Adding virtual functions without modifying the original classes - c++

Let's say we already have a hierarchy of classes, e.g.
class Shape { virtual void get_area() = 0; };
class Square : Shape { ... };
class Circle : Shape { ... };
Now let's say that I want to (effectively) add a virtual draw() = 0 method to Shape with appropriate definitions in each sub-class. However, let's say I want to do this without modifying those classes (as they are part of a library that I don't want to change).
What would be the best way to go about this?
Whether or not I actually "add" a virtual method or not is not important, I just want polymorphic behaviour given an array of pointers.
My first thought would be to do this:
class IDrawable { virtual void draw() = 0; };
class DrawableSquare : Square, IDrawable { void draw() { ... } };
class DrawableCircle : Circle, IDrawable { void draw() { ... } };
and then just replace all creations of Squares and Circles with DrawableSquares and DrawableCircles, respectively.
Is that the best way to accomplish this, or is there something better (preferably something that leaves the creation of Squares and Circles intact).
Thanks in advance.

(I do propose a solution down further... bear with me...)
One way to (almost) solve your problem is to use a Visitor design pattern. Something like this:
class DrawVisitor
void draw(const Shape &shape); // dispatches to correct private method
void visitSquare(const Square &square);
void visitCircle(const Circle &circle);
Then instead of this:
Shape &shape = getShape(); // returns some Shape subclass
shape.draw(); // virtual method
You would do:
DrawVisitor dv;
Shape &shape = getShape();
Normally in a Visitor pattern you would implement the draw method like this:
DrawVisitor::draw(const Shape &shape)
But that only works if the Shape hierarchy was designed to be visited: each subclass implements the virtual method accept by calling the appropriate visitXxxx method on the Visitor. Most likely it was not designed for that.
Without being able to modify the class hierarchy to add a virtual accept method to Shape (and all subclasses), you need some other way to dispatch to the correct draw method. One naieve approach is this:
DrawVisitor::draw(const Shape &shape)
if (const Square *pSquare = dynamic_cast<const Square *>(&shape))
else if (const Circle *pCircle = dynamic_cast<const Circle *>(&shape))
// etc.
That will work, but there is a performance hit to using dynamic_cast that way. If you can afford that hit, it is a straightforward approach that is easy to understand, debug, maintain, etc.
Suppose there was an enumeration of all shape types:
enum ShapeId { SQUARE, CIRCLE, ... };
and there was a virtual method ShapeId Shape::getId() const = 0; that each subclass would override to return its ShapeId. Then you could do your dispatch using a massive switch statement instead of the if-elsif-elsif of dynamic_casts. Or perhaps instead of a switch use a hashtable. The best case scenario is to put this mapping function in one place, so that you can define multiple visitors without having to repeat the mapping logic each time.
So you probably don't have a getid() method either. Too bad. What's another way to get an ID that is unique for each type of object? RTTI. This is not necessarily elegant or foolproof, but you can create a hashtable of type_info pointers. You can build this hashtable in some initialization code or build it dynamically (or both).
DrawVisitor::init() // static method or ctor
typeMap_[&typeid(Square)] = &visitSquare;
typeMap_[&typeid(Circle)] = &visitCircle;
// etc.
DrawVisitor::draw(const Shape &shape)
type_info *ti = typeid(shape);
typedef void (DrawVisitor::*VisitFun)(const Shape &shape);
VisitFun visit = 0; // or default draw method?
TypeMap::iterator iter = typeMap_.find(ti);
if (iter != typeMap_.end())
visit = iter->second;
else if (const Square *pSquare = dynamic_cast<const Square *>(&shape))
visit = typeMap_[ti] = &visitSquare;
else if (const Circle *pCircle = dynamic_cast<const Circle *>(&shape))
visit = typeMap_[ti] = &visitCircle;
// etc.
if (visit)
// will have to do static_cast<> inside the function
Might be some bugs/syntax errors in there, I haven't tried compiling this example. I have done something like this before -- the technique works. I'm not sure if you might run into problems with shared libraries though.
One last thing I'll add: regardless of how you decide to do the dispatch, it probably makes sense to make a visitor base class:
class ShapeVisitor
void visit(const Shape &shape); // not virtual
virtual void visitSquare(const Square &square) = 0;
virtual void visitCircle(const Circle &circle) = 0;

What you're describing is somewhat like the decorator pattern. Which is very suitable to change runtime behaviour of existing classes.
But I don't really see how to implement your practical example, if shapes have no way to be drawn, then there's no way to change drawing behaviour at runtime either...
But I suppose this is just a very simplified example for stackoverflow? If all the basic building blocks for the desired functionality are available, then implementing the exact runtime behaviour with such a pattern is certainly a decent option.

