Dynamically generate Triangle Lists for a Complex 3D Mesh - opengl

In my application, I have the shape and dimensions of a complex 3D solid (say a Cylinder Block) taken from user input. I need to construct vertex and index buffers for it.
Since the dimensions are taken from user input, I cannot user Blender or 3D Max to manually create my model. What is the textbook method to dynamically generate such a mesh?
I am looking for something that will generate the triangles given the vertices, edges and holes. Something like TetGen, though TetGen has no way of excluding the triangles which fall on the interior of the solid/mesh.

Sounds like you need to create an array of verticies, and a list of triangles each of which contains a list of 3 indicies into the vertex array. There is no easy way to do this. To draw a box, you need 8 veticies and 12 triangles (2 per side). Some representations will use explicit edge representations too. I suspect this is way more work than you want to do so.....
What you need is a mesh library that can do CSG (composite solid geometry). This way you should be able to specify the dimensions of the block, and then the dimensions of the cylinders and tell it to cut them out for you (CSG difference). All the vertex and triangle management should be done for you. In the end, such a library should be able to export the mesh to some common formats. Only problem here is that I don't know the name of such a library. Something tells me that Blender can actually do all of this if you know how to script it. I also suspect there are 1 or 2 fairly good libraries out there.
Google actually brought me back to StackOverflow with this:
A Good 3D mesh library
You may ultimately need to generate simple meshes programatically and manipulate them with a library if they don't provide functions for creating meshes (they all talk about manipulating a mesh or doing CSG).

It depends a bit on your requirements.
If you don't need to access the mesh after generating, but only need to render it, the fastest option is to create a vertex buffer with glGenBuffers, map it into memory with glMapBuffer, write your data into the buffer, then unmap it with glUnmapBuffer. Drawing will be very fast because all data can be uploaded to video card memory.
If you do need to access the mesh data after generating it, or if you expect to modify it regularly, you might be better off building your vertex data in a regular array and using vertex arrays with glVertexPointer and friends.
You can also use a combination: generate the mesh data in main memory, then memcpy() it into a mapped vertex buffer.
Finally, if by "dimensions" you mean just scaling the entire thing, you can create it offline in any 3D modelling program and use the OpenGL transformations, for example glScale, to apply the dimensions to the mesh while rendering.

I'm not sure if the Marching Cube algorithm would be any help?.


Is my situation a good case to use GL_STATIC_DRAW?

I have a textured polygon mesh that I plan to be move-able based on the user's various inputs.
For example: the user can move the vertices in various directions. But the number of vertices and the texture coordinates will always be constant.
Is this a good situation to use GL_STATIC_DRAW, or should i use something else, like GL_STREAM_DRAW?
Instead of updating a VBO every time the vertices are moved, I would suggest using transformations. With transformations, you can create a matrix that can translate, rotate, or scale the vertices by simply multiplying the transformation matrix by the position vector. This multiplication can be done on the graphics card with a GLSL shader. Using this method, your vertex buffer would never have to change.
I would suggest reading this article for more information on how to use transformations in OpenGL: https://open.gl/transformations
No, your situation is not a good case to use GL_STATIC_DRAW. As h4lcOn's link suggests you should use dynamic or stream. Though if I understand correctly what you are trying to do I wouldn't even use VBO at all. There will not be much overhead (if any at all) if you push the coordinates every draw call for a simple polygon. Use a VBO in cases when you have a large quantity of polygons or when you make large amount of draw calls with the same vertex data in a single frame.

