ColdFusion/OAuth/Twitter API - coldfusion

I'm trying to integrate with Twitter using their OAuth API. I have downloaded and tried the CF implementation here: with no success. Anyone have a simple CF to Twitter OAuth example for authorizing a user, getting a token, and using it?

ColdFusion plays really nice with java. What I did is simply use the twitter4j lib ( to handle everything. Works like a charm, and is far more comprehensive that you'd ever dream of writing yourself. Plus, it's free.
I'd try that before I went banging my head against the wall trying to deal with signing oauth requests and reinventing the wheel.

checkout this post my colleague wrote - the twitter 4j library recently change in the 2.2 update and the class is now an interface, so you have to modify the code a bit...

Could try this one, but I didn't try it myself yet to know if it works any better than the one on RIA Forge. I just found it while digging around.
It looks like RPX also supports OAuth, but again, I haven't tried it personally. I am using them for an OpenID implementation, and they work great.


Authlib vs OAuthlib: Are these libraries the same?

I am a beginner in the world of the OAuth2.0 and OpenID Protocols. I would like to implement a custom server - provider for multiple applications. So, to use it for Single Sign-On (SSO). I would like to work with python. Till now I have found four packages, for an OAuth2.0 and an OpenID Connect server implementation, in Python: pyoidc, django-oidc-provider, Django OAuth Toolkit (DOT) by OAuthlib and Authlib. I tried to read and understand pyoidc, but it was not so helpful and easy, basic things were missing. I have tried django-oidc-provider and I was really satisfied, and the whole implementation was really easy. So, after those trials, I am left with Django OAuth Toolkit (by OAuthlib) and Authlib. Has anyone tried them? Are these packages the same? Is Authlib an updated version of the OAuthlib library? The only information I know till now, is that Flask-OAuthlib is deprecated, and Authlib is was its new version.
*Every answer or advice or personal experience would be really helpful and always appreciated!
Thank you again for your help.
After some research, I concluded to work generally with JWTs. As before, I would like to work with a GraphQL API, so I am searching for solutions about JWT authentication on it. I maybe use Passport.js (passport-jwt) or something else for Python. All the libraries mentioned above possibly will be not used.
I will just redirect the user to my main application, authenticate them with JWT, and then return the JWT back to the application. In the future and after deployment, I might also implement an OAuth2.0 provider for my website. Although those packages did not really help me, I would recommend Django OAuth Toolkit (DOT) and django-oidc-provider to others. But, also I learned that django-oidc-provider only supports the implementation of a small and simple OAuth2.0 provider. Django OAuth Toolkit comes with lots of options for implementing an advanced OAuth2.0 Authentication Server (AS), including Authorization Code flow with PKCE (Proof Key with Code Exchange), which is the most secure flow. It is also scalable and has great documentation with lots of customizations if you want.
*I sent an email to the support of Authlib, and of course no one has answered to me after a week.

Integrating paypal with c++ MFC app

We are planning to integrate Paypal with one of our cpp application written using MFC. The question is shall we use Rest apis to accomplish this? or there is any other easier way to do achieve this? I have recently used Paypal REST Services via Postman and they look pretty easy. What I want to achieve is how can I use rest apis for paypal without launching the browser ? How can I achieve Login credentials from the user ? Can anyone point me to right direction ?
Appreciate your help in advance.
I'd suggest using PayPal REST API as they putting more effort into it. There is also SOAP API, but I would not use it. It seems like dated.
You can use ultra modern Casablanca C++ REST SDK which is an open source framework from Microsoft available at: to implement your end-point.
You can do that using Wizdome which is c++ / MFC oriented. A product named Datattoo recovery developed under c++ and MFC allows paying for the amount of data successfully recovered, and the integration with PayPal is done that way.
Here is a more detailed description about the process:

Twitter in Django

I have to create web application similar to twitter with a few tweaks using django. I am clueless if I have to use a CMS for this or any other existing django-application. Working from ground up is quite tedious to be honest. Can anyone recommend me which CMS( or anything else) I should attempt trying?
There is a project called trillr1. According to its page:
"Trillr is a Twitter-like microblogging service enhanced with user directory and group discussion features. " that's maybe what you want.
I guess, the closest you can come with an out-of-the-box software to imitate Twitter is, the software, that powers However, this is a PHP application.
I'm not aware of something similar in the Django world.

