why i can't run app-engine-patch on my gae - django

this is app-engine-patch http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/
i download it ,and unzip , but can't running on my google-app-engine launcher
why ?
but the patch has app.yaml, and i can't find aep-sample
when i python manage.py runserver
so can app-engine-patch running on gae launcher ?

App Engine Patch isn't an App Engine app, it's a library to use with your app. If it doesn't have an app.yaml file, it won't be able to be run.
It looks like there's an aep-sample app included in the .zip file, try running that.
(response to edit)
The app.yaml file you found references aep-sample as the app's name, but the app listed in the launcher says "patch", so something's wrong there.
Have you read the Getting Started page on the project's site? Reading the documentation is generally a helpful first step.


In the netbox plugin development tutorial, where is manage.py being run from?

I am following the tutorial on plugin development at https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugins/development/
I have gone as far as creating the models and want to make migrations...
However, the manage.py is not found in the root of my plugin folder.
Where is it expected that manage.py is?
The manage.pyis part of the Django application (= website). It is located in the Django root folder, see e.g. Django tutorial.
So, a plugin never has got its own manage.py, but it may have got a set of migration files that are used by the Django app when python manage.py migrate is invoked and the plugin has been installed and defined as being a part of the Django app (within settings.py).
Assuming you've followed the installation instructions and installed Netbox in /opt/netbox, the manage.py file you need to use is located in /opt/netbox/netbox/ folder.
Don't forget to activate the virtual environment in /opt/netbox/venv and to set DEVELOP to True in /opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/configuration.py

Heroku set default site

I have created a new Heroku site and I am developing it on my Linux box, using Django. The standard "getting started" site Heroku created for me is called "gettingstarted". How can I change that / configure Heroku to forget about it?
I was reading through the Django tutorial, which explains how to create a new site (django-admin startproject my_site). I did this successfully for a demo project. Then I tried to do it under the Heroku directory, because I wanted a better name for my site than "gettingstarted". I noticed that every time I start the Heroku server under my project, it says ...using settings 'gettingstarted.settings'. I found that this is configured in manage.py and I change it.
This is the directory layout I have
This is what I have in
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'my_site.settings')
so I would expect that the site that matters is my_site.
I got it to the point where I can run the site successfully on my local machine, and I can tell that it using the settings from my_site. But when I deploy the project to Heroku, it does not recognize my_app until I register it in gettingstarted/settings.py. In other words, when running in Heroku, it is still using gettingstarted as the site to run.
I am new to all this, so I left gettingstarted in the project, because I am afraid to break things. But how can I configure Heroku to execute settings from my_site and not from gettingstarted?
Found it: it's configured in Procfile.
It's confusing because it's configured in one place for running locally and in a different place for running hosted at Heroku.

How to run the packaged application from django's polls tutorial?

After it's packaged, the documentation says that 'With luck, your Django project should now work correctly again. Run the server again to confirm this.'. In this tutorial, to start the server, do this:
python manage.py runserver
But after this is packaged and installed to the user directory, it has been moved out of the project, and 'manage.py' isn't available. How to run the server and test the newly installed package?
This may be a silly question, but the doc does lack a key sentence to tell how to start the server to run the installed package.

Deploy Django project with MSSQL DB in Local Server

I am new in Django and this will be my very FIRST Times web deploying. So I am trying to deploy my project to the local server and My project stack is Django with MSSQL so obviously I will need Window.
I was read the documentation and I think I will need WSGI and As the documentation say to deploy with gunicron or uWSGI but both are supported for Unix and not for window. So How can I start this one? This will be the first question.
I would like to know whether I am doing is correct or not.
Now I copy my project to the local server and when I try to run my project like python manage.py runserver it asks me to install Django and other but I thought this environment is working at well my computer and all of the needed application is already installed in the environment. So I still need to install all of my needed apps like Django to this environment again?
If u have any tutorial or can guide me to some useful site, I will be very very appreciated.
Anything u want to know further, Just let me know.

Django restframework bootstrap static files

I have a regular django site, with djangorestframework (v2.3.14) serving restful api under "/api". On local box everything works fine (mac / mavericks), on remote box (Ubuntu 12) the API browser comes up but all the bootstrap stuff is missing (the page looks like it's out of 1992 prototype instead of pretty bootstrap theme i see locally).
All the pip dependencies have been upgraded and are identical. Locally running site through PyCharm, remotely it is running on WSGI.
What can I check to see what the issue is and resolve it??
I suppose that under PyCharm on your local machine you are running the development server, which serves static files directly from your apps and projects internal locations.
After every deployment into production (your WSGI server) you need to collect all static files to a single place, your STATIC_ROOT. This is a job for the django management command collectstatic, see Django docs here.
The command may look like this:
# Executing collectstatic (organize static files)
python /path/to/your/project/manage.py collectstatic --noinput
For further details you may also read Django cannot find static files. Need a second pair of eyes, I'm going crazy.
If this question doesn't help, you can quicly fix it making a link under your proyect's static folder
ln -s /your_env_folder/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/rest_framework/static/rest_framework rest_framework