Get time of execution piece of code - c++

How do I get milliseconds time of execution of a piece of code in Qt/C++?

Use the QTime class. Start it with .start() (or .restart()) and then check the amount of milliseconds passed with .elapsed(). Naturally, the precision ultimately depends on the underlying OS, although with the major platforms you should have no trouble getting a real millisecond resolution.

If you are running on a Windows system, then you can use timer based on the Windows Performace Timers and get microsecond timing.
Intel has a downloadable library at etimer libary. This is a small C routine that is fairly painless to use and gives very good results at the microsecond level

If you don't use Qt you can do it with a GetTickCount:
DWORD start = ::GetTickCount(); // start counter
// all the things your program does
DWORD end = ::GetTickCount(); // stop counter
DWORD duration = end - start;
std::cout << "Duration: " << duration << " ms" << std::endl;


Know if CPU supports nanoseconds

I am trying to get elapsed time in nanoseconds using C++ in visual studio. I did some testing and the measures always end with 00. Does it mean that my processor (Ryzen 7-1800X) doesn't support ~1 nanosecond resolution but only ~100ns? Can I enable it somehow?
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
auto elapsed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
long long nanoseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(elapsed).count();
std::cout << "\n" << nanoseconds << "\n";
In MSVC 2015+ std::chrono::high_resolution_clock is based on QueryPerformanceCounter, which has a 100ns resolution.
On Windows, QueryPerformanceCounter is the fastest userland timer.
If you want an even higher resolution, you can try the RDTSC instruction (__rdtsc) which returns the CPU cycle counter. But it's a very tricky one to use properly and is not recommended.
It seems on Windows you're pretty much stuck to a 100ns resolution. Keep in mind that in Windows world 100ns is a very short time - it equals roughly 300 instructions. Just one call to QueryPerformanceCounter already takes around 1000 instructions.

How to measure function running time in Qt?

I am calling argon2 - memory intensive hashing function in Qt and measuring its running time:
QTime start = QTime::currentTime();
// call hashing function
QTime finish = QTime::currentTime();
time = start.msecsTo(finish) / 1000.0;
In argon2 library's test case, time is measured in another way:
clock_t start = clock();
// call hashing function
clock_t finish = clock();
time = ((double)finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
I am calling the function exactly as they call in their test case. But I am getting a twice bigger number (twice slower). Why? How to measure function running time in Qt? What clock() actually measures?
env:virtualBox, Ubuntu14.04 64bit, Qt5.2.1, Qt Creator 3.0.1.
You could also try to use the QElapsedTimer:
QElapsedTimer timer;
qDebug() << "The slow operation took" << timer.elapsed() << "milliseconds";
qDebug() << "The slow operation took" << timer.nsecsElapsed() << "nanoseconds";
Documentation of QElapsed Timer
clock() isn't accurate for measuring time spend in functions. It just returns number of ticks for whole program while its on CPU rightnow, it doesn't count blocking IO operations or sleeps. It just counts ticks which your program is running on CPU (processing). If you put sleep in your code you will loose CPU and this time isn't counting with clock().
You have to use time() or gettimeofday() or more accurate rdtsc assembly instruction.
Lookat these questions :
clock() accuracy
Why is CLOCKS_PER_SEC not the actual number of clocks per second?
In Qt sources, you will see the Qt has used gettimeofday for implementing QTime::currentTime() under Unix : line 1854

boost chrono endTime - startTime returns negative in boost 1.51

The boost chrono library vs1.51 on my macbook pro returns negative times when I substract endTime - startTime. If you print the timepoints you see that the end time is earlier than the startTime. How can this happen?
typedef boost::chrono::steady_clock clock_t;
clock_t clock;
// Start time measurement
boost::chrono::time_point<clock_t> startTime =;
short test_times = 7;
// Spend some time...
for ( int i=0; i<test_times; ++i )
xnodeptr spResultDoc=parser.parse(inputSrc);
xstring sXmlResult = spResultDoc->str();
const char16_t* szDbg = sXmlResult.c_str();
BOOST_CHECK(spResultDoc->getNodeType()==xnode::DOCUMENT_NODE && sXmlResult == sXml);
// Stop time measurement
boost::chrono::time_point<clock_t> endTime =;
clock_t::duration elapsed( endTime - startTime);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Now time: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "Start time: " << startTime << std::endl;
std::cout << "End time: " << endTime << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Total Parse time: " << elapsed << std::endl;
std::cout << "Avarage Parse time per iteration: " << (boost::chrono::duration_cast<boost::chrono::milliseconds>(elapsed) / test_times) << std::endl;
I tried different clocks but no difference.
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT: Forgot to add the output:
Now time: 1 nanosecond since boot
Start time: 140734799802912 nanoseconds since boot
End time: 140734799802480 nanoseconds since boot
Total Parse time: -432 nanoseconds
Avarage Parse time per iteration: 0 milliseconds
Hyperthreading or just scheduling interference, the Boost implementation punts monotonic support to the OS:
POSIX: clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) although it still may fail due to kernel errors handling hyper-threading when calibrating the system.
WIN32: QueryPerformanceCounter() which on anything but Nehalem architecture or newer is not going to be monotonic across cores and threads.
OSX: mach_absolute_time(), i.e. the steady & high resolution clocks are the same. The source code shows that it uses RDTSC thus strict dependency upon hardware stability: i.e. no guarantees.
Disabling hyperthreading is a recommended way to go, but say on Windows you are really limited. Aside of dropping timer resolution the only available method is direct access to the underlying hardware timers whilst ensuring thread affinity.
It looks like a good time to submit a bug to Boost, I would recommend:
Win32: Use GetTick64Count(), as discussed here.
OSX: Use clock_get_time (SYSTEM_CLOCK) according to this question.