One 'off the wall' solution you might like to consider, depending on the circumstance, is to use templates to give you compile time polymorphic behaviour. Before you say anything, I know that this will not give you traditional runtime polymorphism so it may well not be useful but depending on the limitations of the environment in which you're working, it can prove useful:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// This bit's a bit like your library.
struct Square{};
struct Circle{};
struct AShape{};
// and this is your extra stuff.
template < class T >
class Drawable { public: void draw() const { cout << "General Shape" << endl; } };
template <> void Drawable< Square >::draw() const { cout << "Square!" << endl; };
template <> void Drawable< Circle >::draw() const { cout << "Circle!" << endl; };
template < class T >
void drawIt( const T& obj )
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
Drawable<Square> a;
Drawable<Circle> b;
Drawable<AShape> c;
a.draw(); // prints "Square!"
b.draw(); // prints "Circle!"
c.draw(); // prints "General Shape" as there's no specific specialisation for an Drawable< AShape >
drawIt(a); // prints "Square!"
drawIt(b); // prints "Circle!"
drawIt(c); // prints "General Shape" as there's no specific specialisation for an Drawable< AShape >
The drawIt() method is probably the key thing here as it represents generic behaviour for any class meeting the requirement of having a draw() method. Do watch out for code bloat here though as the compiler will instantiate a separate method for each type passed.
This can be useful in situations where you need to write one function to work on many types which have no common base class. I'm aware that this is not the question you asked, but I thought I'd throw it just as an alternative.


How can I access to derived members from a pure virtual base class function?

I want to have a Collider interface class in which will have a overloaded -> operator to have access directy to the BoxCollider derived class. I want to have access to the members of box collider through the interface and chnage the type of collider at run-time.
So I thought of using templates:
template<typename T>
class ColliderV2 {
virtual T* operator ->() = 0;
class BoxColliderV2 : public ColliderV2<BoxColliderV2> {
float width;
float height;
BoxColliderV2* operator ->() {
return this;
int main()
ColliderV2<BoxColliderV2>* col = new BoxColliderV2;
(*col)->width = 1;
This works. But templates , as far as I know, will generate a brand new Collider class in compile-time filling T with Box Collider, correct? Thats why it worked. But later it prevents me from changing the collider type. I also thought of just making a virtual Collider class with Collider* operator->() ; overload in the derived class BoxCollider* operator->() ;
But if I tried :
Collider<BoxCollider>* col = new BoxCollider;
(*col)->width = 1; // won't work
doesn't work since Collider is not BoxCollider. And I don't want to dynamic_cast every possible collider type I could have. So, what can be done here?
As you've already found out, this doesn't work. Templates and runtime behavior are kind of contradicting mechanics. You can't create a common base class and let it act like a generic pointer to give you access to its derived types' members.
An interface specifies a contract against which you can code. You don't code against a specific implementation but the interface, so the interface has to provide all the members that you'd like to access. In your case this would result in width and height beeing part of ColliderV2 instead of BoxColliderV2. However this defeates the logic you are trying to mimic.
There are a few approaches that you can take:
Either make your collider type a variant, like
using ColliderType = std::variant<BoxColliderV2, MyOtherCollider, ...>;
and check for the actual type when you want to access the member
ColliderType myCollider = /* generate */;
if (auto boxCollider = std::get_if<BoxColliderV2>(&myCollider); boxCollider)
boxCollider->width = 0;
Or, keep the base class that you have, remove the operator-> and the template and do a dynamic cast on it:
ColliderV2* col = new BoxColliderV2;
if (auto boxCollider = dynamic_cast<BoxColliderV2*>(col); boxCollider)
boxCollider->width = 0;
You can also hide details like width or height behind more generic functions that are part of the interface. For example:
class ColliderV2 {
virtual void setBounds(float width, float height) = 0;
class BoxColliderV2 : public ColliderV2 {
void setBounds(float width, float height) override {
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
float width;
float height;
int main()
ColliderV2* col = new BoxColliderV2;
col->setBounds(1, 1);
What you are trying to do is discouraged by C++. What you are trying to do is to change the type of something based on the return value of a function. The type system is designed to stop you from writing code like this.
One important restriction of a function is that can only return one type-of-thing. You can return one of a list of things if you wrap those possibilities in a class, and return that. In C++17, a ready-made class for this is std::variant. The restriction on this is that the list of things must be fixed (or a closed-set). If you want an arbitrary set of return values (open-set), you must use a different approach. You must restate your problem in terms a function that is done on the return value.
class BoxColliderV2 : public MyBaseCollider {
void SetWidth(float new_width) override;
You may find this video useful. The bit of interest starts at around 40 minutes (but watch the whole video if you can). If you are interested in advice, I would suggest starting with std::variant, and if it works, move to virtual functions. Problems like collision detection get really complicated really quickly, and you will almost certainly require double dispatch at some stage. Start simple, because it's only going to get more complicated.
