C++ vtable resolving with virtual inheritance - c++

I was curious about C++ and virtual inheritance - in particular, the way that vtable conflicts are resolved between bass and child classes. I won't pretend to understand the specifics on how they work, but what I've gleamed so far is that their is a small delay caused by using virtual functions due to that resolution. My question then is if the base class is blank - ie, its virtual functions are defined as:
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
Does this mean that the resolution is not necessary, because there's only one set of functions to pick from?
Forgive me if this is an stupid question - as I said, I don't understand how vtables work so I don't really know any better.
So if I have an abstract class with two seperate child classes:
/ \
/ \
There is no performance hit when calling functions from the child classes compared to say, just a single inheritance free class?

There is no hit for calling nonvirtual functions in the child class. If you're calling an overridden version of your pure virtual function as in your example, then the virtual penalty may still exist. In general it's difficult for compilers to optimize away the use of the virtual table except under very specific circumstances, where it knows the exact by-value type of the object in question (from context).
But seriously don't worry about the overhead. It's going to be so little that in practice you will almost certainly never encounter a situation where it's the part of code causing performance bottlenecks. Use virtual functions where they make sense for your design and don't worry about the (tiny) performance penalty.

I don't know what "one set of functions" you are talking about. You have two derived classes - B and C - with each having its own set of virtual functions. So, you have at least two sets, even if all functions in A are pure.
The virtual dispatch occurs when the compiler does not know the dynamic type of the object it is working with. For example, if your have a pointer A *p, it can point to an object of type B or type C. If the compiler does not know what is the actual type of the object p is pointing to, it will have to use virtual dispatch in order to call virtual functions through p.
P.S. There's no "virtual inheritance" in your example. The term virtual inheritance in C++ has its own meaning. And you are not talking about virtual inheritance here.

The 'double dispatch' hit only occurs when the method is virtual. If the derived method is not virtual, there is no performance hit.


Why should I mark all methods virtual in C++? Is there a trade-off?

