OAuth authentication for Google API with Qt - c++

I'm trying to get authenticated for receiving and publishing Google Buzz-es from a Qt 4.6(c++) application. I'm looking for a cross-platform solution.
Could anyone provide some working solution for this purpose?

You can also try kQOAuth which is a new Qt library for doing OAuth authentication. It will let you do the user authentication very easily too, if you like.
Supports OAuth 1.0 and HMAC-SHA1. No external dependencies.

I couldn't find any either, so I made one: https://github.com/pipacs/steps/tree/master/o2 . Based on KQOAuth, tested with Google Docs.

Quick google search gave me QOAuth, which is a Qt lib and liboath which is a C based API.

I'm using QOAuth, you have to do some hack before you can use QOAuth in windows.
So far, I could get the request token from Google, and let the user authorize it.
But when I try to get the access token with the oauth_verifier, it keeps telling me the signature is invalid.
Anyway, I've used QOAuth to deal with other SP successfully. So the QOAuth is the solution.


Authlib vs OAuthlib: Are these libraries the same?

I am a beginner in the world of the OAuth2.0 and OpenID Protocols. I would like to implement a custom server - provider for multiple applications. So, to use it for Single Sign-On (SSO). I would like to work with python. Till now I have found four packages, for an OAuth2.0 and an OpenID Connect server implementation, in Python: pyoidc, django-oidc-provider, Django OAuth Toolkit (DOT) by OAuthlib and Authlib. I tried to read and understand pyoidc, but it was not so helpful and easy, basic things were missing. I have tried django-oidc-provider and I was really satisfied, and the whole implementation was really easy. So, after those trials, I am left with Django OAuth Toolkit (by OAuthlib) and Authlib. Has anyone tried them? Are these packages the same? Is Authlib an updated version of the OAuthlib library? The only information I know till now, is that Flask-OAuthlib is deprecated, and Authlib is was its new version.
*Every answer or advice or personal experience would be really helpful and always appreciated!
Thank you again for your help.
After some research, I concluded to work generally with JWTs. As before, I would like to work with a GraphQL API, so I am searching for solutions about JWT authentication on it. I maybe use Passport.js (passport-jwt) or something else for Python. All the libraries mentioned above possibly will be not used.
I will just redirect the user to my main application, authenticate them with JWT, and then return the JWT back to the application. In the future and after deployment, I might also implement an OAuth2.0 provider for my website. Although those packages did not really help me, I would recommend Django OAuth Toolkit (DOT) and django-oidc-provider to others. But, also I learned that django-oidc-provider only supports the implementation of a small and simple OAuth2.0 provider. Django OAuth Toolkit comes with lots of options for implementing an advanced OAuth2.0 Authentication Server (AS), including Authorization Code flow with PKCE (Proof Key with Code Exchange), which is the most secure flow. It is also scalable and has great documentation with lots of customizations if you want.
*I sent an email to the support of Authlib, and of course no one has answered to me after a week.

Quickbooks oauth for django

I'm looking for a quick books oauth implementation in my app, i was wondering if there are any third party libraries which i can make use of instead of implementing on my own. I don't see a sample sdk for django in their website.
Have you checked django-quickbooks?

Automatically Logging Into A Website From C++

I'm trying to make an autorun app with c++ that doesn't have an UI, but it will log into google drive when u plug in the USB drive. I was wondering if there was a way to do this, either by using google api, or by detecting the field forms on the login screen, and automatically filling them in. Also this is going to be strictly a private software.
Add one part How do you make a HTTP request with C++? with two parts https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/reference/.
Shake lightly. Chill and serve.
Optionally add for flavor: https://developers.google.com/drive/auth/web-server
However, I'm unable to find a c++ oath2 library. The closest thing I found was https://code.google.com/p/twitcurl/. If you find an oath library, please comment on this.
POCO has a OAuth 1.0 implementation seen here: https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/tree/develop/Net/samples/TwitterClient/src
Also, according to this landmark blog post, there are still many concerns about OAuth 2.0's security. The 1.0 implementation above is what I would attempt.
For more information on OAuth 2.0, see RFC6749 and RFC6750.

Which library for implementing Oauth in django?

I am developing API using django-tasty-pie and wanted to know which library to implement to get the OAuth working for basing username/password. I want to use this API to do calls from an Android app and a chrome app that would do the user registration. I know about django-social-auth. But I am not exactly dealing with social auth here. Just basic OAuth would do.
To get a feel for landscape read this blog post: http://pydanny.com/the-sorry-state-of-python-oauth-providers.html (it also lists all the alternatives).
I looks like Idan's library is most up to date: https://github.com/idan/oauthlib
The post in the accepted answer stated the following at the addendums to the article:
07/07/2013 - Please consider
https://github.com/evonove/django-oauth-toolkit for use as a
Django-powered OAuth provider. The team behind it is doing it right!

ColdFusion/OAuth/Twitter API

I'm trying to integrate with Twitter using their OAuth API. I have downloaded and tried the CF implementation here: http://oauth.riaforge.org/ with no success. Anyone have a simple CF to Twitter OAuth example for authorizing a user, getting a token, and using it?
ColdFusion plays really nice with java. What I did is simply use the twitter4j lib (http://yusuke.homeip.net/twitter4j/en/index.html#introduction) to handle everything. Works like a charm, and is far more comprehensive that you'd ever dream of writing yourself. Plus, it's free.
I'd try that before I went banging my head against the wall trying to deal with signing oauth requests and reinventing the wheel.
checkout this post my colleague wrote - the twitter 4j library recently change in the 2.2 update and the class is now an interface, so you have to modify the code a bit...
Could try this one, but I didn't try it myself yet to know if it works any better than the one on RIA Forge. I just found it while digging around.
It looks like RPX also supports OAuth, but again, I haven't tried it personally. I am using them for an OpenID implementation, and they work great.