These excerpts from the ISO-Guidelines may help
1. When you change the semantic meaning of an operator, you make it
harder for other programmers to understand you code. guideline.
2. Dynamic casting is verbose and ugly, but deliberately so, because dynamic casting is dangerous, and should stand out. guideline
I think you are approaching the problem from the wrong direction. The purpose of an interface is that you don't have to know about the exact type or the implementation.
For example: You are using Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes for collision detection. So, even if your CircleCollider uses a radius, you are still able to calculate its width and height from it. Now, you don't have to worry about if you are dealing with a BoxCollider or a CircleCollider, you have everything to make a Bounding Box.
class Collider
virtual float x() const = 0;
virtual float y() const = 0;
virtual float width() const = 0;
virtual float height() const = 0;
class BoxCollider : public Collider
// Implementation...
class CircleCollider : public Collider
// Implementation...
Of course, you are maybe using something else, and not AABBs. I just wanted to demonstrate how you can use interfaces effectively.

Advice for best approach at extending class capability

I want to extend a class to include extra data and capabilities (I want polymorphic behavior). It seemed obvious to use inheritance and multiple inheritance.
Having read various posts that inheritance (and especially multiple inheritance) can be problematic, I've begun looking into other options:
Put all data and functions in one class and not use inheritance
Composite pattern
Is there a suggested approach for the following inheritance example? Is this a case where inheritance is reasonable? (but I don't like having to put default functions in the base-class)
#include <iostream>
class B {
virtual ~B() { }
void setVal(int val) { val_ = val; }
// I'd rather not have these at base class level but want to use
// polymorphism on type B:
virtual void setColor(int val) { std::cout << "setColor not implemented" << std::endl; }
virtual void setLength(int val) { std::cout << "setLength not implemented" << std::endl; }
int val_;
class D1 : virtual public B {
void setColor(int color) {
std::cout << "D1::setColor to " << color << std::endl;
color_ = color;
int color_;
class D2 : virtual public B {
void setLength(int length) {
std::cout << "D2::setLength to " << length << std::endl;
length_ = length;
int length_;
// multi-inheritance diamond - have fiddled with mixin
// but haven't solved using type B polymorphically with mixins
class M1 : public D1, public D2 {
int main() {
B* d1 = new D1;
B* m1 = new M1;
return 0;
Suspected problems with the original example code
There are a number of issues with your example.
In the first place, you don't have to supply function bodies in the base class. Use pure virtual functions instead.
Secondly, both your classes D1 and D2 miss functionality, so they should be abstract (which will prevent you from creating deprived objects from them). This second issue will become clear if you indeed use pure virtual functions for your base class. The compiler will start to issue warnings then.
Instantiating D1 as you do with new D1, is bad design, because D1 has no truly functional implementation of the setLength method, even if you give it a 'dummy' body. Giving it a 'dummy' body (one that doesn't do anything useful) so masks your design error.
So your remark (but I don't like having to put default functions in the base-class) testifies of a proper intuition. Having to do that signals flawed design. A D1 object cannot understand setLength, while its inherited public interface promises it can.
And: There's nothing wrong with multiple inheritance, if used correctly. It is very powerful and elegant. But you have to use it where appropiate. D1 and D2 are partial implementations of B, so abstract, and inheriting from both will indeed give you a complete implementation, so concrete.
Maybe a good rule to start with is: Use multiple inheritance only if you see a compelling need for it. But if you do, as said, it's very useful. It can prevent quite some ugly asymmetry and code duplication, compared to e.g. a language like Java, that has banned it.
I am not a tree doctor. When I use a chainsaw I endanger my leg. But that is not to say chainsaws ain't useful.
Where to put the dummy: Nowhere please, do not disinherit...
[EDIT after first comment of OP]
If you derive a class D1 from B that would print 'setLength not implemented' if you call its setLength method, how should the caller react? It shouldn't have called it in the first place, which the caller could have known if D1 did not derive from a B that has this methods, pure virtual or not. Then it would have been clear that it just doesn't support this method. Having the B baseclass makes D1 feel at home in a polymorphic datastructure who'se element type, B* or B&, promises its users that its objects properly support getLength, which they don't.
While this is not the case in your example (but maybe you left things out), there may of course be a good reason to derive D1 and D2 from B. B could hold a part of the eventual interface or implementation of its derived classes that both D1 an D2 need.
Suppose B had a method setAny (key, value) (setting a value in a dictionary), which D1 and D2 both use, D1 calls it in setColor and D2 calls it in setLength.