I know why and how virtual methods work, and most of the time people tell me I should always mark a method virtual, but, I don't understand why if I'm not going to override it. And I also know there's a tiny memory issue.
Please explain me why I should mark all methods virtual and what's the trade-off.
Code example:
class Point
int x, y;
virtual void setX(int i);
virtual void setY(int i);
(That question is not equal to Should I mark all methods virtual? because I want to know the trade-off and because the programming language in the case is C++, not C#)
OBS: I'm sorry if there's any grammar error, English is not my native language.
No, you should not "mark all methods as virtual".
If you want the method to be virtual, then mark it as such. If not, leave the keyword out.
There is an overhead for virtual methods compared to regular ones. If you want to read more about this, check out the Wikipedia side about VTables.
The real reason to make member functions non-virtual is to enforce class invariants.
Advice to make all member functions virtual generally means that either:
The people giving the advice don't understand the class, or
the people giving the advice don't understand OO design.
Yes, there are a few cases (e.g., some abstract base classes, where the only class invariant is the existence of specific functions) in which all the functions should be virtual. Those are the exception though. In most classes, virtual functions should be restricted to those that you really intend to allow derived classes to provide new/different behavior.
As for the discussion of things like vtables and the overhead of virtual function calls, I'd say they're correct as far as they go, but they miss the really big point. Whether a particular function should or shouldn't be virtual is primarily a question of class design and only secondarily a question of function call overhead. The two don't do the same thing, so trying to compare overhead rarely makes sense.
That is not the case, ie, if you dont need a virtual function then dont use it. Also as per Bjarne Stroustrup Pay per use
In C++: --
Virtual functions have a slight performance penalty. Normally it is too small to make any difference but in a tight loop it might be
A virtual function increases the size of each object by one pointer. Again this is typically insignificant, but if you create
millions of small objects it could be a factor.
Classes with virtual functions are generally meant to be inherited from. The derived classes may replace some, all or none of the
virtual functions. This can create additional complexity and
complexity is the programmers mortal enemy. For example, a derived
class may poorly implement a virtual function. This may break a part
of the base class that relies on the virtual function.
One of C++'s basic principles is that you don't pay for what you don't need. virtual functions cost more than normal member functions in both time and space. Therefore you shouldn't always use them irregardless of whether or not you'll actually ever need them or not.
Making methods virtual has slight costs (more code, more complexity, larger binaries, slower method calls), and if the class is not inherited from it brings no benefit. Classes need to be designed for inheritance, otherwise inheriting from them is just begging to shoot yourself in the foot. So no, you should not always make every method virtual. The people who tell you this are probably just too inheritance-happy.
It is not true that all functions should be marked as virtual.
Indeed, there's a pattern for enforcing pre/postconditions which explicitly requires that public members are not virtual. It works as follows:
class Whatever
int frobnicate(int);
virtual int do_frobnicate(int);
int Whatever::frobnicate(int x)
int result = do_frobnicate(x);
check_postconditions(x, result);
return result;
Since derived classes cannot override the public function, they cannot remove the pre/postcondition checks. They can, however, override the protected do_frobnicate which does the actual work.
(Edit - I got to this question by way of a duplicate C# question, but the answer is still useful, I think! Edited to reflect that:)
Actually, C# has a good "official" reason: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/versioning-with-the-override-and-new-keywords
The first sentence there is:
The C# language is designed so that versioning between base and derived classes in different libraries can evolve and maintain backward compatibility.
So if you're writing a class and it's possible end-users will make derived classes, and it's possible different versions will get out of sync...all of a sudden it starts to be important. If you have carefully protected core aspects of your code, then if you update things, people can still use the old derived class (hopefully).
On the other hand, if you are okay with no one being able to used derived classes until their authors have updated to your newest version, everything can be virtual. I have seen this scenario in several "early access" games that allow modding - when the game version increases, all of a sudden a lot of mods are broken because they relied on things working one way...and they changed. (Okay, not all changes are related to this, but some are.)
It really depends on your usage scenario. If people can keep using your old version, maybe they don't care if you've updated it and are happy to keep using it with their derived classes. In a large business scenario, making everything virtual may very well be a recipe for breaking many things at once when someone updates something.
Does this apply to C++ as well? I don't see why not - C++ is also used for massive projects and would also face the dangers of multiple simultaneous versions.

Delegate part of an interface to a subclass in C++? [duplicate]

