Eclipse CDT Debugger Issue, v. .metadata does not exist - gdb

I am attempting to use the gdb/mi debugger in the Eclipse CDT version 6.02. While I am debugging I can step through the program with ease up until I reach the following snippet of a block of code.
ENUM_START_TYPE My_Class::some_function( const char * c, const char * e)
if ( c[0] == '<' )
result = do_something()
return result;
When the debugger reaches this line.
if ( c[0] == '<' )
It starts exploring sections of code that it can not find until it opens a tab containing the /projectname/.metadata and simply declares:
"Resource '/project_name/.metadata' does not exist.
At which point the debugger terminates the program with no reason as to why.
All I wish to do is step over this line of code because it really is as trivial as comparing characters.
My question is: Why is this happening? Is it something to do with the debugger, or does it have something to do with my code, or what. Additionally, what is the .metadata and why can't the file be located and opened when it clearly exists (I can locate and open the .metafile without a problem).
Other info that may be pertinent: The files are located on a clearcase snapshot view, but are not checked into source control. I don't think that would cause an error like this, but clear case has caused so many random errors for me that I thought it would be worth mentioning.
Thanks in advance

As I am not aware of any side-effect a snapshot view might have in the process.
A dynamic view could consider part of the directories as "non-selected" (and then non-readable).
You have also the issue of symlink to dynamic view set on drive.
But a snapshot view is nothing more than a working tree on the hard drive.
To rule out any "ClearCase interference", you could try and debug your project entirely copied outside of any view of any sort (based on the content of your current snapshot view), and see if the problem persists.


Error with std::filesystem::copy copying a file to another pre-existing directory

See below for the following code, and below that, the error that follows.
std::string source = "C:\\Users\\cambarchian\\Documents\\tested";
std::string destination = "C:\\Users\\cambarchian\\Documents\\tester";
std::filesystem::path sourcepath = source;
std::filesystem::path destpath = destination;
std::filesystem::copy(sourcepath, destpath);
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error'
what(): filesystem error: cannot copy: File exists [C:\Users\cambarchian\Documents\tested] [C:\Users\cambarchian\Documents\tester]
Tried to use filesystem::copy, along with trying different paths. No luck with anything. Not too much I can write here as the problem is listed above, could be a simple formatting issue. That being said, it worked on my home computer using visual studio 2022, however using VS Code with gcc 11.2 gives me this issue.
filesystem::copy_file(oldPath, newPath, filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing);
The overloads of std::filesystem::copy are documented. You're using the first overload, but want the second:
void copy(from, to) which is equivalent to [overload 2, below] using copy_options::none
void copy(from, to, options)
Writing the statement std::filesystem::copy_options::update_existing; before calling copy doesn't achieve anything at all, whereas passing the option to the correct overload like
std::filesystem::copy(sourcepath, destpath,
should do what you want.
... it worked on my home computer using visual studio 2022 ...
you don't say whether the destination file existed in that case, which is the first thing you should check.
I put the copy_options within the copy function but it didn't work so I started moving it around, I probably should have mentioned that.
Randomly permuting your code isn't a good way of generating clean examples for others to help with.
In the rare event that hacking away at something does fix it, I strongly recommend pausing to figure out why. When you've hacked away at something and it still doesn't work, by all means leave comments to remind yourself what you tried, but the code itself should still be in a good state.
Still doesn't work when I write std::filesystem::copy(sourcepath, destpath, std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive)
Well, that's a different option, isn't it? Were you randomly permuting which copy_options you selected as well?
Trying recursive and update_existing yields the same issue.
The documentation says
The behavior is undefined if there is more than one option in any of the copy_options option group present in options (even in the copy_file group).
so you shouldn't be setting both anyway. There's no benefit to recursively copying a single file, but there may be a benefit to updating or overwriting one. If the destination already exists. Which, according to your error, it does.
Since you do have an error explicitly saying "File exists", you should certainly look at the "options controlling copy_file() when the file already exists" section of the table here.
Visual Studio 2022 fixed the problem