What are are the required steps of modeling an irregular 3d polyhedron

What are the basic steps of modeling an irregular 3d polyhedron (example "pentagonal hexecontahedron") with GLUT?
What I understand so far is that I need to determine vertices of the object. How?
What's next when I have the vertex list? How do I use the glVertex(..) function to draw the polyhedron?
Your best bet would to make the model in a 3d modeling program, unless you want to figure out all the vertices by hand which would be a pain. Use the vertex data from the saved file and put it into an array that you can either figure out how to read from file, or just make a static array in a header with all the vertex data in.
then you can use vertex arrays to render the model in one swoop http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/tutorials/CodeColony/vertexarrays.php

OpenGL VBO storage and templates

I have a question about VBO's. Let's say just as an example I'm trying to build a voxel style engine that makes even a 16x16x16 chunk.
Do I store the map information in the VBO? How do I get the verticies for a cube? The way I'm thinking about it, the VBO would require 24 vector3 variables (vectors for each cube at each location). That seems like a lot.
is there some way to have a single 'cube' VBO template, then somehow change the coordinates for each cube I want to draw, calling the template (i hope that makes sense) and using bufferdata to update that template for every location, do I have to actually store those 24 vectors for every single location in the 16x16x16, or would I just store the map coordinates, then have the cube and polygons drawn through a shader?
I hope that makes sense. it seems expensive memory wise loading up something that stores 24 vectors per location, and it seems resource intensive to me calling bufferdata 16x16x16 times per frame... so the last option using the vertex shader seems the most viable, but I'm new to shaders so is something like that possible?
What is the most common method used?
Geometry shaders can, indeed, emit multiple primitives for a single input primitive. So drawing all 6 faces of a cube from a single input point is certainly possible. Though for "voxel" engines you might be better served by point sprites, as often the orientation of the cube isn't useful. A point sprite draws a single screen-aligned quad from an input point. Beyond that you'll need to be more specific about what you're doing.

Draw a bunch of elements generated by CUDA/OpenCL?

I'm new to graphics programming, and need to add on a rendering backend for a demo we're creating. I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction.
Short version: Is there any way to send OpenGL an array of data for distinct elements, without having to issue a draw command for each element distinctly?
Long version: We have a CUDA program (will eventually be OpenCL) which calculates a bunch of data for a bunch of objects for us. We then need to render these objects using, e.g., OpenGL.
The CUDA kernel can generate our vertices, and using OpenGL interop, it can shove these in an OpenGL VBO and not have to transfer the data back to host device memory. But the problem is we have a bunch (upwards of a million is our goal) distinct objects. It seems like our best bet here is allocating one VBO and putting every object's vertices into it. Then we can call glDrawArrays with offsets and lengths of each element inside that VBO.
However, each object may have a variable number of vertices (though the total vertices in the scene can be bounded.) I'd like to avoid having to transfer a list of start indices and lengths from CUDA -> CPU every frame, especially given that these draw commands are going right back to the GPU.
Is there any way to pack a buffer with data such that we can issue only one call to OpenGL to render the buffer, and it can render a number of distinct elements from that buffer?
(Hopefully I've also given enough info to avoid a XY problem here.)
One way would be to get away from understanding these as individual objects and making them a single large object drawn with a single draw call. The question is, what data is it that distinguishes the objects from each other, meaning what is it you change between the individual calls to glDrawArrays/glDrawElements?
If it is something simple, like a color, it would probably be easier to supply this an additional per-vertex attribute. This way you can render all objects as one single large object using a single draw call with the indiviudal sub-objects (which really only exist conceptually now) colored correctly. The memory cost of the additional attribute may be well worth it.
If it is something a little more complex (like a texture), you may still be able to index it using an additional per-vertex attribute, being either an index into a texture array (as texture arrays should be supported on CUDA/OpenCL-able hardware) or a texture coordinate into a particular subregion of a single large texture (a so-called texture atlas).
But if the difference between those objects is something more complex, as a different shader or something, you may really need to render individual objects and make individual draw calls. But you still don't need to neccessarily make a round-trip to the CPU. With the use of the ARB_draw_indirect extension (which is core since GL 4.0, I think, but may be supported on GL 3 hardware (and thus CUDA/CL-hardware), don't know) you can source the arguments to a glDrawArrays/glDrawElements call from an additional buffer (into which you can write with CUDA/CL like any other GL buffer). So you can assemble the offset-length-information of each individual object on the GPU and store them in a single buffer. Then you do your glDrawArraysIndirect loop offsetting into this single draw-indirect-buffer (with the offset between the individual objects now being constant).
But if the only reason for issuing multiple draw calls is that you want to render the objects as single GL_TRIANGLE_STRIPs or GL_TRIANGLE_FANs (or, god beware, GL_POLYGONs), you may want to reconsider just using a bunch of GL_TRIANGLES so that you can render all objects in a single draw call. The (maybe) time and memory savings from using triangle strips are likely to be outweight by the overhead of multiple draw calls, especially when rendering many small triangle strips. If you really want to use strips or fans, you may want to introduce degenerate triangles (by repeating vertices) to seprate them from each other, even when drawn with a single draw call. Or you may look into the glPrimitiveRestartIndex function introduced with GL 3.1.
Probably not optimal, but you could make a single glDrawArray on your whole buffer...
If you use GL_TRIANGLES, you can fill your buffer with zeroes, and write only the needed vertices in your kernel. This way "empty" regions of your buffer will be drawn as 0-area polygons ( = degenerate polygons -> not drawn at all )
If you use GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, you can do the same, but you'll have to duplicate your first vertex in order to make a fake triangle between (0,0,0) and your mesh.
This can seem overkill, but :
- You'll have to be able to handle as many vertices anyway
- degenerate triangles use no fillrate, so they are almost free (the vertex shader is still computed, though)
A probably better solution would be to use glDrawElements instead : In you kernel, you also generate an index list for your whole buffer, which will be able to completely skip regions of your buffer.