In that case use of a common base class is justified. In that case B should not have virtual methods setColor or setLength at all, neither dummies nor pure. You should just have a setColor in your D1 class and a setLength in your D2 class, but neither of both in your B class.
There's a basic rule in Object Oriented Design:
Do not disinherit
By introducing the concept of a "method that's not applicable" in a concrete class that's just what you're doing. Now rules like this aren't dogma's. But violating this rule almost always points to a design flaw.
All B's in one datastructure is only useful to have them do a trick that they all understand...
[EDIT2 after second coment of OP]
OP wants to have a map that can hold objects of any class derived from B.
This is exactly where the problem starts. To find out how to store pointers and references to our objects, we have to ask: what is the storage used for. If a map, say mapB is used to store pointers to B, there must be some point in that. With data storage the fun is in retrieving the data and doing something useful with it.
Let's make this a bit simpler by working with lists from everyday life. Suppose I have a personList of say 1000 persons, each with their fullName and phoneNumber. And now say I have a problem with the kitchen sink. I could in fact read through the list, call every single Person on it and ask: can you repair my kitchen sink. In other words: do you support the repairKitchenSink method. Or: are you by any chance an instance of class Plumber (are you a Plumber). But then I spend quite some time calling, and maybe after 500 calls or so, I'll be lucky.
Now all 1000 persons on my personList do support the talkToMe method. So whenever I feel lonely I can call any person from that list and invokate that Person's talkToMe method. But they should not all have a repairKitchenSink method, even not a pure virtual or a dummy variation that does something else, because if I would call this method for a person of class Burglar, he'd probably respond to the call, but in an unexpected way.
So class Person shouldn't contain a method repairKitchenSink, even not a pure virtual one. Because it should never called as part of iteration of personList. It should be called when iterating plumberList. This lists only holds objects that support the repairKitchenSink method.
Use pure virtual functions only where appropriate
They may support it in different ways though. In other words, in class Plumber, method repairKitchenSink can e.g. be pure virtual. There may e.g. be 2 derived classes, PvcPlumber and CopperPlumber. CopperPlumber would implement (code) the repairKitchenSink method by calling lightFlame, followed by a call to solderDrainToSink whereas PvcPlumber would implement it as successive calls to applyGlueToPvcTube and glueTubeToSinkOutlet. But both plumber subclasses implement repairKitchenSink, only in different ways. This and only this justifies having the pure virtual function repairKitchenSink in their base class Plumber. Now of course a class may be derived from Plumber that doesn't implement that method, say class WannabePlumber. But since it will be abstract, you cannot instantiate objects from it, which is good, unless you want wet feet.
There may be many different subclasses of Person. They e.g. represent different professions, or different political preferences, or different religions. If a Person is a Democrat Budhist Plumber, than he (M/F) may be in a derived class that inherits from classes Democrat, Budhist and Plumber. Using inheritance or even typing for something so volatile as political preferences or religious beliefs, or even profession and the endless amount of combinations of those, would not be handy in practice, but it's just an example. In reality profession, religion and politicalPreference would probably be attributes. But that doesn't change the point that matters here. IF something is of a class does not support a certain operation, THEN it shouldn't be in a datastructure that suggests it does.
By, besides personList, having plumberList, animistList and democratList, you're sure to call a person that understands your call to method inviteBillToPlayInMyJazzBand, or worshipTheTreeInMyBackyard.
Lists don't contain objects, they only contain pointers or references to objects. So there's nothing wrong with our Democratic Budhist Plumber being contained in personList, democratList, budhistList and plumberList. Lists are like database indexes. The don't contain the records, they just refer to them. You can have many indexes on one table, and you should, because indexes are small and make your database fast.
The same holds for polymorphic datastructures. At the moment that even personList, democratList, budhistList and plumberList become so large that you're running out of memory, the solution is generally NOT to only have a personList. Because then you exchange your memory problem for a perfomance problem and a code complexity problem that, in general, is far worse.
So, back to your comment: You say you want all your derived classes to be in a list of B's. Fine, but still the interface of a B should only contain methods that are implemented for everything in the list, so no dummy methods. That would be like going through the library and going through all books, in search for one that supports the teachMeAboutTheLovelifeOfGoldfishes method.
To be honest, in telling you all this, I've been committing a capital sin. I've been selling general truths. But in software design these don't exist. I've been trying to sell them to you because I've been teaching OO design for some 30 years now, and I think I recognize the point where your stuck. But to every rule there are many exceptions. Still, if I've properly fathomed your problem, in this case I think you should go for separate datastructures, each holding only references or pointers to objects that really can do trick that you were after when you iterated through that particular datastructure.