Here is what I am talking about
// some guy wrote this, used as a Policy with templates
struct MyWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
// ...
In some existing code, the people did not use templates, but interfaces+type-erasure
class IWriter {
virtual ~IWriter() {}
virtual void write(std::vector<char> const& data) = 0;
Someone else wanted to be usable with both approaches and writes
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
// other stuff
MyOwnClass is implemented-in-terms-of MyWriter. Why doesn't MyOwnClass' inherited member functions implement the interface of IWriter automatically? Instead the user has to write forwarding functions that do nothing but call the base class versions, as in
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
I know that in Java when you have a class that implements an interface and derives from a class that happens to have suitable methods, that base class automatically implements the interface for the derived class.
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
This is multiple inheritance, and there are two inherited functions with the same signature, both of which have implementation. That's where C++ is different from Java.
Calling write on an expression whose static type is MyBigClass would therefore be ambiguous as to which of the inherited functions was desired.
If write is only called through base class pointers, then defining write in the derived class is NOT necessary, contrary to the claim in the question. Now that the question changed to include a pure specifier, implementing that function in the derived class is necessary to make the class concrete and instantiable.
MyWriter::write cannot be used for the virtual call mechanism of MyBigClass, because the virtual call mechanism requires a function that accepts an implicit IWriter* const this, and MyWriter::write accepts an implicit MyWriter* const this. A new function is required, which must take into account the address difference between the IWriter subobject and the MyWriter subobject.
It would be theoretically possible for the compiler to create this new function automatically, but it would be fragile, since a change in a base class could suddenly cause a new function to be chosen for forwarding. It's less fragile in Java, where only single inheritance is possible (there's only one choice for what function to forward to), but in C++, which supports full multiple inheritance, the choice is ambiguous, and we haven't even started on diamond inheritance or virtual inheritance yet.
Actually, this problem (difference between subobject addresses) is solved for virtual inheritance. But it requires additional overhead that's not necessary most of the time, and a C++ guiding principle is "you don't pay for what you don't use".
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
Actually, no, it is extremely unnatural thing to have.
Please note that my reasoning is based on my own understanding of "common sense" and can be fundamentally flawed as a result.
You see, you have two different methods, first one in MyWriter, which is non virtual and second one in IWriter which is virtual. They are completely different despite "looking" similar.
I suggest to check this question. The good thing about non-virtual methods is that no matter what you do, as long as they don't call virtual methods, their behavior will never change. I.e. somebody deriving from your class with non-virtual methods will not break existing method by masking them. Virtual methods are designed to be overriden. The price of that is that it is possible to break underlying logic by improperly overriding virtual method. And this is a root of your problem.
Let's say what you propose is allowed. (automatic conversion to virtual with multiple inheritance) There two possible solutions:
Solution #1
MyWriter becomes virtual. Consequences: All existing C++ code in the world becomes easy to break via typo or name clash. MyWriter method was not supposed to be overriden initially, so suddenly turning it into virtual will (murphy's law) break underlying logic of MyWriter class when somebody derives from MyOwnClass. Which means that suddenly making MyWriter::write virtual is a bad idea.
Soluion #2
MyWriter remains static BUUUT it is included temporarily as a virtual method into IWriter, until overriden. At first glance there's nothing to worry about, but let's think about it. IWriter implements some kind of concept you had in mind, and it is supposed to do something. MyWriter implements another concept. To assign MyWriter::write as IWriter::write method you need two guarantees:
Compiler must ensure that MyWriter::write does what IWriter::write() is supposed to do.
Compiler must ensure that calling MyWriter::write from IWriter will not break existing functionality in MyWriter code programmer expects to use elsewhere.
So, the thing is that compiler cannot guarantee that. Functions have similar name and argument list, but by Murphy's law that means that they're prbably doing completely different thing. (sinf and cosf have same argument list, for example), and it is unlikely that compiler will be able to predict the future and make sure that at no point in development will MyWriter be changed in such way that it will become incompatible with IWriter. So, since machine can't make reasonable decision (no AI for that) by itself, it has to ask YOU, programmer - "What is it you wish to do?". And you say "redirect virtual method into MyWriter::write(). It totally won't break anything. I think.".
And that's why you must specify which method you want to use manually....
Doing it automatically would be unintuitive and surprising. C++ does not assume that multiple base classes are related to each other, and protects the user against name collisions between their members by defining nested name specifiers for nonstatic members. Adding implicit declarations to MyOwnClass where signatures from IWriter and MyWriter collide would be antithetical to protecting names.
However, C++11 extensions do bring us closer. Consider this:
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) final = MyWriter::write;
This mechanism would be safe because it expresses that MyWriter doesn't expect any further overrides, and convenient because it names the function signature that will be "joined" but nothing more. Also, final would be ill-formed if the function weren't implicitly virtual, so it checks that the signature matches the virtual interface.
On one hand, most interfaces don't just happen to match up this way. Defining this feature to work only with identical signatures would be safe but rarely useful. Defining it as a shortcut to a delegating function body would be useful but fragile. So it might not really be a good feature
On the other hand, this is a good design pattern to provide functionality which isn't virtual when you don't need it to be. So given this idiom, we might use it to write good code, even if it doesn't match up well with current practices.
Why doesn't C++ do that?
I'm not sure what you're asking here. Could C++ be rewritten to allow this? Yes, but to what end?
Because MyWriter and IWriter are completely different classes, it is illegal in C++ to call a member of MyWriter through an instance of IWriter. The member pointers have completely different types. And just as a MyWriter* is not convertible to a IWriter*, neither is a void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) convertible to a void (IWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&).
The rules of C++ don't change just because there could be a third class that combines the two. Neither class is a direct parent/child relative of one another. Therefore, they are treated as entirely distinct classes.
Remember: member functions always take an additional parameter: a this pointer to the object that they point to. You cannot call void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) on an IWriter*. The third class can have a method that casts itself into the proper base class, but it must actually have this method. So either you or the C++ compiler must create it. The rules of C++ require this.
Consider what would have to happen to make this work without a derived-class method.
A function gets an IWriter*. The user calls the write member of it, using nothing more than the IWriter* pointer. So... exactly how can the compiler generate the code to call MyWriter::writer? Remember: MyWriter::writer needs a MyWriter instance. And there is no relationship between IWriter and MyWriter.
So how exactly could the compiler do the type coercion locally? The compiler would have to check the virtual function to see if the actual function to be called takes IWriter or some other type. If it takes another type, it would have to convert the pointer to its true type, then do another conversion to the type needed by the virtual function. After doing all of that, it would then be able to make the call.
All of this overhead would affect every virtual call. All of them would have to at least check to see if the actual function to be call. Every call will also have to generate the code to do the type conversions, just in case.
Every virtual function call would have a "get type" and conditional branch in it. Even if it is never possible to trigger that branch. So you would be paying for something regardless of whether you use it or not. That's not the C++ way.
Even worse, a straight v-table implementation of virtual calls is no longer possible. The fastest method of doing virtual dispatch would not be a conforming implementation. The C++ committee is not going to make any change that would make such implementations impossible.
Again, to what end? Just so that you don't have to write a simple forwarding function?
Just make MyWriter derive from IWriter, eliminate the IWriter derivation in MyOwnClass, and move on with life. This should resolve the problem and should not interfere with the template code.

