Matplotlib and WSGI/mod_python not working on Apache - django

Everything works as supposed to on the Django development server. In Apache, the django app also works except when matplotlib is used. Here's the error I get:
No module named multiarray.
Exception Type: ImportError
Exception Value: No module named multiarray
Exception Location: /usr/share/pyshared/numpy/core/ in <module>, line 81
Python Executable: /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.6.4
From the python shell, both statements work: import numpy.core.multiarray and import multiarray. Any ideas?
As I'm looking over the numpy files, I found the multiarray module, which has an extension of 'so'. My guess, is that mod_python is not reading these files.

Problem solved. Here's what I did.
First of all, before I was getting the import error:
"No module named multiarray."
I was getting an error like this:
": Failed to create /some/dir/.matplotlib; consider setting MPLCONFIGDIR to a writable directory for matplotlib configuration data"
By adding the pyshared folder to the PythonPath variable, this error went away and I got the import error.
So here's how I fixed it:
Removed the pyshared folder from the PythonPath variable.
Before importing the matplotlib module, add these lines:
import os
Next, before import matplotlib.pyplot or pylab, add these lines:
import matplotlib
# 'Agg' or whatever your backend is.
This is documented here.
That's is! It's working on python2.5 for me now. But I believe it'll work on 2.6 as well.

On Win32 I solved a similar problem (not being able to load pyd modules through ISAPI_WSGI (IIS)) by downgrading from py2.6.5 to py2.5. It seems like this might be a Python bug that has been re-introduced. See for example this discussion.


Python doesn't seem to find installed module anymore

I apologies for the trivial question but when I tried to run a few scripts this morning that had been working for months I came across the following error message:
import scipy.stats
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-5-b66176eb2d0a>", line 1, in <module>
import scipy.stats
ImportError: No module named stats
So I get the problem that Python doesn't seem to find the stats package in the scipy folder, yet I double checked that I indeed had a scipy folder in the Python install directory as well as a stats folder within the scipy folder.
I do have the following: C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\
I use Spyder, I tried reloading the kernel, closing and reopening Spyder but nothing seems to work.
Further info;
I do have an in the scipy folder.
The import scipy command works
attempts to load other packages within scipy also throw the error
Any help would be very welcome if you encountered the same problem before !
Okay so I restarted the kernel from the python console once more and did the following, which works:
import os
Out[2]: 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages'
from scipy import stats
The bug has now moved on to another package...
I suspect that when I am running my script which is located on another drive Python struggles to find the packages. My puzzles me is that it didn't use to.

cannot import name module with module correctly installed

new in python.
I have python 2.7.
I just installed a new module (beatifulsoup) from cmd in windows 7 which is correctly installed : When I enter the python consol from the cmd I can import succesfully bs4 without error.
My problem is that I cannot import it when I am using Aptana studio. Or if I code it in sublimetext and save it as a py file, when I run it I get the error message "cannot import name beautifulsoup 4". I don't get why? Is it a problem of pydev environment on aptana? If yes how can I add modules to Aptana and sublimetext3 ?
Are you trying to import like this:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
If not, try it that way. Hope this helps!
(Perhaps you should add your import statement to the question so we can see if there is a problem with the statement or if the issue resides somewhere else)

