a)
(defn smallest-map-by-b
[curr-result ; like {:a 1, :b 2}
next-value] ; like {:a 1, :b 6}
(if (< (grab :b curr-result)
(grab :b next-value))
(defn find-min-b
"Return the map with the smallest b value"
[ab-maps] ; like [ {:a 1, :b 2} {:a 1, :b 6} ]
(reduce smallest-map-by-b
(first ab-maps) ; choose 1st as init guess at result
(def result
(for [entry data-by-a] ; entry is MapEntry like: [ 1 [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 1, :b 6}] ]
(spyx (find-min-b (val entry)))
(spyx result)
(defn -main [] )
which produces the result
data-by-a => {1 [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 1, :b 6}], 3 [{:a 3, :b 4} {:a 3, :b 9}], 5 [{:a 5, :b 1}], 6 [{:a 6, :b 1}]}
(find-min-b (val entry)) => {:a 1, :b 2}
(find-min-b (val entry)) => {:a 3, :b 4}
(find-min-b (val entry)) => {:a 5, :b 1}
(find-min-b (val entry)) => {:a 6, :b 1}
result => [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4} {:a 5, :b 1} {:a 6, :b 1}]
What's the idiomatic way of merging two lists of maps in Clojure where each map entry is identified by an id key?
What's an implementation for foo so that
(foo '({:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3})
'({:id 5 :value 5}
{:id 2 :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 1 :value 1}
{:id 4 :value 4})) => '({:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 4 :value 4}
{:id 5 :value 5})
is true?
(defn merge-by
"Merges elems in seqs by joining them on return value of key-fn k.
Example: (merge-by :id [{:id 0 :name \"George\"}{:id 1 :name \"Bernie\"}]
[{:id 2 :name \"Lara\"}{:id 0 :name \"Ben\"}])
=> [{:id 0 :name \"Ben\"}{:id 1 :name \"Bernie\"}{:id 2 :name \"Lara\"}]"
[k & seqs]
(->> seqs
(map (partial group-by k))
(apply merge-with (comp vector
(partial apply merge)
(map first)))
How about this:
(defn foo [& colls]
(map (fn [[_ equivalent-maps]] (apply merge equivalent-maps))
(group-by :id (sort-by :id (apply concat colls)))))
This is generalized so that you can have an arbitrary number of input sequences, and an arbitrary grouping selector:
(def a [{:id 5 :value 5}
{:id 2 :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 1 :value 1}
{:id 4 :value 4}])
(def b [{:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}])
(def c [{:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 4 :value 4}
{:id 5 :value 5}])
(defn merge-vectors
[selector & sequences]
(let [unpack-grouped (fn [group]
(into {} (map (fn [[k [v & _]]] [k v]) group)))
grouped (map (comp unpack-grouped (partial group-by selector))
merged (apply merge-with merge grouped)]
(sort-by selector (vals merged))))
(defn tst
(= c
(merge-vectors :id a b)))
I have a hash map in clojure which contains some nil values. I am trying to group the data and sum the values, this gives me a null pointer due to the nil values. Can someone please advise on how I can iterate through the hash map and replace all nil values with integer 0?
(def data [{:MEDAL "SILVER" :EMEA 1 :NA nil :ASPAC 3}
{:MEDAL "GOLD" :EMEA nil :NA 2 :ASPAC nil}
{:MEDAL "GOLD" :EMEA 1 :NA nil :ASPAC nil}
(map (fn [m]
(into {}
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k (if (nil? v) 0 v)]) m)))
=> ({:EMEA 1, :NA 0, :MEDAL "SILVER", :ASPAC 3}
{:EMEA 1, :NA 2, :MEDAL "GOLD", :ASPAC 3}
{:EMEA 0, :NA 2, :MEDAL "GOLD", :ASPAC 0}
{:EMEA 1, :NA 0, :MEDAL "GOLD", :ASPAC 0}
{:EMEA 1, :NA 2, :MEDAL "BRONZE", :ASPAC 3})
Rather than replace the nil values with zeros, you might consider just working with them by using keep. For example:
(apply + (keep :NA data))
; 10
(apply + (keep (fn [m] (when (= (:MEDAL m) "SILVER") (:EMEA m))) data))
; 2
You could use fnil.