Is there a handy GUI for REST manual services testing?

While developing a REST service I want to be able to manually submit some data (e.g. by PUT or POST method) to a specific URL and see the response. The only tool I know is SoapUI, which is not only a commercial product, but a bit overcomplicated while my task is so simple. There is a question about SoapUI alternatives, but all the discussion there is about SOAP services, while what I need is just some REST :-) Any ideas? I know I can write such a tool myself pretty easily, but I'd prefer not to reinvent a bicycle if there is one.
UPDATE: Mark Cidade's answer is ok, but I'd wish the tool could run on Linux too...
UPDATE 2: The solution of my choice came to be HttpRequester Firefox extension.
I have just discovered and installed RESTClient, which is a Firefox add-on (it's ideal for me as I do most development on FF, both on Windows and Linux). No idea if it's any good yet. :)
EDIT: I've started it using extensively since, and it's very good, it really gives back a lot of data about the response and the request.
My favorite is WizTools RESTClient which is written in Java. A nice feature is that it lets you save requests and responses to file if you want to reload them later. It's also cross-platform thanks to Java.
There is yet another free handy application called Postman which will let you do this. It was initially launched as a Chrome plugin and since then is available on the Mac.
I use the Chrome plugin extensively on Windows, Linux and Mac. What I find most useful is the fact that, when signed in, all your requests can be synced across all machines. I use the Mac at the office and when I get home, I pick up where I left of on a Windows machine.
Cross platform insomnia you must test it.
If you use mac then paw another option
Any HTTP request tester will do. Fiddler is a good one.
You can try this online testing tool
For Mac and Linux there is Charles but it is not free.
If you need tool, which you can run on Linux, try WebScarab, it is written on Java.
Download it from the downloads section
I'm Only Resting works for me.
I'm quite fond of either Fiddler (if you need to dig into things deeper) or Insomnia (if you're trying to get to grips with a particular REST API).
Fiddler runs on Linux using the Mono runtime. Insomnia provides Linux packages. I like that Insomnia has a scaffolding generator for the most popular languages, so when you made a particular REST API call work in Insomnia, you can generate code for many languages from that. Neat!
Telerik now has a new standalone software to test API's: Telerik Test Studio for APIs
If you are just looking for a lite rest client and have tried all the others here and did not like them!
I finally rested on Restlet a Chrome plugin.
It is commercial software, but "appears" to be free to use if you are only making requests, which is all I need now.
I may try the trial in the future.
cURL is free and runs on almost everything.

OAuth authentication for Google API with Qt

I'm trying to get authenticated for receiving and publishing Google Buzz-es from a Qt 4.6(c++) application. I'm looking for a cross-platform solution.
Could anyone provide some working solution for this purpose?
You can also try kQOAuth which is a new Qt library for doing OAuth authentication. It will let you do the user authentication very easily too, if you like.
Supports OAuth 1.0 and HMAC-SHA1. No external dependencies.
I couldn't find any either, so I made one: . Based on KQOAuth, tested with Google Docs.
Quick google search gave me QOAuth, which is a Qt lib and liboath which is a C based API.
I'm using QOAuth, you have to do some hack before you can use QOAuth in windows.
So far, I could get the request token from Google, and let the user authorize it.
But when I try to get the access token with the oauth_verifier, it keeps telling me the signature is invalid.
Anyway, I've used QOAuth to deal with other SP successfully. So the QOAuth is the solution.