Does this have anything to do with endian-ness? - c++

For this code:
void hello() { printf("hello\n"); }
void bye() { printf("bye\n"); }
int main() {
printf("%p\n", hello);
printf("%p\n", bye);
return 0;
output on my machine:
[second address is bigger in value]
on Codepad
[second address is smaller in value]
Does this have anything to do with endian-ness of the machines? If not,
Why the difference in the ordering of the addresses?
Also, Why the difference in the difference?
0x8048541 - 0x8048511 = 0x30
0x8048408 - 0x80483f4 = 0x14
Btw, I just checked. This code (taken from here) says that both the machines are Little-Endian
int main() {
int num = 1;
if(*(char *)&num == 1)
return 0;

No, this has nothing to do with endianness. It has everything to do with compilers and linkers being free to order function definitions in memory pretty much as they see fit, and different compilers choosing different memory layout strategies.

It has nothing to do with endinanness, but with the C++ standard. C++ isn't required to write functions in the order you see them to disk (and think about cross-file linking and even linking other libraries, that's just not feasable), it can write them in any order it wishes.
About the difference between the actual values, one compiler might add guards around a block to prevent memory overrides (or other related stuff, usually only in debug mode). And there's nothing preventing the compiler from writing other functions between your 2 functions. Keep in mind even a simple hello world application comes with thousands of bytes of executable code.
The bottom line is: never assume anything about how things are positioned in memory. Your assumptions will almost always be wrong. And why even assume? There's nothing to be gained over writing normal, safe, structured code anyway.

The location and ordering of functions is extremely specific to platform, architecture, compiler, compiler version and even compiler flags (especially those).

You are printing function addresses. That's purely in the domain of the linker, the compiler doesn't do anything that's involved with creating the binary image of the program. Other than generating the blobs of machine code for each function. The linker arranges those blobs in the final image. Some linkers have command line options that affect the order, it otherwise rarely matters.
Endian-ness cannot affect the output of printf() here. It knows how to interpret the bytes correctly if the pointer value was generated on the same machine.


How to Drill Down on Apparent Corruption

I've been working with C and C++ for a fairly long time. I have a computer science minor. I'm familiar with the pitfalls intrinsic to the low level access to process memory these languages provide. I've spent days and weeks in them.
Learning to use valgrind about a decade ago was a lifesaver in terms of catching minor access errors and such. Currently, I also use ASAN with clion, and mistakes of this sort are usually caught and dealt with quickly.
I presume there's no bulletproof, however, and a recent problem has me completely stumped.1
I have an object that includes a non-public sockaddr_storage field named from. This can be accessed via:
const sockaddr_storage* getSockAddr () {
return &from;
But the address returned is wrong. Starting from a breakpoint on the return line in gdb:
Breakpoint 3, socketeering::Socket::getSockAddr (this=0x617000000400) at Socket.hpp:81
81 return &from;
(gdb) p this
$1 = (socketeering::UDPsocket * const) 0x617000000400
(gdb) p &from
$2 = (sockaddr_storage *) 0x617000000600
(gdb) p (const sockaddr_storage*)&from
$3 = (const sockaddr_storage *) 0x617000000600
Seems pretty clear the value returned has to be 0x617000000600. But no:
(gdb) fin
Run till exit from #0 socketeering::Socket::getSockAddr (this=0x617000000400) at Socket.hpp:81
0x00000000004290ab in udpHandler::dataReady (this=0x631000014810, iod=0x617000000400, con=0x60e0000249b0) at /opt/cogware/C++/Socketeering2/demo/echo_server.cpp:66
66 auto sa = sock->getSockAddr();
Value returned is $4 = (const sockaddr_storage *) 0x617000000618
(gdb) p sock
$5 = (socketeering::UDPsocket *) 0x617000000400
That's no good -- it is 18 bytes inside the structure. Even worse, I CANNOT reproduce it with a simple SSCCE:
class foo {
sockaddr_storage ss;
foo () { cout << &ss << "\n"; }
const sockaddr_storage* getSockAddr () { return &ss; }
Meaning it's not some misunderstanding of the rules, etc. It's obviously not a logic error either.
It has to be corruption, right?
This is a single threaded process, and if instead of fin I just keep stepping to see what's happening, there is literally nothing to see. One step to the function close, and the next one is at the assignment with the wrong value. Neither valgrind nor ASAN indicate any hijinx.
What can I look at to find out what is happening? Obviously something is going wrong here in between:
return &from;
And the actual return of a value. Is looking at assembly dumps for clues the only route left to me (presuming that would help at all, I'm no ASM guy)?
The answer I dread is there's nothing beyond scouring the code for mistakes that valgrind and ASAN didn't catch. Finding out under what circumstances they would not catch corruption is a starting place for that.
Which I did raise earlier in a now deleted question. All any one could say was exactly what I would say if I read a question like that: We need an SSCCE, and the corruption could be in other parts of the code. Point being, there's nothing in the information I have to show which explains the problem, but, sans inviting everyone onto a 10-20K LOC project, that's all I can do. So what I am asking now is not what's wrong, but "How can I determine what's wrong?"
Is looking at assembly dumps for clues the only route left to me
Yes, using a disas command is the appropriate approach here.
(presuming that would help at all, I'm no ASM guy)?
Even if you can't write assembly, it's often pretty easy to read assembly. Especially if it's something like x86_64 and doesn't involve complicated bit twiddling or floating point. And it's a skill that will serve you well.
Usually the problem of this sort is a result of an ODR violation: somewhere in your program you have a different definition of socketeering::Socket, one in which the offset between this and from is 24 (it's not 18 bytes, it's 0x18 bytes!) instead of 0.
Often such ODR violation comes from using different #defines in different parts of the code, e.g.
class Socket {
#if defined(TRACING_ON)
char trace_buf[24];
sockaddr_storage from;
Compile above struct in one .cc file with -DTRACING_ON, compile another .cc without it, link them together into a single binary and BOOM: you may see exactly the bug you've described.
Sometimes, the problem comes from not recompiling all code (e.g. you may have an old object or a shared library laying around).
It could also come from linking together code built by different compilers, though this is rare (usually if the compilers are not ABI-compatible, they use different name mangling to preclude the program from linking).
Note: if Socket inherits from some other class, the difference may be coming from the superclass and not the Socket itself.

