C++ Refactoring Precompiled Header - c++

Unfortunately on a project here at work, someone had the great idea to put every header every single file from pretty big project into the precompiled header. This means any change to any header in the project has to recompile the entire project, and all cpp files taking way too long.
Is there any decent C++ refactoring tool which could automatically put the needed includes in the appropriate cpp files? I really don't want to do this manually with hundreds of different files.

There are very few decent C++ refactoring tools because parsing C++ code is hard (and therefore also slow). You'll probably have to write such a tool yourself, possibly with some assistance from GCC-XML.


Do I have to recompile C++ code everytime during development?

Let say we have a large code base and we are doing development in C++. Do we have to recompile everytime in order to test the code?
If yes then it is going to take ages to do development.
What's the solution to this problem?
Yes, you'll definitely need to compile C++ code if you want to test it. C++ code can't be executed without being compiled.
However, if you organize your project smartly, compilation could take only a few seconds, or maybe up to a minute, even if there are thousand (or even more) of files.
By default, your build system will run an incremental build, except if you explicitly request a "rebuild" or did a "clean" previously. It will then invoke the compiler/linker accordingly and make sure it compiles/links only what needs to be (if a cpp file did not change, no need to compile it, this is all based on file timestamps, if the "object" file (generated) is older than the cpp file (source), the build system knows it's up-to-date and won't generate it again. If you use Visual Studio and/or CMake or whatever IDE, build system, they all support that!
Additionally, you can follow some guidelines to make this even faster:
Firstly, organize your project in modules (libraries), ideally with dynamic link. Then when a file from a library is changed, only this library needs to be compiled (other libraries or programs using the modified library won't have to be compiled again).
When you'll modify only an implementation file (cpp file), only this file + link of the module using it will be needed.
When you'll modify an header file (h file), all cpp files including it will need to be recompiled, so you must be careful to optimize your includes. Prefer forward declaration (see why here)to includes whenever it's possible (else, your header becomes a dependency of all cpp files using the other header file including yours...as a cascade, modifying this header file will end up requiring compilation of tones of cpp files). Don't include files you don't need (because it will fire a new useless build when the header file changes). Possibly use precompiled headers to speedup compilation.
Note: As commented, there are apparently some tools that can interpret C++ without compiling it...but that's not what C++ was designed for at the first time. And I doubt they will be fast as compiled code at runtime....so you'll probably save 20sec of incremental build time and then loose minutes at runtime....

generate header automatically with gcc or clang

Given a source file source.cpp how I can generate the appropriate headers source.hpp ?
I'm under linux 64 bit and I would like to avoid writing the headers by hand to reduce the amount of time that I spend on writing code and limit the possible errors.
You cannot generate appropriate headers from source files automatically, because there is no formal definition about what an appropriate header is. Especially, a tool that extracts declarations from a source file has no way of knowing whether a declaration should be private to a translation unit or shared among other translation units. In the first case, the declaration in the header would be IMHO inappropriate.
You cannot really generate the code for your headers as there are things that are in the header that you cannot guess from the cpp file. The first things that come to my mind are the accessibility (public/protected/private) and inheritance.
What you can do however if you're trying to improve your workflow/productivity is using an IDE which has a lot a built in functionalities to help you edit the code. Creating a new class would for example create the header and cpp file, add an eventual inheritance, header guards, etc. It can help you renaming symbols to ease refactoring for example as well.
I personally use QtCreator which is free (as in free beer and free speech) but it's only a preference. I used Visual Studio as well with the Visual Assist X plugin (commercial), which provides some nice functionalities as well. I know that there are people that like Eclipse CDT, but I never really used it.
Choosing an IDE is only a matter of preference anyway ;)

Building project on Codelite(c++) recompiles too many files

I have a c++ project with many files. When I build the project making even small changes to the code, It recompiles a large no of files. This is increasing the compile time of the project. So I need suggestion about the ways I can improve the structure of the project or any other optimisations possible which will help in reducing the compile time of the project.
Also there are a couple of files which are getting recompiled even when I make no changes to the project. Somehow make doesn't detect that those files need not be recompiled or may be I am missing something.
I am using Codelite on linux(Ubuntu) for my project. The language is C++.
The link provided above will give you a detailed explanation. Just to put it in a lighter way I am adding a few more things.
If you change something in a CPP file only that file will get recompiled. If it is a header file then it will be a different story. If you have a header file included across multiple modules and when you make changes to that header file, all the associated CPP files will get compiled and again that is the way it should be. So you need to be careful while writing the code if you really care about this aspect. At a later stage it will be difficult to manage such things.
Regarding the compilation of some files even if you don't change anything may happen when
1] we tell the compiler to do so.
2] some CPP or header files are generated or modified automatically while run your build
3] there is a change in file time stamp
4] there is a change in folder name/structure
Last but not least, also try changing the code lite build target.
These are the possibilities I know. There will be more [definitely :)]...