Measurement with boost::posix_time::microsec_clock has error more than ten microseconds?

I have the following code:
long long unsigned int GetCurrentTimestamp()
return res.QuadPart;
long long unsigned int initalizeFrequency()
return res.QuadPart;
//start time stamp
boost::posix_time::ptime startTime = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
long long unsigned int start = GetCurrentTimestamp();
// ....
// execution that should be measured
// ....
long long unsigned int end = GetCurrentTimestamp();
boost::posix_time::ptime endTime = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
boost::posix_time::time_duration duration = endTime - startTime;
std::cout << "Duration by Boost posix: " << duration.total_microseconds() <<std::endl;
std::cout << "Processing time is " << ((end - start) * 1000000 / initalizeFrequency())
<< " microsec "<< std::endl;
Result of this code is
Duration by Boost posix: 0
Processing time is 24 microsec
Why there is such a big divergence? Boost sucks as much as it should measure microseconds but it measures microseconds with tenth of microseconds error???
Posix time: microsec_clock:
Get the UTC time using a sub second resolution clock. On Unix systems this is implemented using GetTimeOfDay. On most Win32 platforms it is implemented using ftime. Win32 systems often do not achieve microsecond resolution via this API. If higher resolution is critical to your application test your platform to see the achieved resolution.
ftime simply does not provide microsecond resolution. The argument may contain the word microsecond but the implementation does not provide any accuracy in that range. It's granularity is in the ms regime.
You'd get something different than ZERO when you operation needs more time, say more than at least 20ms.
Edit: Note: In the long run the microsec_clock implementation for Windows should use the GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime function when possible (min. req. Windows 8 desktop, Windows Server 2012 desktop) to achieve microsecond resolution.
Unfortunately current Boost implementation of boost::posix_time::microsec_clock doesn't uses QueryPerformanceCounter Win32 API, it uses GetSystemTimeAsFileTime instead which in its turn uses GetSystemTime. But system time resolution is milliseconds (or even worse).

How to get system time in C++?

In fact i am trying to calculate the time a function takes to complete in my program.
So i am using the logic to get system time when i call the function and time when the function returns a value then by subtracting the values i get time it took to complete.
So if anyone can tell me some better approach or just how to get system time at an instance it would be quite a help
The approach I use when timing my code is the time() function. It returns a single numeric value to you representing the epoch which makes the subtraction part easier for calculation.
Relevant code:
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int startTime, endTime, totalTime;
startTime = time(NULL);
/* relevant code to benchmark in here */
endTime = time(NULL);
totalTime = endTime - startTime;
std::cout << "Runtime: " << totalTime << " seconds.";
return 0;
Keep in mind this is user time. For CPU, time see Ben's reply.
Your question is totally dependant on WHICH system you are using. Each system has its own functions for getting the current time. For finding out how long the system has been running, you'd want to access one of the "high resolution performance counters". If you don't use a performance counter, you are usually limited to microsecond accuracy (or worse) which is almost useless in profiling the speed of a function.
In Windows, you can access the counter via the 'QueryPerformanceCounter()' function. This returns an arbitrary number that is different on each processor. To find out how many ticks in the counter == 1 second, call 'QueryPerformanceFrequency()'.
If you're coding under a platform other than windows, just google performance counter and the system you are coding under, and it should tell you how you can access the counter.
Edit (clarification)
This is c++, just include windows.h and import the "Kernel32.lib" (seems to have removed my hyperlink, check out the documentation at: For C#, you can use the "System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter" class.
You can use time_t
Under Linux, try gettimeofday() for microsecond resolution, or clock_gettime() for nanosecond resolution.
(Of course the actual clock may have a coarser resolution.)
In some system you don't have access to the time.h header. Therefore, you can use the following code snippet to find out how long does it take for your program to run, with the accuracy of seconds.
void function()
time_t currentTime;
int startTime = currentTime;
/* Your program starts from here */
int timeElapsed = currentTime - startTime;
cout<<"It took "<<timeElapsed<<" seconds to run the program"<<endl;
You can use the solution with std::chrono described here: Getting an accurate execution time in C++ (micro seconds) you will have much better accuracy in your measurement. Usually we measure code execution in the round of the milliseconds (ms) or even microseconds (us).
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
long long microseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(elapsed).count();
std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << microseconds << " ms;