A point is a square circle
Part of the confusion in properly using polymorphic datastructures (datastructures holding pointers or references to different object types) comes for the world of relational databases. RDB's work with tables of flat records, each record having the same fields. Since some fields may not apply, something called 'constraint' was invented. In C++ class Point would contain field x and y. Class Circle could inherit from it and additionally contain field 'radius'. Class Square could also inherit from Point, but contain field 'side' in addition to x and y. In the RDB world constraints, not fields, are inherited. So a Circle would have constraint radius == 0. And a Square would have constraint side == 0. And a Point would inherit both constraints, so it would meet the conditions for both being a square and a circle: A point is a square circle, which in mathematics indeed is the case. Note that the constraint inheritance hierarchy is 'upside down', compared to C++. Which can be confusing.
What doesn't help either is the generally held belief that inheritance goes hand in hand with specialization. While this is often the case it isn't always. In many cases in C++ inheritance is extension rather than specialization. The two often coincide, but the Point, Square, Circle example shows that this isn't a general truth.
If inheritance is used, in C++ Circle should derive from Point, since it has extra fields. But a Circle certainly isn't a special type of Point, it's the other way round. In many practical libraries, by the way, Circle will contain an object of class Point, holding x and y, rather than inherit from it, bypassing the whole problem.
Welcome to the world of design choices
What you bumped into is a real design choice, and an important one. Thinking very carefully about things like this, as you are doing, and trying them all in practice, including the allegedly 'wrong' ones, will make you a programmer, rather than a coder.
Let me first state that what you are trying to do is a design smell: Most probably what you are actually trying to achieve could be achieved in a better way. Unfortunately we can't know what it is you actually want to achieve since you only told us how you want to achieve it.
But anyway, your implementation is bad, as the methods report "not implemented" to the users of the program, rather than to the caller. There is no way for the caller to react on the method not doing what is intended. Even worse, you don't even output it to the error stream, but to the regular output stream, so if you use that class in any program that produces regular output, that output will be interrupted by your error message, possibly confusing a program further on in a pipeline).
Here's a better way to do it:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // for EXIT_FAILURE
class B {
virtual ~B() { }
void setVal(int val) { val_ = val; }
// note: No implementation of methods not making sense to a B
int val_;
class D1 : virtual public B {
void setColor(int color) {
std::cout << "D1::setColor to " << color << std::endl;
color_ = color;
int color_;
class D2 : virtual public B {
void setLength(int length) {
std::cout << "D2::setLength to " << length << std::endl;
length_ = length;
int length_;
class M1 : public virtual D1, public virtual D2 {
int main() {
B* d1 = new D1;
if (D1* p = dynamic_cast<D1*>(d1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
B* m1 = new M1;
if (D2* p = dynamic_cast<D2*>(m1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
if (D1* p = dynamic_cast<D1*>(m1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
return 0;
Alternatively, you could make use of the fact that your methods share some uniformity, and use a common method to set all:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept> // for std::logic_error
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
enum properties { propValue, propColour, propLength };
std::string property_name(property p)
case propValue: return "Value";
case propColour: return "Colour";
case propLength: return "Length";
default: return "<invalid property>";
class B
virtual ~B() {}
// allow the caller to determine which properties are supported
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propValue;
void setProperty(property p, int v)
bool succeeded = do_set_property(p,v);
// report problems to the _caller_
if (!succeeded)
throw std::logic_error(property_name(p)+" not supported.");
virtual bool do_set_property(property p)
if (p == propValue)
value = v;
return true;
return false;
int value;
class D1: public virtual B
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propColour || B::supportsProperty(p);
virtual bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
if (p == propColour)
colour = v;
return true;
return B::do_set_property(p, v);
int colour;
class D2: public virtual B
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propLength || B::supportsProperty(p);
virtual bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
if (p == propLength)
length = v;
return true;
return B::do_set_property(p, v);
int length;
class M1: public virtual D1, public virtual D2
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return D1::supportsProperty(p) || D2::supportsProperty(p);
bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
return D1::do_set_property(p, v) || D2::do_set_property(p, v);

Template class and nested class C++

I have a problem with typename SnakeGame. I would like to know how to make SnakeGame to global type in class KeyboardEvents. Now a nested class like DirectionKeyboard don't know what the type SnakeGame is, since it only sees see KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> type. I don't know how to change it :P
Here's the error:
no know conversion for argument 1 from 'KeyboardEvents SnakeGame>&' to 'SnakeGame&'
I would really appreciate help .