C++ include file browser

I have a very large project with tons of convoluted header files that all include each other. There's also a massive number of third-party libraries that it depends on. I'm trying to straighten out the mess, but I'm having some trouble, since a lot of the time I'll remove one #include directive only to find that the stuff it was including is still included through one of the other files. Is there any tool that can help me understand this? I'd really like to be able to click on a .h file and ask it which CPP files it's included in (directly or indirectly), and the paths through which it is included, and likewise click a cpp file and ask it which .h files are included (directly and indirectly). I've never heard of a tool that does this, and a bit of quick googling hasn't turned anything up, but maybe I don't know what to search for.
For VS2003 there is /showIncludes flag (in C/C++/Advanced properties). This will print all headers each .cpp file includes and what they include, so you can go from there.
I'm sure there is same option in same place for VS2008.
if you use GCC compilers, try this
g++ -M abc.cpp
it will show all include dependencies for the file abc.cpp
Your situation reminds me of my own. I have a bunch of headers that I have created that I use as a library instead of bothering with a DLL.
Of course the cyclic-includes can become troublesome, so I find that a tool like Visual Assist X (1) helps with this sort of thing. It has a function that can find references to stuff, so that you can easily weed out where something is being defined/declared/included etc. It also has a lot of other useful features, so I consider it to be pretty useful.
There’s probably other tools/plugins that have a referencing function, but usually as one feature among the other refactoring and productivity functions of the utility.
It's pretty tedious, but you can binary-search your way to where an #include happens by using #error (and #pragma message) to narrow down which include line is pulling in the third party. I've done this in the case of a single file I was trying to track down, but it sounds like your problem is bigger so probably one of the tools others have mentioned would be more effective.

Why does stdafx.h work the way it does?

As usual, when my brain's messing with something I can't figure out myself, I come to you guys for help :)
This time I've been wondering why stdafx.h works the way it does? To my understanding it does 2 things:
Includes standard headers which we
might (?) use and which are rarely changed
Work as a compiler-bookmark for when
code is no longer precompiled.
Now, these 2 things seems like two very different tasks to me, and I wonder why they didn't do two seperate steps to take care of them? To me it seems reasonable to have a #pragma-command do the bookmarking stuff and to optionally have a header-file a long the lines of windows.h to do the including of often-used headers... Which brings me to my next point: Why are we forced to include often-used headers through stdafx.h? Personally, I'm not aware of any often used headers I use that I'm not already doing my own includes for - but maybe these headers are necessary for .dll generation?
Thx in advance
stdafx.h is ONE way of having Visual studio do precompiled headers. It's a simple to use, easy to automatically generate, approach that works well for smaller apps but can cause problems for larger more complex apps where the fact that it encourages, effectively, the use of a single header file it can cause coupling across components that are otherwise independent. If used just for system headers it tends to be OK, but as a project grows in size and complexity it's tempting to throw other headers in there and then suddenly changing any header file results in the recompilation of everything in the project.
See here: Is there a way to use pre-compiled headers in VC++ without requiring stdafx.h? for details of an alternative approach.
You are not forced to use "stdafx.h". You can check off the Use precompiled headers in project properties (or when creating the project) and you won't need stdafx.h anymore.
The compiler uses it as a clue to be able to precompile most used headers separately in a .pch file to reduce compilation time (don't have to compile it every time).
It keeps the compile time down, as the stuff in it are always compiled first (see details in quote below):
stdafx.h is a file
that describes both standard system
and project specific include files
that are used frequently but hardly
ever changed.
Compatible compilers will
pre-compile this file to reduce
overall compile times. Visual C++ will
not compile anything before the
#include "stdafx.h" in the source file, unless the compile option
/Yu'stdafx.h' is unchecked (by
default); it assumes all code in the
source up to and including that line
is already compiled.
It will help reduce long compilations.