Why does C++ not let baseclasses implement a derived class' inherited interface?

Here is what I am talking about
// some guy wrote this, used as a Policy with templates
struct MyWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
// ...
In some existing code, the people did not use templates, but interfaces+type-erasure
class IWriter {
virtual ~IWriter() {}
virtual void write(std::vector<char> const& data) = 0;
Someone else wanted to be usable with both approaches and writes
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
// other stuff
MyOwnClass is implemented-in-terms-of MyWriter. Why doesn't MyOwnClass' inherited member functions implement the interface of IWriter automatically? Instead the user has to write forwarding functions that do nothing but call the base class versions, as in
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) {
I know that in Java when you have a class that implements an interface and derives from a class that happens to have suitable methods, that base class automatically implements the interface for the derived class.
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
This is multiple inheritance, and there are two inherited functions with the same signature, both of which have implementation. That's where C++ is different from Java.
Calling write on an expression whose static type is MyBigClass would therefore be ambiguous as to which of the inherited functions was desired.
If write is only called through base class pointers, then defining write in the derived class is NOT necessary, contrary to the claim in the question. Now that the question changed to include a pure specifier, implementing that function in the derived class is necessary to make the class concrete and instantiable.
MyWriter::write cannot be used for the virtual call mechanism of MyBigClass, because the virtual call mechanism requires a function that accepts an implicit IWriter* const this, and MyWriter::write accepts an implicit MyWriter* const this. A new function is required, which must take into account the address difference between the IWriter subobject and the MyWriter subobject.
It would be theoretically possible for the compiler to create this new function automatically, but it would be fragile, since a change in a base class could suddenly cause a new function to be chosen for forwarding. It's less fragile in Java, where only single inheritance is possible (there's only one choice for what function to forward to), but in C++, which supports full multiple inheritance, the choice is ambiguous, and we haven't even started on diamond inheritance or virtual inheritance yet.
Actually, this problem (difference between subobject addresses) is solved for virtual inheritance. But it requires additional overhead that's not necessary most of the time, and a C++ guiding principle is "you don't pay for what you don't use".
Why doesn't C++ do that? It seems like a natural thing to have.
Actually, no, it is extremely unnatural thing to have.
Please note that my reasoning is based on my own understanding of "common sense" and can be fundamentally flawed as a result.
You see, you have two different methods, first one in MyWriter, which is non virtual and second one in IWriter which is virtual. They are completely different despite "looking" similar.
I suggest to check this question. The good thing about non-virtual methods is that no matter what you do, as long as they don't call virtual methods, their behavior will never change. I.e. somebody deriving from your class with non-virtual methods will not break existing method by masking them. Virtual methods are designed to be overriden. The price of that is that it is possible to break underlying logic by improperly overriding virtual method. And this is a root of your problem.
Let's say what you propose is allowed. (automatic conversion to virtual with multiple inheritance) There two possible solutions:
Solution #1
MyWriter becomes virtual. Consequences: All existing C++ code in the world becomes easy to break via typo or name clash. MyWriter method was not supposed to be overriden initially, so suddenly turning it into virtual will (murphy's law) break underlying logic of MyWriter class when somebody derives from MyOwnClass. Which means that suddenly making MyWriter::write virtual is a bad idea.
Soluion #2
MyWriter remains static BUUUT it is included temporarily as a virtual method into IWriter, until overriden. At first glance there's nothing to worry about, but let's think about it. IWriter implements some kind of concept you had in mind, and it is supposed to do something. MyWriter implements another concept. To assign MyWriter::write as IWriter::write method you need two guarantees:
Compiler must ensure that MyWriter::write does what IWriter::write() is supposed to do.
Compiler must ensure that calling MyWriter::write from IWriter will not break existing functionality in MyWriter code programmer expects to use elsewhere.