template <typename SnakeGame>
class KeyboardEvents {
virtual ~KeyboardEvents() = default;
class DirectionKeyboardEvent{
virtual ~DirectionKeyboardEvent() = default;
virtual void direction(SnakeGame&) = 0; // error no know conversion
class GoRight : public DirectionKeyboardEvent {
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj) {
class GoRight : public DirectionKeyboardEvent {
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
snakeObj.snake[0].xCoor += 1;
class GoLeft : public DirectionKeyboardEvent{
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
class GoUp:public DirectionKeyboardEvent{
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
class GoDown : public DirectionKeyboardEvent{
void direction(SnakeGame& snakeObj){
std::map<sf::Keyboard::Key, std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>> mapOfDirects;
void initializeDirectionMap() {
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Right] = std::shared_ptr< DirectionKeyboardEvent >(new GoRight);
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Left] = std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>(new GoLeft);
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Up] = std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>(new GoUp);
mapOfDirects[sf::Keyboard::Down] = std::shared_ptr<DirectionKeyboardEvent>(new GoDown);
void chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(sf::Keyboard::Key codeFromKeyboard) {
auto iterator = mapOfDirects.find(codeFromKeyboard);
iterator->second->direction(*this);//left , right,up , down, pause
} else {
Here's the class where I use KeyboardEvents ~ snakeGame.hpp
class SnakeGame:public Screen, public KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> {
SnakeGame(int size=16, int width=15, int height=15, int timeDelay=60000)
: Screen(size, width, height), KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame>(), timeDelay(timeDelay) {}
In your try to call the DirectionKeyboardEvent::direction inside the KeyboardEvents class.
Even if you put a template parameter that happens to be the child class, there is no means to compiler can know in advance that KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> will absolutely be extended by the class SnakeGame.
I mean, one could write this code:
KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> keyboardEvents;
keyboardEvents.chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(/* some key */);
In that case, keyboardEvents is not related that much to SnakeGame. In fact there is no SnakeGame instance created at all! The compiler is right, the function chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows that call direction is wrong to assume that a KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> is a SnakeGame.
Inheritance work the other way around: a SnakeGame is indeed a KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame>. The other way is false.
I could show you how "to make it work", but a warning is needed here: you are overusing inheritance, and you used it the wrong way in the case of KeyboardEvent. You really should try to rearrange things around, or you'll end up in a real mess.
The solution "make it work"
Since you are using CRTP, you can tell the compiler that KeyboardEvents<SnakeGame> is indeed, in absolutely ALL cases, being extended by SnakeGame. If that's really the case, you can just static_cast your base class to the child class:
// Notice the presence of the cast here
The slightly better solution
You can as well using an existing instance of your snake class as parameter.
void chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(sf::Keyboard::Key codeFromKeyboard, SakeGame& game){
auto iterator = mapOfDirects.find(codeFromKeyboard);
} else {
However, the best idea is to not make SnakeGame extending KeyboardEvent, but to contain it in the class instead:
struct SnakeGame : Screen {
KeyboardEvent<SnakeGame> event;
void callEvents() {
event.chooseMethodFromKeyboardArrows(/* some key */, *this);
Here's an homework for you:
Try to make the class KeyboardEvent not a template. I'm sure you can find a way to pass around your class without the use of themplates, while still accessing directly to your class SnakeGame, without casts or interfaces.
Your design seems a bit overcomplicated. I think the reason this is so is perhaps you were designing it as you went along. Sometimes it helps to sit down and think about these things first, draw boxes and lines on a whiteboard if you have to.
In any case, this isn't a direct answer to your question, it's a suggestion for an alternative based on what I'm guessing you are trying to do.
It seems to me that you're trying to implement some generic keyboard input handler and tie it in to your game. It's possible that I'm entirely wrong about this, but if not, consider something like this instead. First, a generic interface for things that receive keyboard events. It need not be a template, this isn't really a good use-case for templates:
class KeyboardEventHandler {
enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down };
virtual ~KeyboardEventHandler () { }
virtual void onDirectionKey (Direction d) = 0;
Now your SnakeGame, which handles keyboard events, can inherit that and implement its own SnakeGame-specific logic:
class SnakeGame : public KeyboardEventHandler {
void onDirectionKey (Direction d) {
switch (d) {
case Up: ...
case Down: ...
case Left: ...
case Right: ...
And then whatever bit of code you have that is actually processing keyboard events and driving all of this can just work with a KeyboardEventHandler *, which could be a SnakeGame, or could be anything else you decide to use it for in the future.
That's just one possibility for organization. For example, you could structure it like this instead, breaking out the KeyboardEvent, which could simplify future additions:
class KeyboardEvent {
enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down };
Direction getDirection () { ... } // or whatever
class KeyboardEventHandler {
virtual ~KeyboardEventHandler () { }
virtual void onEvent (KeyboardEvent &event) = 0;
With SnakeGame as:
class SnakeGame : public KeyboardEventHandler {
void onEvent (KeyboardEvent &event) {
You could name that stuff something else besides Direction / onDirectionKey if you want, I picked that from your example but just make it something semantically appropriate that is also convenient (e.g. if you plan on expanding it to include more than just the arrows). But whatever, that's beside the point.
