My time string may be in one of the following formates (x and y - integer numbers, h and m - symbols):
xh ym
1h 20m
What regular expression should I write to get x and y numbers from such string?
You can then inspect groups 1-3. For your examples those would be
('1', 'h', '20')
('45', 'm', '')
('2', 'h', '')
('120', '', '')
As always, you might want to use some anchors ^, $, \b...
I'm going to assume you're using .NET due to your username. :)
I think in this case, it's easier to use TimeSpan.ParseExact for this task.
You can specify a list of permitted formats (see here for the format for these) and ParseExact will read in the TimeSpan according to them.
Here is an example:
var formats = new[]{"h'h'", "h'h 'm'm'", "m'm'", "%m"};
// I have assumed that a single number means minutes
foreach (var item in new[]{"23","1h 45m","1h","45m"})
TimeSpan timespan;
if (TimeSpan.TryParseExact(item, formats, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out timespan))
// valid
The only problem with this is that it is rather inflexible. Additional whitespace in the middle will fail to validate. A more robust solution using Regex is:
var items = new[]{"23","1h 45m", "45m", "1h", "1h 45", "1h 45", "1h45m"};
foreach (var item in items)
var match = Regex.Match(item, #"^(?=\d)((?<hours>\d+)h)?\s*((?<minutes>\d+)m?)?$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
if (match.Success)
int hours;
int.TryParse(match.Groups["hours"].Value, out hours); // hours == 0 on failure
int minutes;
int.TryParse(match.Groups["minutes"].Value, out minutes);
Console.WriteLine(new TimeSpan(0, hours, minutes, 0));
Breakdown of the regex:
^ - start of string
(?=\d) - must start with a digit (do this because both parts are marked optional, but we want to make sure at least one is present)
((?<hours>\d+)h)? - hours (optional, capture into named group)
\s* - whitespace (optional)
((?<minutes>\d+)m?)? - minutes (optional, capture into named group, the 'm' is optional too)
$ - end of string
I would say that mhyfritz' solution is simple, efficient and good if your input is only what you shown.
If you ever need to handle corner cases, you can use a more discriminative expression:
But it can be overkill...
(get rid of ^ and $ if you need to detect such pattern in a larger body of text, of course).
Try this one: ^(?:(\d+)h\s*)?(?:(\d+)m?)?$:
var s = new[] { "1h 20m", "45m", "2h", "120", "1m 20m" };
foreach (var ss in s)
var m = Regex.Match(ss, #"^(?:(\d+)h\s*)?(?:(\d+)m?)?$");
int hour = m.Groups[1].Value == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
int min = m.Groups[2].Value == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value);
if (hour != 0 || min != 0)
Console.WriteLine("Hours: " + hour + ", Mins: " + min);
Console.WriteLine("No match!");
in bash
echo $string | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}' | sed s/[hm]/""/g
My String is : PI Last Name equal to one of
I need to have a regex which will greedily looks for up to 150 characters with a last character being a ','. And then replace the last ',' of the 150 with a <br />
Any suggestions pls?
I used this ','(?=[^()]*\)) but this one replaces all the occurences. I want the 150th ones to be replaced.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I managed to do it with Java code instead of regex.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(html);
int i = 0;
while ((i = sb.indexOf("','", i + 150)) != -1) {
int j = sb.lastIndexOf("','", i + 150);
sb.insert(i+1, "<BR>");
return sb.toString();
However, this breaks at the first encounter of ',' in the 150 chars.
Can anyone help modify my code to incorporate the break at the last occurence of ',' withing the 150 chars.
You'll want something like this:
Look for every occurrence of \([^)]+*,[^)]+*\) (Find a parenthesis-wrapped string with a comma in it and then run the following regular expression on each of the matched elements:
The first number is the minimum number of characters you want to match before you add a break tag -- the second is the maximum number of characters you would like to match before inserting a break tag. If there is no , between the characters in question then the regular expression will continue to consume characters until it finds a comma.
You could probably do it like this:
regex ~ /(^.{1,14}),/
replacement ~ '\1<replacement' or "$1<insert your text>"
In Perl:
$target = ','x 22;
$target =~ s/(^ .{1,14}) , /$1<15th comma>/x;
print $target;
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<15th comma>,,,,,,,
Edit: As an alternative, if you want to break the string up into succesive 150 or less
you could do it this way:
regex ~ /(.{1,150},)/sg
replacement ~ '\1<br/>' or "$1<br\/>"
// That is a regex of type global (/g) and include newlines (/s)
In Perl:
$target = "
if ($target =~ s/( .{1,150} , )/$1<br\/>/sxg) {
print $target;