So, the thing is that compiler cannot guarantee that. Functions have similar name and argument list, but by Murphy's law that means that they're prbably doing completely different thing. (sinf and cosf have same argument list, for example), and it is unlikely that compiler will be able to predict the future and make sure that at no point in development will MyWriter be changed in such way that it will become incompatible with IWriter. So, since machine can't make reasonable decision (no AI for that) by itself, it has to ask YOU, programmer - "What is it you wish to do?". And you say "redirect virtual method into MyWriter::write(). It totally won't break anything. I think.".
And that's why you must specify which method you want to use manually....
Doing it automatically would be unintuitive and surprising. C++ does not assume that multiple base classes are related to each other, and protects the user against name collisions between their members by defining nested name specifiers for nonstatic members. Adding implicit declarations to MyOwnClass where signatures from IWriter and MyWriter collide would be antithetical to protecting names.
However, C++11 extensions do bring us closer. Consider this:
class MyOwnClass: private MyWriter, public IWriter {
void write(std::vector<char> const& data) final = MyWriter::write;
This mechanism would be safe because it expresses that MyWriter doesn't expect any further overrides, and convenient because it names the function signature that will be "joined" but nothing more. Also, final would be ill-formed if the function weren't implicitly virtual, so it checks that the signature matches the virtual interface.
On one hand, most interfaces don't just happen to match up this way. Defining this feature to work only with identical signatures would be safe but rarely useful. Defining it as a shortcut to a delegating function body would be useful but fragile. So it might not really be a good feature
On the other hand, this is a good design pattern to provide functionality which isn't virtual when you don't need it to be. So given this idiom, we might use it to write good code, even if it doesn't match up well with current practices.
Why doesn't C++ do that?
I'm not sure what you're asking here. Could C++ be rewritten to allow this? Yes, but to what end?
Because MyWriter and IWriter are completely different classes, it is illegal in C++ to call a member of MyWriter through an instance of IWriter. The member pointers have completely different types. And just as a MyWriter* is not convertible to a IWriter*, neither is a void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) convertible to a void (IWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&).
The rules of C++ don't change just because there could be a third class that combines the two. Neither class is a direct parent/child relative of one another. Therefore, they are treated as entirely distinct classes.
Remember: member functions always take an additional parameter: a this pointer to the object that they point to. You cannot call void (MyWriter::*)(const std::vector<char>&) on an IWriter*. The third class can have a method that casts itself into the proper base class, but it must actually have this method. So either you or the C++ compiler must create it. The rules of C++ require this.
Consider what would have to happen to make this work without a derived-class method.
A function gets an IWriter*. The user calls the write member of it, using nothing more than the IWriter* pointer. So... exactly how can the compiler generate the code to call MyWriter::writer? Remember: MyWriter::writer needs a MyWriter instance. And there is no relationship between IWriter and MyWriter.
So how exactly could the compiler do the type coercion locally? The compiler would have to check the virtual function to see if the actual function to be called takes IWriter or some other type. If it takes another type, it would have to convert the pointer to its true type, then do another conversion to the type needed by the virtual function. After doing all of that, it would then be able to make the call.
All of this overhead would affect every virtual call. All of them would have to at least check to see if the actual function to be call. Every call will also have to generate the code to do the type conversions, just in case.
Every virtual function call would have a "get type" and conditional branch in it. Even if it is never possible to trigger that branch. So you would be paying for something regardless of whether you use it or not. That's not the C++ way.
Even worse, a straight v-table implementation of virtual calls is no longer possible. The fastest method of doing virtual dispatch would not be a conforming implementation. The C++ committee is not going to make any change that would make such implementations impossible.
Again, to what end? Just so that you don't have to write a simple forwarding function?
Just make MyWriter derive from IWriter, eliminate the IWriter derivation in MyOwnClass, and move on with life. This should resolve the problem and should not interfere with the template code.

