I have a screen and I have a section where a component screen is inserted. I have a cancel button on the component screen and was wondering if it is possible to remove the component from the main screen using the cancel button. Is this at all possible?
So, once the component is shown, cancel on the component screen removes it so the first screen is shown again.
Ps. I am using Blend 3.
In my first screen I have a default state (which is that state before the component screen is added). On the cancel button of the component screen, I set the ActivateStateAction.TargetProperty to the main screen and set the TargetState to default. Now when I press the cancel button, the first screen is shown.
This is what I want. Just wonder if there is a better way to do this using screens but from what I can see I cannot nest a screen inside another screen.
I am interested in it because I need to drag the ScrolledWindow not with a scroll bar but with a mouse - press the mouse button and drag the window content (Dragging the area inside the ScrolledWindow). As I figured out it is possible with the help of enabling the check box (touch screen simulation) in the inspector, but the problem is that I need to enable this check box every time I run the application.
I am new to cocos2d-x and I am developing a game in x-code using cocos2d-x2.0.4. In my game I created a button using CCcontrolbutton. Now I want to drag my button to one place to another. I tried with all the CCControlEvents but it doesn't work. Now I want to know, is it possible to drag and drop a button using CCControlbutton. I pasted my code which I have used to create the button.
button1 = CCControlButton::create(CCScale9Sprite::create("7.png"));
button1->setPosition( ccp(winwsize/6, winhsize/7) );
button1->addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, cccontrol_selector(plus::add),CCControlEventTouchDragOutside);
button1->addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, cccontrol_selector(plus::add),CCControlEventTouchDragInside);
this->addChild(button1, 4);
In add() I have given the code to enter next scene. But now it is entering while clicking the button. But i want while drag it to one position to another. If it is possible to drag a button using CCControlbutton then please give me some sample codes. Thanks.
The events CCControlEventTouchDragInside and CCControlEventTouchDragOutside are happening when the user's touch (his fingertip) is entering or leaving your button while already or still touching the touchscreen (or while the mouse button is still pressed while the mouse pointer moves).
You would need to observe the dragging process yourself. Starting with a click on your button, change the button's position while the user is dragging (to visualize the dragging process), and then call plus::add() when the dragging ends in your target area.
I have been trying for a very long time (well a few days) to create a toggle button. A button having a up or down state.
Took over a day to realize it is not possible to create an owner drawn toggle button, a checkbox and pushlike does not work. When using owner drawn there is no difference between a checkbox or regular button (MSDN also notes you cant use owner drawn with any of those styles.)
From reading I found out you have to do it yourself, normally not a problem at all, but I cannot get any real "responsiveness." That is, if I click fast, nothing happens, sometimes I will click and it changes states, other times not and only updates when I click a different button.
I created a global variable for if the button should be shown in up or down state. In the commands I have it set that when the button, IDC_BTN_TOGGLE, it will set the opposite value on the bool.
Then the draw item part:
// button down
if ((pDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) || showButtonDown) {
oldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, theme.hBrush[BRUSH_BUTTON2]);
// button up
else {
oldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, theme.hBrush[BRUSH_BUTTON]);
All my buttons are owner drawn and run through this. showButtonDown is only true when it is drawing IDC_BTN_TOGGLE and the top bool is true as well.
The normal buttons function normally, when I click them, it instantly shows the down state, release, back to normal, the toggle button is barely responsive.
I've developed a simple graphics editor in c++.It requires me to drag the mouse to draw a shape .After drawing the shape I want to fill it by picking a color but since dragging the mouse amounts to a large number of clicks because of which the entire screen gets filled with a default color even before i've drawn the shape. delay() doesn't work either.
the mouse click event in turbo c++ has two part. one where you press the button and two when you release the button. you need to drag so you should use the clrscr() function in the loop which goes on iterating until the mouse button is pressed down along with the code for the shape you want to draw. that way your screen keeps getting updated when you are dragging the mouse. and the loop ends when you release the button.
for filling the shape using the flood fill function should suffice
Perhaps one of the following links is what you're looking for:
In Stringray grid, there is the ability to use a transparent background which allows the background of the dialog to be shown through the grid.
In the documentation it states:
But be careful; you should disable scrolling or you have to redraw the grid each time it is scrolled (by overriding DoScroll).
I have a scrollable gird and override the DoScroll and make sure I call Redraw and also tried Invalidate, however the grid is still not completely erasing and redrawing.
I also tried using the old drawing method by setting m_bForceOldDrawing to TRUE.
How can I create a grid that has a transparent background that paint correctly after a scroll without leaving artifacts?
Yes you have to redraw the grid by overriding DoScroll because it is no longer using ScrollWindow to scroll contents because the background is transparent.
However you now have artifacts of the grid over your background.
This is because the background behind the grid is not getting redrawn.
Do you have clipchildren set for the parent?
Another potential problem is that the background is not being drawn because it doesn't realize it has been exposed.
Try calling the parent with the following.
before calling...