redhawk module service function usage example crashes

So I am building a redhawk module and trying to just pass data through it as a test. After putting their example of how to work with input and output ports into the serviceFunction() I am able to build the module with no errors (I changed variable names to match my ports). When I put the module on the white board and link it up it's fine but as soon as I start the module it crashes. I added a line to write the incoming stream id to the console and that will hit the console 10 to 20 times before the crash (it correctly writes the id of the signal generator that is providing the signal). If I plot the output port nothing is plotted before the crash (when I say crash I mean that the module just disappears from the white board, the ide is still up and running).
The service function is:
int freqModFrTest_i::serviceFunction()
bulkio::InFloatPort::dataTransfer *tmp = dataFloatIn->getPacket(bulkio::Const::BLOCKING);
if (not tmp) { // No data is available
return NOOP;
std::vector<float> outputData;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<tmp->dataBuffer.size(); i++) {
outputData[i] = (float)tmp->dataBuffer[i];
// NOTE: You must make at least one valid pushSRI call
if (tmp->sriChanged) {
ComplexOut->pushPacket(outputData, tmp->T, tmp->EOS, tmp->streamID);
return NORMAL;
Has anyone had a similar issue or any ideas on what would be causing this?
Additional Info:
Following the sugestion by pwolfram I built a sig generator and this component into a waveform. When launching it from a domain I got the error:
2016-01-14 07:41:50,430 ERROR DCE:aa1a189e-0b5b-4968-9150-5fc3d501dadc{1}:1030 -
Child process 3772 terminated with signal 11
when trying to restart the component (as it just stoped rather then disapering) I get the following error:
Error while executing callable. Caused by org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT:
Retries exceeded, couldn't reconnect to
Retries exceeded, couldn't reconnect to
In REDHAWK 2.0.0 I created a component with the same name (freqModFrTest) and port names (dataFloatIn and ComplexOut) and used your service function verbatim. I did not however get any issues.
Here are a few things to try:
Clean and rebuild the component. The Sandbox (what you referred to as the whiteboard) will run the binary that has been built. It is possible that you've modified the code and have an older version of the binary on disk. Right click on the project and select "clean project". Then right click and select "Build Project" this will make sure that the binary matches your source code.
Run the component in debug mode. If you double click on the SPD file, under the "overview" tab there is "Debug a component in the sandbox". This will launch the component in the chalkboard within a debugging context. You can set breakpoints and walk through the code line by line. If you set no breakpoints though the IDE will stop execution when a fatal error occurs. If there is an issue (like invalid memory access) the IDE will prompt you to enter debug mode and it should point out the line in code where the issue is.
If those options fail, you can enable core dumps and use GDB to see where in the code the issue is occurring. There are lots of tutorials online for GDB but the gist is that before launching the IDE, you'll want to type "ulimit -c unlimited" then from the same terminal, launch the IDE. Now when your component dies, it will produce a core file.
Hopefully one of these gets you going down the right path.

