signal qt from a non-qt thread, QueuedConnection - c++

I am signaling my Qt GUI thread from a boost::thread, and I am using a Qt::QueuedConnection,
connect(src, SIGNAL(signal-signature), dest, SLOT(slot-signature), Qt::QueuedConnection);
and still, when I emit the signal my slot does not get called.
edit: I found the problem, it seems that I was connecting the signal later then my call, but I was sure of the otherwise since breakpoints stopped first on the GUI thread at the connect call and then on the dispatch thread that does the emit
ty everybody for the help and ideas :D

Check whether the slot name and signal name are correct. Usually, if there is a problem (incorrect name), this is signaled in the console (an error message). Also, you could check the result of the connect function call. It should return false in case of connection unsuccessful.

I would assume both threads need to be QThread with a QEventLoop to have that work.


How to monitor QThread

I am working on Qt application. There I would like to have worker thread doing some activities in background and I would like main thread to control it, restarting worker thread if it dies for some reason.
I have seen finished() signal emitted by the thread so I guess I could connect slot to it.
Is that the recommended way? If not, how could I achieve that?
If I use finished() signal how can I know difference between normal termination and error?
Thanks and regards
If you want to know whether you had an error or you had the process finished, simply create two signals, not one, and two slots, not one.
In the Qt documentation you have an example there, with a connection to handle the result:
connect(workerThread, &WorkerThread::resultReady, this, &MyObject::handleResults);
you're here connecting the signal resultReady with whatever method that handles the result. You create another one exactly like this, but with an error signal, and an error handler.
connect(workerThread, &WorkerThread::errorThrown, this, &MyObject::handleErrors);
Of course, another option is to simply pass a parameter with your signals/slots. It's a function call, and if you put some enum with that for the status or some int, that'll do.

How can I prevent transmission of execution control to the last executed function when a Qt signal is emitted?