When to mark a function in C++ as a virtual?

Because of C++ nature of static-binding for methods, this affects the polymorphic calls.
From Wikipedia:
Although the overhead involved in this dispatch mechanism is low, it
may still be significant for some application areas that the language
was designed to target. For this reason, Bjarne Stroustrup, the
designer of C++, elected to make dynamic dispatch optional and
non-default. Only functions declared with the virtual keyword will be
dispatched based on the runtime type of the object; other functions
will be dispatched based on the object's static type.
So the code:
Polygon* p = new Triangle;
provided that area() is a non-virtual function in Parent class that is overridden in the Child class, the code above will call the Parent's class method which might not be expected by the developer. (thanks to the static-binding I've introduced)
So, If I want to write a class to be used by others (e.g library), should I make all my functions to be virtual for the such previous code to run as expected?
The simple answer is if you intend functions of your class to be overridden for runtime polymorphism you should mark them as virtual, and not if you don't intend so.
Don't mark your functions virtual just because you feel it imparts additional flexibility, rather think of your design and purpose of exposing an interface. For ex: If your class is not designed to be inherited then making your member functions virtual will be misleading. A good example of this is Standard Library containers,which are not meant to be inherited and hence they do not have virtual destructors.
There are n no of reasons why not to mark all your member functions virtual, to quote some performance penalties, non-POD class type and so on, but if you really intent that your class is intended for run time overidding then that is the purpose of it and its about and over the so-called deficiencies.
Mark it virtual if derived classes should be able to override that method. It's as simple as that.
In terms of memory performance, you get a virtual pointer table if anything is virtual, so one way to look at it is "please one, please all". Otherwise, as the others say, mark them as virtual if you want them to be overridable such that calling that method on a base class means that the specialized versions are run.
As a general rule, you should only mark a function virtual if the class is explicitly designed to be used as a base class, and that function is designed to be overridden. In practice, most virtual functions will be pure virtual in the base class. And except in cases of call inversion, where you explicitly don't provide a contract for the overriding function, virtual functions should be private (or at the most protected), and wrapped with non-virtual functions enforcing the contract.
That's basically the idea ; actually if you are using a parent class, I don't think you'll need to override every methods so just make them virtual if you think you'll use it this way.