C++ `if` seems to be taking the wrong branch?

I'm struggling with a non-sensical if statement...
Consider this code in a C++ file
if (coreAudioDevice) {
delete coreAudioDevice;
coreAudioDevice = nullptr;
coreAudioDevice = AudioDevice::GetDevice(defaultOutputDeviceID, false, coreAudioDevice, true);
if (coreAudioDevice)
// we use the quick mode which skips initialisation; cache the device name (in AudioDevice)
// using an immediate, blocking look-up.
char devName[256];
coreAudioDevice->GetName(devName, 256);
AUDINFO ("Using default output device %p #%d=\"%s\".\n",
defaultOutputDeviceID, coreAudioDevice, coreAudioDevice->GetName());
AUDERR ("Failed to obtain a handle on the default device (%p)\n", coreAudioDevice);
calling a function in an ObjC++ file:
AudioDevice *AudioDevice::GetDevice(AudioObjectID devId, bool forInput, AudioDevice *dev, bool quick)
if (dev) {
if (dev->ID() != devId) {
delete dev;
} else {
return nullptr;
dev = new AudioDevice(devId, quick, forInput);
return dev;
Which leads to the following terminal output:
ERROR [init]: Failed to obtain a handle on the default device (0x7f81a1f1f1b0)
Evidently the if shouldn't fail because coreAudioDevice supposedly is NULL and then print a non-null value for this variable in the else branch.
I tried different compiler options and a different compiler (clang 4.0.1 vs. 5.0.1), apparently there is really something fishy in my code. Any thoughts?
Reaching the end of the function without returning a value is undefined behavior in C++.
See and What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about?.
So the call setDefaultDevice() can legally result in anything. The compiler is free to compile the program into an executable that can do anything, when the program's control flow leads to undefined behavior (i.e. the call to setDefaultDevice()).
In this case, entering the if block with coreAudioDevice non-zero leads to UB. So the optimizing compiler foresees this and chooses to then make it go into the else branch instead. Like this it can remove the first branch and the if entirely, to produce more optimized code.
Without optimizations the program should normally run as expected.
Well, at least I found a reason, but no understanding (yet).
I had defined this method, without noticing the compiler warning (amidst a bunch of deprecation warnings printed multiple times because of concurrent compilation...):
bool setDefaultDevice(bool isDefault)
mDefaultDevice = isDefault;
Indeed, no return value.
Notice that I call this method inside the skipped if block - so theoretically I never got the chance to do that. BTW, it's what led me to discover this strange issue.
The issue goes away when I remove the call or when I make the method void as intended.
I think this also explains the very strange way of crashing I've seen: somehow the optimiser gets completely confused because of this. I'm tempted to call this a compiler bug; I don't use the return value from the method, so flow shouldn't be affected at all IMHO.
Ah, right. Should I read that as "free to build an exec that can do anything EXCEPT the sensical thing"? If so, that former boss of mine had a point banning C++ as an anomaly (the exact word was French, "saleté")...
Anyway, I can understand why the behaviour would be undefined when you don't know a function doesn't actually put a return value on the stack. You'd be popping bytes off the stack after the return, messing things up. (Read heap for stack if necessary =] ). I'm guessing that's what would happen when you run this kind of code without optimisation, in good ole C or with the bugggy method defined out of line (so the optimiser cannot know that it's buggy).
But once you know that a function doesn't actually return a value and you see that the value wouldn't be used anyway, you should be able to emit code that doesn't pop the corresponding number of bytes. IOW, code that behaves as expected. With a big fat compile-time warning. Presuming the standard allows this that'd be the sensical thing to do, rather than optimise the entire tainted block away because that'd be faster. If that's indeed the reasoning followed in clang it doesn't actually inspire confidence...
Does the standard say this cannot be an error by default? I'd certainly prefer that over the current behaviour!