(->> data
(apply merge-with conj (zipmap [:EMEA :NA :MEDAL :ASPAC] (repeat [])))
(reduce-kv #(assoc %1 %2 (reduce (fnil + 0 0) 0 %3)) {}))
Obviously :MEDAL needs other treatment.
I am assuming that you want to group the data by :MEDAL and then add EMEA, ASPAC etc., right?
;; Helper function
(defn batch-hashmaps
"Applies operation on values of keys in maps. filterf filters valid values.
Example: (batch-hashmaps + [:b :c] number? {:a 30, :b 50, :c :cheese} {:b 30, :c 40})
=> {:b 80, :c 40}"
[operation keys filterf & maps]
(apply conj {}
(for [key keys]
[key (apply operation (filter filterf (map #(key %) maps)))])))
(for [medal (set (map #(:MEDAL %) data))]
(assoc (apply (partial batch-hashmaps + [:EMEA :NA :ASPAC] number?) (filter #(= medal (:MEDAL %)) data) ) :MEDAL medal))
This should be the desired result:
({:MEDAL "GOLD", :EMEA 2, :NA 4, :ASPAC 3}
{:MEDAL "BRONZE", :EMEA 1, :NA 4, :ASPAC 6})
And here is another quick and dirty thing.
(defn sum-medal
[medal data]
(assoc (apply (partial merge-with (fn [& [_ _ :as vals]] (apply + (filter number? vals)))) (filter #(= (:MEDAL %) medal) data)) :MEDAL medal))
I have a set of maps something like this:
{:name "a" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "b" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "b" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "a" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "c" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "a" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
: and I want to get to an ordered list, much like sql order-by name:
{:name "a" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "a" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "a" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "b" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "b" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
{:name "c" :value "b" ... more stuff here}
: how can I do this?
Function sort-by is what you're looking for:
(def s
{:name "d" :value "b" }
{:name "b" :value "b" }
{:name "c" :value "b" }
(sort-by :name s)
sort-by is a great answer, and makes the code a lot better in the simple cases where it works. Additionally the sort function can take a function to extract the comparason key from each map incase you need to do some processing on each item. In this example i use a sort function that extracts each name and then does a string compare on them.
(sort #(compare (:name %1) (:name %2)) data)
=> ({:name "a", :value "b"} {:name "b", :value "b"} {:name "c", :value "b"})
this is useful if your collections had different names to be compared:
(sort #(compare (:value %1) (:name %2)) data)
=> ({:name "a", :value "b"} {:name "c", :value "b"} {:name "b", :value "b"})
the compare function is a better version of java's .compareto() because it properly handles nil and compares clojure collections properly. is is basically a short cut for using the . opperator in most cases
(sort #(. (:name %1) (compareTo (:name %2))) data)
=> ({:name "a", :value "b"} {:name "b", :value "b"} {:name "c", :value "b"})
(def set-of-maps #{{:name "d"}, {:name "b"}, {:name "a"}})
-> clojure.core/sort-by
(sort-by :name set-of-maps)
; => ({:name "a", :value "b"} {:name "c", :value "b"} {:name "d", :value "b"})
sort-by is what you want, but please post snippets that are actually valid code; I wasted a fair bit of time trying to figure out a problem that wound up being because #{{:name "a" :value "b"} {:name "a" :value "b"}} makes the reader barf.
I believe the snippet from the joy of clojure is the neatest.
(def plays [{:band "Burial", :plays 979, :loved 9}
{:band "Eno", :plays 2333, :loved 15}
{:band "Bill Evans", :plays 979, :loved 9}
{:band "Magma", :plays 2665, :loved 31}])
(def sort-by-loved-ratio (partial sort-by #(/ (:plays %) (:loved %))))