There are also 10 zillion other ways to skin this cat but the important take-home point is: If you're trying to make some generic interface for something, you really can't make it rely on the specific details of what inherits it, otherwise you're defeating the purpose of making it general to begin with. In that case, either it's not a good case for generic bases / inheritance, or you've just botched the design and need to sit back and rethink.
Remember: Your goal isn't to add as many classes and stuff as possible to your code; you're not going for like, an inheritance high score. Your goal is to keep your code clean, readable, maintainable, correct, possibly reusable, and to make your work easier on yourself. These are tools, don't just use them because you have them, instead use them when you need them to make your life easier.
However, all that said, this is still overkill for your specific application, although it is an interesting exercise. To be honest, in your specific case, I'd just chuck all the inheritance and such altogether and do something like:
class SnakeGame {
void handleKeyPress (char c) {
// ... do the right thing here
And be done with it.

Avoiding performance concerns of Runtime Polymorphism

In a numerical code run on thousands of processors for 10s of hours, I have a base class (Mesh) whose methods are hit 100s to 1000s of millions of times. There are currently two (Mesh_A, Mesh_B) derived classes, but eventually this will expand to three or four. User code cannot know until runtime whether its pointer to Mesh is actually a Mesh_A or Mesh_B, but for the rest of the run, it never changes.
Current Implementation:
// Base class
class Mesh {
virtual const Point& cell_centroid(int c) = 0;
// derived class A
class MeshA : public Mesh {
Point& cell_centroid(int c) { return cell_centroids_[c]; }
// derived class B
class MeshB : public Mesh {
Point& cell_centroid(int c) { return other_framework_->cell_centroid(c); }
// typical user class
class User {
User(Mesh* mesh) : mesh_(mesh) {}
void evalFunction() {
for (int c=0; c!=mesh_->num_cells(); ++c) {
double result = func(mesh_->cell_centroid(c));
// Other methods which use mesh_->cell_centroid() very often, and in different ways.
Previously, MeshA was the only Mesh, and there was no base class, and the heavily hit methods were all inlined. Profiling shows that the change to runtime polymorphism (likely thanks to the loss of inlining?) with virtual methods has resulted in a ~15% hit, which just isn't going to fly.
I've been pouring over static polymorphism and other ideas, but I'd love to hear thoughts on how one might avoid this hit in a reasonably sustainable way.
Idea 1: Coarsen the virtual function to amortize overhead. One thought was to try to encapsulate all the "calling patterns" of these methods inside a virtual method, lifting the virtual to a coarser level while keeping the fine-grained methods as non-virtual. For example, in the above example, one could pass a function pointer to a new virtual method of Mesh that implemented the loop, returning an array of doubles and called a non-virtual, inlined cell_centroid() method inside of this.
// Base class
class Mesh {
virtual void evalFunction(double (*func)(Point&), std::vector<double>* result) = 0;
// derived class A
class MeshA : public Mesh {
void evalFunction(double (*func)(Point&), std::vector<double>* result) {
for (int c=0; c!=num_cells(); ++c) (*result)[c] = (*func)(cell_centroid(c));
Point& cell_centroid(int c) { return cell_centroids_[c]; }
// similar for B
// typical user class
class User {
User(Mesh* mesh) : mesh_(mesh) {}
void evalFunction() {
I'm a little nervous that this will make the Mesh interface huge -- I don't have a single access pattern (like the example) that could easily be encapsulated. My guess is that, for every virtual method in the current Mesh class (15-20), I'd have 3 or 4 different "calling patterns", and the interface for Mesh would explode. There are a variety of "User" classes and, while the sometimes use Mesh the same way, they don't always, and I don't want to limit myself to a few patterns.
Idea 2: Template all user code with Mesh_T. Write a factory that creates User<MeshA> or User<MeshB> instances depending upon runtime information. This is a little concerning because this will effectively mean that my entire code is templated code, compile times will blow up, errors will be harder to debug etc. A large code base would be touched.
Idea 3: It seems to me that one ought to be able to resolve, at the start of the run, that the Mesh pointer User gets is actually a MeshA or MeshB, and not need to do the virtual table lookups and regain the inlined A or B implementation. I don't know of an elegant way of doing this that wouldn't basically be worse than Idea 1, i.e. a bunch of duplicated code in User with case/switch. But if there were an elegant way of doing this, it would be my first choice.
Any thoughts on a good choice, a better idea, or other comments on runtime polymorphism of a high level class without virtual low-level methods would be appreciated!
Provided I understood you correctly that mesh_ will always be either MeshA or MeshB and not a mix of them.
// typical user class
class User {
User(Mesh* mesh) : mesh_(mesh) {}
template<class dType>
void evalFunction() {
dType *myMesh = dynamic_cast<dType *>(mesh_);
for (int c=0; c!=myMesh _->num_cells(); ++c) {
double result = func(myMesh _->cell_centroid(c));
void evalFunction() {
if (dynamic_cast<MeshA *>(mesh_))
if (dynamic_cast<MeshB *>(mesh_))
evalFunction chooses either A or B template.
class User {
User(Mesh* mesh) : mesh_(mesh) {}
template<class dType>
void evalFunction(dType *myMesh) {
for (int c=0; c!=myMesh _->num_cells(); ++c) {
double result = func(myMesh _->cell_centroid(c));
void evalFunction() {
MeshA *meshA = dynamic_cast<MeshA *>(mesh_);
if (meshA)
MeshB *meshB = dynamic_cast<MeshB *>(mesh_);
if (meshB)

Converting objects of base class to derived class

I asked a couple days ago some clarifications on inheritance, a concept I am still trying to understand. Here is the follow up question, since I am still facing problems.
In my project I have 2 types of objects, Hand and Face, both inheriting from the base class BodyPart. BodyPart is something like this:
class BodyPart
typedef boost::shared_ptr<BodyPart> BodyPartPtr;
virtual ~BodyPart();
int commonMember1;
double commonMember2;
int commonMethod1();
int CommonMethod2();
while Hand is something like this:
class Hand : public BodyPart
int numFingers;
double otherVar;
int getNumFingers();
void printInfo();
I also have a vector of BodyPart elements
std::vector<BodyPart::BodyPartPtr> cBodyParts;
composed of Hand or Head objects. In the previous question I was told that this approach makes sense, I just had to cast from the base class to the derived using boost static_pointer_cast
Now, the problem now is that for some of the objects in the vector I don't know whether they are Hand or Head, so at some point in my code I can have in cBodyParts some Hand elements, some Head elements as well as some BodyPart elements. After some further analysis I am able to correctly classify the latter as either Hand or Head and modify accordingly the elements in the vector, but I have no idea on how to make it. Shall I just delete the case class element and create a derived one with the same property? Shall I just avoid inheritance in case like this?
Thanks in advance for the help
EDIT: I have augmented the examples to make them clearer.
Relaying on casts is usually a sign of a bad design. Casts have their place, but this does not look to be it.
You need to ask yourself what do you want to do with the objects stored in cBodyParts. For sure, you will be doing different things with a Hand or with a Head, but you can probably abstract them somehow: this is what virtual functions do. So, in addition to what you have already written for your classes, you would just need an additional virtual function in them:
class BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() = 0; // Pure virtual: each body part must say how to process itself
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {} // Override it only if the body part includes joints
class Head : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Head
// Since a Head has no joints, we don't override the CalibrateJoints() method
class Hand : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Hand
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knuckles in the hand
And then you no longer need any casts. For instance:
for (BodyPart::BodyPartPtr part : cBodyParts) {
part->CalibrateJoints(); // This will do nothing for Heads
As you can see, no casts at all and everything will work fine. This scheme is extensible; if you later decide that you need additional classes inheriting from BodyPart, just write them and your old code will work correctly:
class Torso : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Torso
// The Torso has no joints, so no override here for CalibrateJoints()
// Add everything else the class needs
class Leg : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Leg
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knee
// Add everything else the class needs
Now you don't need to change the code you wrote previously: the for loop above will work correctly with and Torso or Leg it finds with no need for an update.
The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone...
I take it you have some composite of all the body parts, maybe a Body class.
What do you want the body to do?
Render itself
Ouput its volume, or bounding box, or some other metric
Re-orient itself in response to input
Respond to an inverse-kinematic physical model
The list could probably go on. If you know exactly what you want the Body to do you can put that function in the BodyPart base class, and have Body iterate over the composite hierarchical structure of all the connected body parts, calling render, for example.
An alternative is to use a Visitor, which is effectively a way of dynamically adding methods to a static inheritance hierarchy.
As Kerrek SB pointed out this is not feasible at all, but for the sake of answering the actual question, dynamic_cast is what you are looking for.
Use virtual functions, they will simplify a lot your problem.
Else, you can add some methods to distinguish between different types. However, do it only if you cannot do it another way, ie if you cannot do it via virtual functions.
Example 1:
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual bool isHand() const { return false; }
virtual bool isHead() const { return false; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
bool isHand() const { return true; }
// How to use:
BodyPart::pointer ptr = humanBodyVector[42]; // one item from the array
processHand(/*cast to hand*/)
else if(ptr->isHead())
// ...
Example 2: let the derived classes handle the cast
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual Hand* toHand() const { return 0; }
virtual Head* toHead() const { return 0; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
Hand* toHand() const { return this; }