How to place a function at a particular address in C?

I want to place a function void loadableSW (void) at a specific location:0x3FF802. In another function residentMain() I will jump to this location using pointer to function. How to declare function
loadableSW to accomplish this. I have attached the skeleton of residentMain for clarity.
Update: Target hardware is TMS320C620xDSP. Since this is an aerospace project, deterministic
behaviour is a desirable design objective. Ideally, they would like to know what portion of memory contains what at a particular time. The solution as I just got to know is to define a section in memory in the linker file. The section shall start at 0x3FF802 (Location where to place the function). Since the size of the loadableSW function is known, the size of the memory section can also be determined. And then the directive #pragma CODESECTION ("function_name", "section_name") can place that function in the specified section.
Since pragma directives are not permissible in test scripts, I am wondering if there is any other way to do this without using any linker directives.
Besides I am curious. Is there any placement syntax for functions in C++? I know there is one for objects, but functions?
void residentMain (void)
void (*loadable_p) (void) = (void (*) (void)) 0x3FF802;
int hardwareOK = 0;
/*Code to check hardware integrity. hardwareOK = 1 if success*/
if (hardwareOK)
loadable_p (); /*Jump to Loadable Software*/
dspHalt ();
I'm not sure about your OS/toolchain/IDE, but the following answer should work:
How to specify a memory location at which function will get stored?
There is just one way I know of and it is shown in the first answer.
How to define sections in gcc:
methods (section ("section-name")):
How to place a function at a particular address in C?
Since pragma directives are not permissible in test scripts, I am wondering if there is any other way to do this without using any linker directives.
If your target supports PC-relative addressing and you can ensure it is pure, then you can use a memcpy() to relocate the routine.
How to run code from RAM... has some hints on this. If you can not generate PC-relative/relocatable code, then you absolutely can not do this with out the help of the linker. That is the definition of a linker/loader, to fix up addresses.
Which can take you to a different concept. Do not fully link your code. Instead defer the address fixup until loading. Then you must write a loader to place the code at run-time; but from your aerospace project comment, I think that complexity and analysis are also important so I don't believe you would accept that. You also need double the storage, etc.

Does an arbitrary instruction pointer reside in a specific function?

I have a very difficult problem I'm trying to solve: Let's say I have an arbitrary instruction pointer. I need to find out if that instruction pointer resides in a specific function (let's call it "Foo").
One approach to this would be to try to find the start and ending bounds of the function and see if the IP resides in it. The starting bound is easy to find:
void *start = &Foo;
The problem is, I don't know how to get the ending address of the function (or how "long" the function is, in bytes of assembly).
Does anyone have any ideas how you would get the "length" of a function, or a completely different way of doing this?
Let's assume that there is no SEH or C++ exception handling in the function. Also note that I am on a win32 platform, and have full access to the win32 api.
This won't work. You're presuming functions are contigous in memory and that one address will map to one function. The optimizer has a lot of leeway here and can move code from functions around the image.
If you have PDB files, you can use something like the dbghelp or DIA API's to figure this out. For instance, SymFromAddr. There may be some ambiguity here as a single address can map to multiple functions.
I've seen code that tries to do this before with something like:
#pragma optimize("", off)
void Foo()
void FooEnd()
#pragma optimize("", on)
And then FooEnd-Foo was used to compute the length of function Foo. This approach is incredibly error prone and still makes a lot of assumptions about exactly how the code is generated.
Look at the *.map file which can optionally be generated by the linker when it links the program, or at the program's debug (*.pdb) file.
OK, I haven't done assembly in about 15 years. Back then, I didn't do very much. Also, it was 680x0 asm. BUT...
Don't you just need to put a label before and after the function, take their addresses, subtract them for the function length, and then just compare the IP? I've seen the former done. The latter seems obvious.
If you're doing this in C, look first for debugging support --- ChrisW is spot on with map files, but also see if your C compiler's standard library provides anything for this low-level stuff -- most compilers provide tools for analysing the stack etc., for instance, even though it's not standard. Otherwise, try just using inline assembly, or wrapping the C function with an assembly file and a empty wrapper function with those labels.
The most simple solution is maintaining a state variable:
volatile int FOO_is_running = 0;
int Foo( int par ){
FOO_is_running = 1;
/* do the work */
FOO_is_running = 0;
return 0;
Here's how I do it, but it's using gcc/gdb.
$ gdb ImageWithSymbols
gdb> info line * 0xYourEIPhere
Edit: Formatting is giving me fits. Time for another beer.

calling code stored in the heap from vc++

Imagine I am doing something like this:
void *p = malloc (1000);
*((char*)p) = some_opcode;
*((char*)p+1) = another_opcode; // for the sake of the example: the opcodes are ok
How can I define a function pointer to call p as if it was a function? (i'm using VC++ 2008 express).
A comment wasn't enough space. Joe_Muc is correct. You should not stuff code into memory obtained by malloc or new. You will run into problems if you change the page properties of pages that Windows allocates.
This isn't a problem becuase using VirtualAlloc() and the related WIn32 APIs is every easy: call VirtualAlloc() and set the flProtect to [PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE][2]
Note, you should probably do three allocations, one guard page, the pages you need for your code, then another guard page. This will give you a little protection from bad code.
Also wrap calls to your generated code with structured exception handling.
Next, the Windows X86 ABI (calling conventions) are not well documented (I know, I've looked). There is some info here, here, here The best way to see how things work is to look at code generated by the compiler. This is easy to do with the \FA switches ( there are four of them).
You can find the 64-bit calling conventions here.
Also, you can still obtain Microsoft's Macro Assembler MASM here. I recommend writing your machine code in MASM and look at its output, then have your machine code generator do similar things.
Intel's and AMD's processor manuals are good references - get them if you don't have them.
Actually, malloc probably won't cut it. On Windows you probably need to call something like [VirtualAlloc]( in order to get an executable page of memory.
Starting small:
void main(void)
char* p = (char*)VirtualAlloc(NULL, 4096, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
p[0] = (char)0xC3; // ret
typedef void (*functype)();
functype func = (functype)p;
The next step for playing nice with your code is to preserve the EBP register. This is left as an exercise. :-)
After writing this, I ran it with malloc and it also worked. That may be because I'm running an admin account on Windows 2000 Server. Other versions of Windows may actually need the VirtualAlloc call. Who knows.
If you have the right opcodes in place, calling can be as simple as casting to a function pointer and calling it.
typedef void (*voidFunc)();
char *p = malloc (1000);
p[0] = some_opcode;
p[1] = another_opcode; // for the sake of the example: the opcodes are ok
p[n] = // return opcode...
Note though that unless you mark the page as executable, your processor may not let you execute code generated on the heap.
I'm also currently looking into executing generated code, and while the answers here didn't give me precisely what I needed, you guys sent me on the right track.
If you need to mark a page as executable on POSIX systems (Linux, BSD etc.), check out the mmap(2) function.