C++ : implications of making a method virtual

Should be a newbie question...
I have existing code in an existing class, A, that I want to extend in order to override an existing method, A::f().
So now I want to create class B to override f(), since I don't want to just change A::f() because other code depends on it.
To do this, I need to change A::f() to a virtual method, I believe.
My question is besides allowing a method to be dynamically invoked (to use B's implementation and not A's) are there any other implications to making a method virtual? Am I breaking some kind of good programming practice? Will this affect any other code trying to use A::f()?
Please let me know.
edit: my question was more along the lines of is there anything wrong with making someone else's method virtual? even though you're not changing someone else's implementation, you're still having to go into someone's existing code and make changes to the declaration.
If you make the function virtual inside of the base class, anything that derives from it will also have it virtual.
Once virtual, if you create an instance of A, then it will still call A::f.
If you create an instance of B and store it in a pointer of type A*. And then you call A*::->f, then it will call B's B::f.
As for side effects, there probably won't be any side effects, other than a slight (unnoticeable) performance loss.
There is a very small side effect as well, there could be a class C that also derives from A, and it may implement C::f, and expect that if A*::->f was called, then it expects A::f to be called. But this is not very common.
But more than likely, if C exists, then it does not implement C::f at all, and in which case everything is fine.
Be careful though, if you are using an already compiled library and you are modifying it's header files, what you are expecting to work probably will not. You will need to recompile the header and source files.
You could consider doing the following to avoid side effects:
Create a type A2 that derives from A and make it's f virtual
Use pointers of type A2 instead of A
Derive B from type A2.
In this way anything that used A will work in the same way guaranteed
Depending on what you need you may also be able to use a has-a relationship instead of a is-a.
There is a small implied performance penalty of a vtable lookup every time a virtual function is called. If it were not virtual, function calls are direct, since the code location is known at compile time. Wheras at runtime, a virtual function address must be referenced from the vtable of the object you're calling upon.
To do this, I need to change A::f() to
a virtual method, I believe.
Nope, you do not need to change it to a virtual method in order to override it. However, if you are using polymorphism you need to, i.e. if you have a lot of different classes deriving from A but stored as pointers to A.
There's also a memory overhead for virtual functions because of the vtable (apart from what spoulson mentioned)
There are other ways of accomplishing your goal. Does it make sense for B to be an A? For example, it makes sense for a Cat to be an Animal, but not for a Cat to be a Dog. Perhaps both A and B should derive from a base class, if they are related.
Is there just common functionality you can factor out? It sounds to me like you'll never be using these classes polymorphically, and just want the functionality. I would suggest you take that common functionality out and then make your two separate classes.
As for cost, if you're using A ad B directly, the compile will by-pass any virtual dispatching and just go straight to the functions calls, as if they were never virtual. If you pass a B into a place expecting `A1 (as a reference or pointer), then it will have to dispatch.
There are 2 performance hits when speaking about virtual methods.
vtable dispatching, its nothing to really worry about
virtual functions are never inlined, this can be much worse than the previous one, function inlining is something that can really speed things in some situations, it can never happen with a virtual function.
How kosher it is to change somebody else's code depends entirely on the local mores and customs. It isn't something we can answer for you.
The next question is whether the class was designed to be inherited from. In many cases, classes are not, and changing them to be useful base classes, without changing other aspects, can be tricky. A non-base class is likely to have everything private except the public functions, so if you need to access more of the internals in B you'll have to make more modifications to A.
If you're going to use class B instead of class A, then you can just override the function without making it virtual. If you're going to create objects of class B and refer to them as pointers to A, then you do need to make f() virtual. You also should make the destructor virtual.
It is good programming practise to use virtual methods where they are deserved. Virtual methods have many implications as to how sensible your C++ Class is.
Without virtual functions you cannot create interfaces in C++. A interface is a class with all undefined virtual functions.
However sometimes using virtual methods is not good. It doesn't always make sense to use a virtual methods to change the functionality of an object, since it implies sub-classing. Often you can just change the functionality using function objects or function pointers.
As mentioned a virtual function creates a table which a running program will reference to check what function to use.
C++ has many gotchas which is why one needs to be very aware of what they want to do and what the best way of doing it is. There aren't as many ways of doing something as it seems when compared to runtime dynamic OO programming languages such as Java or C#. Some ways will be either outright wrong, or will eventually lead to undefined behavior as your code evolves.
Since you have asked a very good question :D, I suggest you buy Scott Myer's Book: Effective C++, and Bjarne Stroustrup's book: The C++ Programming Language. These will teach you the subtleties of OO in C++ particularly when to use what feature.
If thats the first virtual method the class is going to have, you're making it no longer a POD. This can break things, although the chances for that are slim.
POD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_old_data_structures