No module named os.path : wrong Python being called by bash

OS: CentOS 6.6
Python 2.7
So, I've (re)installed Canopy after it suddenly stopped working after an abrupt shutdown. It worked fine immediately after the install (I installed as my default Python). But after one reboot, when I try to open it with /root/Canopy/canopy (the icon under applications no longer works, either), I get the following error:
(Canopy 64bit) [xxuser#xxlinux ~]$ /root/Canopy/canopy Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/xxuser/qiime_software/sphinx-1.0.4-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 73, in <module>
__boot() File "/home/xxuser/qiime_software/sphinx-1.0.4-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 2, in __boot
import sys, imp, os, os.path ImportError: No module named path
I found this link: Python - os.path doesn't exist: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'path', but both of my and os.pyc were 250 and 700 bytes, respectively. There was another file called which was 0 bytes and site.pyc was about 100 bytes. What are these files? And would deleting them hurt anything (which is what they did)? And why is this happening after reboot? (using reboot command).
I also found this:!topic/spyderlib/hKB15JYyLqM , which could be relevant. I've updated my python path before with sys.path.append('/..')
My guess is that for some reason os.path isn't in sys.path? and __boot can't find it? But I'm new to Python and Linux and want to know what I'm doing before I go modifying any boot files, paths, etc.
Thanks in advance.
More information (saw that I'm supposed to update new info in an edit to original question. New to this.)
From one of the comments:
This is what I got:
import os.path
import posixpath
module 'posixpath' from '/home/xxuser/qiime_software/python-2.7.3-release/lib/python2.7/posixpath.pyc'
module 'posixpath' from '/home/xxuser/qiime_software/python-2.7.3-release/lib/python2.7/posixpath.pyc'
Looks like os.path is there.
Could this have to do with a permissions error? I have it installed to /root/Canopy/canopy and I found this: (section 15.1.4). Does that make sense?
I'm also not sure if the following is related, but it might possibly. I can no longer seem to update my path with sys.path.append('/file/path/here'). It works until I close the terminal, then I have to re-append the next time I want to call a module from the new directory. Are sys.path and os.path related in any way?
Just fixed this on OSX with:
brew uninstall python
brew install python
No idea why, never seen it in 5 years of working with Python :S
It turns out that I was onto something with my last comment.
I'd downloaded a bunch of biology modules that depend on python, and so many of them came with their own install. When I added the modules to ~/.bashrc, my bash began calling them in advance of my original CentOS install. Resetting ~/.bashrc and restarting (for some reason source ~/.bashrc didn't work) eliminated all of the extra stuff I'd added to my $PATH and Canopy began working again. I'm going to go through and remove the extra installations of python and hopefully the issue will be behind me. Thanks to everyone who posted answers, especially A.J., because that's what got me thinking about .bashrc .
Edit: With some better understanding, this was all because of using python in a virtual environment. Canopy was resetting my path every time I opened it. I'm using a self-installed virtual environment now and have configured my path.
Try seeing if you have posixpath by typing import posixpath:
>>> import os.path
>>> os.path
<module 'posixpath' from '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/posixpath.pyc'>
>>> ^D
bash-3.2$ python
>>> import posixpath
>>> posixpath
<module 'posixpath' from '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/posixpath.pyc'>

Python 2.7 : Import a module situated in a subdirectory from a different subdirectory

Here's my code configuration:
My goal is to be able to import the foo module from, but I'm getting quite confused on how to do it.
Something such as:
from import *
Will raise the following error:
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
Ideally I'd like to be able to run my script in the following fashion:
python ./module1/
You haven't shown how you are invoking the script, but you need to ensure that your scripts are actually packages in your python path. That's basically what the error message is telling you, you were trying to import a "non-package". You probably don't have your top-level in the python path. For example ...
If your top-level module is called app and your configuration is
You can run your script as follows.
cd <path-to-app>
Works for me.

How to overcome ImportError: cannot import name XXXX

I have pulled some working Django code from a repo and am trying to set up my local windows 7 dev environment. I have what I think is a suitable version of Python (2.7.6) and a copy of Django 1.5.4.
When I tried python runserver, I got various ImportErrors.
One by one, I did a pip install XXXX and they went away.
But now I am stuck with this error;
ImportError: cannot import name parse_html_config
I'm only a few days into Python & Django so am unclear - but I think this import is part of commandtools package, so I did pip install commandtools. I got the message that commandtools was already installed.
When I search my project, I can't find from XXXX import parse_html_config anyway, so I don't know where to look next, can anyone help please?
The whole output is;
(swoopenv) C:\django workspace\swoopenv\swoop\swoop>python runserver
C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management\ DeprecationWarning: The 'execute_manager' function is deprecated, you
likely need to update your ''; please see the Django 1.4 release notes (
C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management\ DeprecationWarning: The 'setup_environ' function is deprecated, you li
kely need to update your ''; please see the Django 1.4 release notes (
C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\conf\ DeprecationWarning: You have no filters defined on the 'mail_admins' logging hand
ler: adding implicit debug-false-only filter. See
ImportError: cannot import name parse_html_config