Getting started with Latex Beamer Template editing - templates

For some time now I've been wondering whether I could create a custom template for the Latex Beamer class for my own presentations and how hard it would be. The problem is I can't seem to find any introductory material on how to get started. Does someone have some introductory material on the topic?

Everything you need is somewhere in here: Beamer User Guide
I'd recommend starting with a ready made template and tweaking it, rather than starting from scratch first time out...

Not to be rude, but everything you need to know is in the beamer manual distributed
with the library. If you poke through the directory where beamer is located, you can also
find the code for all of the included templates, that you can then modify.
As for how hard it is, it will depend on how complicated you want your template to me. I use a rather simple custom template and it took about 2-3 hours to learn and create.


Creating Custom SwiftUI Template File

I am currently working on my first project with SwiftUI. I use a lot of swift files and then I do some housekeeping before I even start coding. Unfortunately, it takes up a lot of time and I even make mistake while trying to create sections for my codes. So I am wondering if there is a way to create a custom template file that once I create the Marks (as seen on screenshot)Screenshot are already pre-written aside from using custom snippets. Thanks in advance and I hope this makes sense.

scroll websites with django

I'm currently working on a simple scroll website with nothing really difficult (I could almost use plain html/css/javascript but it's a bit of practicing and I will maybe add a blog). And as it is simple I was wondering how to do it properly with Django.
So here is my question, I have a homepage template that is actually the website and I don't really get how I split my different part in different apps.
For exemple I have a contact form, do I need to split it in another app and then include it in the basic template ? I want to add a galery with image in a database, do I create an app for that ?
And the other question that goes along is how do I code an app that is not returning httpresponse but just html to put it in another template and do I still need views ? I would like to do a bit like a standard form in django where you do :
form.as_p or form.as_table
so maybe:
So my questions are quite novice and open but someone could give me some reading to get going, I would be really happy !
This is a question a lot of people struggle with and it seems like there are a lot of varying opinions out there.
I've found that the best way to really determine the appropriate answer for each case is to really distill the feature into individual requirements and group them by feature sets while keeping an eye out for additional uses outside of the project actively being worked on.
There is nothing which says you can't build your project to include a single app containing all of the modules you would need. Doing so seems like it would make your development easier initially right? So, the question to ask then is "What if I want to reuse (insert feature set here) in another unrelated project a year from now after I've already forgotten about the weird stuff I did to make it work originally?". Asking yourself that question forces you to think about your features in a much broader context and I think 99% of the time you will realize that a "Contact Form" requirement can actually become quite complex and really should be split up into at least one separate app (i.e. User Creation, Profile Management, Email Subscription, etc...)
Here is a link to a video about this very topic which I found to be useful in figuring out my way through this question:
I know this is not really a hard-line answer to your question but I hope it helps point you in the right direction.

Jupyter, which nbconvert template does what?

I'm currently triying to export a .ipynb with nbconvert using a special template. The final goal is to write a .ipynb and convert it to PDF, but erasing all Code-Input-Cells and havig the "normal" latex-style (font, dimensions of paper, and so on). I know that there are templates which provide exactly that (not sure if both at the same time), but I don't know which one of them to use.
So, does anybody know a template that provides that and can you link it to me? I've seen a lot of threads here on how to edit the templates, but to be honest I'm still not reallys sure how to do that. If there isn't a singel template that doest these two things (erase input-cells and font), do you know a site that provides an explanation in detail on how to edit these templates? (it would be nice if it isn't to "complicated" since I'm quite new to the concept of programming in general)
Check out this blog post. There is a link on that page to a custom template that hides code cells and doesn't change the default font.

TYPO3 template library

I'm looking for TYPO3 template libraries. They don't need to be free. I'm looking for real Typo3 templates, ready to import into a vanilla Typo3 installation, not just HTML or even PSD templates.
The reason I'm asking is that we have a number of customers with very tight budget. We'd like to give them a number of templates to choose from.
There were such projects, but I assume that most of them are just finished now. TYPO3 has no default data/content structure and therefore it's hard to build useful sets as every implementation can be very individual.
For your own low-budget production I'd suggest to create some very typical raw implementations with sample data and some kind of preconfigured extensions ie.
CMS+ News + contact form + gallery,
CMS + News + FAQ...
Then you can also prepare common TypoScript element for each scenario and finally just use any HTML template and map your prepared TS with minimal modifications.
Using TemplaVoila you don't need to change any single char in the HTML templates and it takes no more than 2 morning coffees (when mapping a simple template).
A simple Typo3 template isn't really difficult to make but I think you mean a better browser compatibility support. Personally I've good experience with YAML.
I'm not aware of anything like that out there, but is it just for content sites, or are you looking for sites with more functionality?
Any template can be adapted to TYPO3, you can see here where in the space of about an hour we grabbed a template from and turned it into a TYPO3 site. It's rough and messy, but shows the idea.

What are my options for working with markdown in ColdFusion?

I am seeing many many different use cases where I could use Markdown in apps that I write, both personal and professional. But from my research so far, I haven't been able to find many options for working with it in ColdFusion. I would certainly like to keep from reinventing the wheel by trying to implement it myself if someone else already has a project that I can use and contribute to, both because of time and not to duplicate efforts.
My preference would be to use an implementation in native coldfusion because that would be the easiest to tweak if it was necessary, but I am open to alternatives in other languages, as long as it is easy enough to implement and maintain. I have looked at the WMD editor, but it doesn't look like it is the whole solution. It would work for outputing the markup, but I would want to store that and then convert it to html as necessary for display.
Does anyone know of any other options?
Update: I do know of the CFX_markdown but I am not sure it is mature enough. If anyone out there has experience with it I would love to hear about it.
Update 2: I have added a bounty to this question. Not to say that the answer that has been given so far isn't a good one or isn't the best one, but I am wanting to see if anyone else has any other information about markdown with CF so we know all of the options.
Update 3: So offering the bounty didn't really work. I will go ahead and let it auto accept the only answer just in case we have any late answers. Thanks to everyone who has contributed.
The Markdown Wiki refers to a Java implementation called MarkdownJ. I've no idea how mature it is, and I know you'd prefer a native ColdFusion implementation, but if you're running ColdfusionMX then a Java module might be a good compromise.
We have a plugin created that does this in ColdFusion already: