Regex mid-string pattern exclustion - regex

I need help with a regular expression for use with UrlRewriting.Net. I have two URLs -
http://domain/SomeFolder/<could be anything>/SomeFileName/
For URL rewriting purposes I need to come up with one expression that will let me target specifically the URL with "tracks" in the middle of it. I need another expression to catch everything without "tracks" in it.
Before I had this constraint I was using ^~/SomeFolder/([^/]*)/SomeFileName/?$ and that worked as my catch-all. Now that I have this specific "tracks" folder, I can't use the catch all.
Make sense?
Many thanks for the help!



How to make regex using two condition

I want to make url validate using Regex.
So I made as below.
First, it must be started with 'https://'
Second, it must have '.' inside of the URL.
I made the first condition. But I don't know how to attach the second condition together.
Thank you for reading. Could you give me some advice?
If you just need to check that character . come after https://, maybe this helps you:
Note that this pattern is not a reliable pattern to validate link.
If you just want to check for the dot you can use:
I also found somthing on Regextester:
You can adjust this to your needs by removing some modifiers:
Try it for yourself. Regextester

Regular expression to exclude part of a url?

I'm trying to create a regular expression for google analytics goals.
I need to match either of these 2 url fragments:
But NOT this url:
Tried this:
/order/map/egw/$ | /order/map/egw/\?
and other variations but can't get it to match properly
Fast help greatly appreciated!
How about this regular expression?
If in the future you find that there's another sub-directory that you don't want to include, you can add a new one (e.g. the sub-directory 'wrong') like so:
What about this? I don't know how strict you're trying to be but it should work for your use cases:
It ensures "consult" is not found in the URL and matches the base part with an optional query string.

RegEx match all website links except those containing admin

I'm setting up URL Rewrite on an IIS and i need to match the following URLs using regex.
but not:
The site it self ( should not be "hardcoded" in the expression. Instead, it should be matched by something like .*.
I'm really blank on this one. I did find solutions to match the different URLs but once i try to combine them either none of them match or all of them do.
I hope someone can help me.
For your specific case, assuming you are matching the part after the domain (REQUEST_URI):
(?!...) is a negative lookahead. I am not sure if it is supported in the IIS URL Rewrite engine. If not, a better approach would be to check for a complementary approach:
Or as #kirilloid said, just match /admin/? and discard (pay attention to slashes).
BTW. if you want to quickly test RegExps with a "visual" feedback, I highly recommend
this should do the trick

please regex url request

I would like to know if anybody can help me with a regular expression problem. I want to write a regular expression to catch URLs similar to this URL:
I have tried:
The problem I get is that when this channel goes live, sometimes the URL transforms to something like this:
I can't catch this. :( Can anybody please help me with this? I just want to catch the channel name without the pound symbol and the rest of the URL.
Here are some example URLs:
I would want to get:
Thanks in advance! :)
Short answer:
Long answer:
Let's split this up into parts. Look at the back part first.
This delimits the string into parts that don't include either '#' or '/'.
Now let's look at the first part.
The syntax "(?<=" followed by ")" is called positive lookbehind (this page has good examples and explanation of the different types of lookaround). Using a simple example:
The above example says "I want all 'B' that are immediately after an 'A'." Going to our big example, we're saying we want all parts (separated by '#' or '/') that are immediately after a part called "".
Look here for an example of the expression in action.
If you want everything up to a certain character(-set), use a negated class.
Also, when working on regex for urls, using / as delimiter is error-prone, as you have to escape all the /'s. Use something else instead (like # in this case)

Perl/lighttpd regex

I'm using regex in lighttpd to rewrite URLs, but I can't write an expression that does what I want (which I thought was pretty basic, apparently not, I'm probably missing something).
Say I have this URL: /page/variable_to_pass/ OR /page/variable_to_pass/
I want to rewrite the URL to this: /page.php?var=variable_to_pass
I've already got rules like ^/login/(.*?)$ to handle specific pages, but I wanted to make one that can match any page without needing one expression per page.
I tried this: ^/([^.?]*) but it matches the whole /page/variable_to_pass/ instead of just page.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
This regexp should do what you need
First match would be page name, and the second - variable value
That should give you two matches.