How do I use Vertex Buffer Objects to render many different circles?

I'm trying to write a game that deals with many circles (well, Triangle Fans, but you get the idea). Each circle will have an x position, a y position, and a mass property. Every circle's mass property will be different. Also, I want to color some groups of circles different, while keeping a transparent circle center, and fading to opaque along the perimeter of the circles.
I was told to use VBOs, and have been Googling all day. I would like a full example on how I would draw these circles and an explanation as to how VBOs work, while keeping that explanation simple.
I have not implemented VBOs myself yet, but from what I understand, they work similar to texture objects. In fact, when I am reminding myself and explaining to others what VBOs are, I like to incorrectly call texture objects 'texture buffer objects', to reinforce the conceptual similarity.
(Not to be mixed with buffer textures from NVIDIA-specified extension GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object.)
So let's think: what are texture objects? They are objects you generate using glGenTextures(). glGenBuffersARB() does similar thing. An analogy applies with glBindTexture() and glBindBufferARB().
(As of OpenGL 1.5, functions glGenBuffers() and glBindBuffer() have entered core OpenGL, so you can use them in place of the extension equivalents.)
But what exactly are these 'texture objects', and what do they do? Well, consider that you can, actually, use glTexture2D() in each frame to set up a texture. Texture objects only serve to reduce traffic between GPU and main memory; instead of sending entire pixel array, you send just the "OpenGL name" (that is, an integer identifier) of the texture object which you know to be static.
VBOs serve similar purpose. Instead of sending the vertex array over and over, you upload the array once using glBufferData() and then send just the "OpenGL name" of the object. They are great for static objects, and not so great for dynamic objects. In fact, many generic 3D engines such as Ogre3D provide you with a way to specify if a mesh is dynamic or static, quite probably in order to let you decide between VBOs and vertex arrays.
For your purposes, VBOs are not the right answer. You want numerous simple objects that are continuously morphing and changing. By simple, I mean those with less than 200 vertices. Unless you intend to write a very smart and complex vertex shader, VBOs are not for you. You want to use vertex arrays, which you can easily manipulate from main CPU and update them each frame without making special calls to graphics card to reupload the entire VBO onto the graphics card (which may turn out slower than just sending vertex arrays).
Here's a quite good letscallit "man page" from nVidia about VBO API. Read it for further info!
good vbo tutorial
What you're doing looks like particles, you might want to google "particle rendering" just in case.