Identifying a Programming Language

So I have a software program that for reasons that are beyond this post, I will not include but to put it simply, I'd like to "MOD" the original software. The program is launched from a Windows Application named ViaNet.exe with accompanying DLL files such as ViaNetDll.dll. The Application is given an argument such as ./ There is also a WatchDog process that uses the argument ./ instead of the former.
I was able to locate a log file buried in my Windows/Temp folder for the ViaNet.exe Application. Looking at the log it identifies files such as:
./Utility/base32.atc:_Encode32 line 67
./Utilities.atc:MemFun_:Invoke line 347
./Utilities.atc:_ForEachProperty line 380
./Cluster/ClusterManager.atc:ClusterManager:GetClusterUpdates line 1286
./Cluster/ClusterManager.atc:ClusterManager:StopSync line 505
./Cluster/ClusterManager.atc:ConfigSynchronizer:Update line 1824
Going to those file locations reveal files by those names, but not ending with .atc but instead .cat. The log also indicates some sort of Class, Method and Line # but .cat files are in binary form.
Searching the program folder for any files with the extension .atc reveals three -- What I can assume are uncompiled .cat files -- files. Low and behold, once opened it's obviously some sort of source code -- with copyright headers, lol.
global ConfigFolder, WriteConfigFile, App, ReadConfigFile, CreateAssocArray;
local mgrs = null;
local email = CreateAssocArray( null);
local publicConfig = ReadConfigFile( App.configPath + "\\publicConfig.dat" );
if ( publicConfig != null )
mgrs = publicConfig.cluster.shared.clusterGroup[1].managers[1];
local emailInfo = publicConfig.cluster.shared.emailServer;
if (emailInfo != null)
if (emailInfo.serverName != "")
email.serverName = emailInfo.serverName;
if (emailInfo.serverEmailAddress != "")
email.serverEmailAddress = emailInfo.serverEmailAddress;
if (emailInfo.adminEmailAddress != null)
email.adminEmailAddress = emailInfo.adminEmailAddress;
if (mgrs != null)
WriteConfigFile( ConfigFolder + "ZoneInfo.dat", mgrs);
WriteConfigFile( ConfigFolder + "EmailInfo.dat", email);
So to end this as simply as possible, I'm trying to find out two things. #1 What Programming Language is this? and #2 Can the .cat be decompiled back to .atc. files? -- and vice versa. Looking at the log it would appear that the Application is decoding/decompiling the .cat files already to interpret them verses running them as bytecode/natively. Searching for .atc on Google results in AutoCAD. But looking at the results, shows it to be some sort of palette files, nothing source code related.
It would seem to me that if I can program in this unknown language, let alone, decompile the existing stuff, I might get lucky with modding the software. Thanks in advance for any help and I really really hope someone has an answer for me.
So huge news people, I've made quite an interesting discovery. I downloaded a patch from the vendor, it contained a batch file that was executing ViaNet.exe Execute [Patch Script].atc. I quickly discovered that you can use Execute to run both .atc and .cat files equally, same as with no argument. Once knowing this I assumed that there must be various arguments you can try, well after a random stroke of luck, there is one. That being Compile [Script].atc. This argument will compile also any .atc file to .cat. I've compiled the above script for comparison:
So I guess the goal now is to determine if it's possible to decompile said script. So I took a step further and was successful at obtaining C++ pseudo code from the ViaNet.exe and ViaNetDll.dll binaries, this has shed tons of understanding on the proprietary language and it's API they use. From what I can tell each execution is decompiled first then ran thru the interpreter. They also have nicknamed their language ATCL, still no idea what it stands for. While searching the API, I found several debug methods with names like ExecuteFile, ExecuteString, CompileFile, CompileString, InspectFunction and finally DumpObjCode. With the DumpObjCode method I'm able to perform some sort of dump of script files. Dump file for above script:
I hope someone can help me find a pattern with the progress I made. I'm trying my best to go over the pseudo code but I don't know C++, so I'm having a really hard time understanding the code. I've tried to seperate what I can identify as being the compile script subroutines but I'm not certain:
If someone can give me an idea of what this code snippet is doing and if it looks like I'm on the right path, I'd appreciate it. Thank you in advanced.

CMake Release made my code stop working properly

I have a C++ program which works well when I compile with no additional options. However, whenever I use cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release there is a very specific part of the code which stops working.
Concretely, I have an interface for a Boost Fibonacci Heap. I am calling this function:
And this function does the following:
inline void myHeap::push (myStruct & c) {
handles_[c.getIndex()] = heap_.push(c);
where heap_ is:
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<myStruct, boost::heap::compare<compare_func>> heap_;
For some reason the heap_size is not being modified, therefore the rest of the code does not work because the next step is to extract the minimum from the heap and it is always empty.
In Debug mode it works ok. Thank you for your help.
EDIT - Additional info
I have also found this problem: I have a set of code which do simple math operations. In Release mode the results are incorrect. If I just do cout of a couple of variables to check their values, the result changes, which is still incorrect but quite strange.
I solved the problem. It was funny but in this case it was not initialization/timing issues common in the Release mode. It was that the return statement was missing in a couple of functions. In debug mode the output was perfect but in the release mode that failed. I had warnings deactivated, that is why I did not see it before.

Access Violation exception when running a release-built application

Recently I have been developing a small OpenGL game. Everything in it runs fine with the debug build but when I build the release, I get a strange Access Violation exception.
I searched across the code and it seems that the problem occurs when I try to open a file. Here is the function where I think the problem is coming from:
#define LOCAL_FILE_DIR "data\\"
#define GLOBAL_FILE_DIR "..\\data\\"
std::string FindFile(const std::string &baseName)
std::string fileName = LOCAL_FILE_DIR + baseName;
std::ifstream testFile(fileName.c_str()); // The code breaks here
return fileName;
fileName = GLOBAL_FILE_DIR + baseName;;
return fileName;
throw std::runtime_error("Could not find the file " + baseName);
This code is associated with loading of GLSL shaders. A function takes the shader's file name and then passes it to FindFile in order to find the file needed.
Just as a general rule from personal (and teaching) experience: >90% of the cases where Debug works fine and Release crashes are due to uninitialized variables. That's a little harder to do in C++ than in C, but it is a very common problem. Make sure all your vars (like baseName) are initialized before using them.
I fixed the problem.
Everything was happening because I have made the Release build using glsdk's Debug build libraries. Changing to the Release build libraries fixed the problem.
Check that baseName is valid. Try printing it out. You may be getting a corrupted copy of baseName or your stack may have gotten trashed prior to that point (same result).