How to overcome ImportError: cannot import name XXXX - django

I have pulled some working Django code from a repo and am trying to set up my local windows 7 dev environment. I have what I think is a suitable version of Python (2.7.6) and a copy of Django 1.5.4.
When I tried python runserver, I got various ImportErrors.
One by one, I did a pip install XXXX and they went away.
But now I am stuck with this error;
ImportError: cannot import name parse_html_config
I'm only a few days into Python & Django so am unclear - but I think this import is part of commandtools package, so I did pip install commandtools. I got the message that commandtools was already installed.
When I search my project, I can't find from XXXX import parse_html_config anyway, so I don't know where to look next, can anyone help please?
The whole output is;
(swoopenv) C:\django workspace\swoopenv\swoop\swoop>python runserver
C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management\ DeprecationWarning: The 'execute_manager' function is deprecated, you
likely need to update your ''; please see the Django 1.4 release notes (
C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management\ DeprecationWarning: The 'setup_environ' function is deprecated, you li
kely need to update your ''; please see the Django 1.4 release notes (
C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\conf\ DeprecationWarning: You have no filters defined on the 'mail_admins' logging hand
ler: adding implicit debug-false-only filter. See
ImportError: cannot import name parse_html_config


django-datatable-view==0.9.0 Django 3.1.3: ImportError: cannot import name 'get_datatable_structure'

I am using the latest package django-datatable-view 0.9.0 in django 3.1.3 (upgrading from django 1.8.6)
When a I run run server I get the following error:
File "/mcvitty/mcvitty/customers/", line 14, in <module>
from datatableview.utils import get_datatable_structure
ImportError: cannot import name 'get_datatable_structure'
Upgrading the package is not an option as I am already using the latest package. I have searched datatableview get_datatable_structure but I cannot find it. What can I do to fix the error? Thank you for your help
There's a pending PR for that package to fix things for Django 3.1.
You'll need to either
wait until that is merged and a new version released, or
fork the project, merge the fixes you need, bump the version, and use that patched version as a requirement (e.g.

ImportError sayins module dot not exist, but is already installed

I had to install new package on my project to handle with Base64 images from my API, so i installed django-extra-fields, so far so good, i have made my testes locally, everything working just fine, when i pushed my changes to production and installed the new package running pip install django-extra-fields with right virtualenv on, i just keep getting the error ImportError at /
No module named drf_extra_fields.fields
That seens a silly mistake, so i checked my code like 100 times so far, and everything is right
I'm using Django 1.11 with Python 2.7
My vm is called: vm-prod_cfr_nuvem
When i run pip freeze show all my packages:
(vm-prod_cfr_nuvem) [~ site-packages]$ pip freeze
And if i enter in vm site-packages path, i can see that is installed there
on my view where the show the error, as you can see, is the same path as the last one in list
ImportError at /
No module named drf_extra_fields.fields
Python Path:
Obs.: I thought that somehow my server is not using my VM or something like it... so i activate it manually on my terminal and run python shell and tried to import the lib import drf_extra_fields im still getting the same error
Obs2.: Didnt found anyone with same problem using that lib, and there is no issues about it, so probabily is my misconfiguration rather than something broke in the lib
Package Page:
That error make me crazy... i solved it going back 1 small version... so instead of using 2.0.2 i'm using 2.0.1, the odd thing is... the 2.0.2 still working on my local environment, but dont work on production, and dont seems be environment problem cuz my server match all requirements to use that lib

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'textencoder' error when upgraded to python 3

Currently I have migrated my python2 django project to python 3 & after conversion to py3 I am getting below kind of error for below code.
from hubarcode.code128 import Code128Encoder
encoder = Code128Encoder(pur_num, {'is_reliable': False})
Trackeback is as below.
from hubarcode.code128 import Code128Encoder
File "D:\my_project\venv\lib\site-packages\hubarcode\", line 16, in
from textencoder import TextEncoder
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'textencoder'
I have tried to search for solution online on google but not able to solve it.
Any suggestions ?
I am able to solve issue by using pyStrich.
First you need to install pyStrich using pip3 install pyStrich and after thatn
What you need to do is just replace from hubarcode.code128 import Code128Encoder with
from pystrich.code128 import Code128Encoder.
I hope it may help others who have been facing same kind of problem.
pip freeze will show it if you have this module installed in your venv
pip install textencoder to resolve problem

ImportError: No module named vaderSentiment

I'm trying to run a code in python2.7 on windows os that uses sentiment analysis
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
and I'm getting this error
ImportError: No module named vaderSentiment
Can anyone help me with this?
Assuming you solved this one as it's from 7 months ago, but for anyone else searching for it:
Go into terminal/cmd and paste the following:
pip install vaderSentiment
More info on VADER:
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
#note: depending on how you installed (e.g., using source code download versus pip install), you may need to import like this:
#from vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
read the comment in a code
Try running your file with Python3 instead of just python. Sometimes when you have different pips/pythons installed on your computer you might have vaderSentiment installed in python2 when you need to run it in python3.

Matplotlib and WSGI/mod_python not working on Apache

Everything works as supposed to on the Django development server. In Apache, the django app also works except when matplotlib is used. Here's the error I get:
No module named multiarray.
Exception Type: ImportError
Exception Value: No module named multiarray
Exception Location: /usr/share/pyshared/numpy/core/ in <module>, line 81
Python Executable: /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.6.4
From the python shell, both statements work: import numpy.core.multiarray and import multiarray. Any ideas?
As I'm looking over the numpy files, I found the multiarray module, which has an extension of 'so'. My guess, is that mod_python is not reading these files.
Problem solved. Here's what I did.
First of all, before I was getting the import error:
"No module named multiarray."
I was getting an error like this:
": Failed to create /some/dir/.matplotlib; consider setting MPLCONFIGDIR to a writable directory for matplotlib configuration data"
By adding the pyshared folder to the PythonPath variable, this error went away and I got the import error.
So here's how I fixed it:
Removed the pyshared folder from the PythonPath variable.
Before importing the matplotlib module, add these lines:
import os
Next, before import matplotlib.pyplot or pylab, add these lines:
import matplotlib
# 'Agg' or whatever your backend is.
This is documented here.
That's is! It's working on python2.5 for me now. But I believe it'll work on 2.6 as well.
On Win32 I solved a similar problem (not being able to load pyd modules through ISAPI_WSGI (IIS)) by downgrading from py2.6.5 to py2.5. It seems like this might be a Python bug that has been re-introduced. See for example this discussion.