I have a Qt C++ program. I have a main driver MainWindow and a TCPClient class. The TCPClient class is used to communicate with a remote server, transmit some data over TCP, request for processing of the data and receive processed data from server. In my TCPClient class, I am using QAbstractSocket signal disconnected. This is emitted when the connection with the server is disconnected. In the function (slot) which handles this disconnect signal (ifDisconnected), onCompletionCallback function of the MainWindow is called. Now my question is how do I prevent the transmission of execution back to TCPClient after the said onCompletionCallback finishes executing. What's following is incomplete code describing the issue;
void MainWindow::on_connectButton_clicked()
std::function<void(void)> callback std::bind(&MainWindow::onCompletetionCallback, this);
tcpClient_ = new TCPClient(callback)->connectToServer(someData);
void MainWindow::onCompletetionCallback()
QJsonDocument responseJson = tcpClient_->getResponse();
return; //When this finishes executing, I want to prevent the execution control to go back to TCPClient
void TCPClient::connectToServer(QJsonDocument requestJson)
// Removed code of other connect signals
connect(tcpSocket_, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &TCPClient::ifDisconnected);
void TCPClient::ifDisconnected()
// Here the callback is called. After the callback finishes executing, I don't want execution to return to `TCPClient`.
How do I solve this problem. I need to use the signal disconnected because QAbstractSocket doesn't provide any utility function to check if the connection is available.
You cannot and you should not prevent that the signal handler returns to caller. Otherwise, you would corrupt your call stack.
The actual question (for me) is: What is the caller of signal handler?
To understand what I mean, please, read the Qt doc. about QObject::connect() with special attention to Qt::ConnectionType.
The default is Qt::AutoConnection which means:
If the receiver lives in the thread that emits the signal, Qt::DirectConnection is used. Otherwise, Qt::QueuedConnection is used. The connection type is determined when the signal is emitted.
The slot is invoked immediately when the signal is emitted. The slot is executed in the signalling thread.
The most common case (for me) are signal handlers called for modifications of GUI objects (i.e. widgets, etc.) which modify data or other widgets in response (in strict single-threading manner). In this case, it is Qt::DirectConnection i.e. the widget signal emitter is the caller of my signal handler.
A possible error (I did once) is to delete the widget which emitted the signal (e.g. handling a close button event of a dialog) – bad idea: I destroyed the widget with a pending method call on call stack. After returning from my signal handler it ended in a crash. The caller method (the signal emitter) had no instance anymore, or in other words: its this was invalidated. (It's like sawing the limb you sit on.) (Btw. deleteLater could be one solution for this. I found SO: How delete and deleteLater works with regards to signals and slots in Qt? concerning this.)
Considering your code sample
connect(tcpSocket_, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &TCPClient::ifDisconnected);
I suspect this is a Qt::DirectConnection.
The other aspect: calling a main window function out of the TCP client thread is something which needs special attention as well. The caller is something in the TCP client thread but addresses an object (the main window) which resides in the (different) GUI thread. Phew. Everything (exept local variables) what is accessed in this called function must be mutex guarded if the GUI thread itself uses this as well.
So, what about the other options:
The slot is invoked when control returns to the event loop of the receiver's thread. The slot is executed in the receiver's thread.
For communication between threads, IMHO, the Qt::QueuedConnection is the safer way: The TCP client emits a signal which results in a respective entry in the event loop of the GUI thread (assuming the main window was given as receiver object). The GUI thread will pick up this entry while processing its event loop. In this case, the event loop of GUI thread is the caller of the signal handler. The TCP client thread didn't wait after sending the signal request but continued its processing. If this is not desired the third option comes into play:
Same as Qt::QueuedConnection, except that the signalling thread blocks until the slot returns. This connection must not be used if the receiver lives in the signalling thread, or else the application will deadlock.
The Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection lets the signal emitter (the TCP client) until the GUI thread has processed the signal handler. (The warning about the dead-lock is not effective here as the TCP client thread is the signaling thread where the GUI thread is the receiver.)
I'm a little bit uncertain what to recommend. I'm afraid your application needs a little bit re-design but for this the code sample is a little bit to incomplete.
A possible solution:
Introduce a Qt signal emitted when completion is required. The MainWindow::onCompletetionCallback() may be connected as signal handler to this TCP client signal using a Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection.
If the end of transmission is recognized it may perhaps destroy the TCP client thread. However, a thread which kills another thread is no good idea in general (and I'm not sure how Qt handles this "under the hood"). Therefore, a better concept would be: If the end of transmission is recognized the main thread flags the TCP client thread to leave it's main loop. Flagging could be done e.g. with a std::atomic<bool> (or you stay in Qt which has its own pendant QAtomicInt. The TCP client checks this flag in its main loop or at least after emitting a signal and exits in case.
A last hint:
If you are uncertain whether you understood the all the signal stuff correctly – I checked my understanding by putting a break point into the signal handler and inspecting the call stack when execution stopped at that break point. This is easy and straight forward (except you are dealing with mouse or drag & drop events).

How can I find the source of a Qt5 signal during gdb session?

I have set a break-point on a slot method and started up gdb to debug my Qt5 application. I would like to know from where in the code this slot gets called from (via the Qt5 signal system).
My naive approach ends in suspension of the program at the break-point, but the stack-trace is all Qt5 internals with no clue as to which part of the program actually sent the signal to this slot (or weather it was a queued or direct invocation:
Is this at all possible? How?
The only time you won't see the signal caller in the stack backtrace is when the connection is queued.
For direct connections you should see something like this:
0 Receiver::baz() <-- slot function that received the signal
1 Receiver::qt_static_metacall()
2 QMetaObject::activate()
3 Sender::bar() <-- function with the name of the signal
4 Sender::foo() <-- function that called emit
5 QWidget::event()
For queued connections, the situation is more complicated. But you can add the following to your slot:
QString __sender__ = sender()->metaObject()->className();
This will give you class name of the object, which had sent the signal. You can make it into a macro and sprinkle in your code.
Alternatively, if you have multiple objects of the same class and you need to know which one had sent the signal, you can use the sender() function and compare object address, etc.
Guessing that the signal and slot are connected through a Qt::QueuedConnection, I usually put a breakpoint in every emit of a signal connected to that slot in that case, if there aren't too many of them.
If you otherwise temporarily make it a Qt::DirectConnection (or Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection if across threads) you should be able to see the emission in the stack trace of the emitter thread, waiting for the slot to complete.

Qt Thread object only sending signal as Qt:DirectConnection - why?

I have a class derived from QThread: class MyClass : public QThread
This class is connected with a slot of another object. Originally this was connected as Qt::AutoConnection. But then - as soon as the thread is started (MyClass::run()) - the signal is no longer "reaching the slot" (why?).
// connected before myObject->run()
s = QObject::connect(
_myObject, SIGNAL(signalLogMessage(const QString&, QtMsgType)),
this, SLOT(slotLogMessage(const QString&, QtMsgType)), Qt::DirectConnection);
My first idea was that I need to force Qt::QueuedConnection (this / _myObject will be cross threaded). In this case it does not work at all. Only Qt::DirectConnection works. After the thread is started, IMHO Qt::QueuedConnection is the correct choice (cross thread).
Any idea what is going wrong? The connection itself seems to be correct, otherwise it was not working at (mean even not with Qt::DirectConnection).
Edit 1: -- As of hyde's answer / Nikos' comment
As of right now I think hyde's answer / Nikos' comment are pointing out the root cause. My QThread is running it's own message loop for another application. This is the reason why it is running in its own thread and is basically an infinite loop
run() {
// exec(); // while not reached
while (_runMessageLoop && ...) {
hr = CallDispatch(.....);
if (hr== 0) QThread::msleep(100);
// QCoreApplication::processEvents();
Guess due to this infinite loop the Qt message loop is not running and no signal / slots are processed (is this correct?) When forcing Qt::DirectConnection the methods are called directly with no Qt message loop required, this might be the reason why this is the only connection type working.
The question is now, how can I combine the Qt and my own message loop (if this is feasible)? Cannot call exec() before the loop (because then it is in the Qt loop), and just the QCoreApplication::processEvents(); in "my loop" is still not working.
=> see new Question here: How to combine own message loop and Qt event loop?
Hard to say without seeing all the code, but it may be because of this:
QThread object itself is not the thread, it's the thread controller. Most importantly, QThread object's thread affinity should not be the thread it controls. If your thread runs Qt event loop, then it's best to avoid subclassing QThread. Instead, have your logic (inter-thread slots etc) in another QObject, which you move to the thread you created with moveToThread after creating it. Only real reason to subclass QThread is to override run() method with one which does not call exec().
Related reading:
If you override QThread::run(), you have to call QThread::exec() there or event loop won't be running and no non-direct signal gets delivered to any QObject with that thread affinity. If you want to have your own event loop, that is possible, you just have to call QCoreApplication::processEvents() to process Qt events.

"QObject::startTimer: timers cannot be started from another thread" without timers && CPU consumption

I created a multithreaded application in Qt (4.7.2). Only the main thread has an event loop.
The issue is that sometimes I get the following warning in the console:
QObject::startTimer: timers cannot be started from another thread
After this happens, the app consumes 100% of CPU (I have a single core CPU). It seems, that the main thread consumes all of the CPU's resources. The program does not freeze, and everything still works.
When I stop the program in the debugger, I do not see my code in the call stack.
The problem is that I'm not using (explicitly, anyway) timers at all.
What could it be connected with? I know, that question is very common, but I can't even understand, what piece of code to show.
Thanks, to #vrince I've fixed the problem. I used signals/slots mechanism + Qt::QueuedConnection to communicate with GUI
For example, if I need to set text of QLabel from worker thread, I can make in my worker thread signal
void textChanged(QString);
then I connect this signal to the slot of QLabel using Qt::QueuedConnection
connect(worker, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), label, SLOT(setText(QString), Qt::QueuedConnection);
If I want to execute setText synchronously, I can use Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection
now in my worker thread I just emit signal:
emit textChanged(newText);
Also, it is possible to use QMetaObject functions to avoid signals and slots:
metaObject->invokeMethod(label, "setText", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, text));
One of several initially baffling PyQt "warnings" (with consequences) symptomatic of a single, classic cause: trying to manipulate GUI elements using a non-"application thread", without using signals and slots as you should.
See my answer here.